Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 14 Apr 1915, p. 3

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cou; "4 4Ba in the hos Ae Lo he Ounadian ciety.) * _ You're beaten to earth? Well, well, what's that? = A . They purify and streng- then it and thus root out the cause of the rheumatism. Here is strong Routley, 8; y, Man., says: 'I was so Wks crippled with rheumatism in my hips and knees that I could hardly 0 sbiout. 1 be- ; e use of Dr. Williams' Pink gch I took. ily for a months, by which time b of the trouble had disap- mend the Pills to all rheumatic suf- ferers,"! .- = ° {0 . Bold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- Lams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. * re Ie "vim (Thie stirring poem is being enclosed in . all garments and pack nadian soldi 7, Did ? Or turn your soul from the of da; With a craven heart, and fearft ? Oh, & troubles a ton, or © troubles a i or whtrodble is hat' you * But it ien't the fact ths make it; your hurt that counts Tg But Soung on Hd you take it? r| taxation th |rent.--Mr, : 'However mean 'your life is meet it and live it; do not shun it and sent to the |- tals and at Crosg Bo- Jou tace the trouble that came your | With s Fesolute Heart, and cheerful 3 ere musk be : sass call it 'hard names.--Thoreau. Be charitable TOWD-. something nowhewe defined. --Chesterton. 1s not the comfort. of ease comfort of strength. --Kingsley. The peo in after-life--Prof. Wyld ere cee. When a Woman Suffers nervous exhdustion. ° bearing down pains. kidneys. | was broken and unrefreshing. before. ' wealth ee aa ¢ glory of md r Thomas prociaf the above statements. Mr. | B; 2 hi the 3 . "When & man has got good reason for doing a thing he has a very good 'reason for letting it alone. --Scott. Politeness has indeed about it stical; like religion, it is everywhere understood and The comfort which poor human ings want in such @ world as this but the 7 who speak good Eng- lish are those who have always : spoken good English, and have not With Chronic Backache Constantly on their feet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting family, women often break down with In the stores, factories, and on a farm are weak, ailing women, dragged down with 'torturing backache and Such suffering isn't natural, but it's dangerous, because.due to diseased The dizziness, insomnia, deranged ent of this place. of hia plove, in," Mr. Patterson I suffered for My had a bitter taste in my mouth in the morning and I perspired freely "| with the slightest exertion. I. was often dizzy; 1 was troubled with heart flutterings; I was nervous) "land 'my skin itched and burned at night. x - & "After using Dodd's Kidney' Pills I recommend them to every one who wants to be cured." © Everyone of Mr. Patterson's ailments was a symptom of Kidney disease. That's why he found such promps relief in Dodd's Kidney ills. They only cure Kidney dis- ease. "a What Corn to Grow. the Seed Branch shows that about sixty so-called varieties of corn are rown for-ensilage in Ontario and ebe¢, and many farmers do not know what variety they are plant- ing. Late varieties are being used '| in districts where they will not ma- ture one year in five to the glazing of the grain, which is the necessary condition to make sweet ensilage. Some ordinary feed cofn imported from the Central and Southern States is used for seed. Most of this is of a late variety entirely unsuited to- Canadian conditions and is often injured by heating.' The following recommended var- jeties of corn are arranged in order of their maturity: Quebec Yellow, Longfellow, Sandford or North Dakota, Compton's Early, Golden Glow, Early ite Cap, Wisconsin No. 7. In selecting varieties for our. Northern districts, later- maturing, heavier-yielding varieties | The neighbor ®lto buy just what cows he '| year his nine cows, all upv | gave an, average of on 2,940 { pounds of milk. This is ¢ Just 'about one-half as much milk per F'l'cow as in the first herd. The best "An investigation conducted by|' pounds of fat. . * * considers it s oF n 'doés hot 'raise any calves Last pwards of six years old, except two heifers cow gave only 6,355 , less than the average of the four Reif- ers in the first herd. He has noth- ing on which to start building up a good dairy herd, unless it be hi judgment. in "picking a winner," which judgment, by the way; does not appear to be of Al quality. The owner of the first herd has the advantage of four years of dairy records, practically indispensable to the real dairy farmer, besides matured judgment in handling cows to better advantage. Cow testing pays.