months in Toe 3 Ms. Geo. Whiteway is tpnting oe weeks in Chicago. | Ms, Rogers, of "Toronto was visit EH gr ob Part Perry early in May, d will ie the property recently purchased 'by them at Borelia. | Mrs. Manning, of Toronto, is vig: ing friends in'town. =~ ° : Mr, W. J. Waggoner, of Prospect, has purchased' the Thomas Werry property on Lilla Street. Mr. and Mrs. Waggoner expect to move to own shortly. BORN--To Mr. 'aud Mrs. R. B. Smallman, at Port Perry on Sunday, April 11th, 1915, a daughter. Mrs. Victoria Walker; of Brooklin, ~ was in town last week, the guest of Mrs. D Archer, and assisted in the chorus work of "Pinafore." Rev. Mr. Bell, a retired Methodist minister, preached in the Presbyterian «<hurch on Sunday evening last Mr. Philip Alldred, who has been 'living in town for the past year, has :moved to Peterboro. Miss Florence Ford, who is teach- ing school in Toronto, spent the Easter holidays in town, and took part with the chorus in "Pinafore " Mr. Nicholas Jeffrey, of Toronto, is "visiting. friends in town. Or. J. A. and Mrs. Murray spent a day or two in Gravenhurst last 'week. Miss Mildred Hortop has returned Thome from her visit to Georgetown. Mr. A. W. Allin is able to be about again after having been 1ll for some weeks, Mrs. William Taylor had the mis- fortune to fall and breakgher arm while doing some papering in her house Mr. Wm. Jeffrey, of Toronto, was g Cn wack. "Mrs. Robert Archer, who has been 'ill for some time, has recovered so that she is able to be about again, Mrs. Welch, - of Claremont, and Miss Conrad, of Edinburgh, Scot- dand, spent Monday in Port Perry. Mr. E. H. Purdy took a trip to "Cobourg, starting Tuesday morning A Note from England Lieut. E. D. Wallace writes from Folkstone, England as follows: We are near this spot. All'ready For a German landing. = We are only 45 miles from them now, but Brit- tania rules the. waves, We can see 'France plainly from here -- only about 25 miles away. WALLACE. Appointed Police Magistrate. Mr. E H, Pnrdy has just received an appointment as Police Magistrate for the Village of Port Perry. It is nearly thirty years since Port Perry had a police magistrate, the previous appointee having been Henry Gordon. itis new appointmént will facilitate the business of the court considerably ~as many cases which formerly had to 'be taken to Whitby for trial, may now "he tried here. . Jaber Gillard { Ginn, Sn, on Wednes- : | © day, April 7, 1915, Mary Jane| | | dent" of. Onlarlo a | but: pleurisy set in and 'medical skil} "Brown, beloved wife of John Quinn * Aged 70 years, 26 days. a Bove --At Myrtle Station, on Thur. | *, wife of George Bernie. eg Cowan ln 'Oshéiwa, on' Thursday, April 8, 1915 , John Cowan, works. i ; 4 EvANS--In Toronto, on' Widnes; April 7, 1915, Elizabeth Ann Duff, - beloved wife of Mr: WA, Evans, (i of Port Perry, in her 53rd year. Public School Report Results of written work of the senior Entrance Class for the term, Christ+] mas to Easter, are below appended: Average | per cent. 92 84 8 81 86 78 76 72 Aleta Fi erguson John Harris John Moule Ethelwyn' Switzer Myrtle Goode Greta Foster Marion Foster Winnet Nesbett Cora Bowerman Harvard Bamforth Harold VanCamp Jack Collacutt George Moore Mary Bowman Francis Switzer Ida Bartlett 57°*3 Hazel Raines 48%4 52 JUNIOR ENTRANCE CLASS:- Jean Crozier 90 Grace Rose 88 Ma gie McMillan 84 *1 Irene "pence 7 James Harrison 7 Ethelwyn Hutcheson * 76 Rhena est 68 sl Willie West 66 s1 Mary Laing (ersniiiation) 64 *1, Goidon Whiteway 55 S1 48 S1 *2 58 sl Guy Raines * means subjects missed S under 40 per cent Par-nts and guardians will please take. notice thet the primary grade "oCeves new | unils, only. at the gioning of Septeii ber. " 8 Mrs. W, A. Evans The people of Port Perry and vicin- ity were greatly shocked to hear of the death of Elizabeth Ann Duff, wife of Mr. W. A. Evans, station master, on Wednesday, April 7, 1915. Death came at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, 'after an illness of about thres weeks. On the 17th of March deceased was taken ill,-and next dayhad to be taken to the Hospital where an opera- tion was performed for the removal of growth on the stomach. - I'he opera- tion was apparently quite successful could not save her life, Mrs. Evans was born near Milton, Ontario, in 1862, and married Mr. i Evans in September, 1882. For a number of years Mr. and Mrs. Evans lived in Collingwood, and came to Port Port Perry some eight years ago, Mrs. Catherine Duff (Mrs. Evang mother) eoming with her. As a member of the Profbytarten church, Mrs, Evans has been very helpful. She was Secretary of the W.M.S. "Her bright, kindly disposi tion made for her many friends, who extend sincerest sympathy to. the bereaved family. 4 Deceased is survived by her hus- band, Mr. W. A. Evans, three sons-- Gerald D., of Detroit, Walter" G. ad Donald T\, of Toronto, two | : ~Lorne Du, Panama, Thomas April 8, '1915, Magar Alice Tian, : | see, be. 1 'home of Mrs, en) tiki ot For Sale or to Rent The hon: cupied by Mr. © er, opposite the Methodist Parsonag Port Perry. ' Possession April 1, 1918, Apply, Wm. H, Leonard, Port Perry. ht vy Eggs For Hatching | From Pure Bred White Leghorn ; Hens, $1.00 per setting of 15 egg, Wm, Parry, Port Rafy, Cartage and Draying The undersigned is prepared. to" dod | all kinds of carting, dray work, and plowing of Gardens 'etc. For terms WILLIAM CAMPBELL 13 PORT PERRY -- ---- Improve' Your ~Stock BARRED ROCK EGGS from Guild's Bred to lay strain pullets. 'and a Chatham cockerel. $1.00 per sett-! ing of 15. = 13--6 . W. 5. SHORT, Port Perry rn - Seed Oats fs Sale: 'I'he undersigned has for sale a quintity - of Sheffleld Standard seed oats, A 1 quality. Apply te EARL TUMMONDS, R.R. No. 1, Port Perry, Bell Yhone 113 r 32 15-2, Dressmaking. ; E he undersigned 1s prepared, 'to do all kinds of dressmaking. Good fig and prompt delivery = guaranteed. Orders redeived at my residence on Cassimir St. Miss Cora Clark. 15 4 ---------- Cow Wanted + Good fresh milch cow wanted. Apply to C. F. Russel, Port Pert: Po, or Bell Phone 74 r 6. CEMENT WORK oe Let me provide stumates for building "your walls with: hol-| low cement blocks ; or shaped] _ blocks for silos: cement curbs for wells. 3 'Wells dig cleaned and re~ paired. Address "WM, 'PARRY, Port Perry Pp. 0. "one Phone 108 r 3 q EE I To. the Farmer Let us quote you, op the ° siheflargest and rest pleasing Palmolive} Canada" Cream oe. '30.c '8oc. worth for 50C. First Come: First Served. || Our stock is limited and 4 you 'don't want te miss this Bargain. AL AVIS Drugist, Port Perry. Don't Delay | Place your order for your Spring Suit Now We can now offer you the ragye of Spring Suitings we hive ever been able to" show. Come i in and i inspect it, Prices Fes Dr. R. L. raha PORT, PERRY. ] Shit him" about orig. four, house. this spring. - i : pt Ls Bx "s6c. wll ONT : welcome, ; "The. ; indhigiad bin Ey the. Bakery Business from "Ingrams" and guarantee every thing. to be the very best. 'come in and see: ara our stock and premises. at uty time, You 4 are ~ Successors to Ingrams" Dressmala gi The undetsigned i is prepared to do | all kinds of dressmaking, for particu- lars apply to Miss Stephenson' at the home of Mis. Robt. Jackson, Scugog: : Miss Stephenson' : : easy eR 13-3 To the Public "i The undersigned 18 'prepar d to . do all kinds of repair plast and chimney building. WAIL give estimates on' new worl Apply first house, north Baptist church, Port. Perry. RE ROW. A Fine: Gavel Oreaes. 15 20c, 25c, 30c, 35; ong Margpialade Oranges, Pineapples, Malagd. | Snares, California Celery, =... ~ Grape Froie-- X