--C.F.W, ree I restr. y Enough, But-- "Why didn't you enjoy the party, Harry? Didn't you have enough to eat!' Young Hopeful -- Oh, yes; but there's no 'fun in having just enough. : Painless = \ No cutting, no plas- Corns ters or pads to press : the sore spot Putnam's ~ Extractor Go 1 makes the corn go ] without pain. Takes out the sting overnight. Never falls --leaves no scar. Get a 26¢c. bottle of Putnam's Corn Extractor to-day, reer ern The Borrower. The borrower, at the 'phone: 'Is this you, Miller? Yes, pretty well. Say, Miller, I've got half a dozen books of yours that you let me take last spring. I wish you'd stop for them as you go by. And, say, Mil- ler, I want you to bring over your set of Plutarch and that early edi- tion of Pepys and your French dic- dw ng for food ant wiehid to dc so. For food, it do} 'pends on the animalcules that float in sea water, which it seizes is in great demand at the seaside resorts along the Pacific coast, for its meat is very tender, and makes ged in great numbers from the ledges by the use of dynamite, al- though it is possible to obtain them with a pick or erowbar. mri mmsmniiten BABY'S OWN TABLETS USED ELEVEN YEARS . Mrs. McEachern, Glencoe, 'Ont., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past eleven years for my children and have every rea- son to praise them as they alwaye do good."" Once a mother uses the Tablets for her little ones she will use no other medicine. They are absolutely safe, pleasant to take and never fail to regulate the bow- els and stomach. They are sold by medicine dealers or mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ri ance Something To Go On With. Gent (interestedly) -- And what are you going to give your young brother for his birthday! Little Boy--I dunno. I give 'im the measles last year. Minard"s Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. Way Back. The Lady--:'You say the dog has a long pedigree 1' The Dealer--"Yes, marm, 'e has. One of 'is ancestors chewed off th' corner of th' Magny Charter, an' another of 'em bit a hole in good King Halfred. Yes, marm." Sore Eyes Grannlaied Eyelids, Eyes inflimed by expo- sure to Sun, Dustand Wind uickly relieved by Murine ye Remedy. No Suaring, jo Eye Comfort, t Your ist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye Salvein' 25¢. For BeokeltheEyeFreeask y "ite phon, or tongue. Thy wholes | excellent soup. The clams "are dis- |. BE ARLY IRISH COBBLER specially selected a inspected for eeed. Only 1] , One Dollar per bus fon. Also Conncisaerrs Prd a now, two ex: new potatoes. Two Doliare per buchel. Special prices for jade quantity. Cash must accom. pany ] ordere. H. W. Dawson, Brampe FOR SALE. (HREE IMPROVED HALF OTION farme. John Soott, Whitewood, Baek, NURSERY STOCK. { TRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, PO. TATOES. Oata! tree. McConnell & Bon, Port Burwell, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS, internal and external, cured with out pain by our home treatment. Writ Med! cal us before too late. Dr. Bellman Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. ATENTS OF INVENTIONS PIGEON, PIGEON & Avia RH 1 fuilacrs, Oninig i A "I want to sue Doctor Blank for heavy damages!' said the ang, citizen, entering the lawyer's of- fice. "What has he done?' asked the attorney. "When he operated on me hewleft a pair of surgical seis- sors in me. How much can I sue him for?' 'Oh, don't sue him at all,"" counselled the lawyer; "just PUES BH, Cr IER TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, | Com. ith a 'smilin 1 ruin sme But to lie there--thal's disgrace. = The be planted on a warm sandy Druggists or Murise Eye Remedy Co., Chicage | sénd him a bill for storage." soil than on a cold clayey one. The essential * to gh quality ensilage, and this menses and other Symptoms of kidney . .-.. | complaint can't cure themselves, they OOM rder you're thrown, the higher you | require the assistance of Dr. Hamil. | Proper maburing is ; 3 ton's Pills which go direct to the seat tionary. If I'm not at home, you gan leave them with the maid. Yes, that's all. Good-by." : Causes of Soft Pork. Boft pork, unsuited to the pro- a hin ook rows Sc a : 't the fact that you're hurt that Jf you did the best that "a pounce, i £7 But "whether 'ifs slow oF pry, - Dobbs--M es that--i makes e "me 'want to get ean} out. : {An anbitious but délicate gigl, ms Pe PA Bocoumt of sien ges nd b Ff, your blackened eye! «+ counts, 3}. But how did you fight--and why? = tho' vbu be done to death, what then? Jou could, f you played your part In the world of men; : hy, the critic will call it good. bh comes with a crawl, or comes with It isn't the fact that you're dead that But only--how did yon die? RN 7. Does It Now Hobbs--I wish someone would in- vent an alarm clock that would not only 'wake one; but make ope want of the window. _ ! ' > > - x Ne 7 THE WAY QUERY "and Happiness, at of of the trouble. probably : cessful as \Dr. Hamilton's Pills. is well known. Because of their mild, drake and Buttérnut. 'Hints to Husbands and Wives, Common, sential to a for work. , doing it. or ane of humor. / To give vitality. and power to the kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to free the blood of poisons, ere is no remedy 'so suc- For all womanly. irregularities their merit soothing, and healing effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any sub- 'stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- ordinary 'sense is as es- happy marriage-as flour ¢ your ame. Don monstrate your affection as if from force ef habit. Some 'men kiss their wives in the same {manner that lance at the ut own kitchen once in sh and wipé the dishes ing pan.. Laugh som) ut your wite's for when a man" marrie does not always marry should be aimed at even although an increased acreage is needed fo give the desired quantity. There are mow living in cities many men with fair-sized families who have had experience in truck farming amd who _are paying as much as $200 per year rental for a house and small lot. An equally good home with 20 acres of land suitable for 'truck farming might be had in the country at lower rent- al and be quite capable of yielding {even larger met returns for the family than would the city occu- pations.--S8éed Branch, Ottawa. Caro Children's Colds By External Treatment Mothers Will Find Nothing so Speed-| ; 4ly and Reliable as Old- ; . Time "Nerviline," * It's réally a shame fo upsét a young "| ehild's stomach by internal dosing, when = external treatment will so promptly break up a cold. When your boy comes in after play with his feet soaking wet, his throat hoarse and sore, his little chest tight and congested, just apply Nerviline. '| give Mim a vigorous rubbing over his throat, and put lots of Nerviline on his chest and rub it right in. To make Nerviline penetrate more quickly cover his chest and throat with a hot flanrel bandage. This treatment WON'T fail. Your.boy will be feeling better in half an hour, and you will EE Cotutn a Gobi 08 -haye w off a. cold, or ps , sss that might have laid himup. > 0 a 4 ed venting colds and for breaking bad due, general famil. up a too. For Nerviline is mighty good for pre-|" INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis,, the patent solicitors of 7la Bt. James St., Montreal, report that for the week ending March 9th, 1015, 138 Canadian patents were issued, 101 of which were granted to Americans, 23 to Canadians and 14 to residents of foreign coun- tries, Of the Canadians who received patents, 11 were residents of On- tario, 3 of Alberta, 2 of Quebec, 2 of British Columbia, 2 of Mani- toba, 1 of Saskatchewan, 1 of New Brunswick and 1 of Nova Beotia. In the United States for the same week, 954 patents were issued, 15 of which were granted to Canadian inventors. Advices to Heiresses. Girls who marry for a title, Eré their fortune's lost Ought to count the cost and reckon What the Count will cost. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. The Afterthought Sale. "Every time I see grandiather's sword and medals," said Bill, "I long to take part in a umiversal 'war,"' Then, as au afterthought, 'Bill said, 'but every time I look at grandfather's wooden leg I long for the advent of universal peace." o- . Yours very trul : T @. McMULLEN. w -- 2 -- | "1 used to think Jdow I'd wine 'land dine to 'my heart's content 3 rT gob rich." oF 'And do you, now that you are i] fick?" : : Zo" _ Wall of a Dyspsptie. pales, ' duction of a high quality of bacon, is due to unthriftiness and lack of exercise. Imperfect feeding, mar- keting before finished, held too long after finish, and undue forcing are causes, Feeding too much corn to and rye middlings are unsatisfac- tory, and beans, soy-beans, pro- duce a soft, oily pork. Bartey ranks first in producing the best grade of bacon, ekim milk and whey with a solid flesh particularly desirable. Rape, roots and clover are helpful, but must be judiciously used. Ex- ercise favors firmness of flesh, Pigs properly fed, with exercise, up to 100 lbs., if in this condition may be finished on almost any .of the com- mon meal mixtures, and produce fine bacon, Feed slightly less than a full tation. A little corn can be used at all times, and a very con- siderable amount when finished, if combined with dairy by-products and barley, oats and peas. Doctor--Are you feeling very ill? Let me gee your tongue, please! Patient--What's the use, docor ! No young pigs is objectionable. Wheat |" cereal grains, including corn, make |- Don't waste time on Inferi- or salves because they're a few cents cheaper. I have proved Zam-Buk best for Eczema, Piles, Skin Diseases, and Injuries. As a mother, you owe It to your family to use the Tost that's Zam=Buk | 4. All Druggiste and Stores. tongue can tell how bad I feelf 3 i Ag i = ab i sation No. 2B om ay BOAT C0, LIMITED, Canoes, Skiffs, Motor Boats THE PETERBOROUGH LINE. sta ction, it 1s a "PETERBOROUGH." service, Write for catalogue. The latest canoe canyas covered. Outhoard Motors. Power Get felders telling all about these. THE PETERBOROUGH CANOE COMPANY, LIMITED, : PETERBOROUGH, ONT. model, strength and fin- Ask for illustrated folder. Skifts Launches, all sizes and pow- Prepaid to sny Railway Station in Jog 1s Fi, Beams Ft. 0 Tn! In. ANY MOTOR FITS. '| engine prices * Commercial | on Jeqq Got our gucmionn ND ds aaa PENETANG, 3 he iB »

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