ORCHARD. sells ] Deteware, Lackawanna Western Many Colleges Close for Vacation at midsummer, Our College does" not, : ro M. om Manufacfurer of and Dealer in all kinds of psa La 4 50 as to take a position. in Ye surly) . : BL Ons gmdate i | om Drilled Wells on pays th school less Sfeaching ous to entering your. Wells Dug, Cleaned and Repaired Collage, a Windmills, Hydraulic Pumps, fter graduation now placed im again Cawlogue T PRINCIPAL W.u.E LLoTY Chailes Streets Rams, and all kinds of water TJORON{O supply apparatus installed. All orders promptly attended :0 Phone at my expense Bell Phone No! 47 Gasoline Engines for Sale Can be seen on the premises at any time. Chas. M. Dean We 'examine eyes and grind our own lenses and treat you individ: ually. Prices moderate. F E. LUKE; izes 70 YONGE ST. . TORONTO Do you og you can take as much 100 acres properly drained as acres. not drained and save crops, in poe bank account for every one that the Goverment lends you money for the Write ua today, Mention thiy paper, Your Book is waiting E Dominion Sewer wel, on or 1 Limited CO The Fair of new 5c and 10c kitchen utensils hundreds of usetul articles to choose from (Galvanized Pails Special values in galvanized iron pails, 10 quart -. See our line 20c, 12 qt. 25c, "14 qt. 30c, 16 qt. 865¢ SEEDS Now is the time to buy garden seeds before they are picked over Sinmers sc pks. 2 for 5c or Iz : ors 25¢ ROSE & C0. THE F SPECIALS THIS WEEK Dutch Hand Soap 6 for 256 'White Knight Laundry Soap 6 for 25¢ Chi Soap So 3 Ibs for 25¢ Kelle rg's Krumbles 13¢, 2for 25, : Juma arrived; a fresh shipment of Red Rose Tea -3 Cans Corn, 28e than four years | | ding supper. {the evening train for Toronto and h harming. in vier wedding gown of white embroider- {ed net over silk with bridal veil 'and { carried a' boquet of bridal 'roses and || carnations. During the signing of the register, Mr. Stasley Croxall sang "O. Promise Me! * After congratulat- ions the company partook of the wed- The young couple took Hamilton, On their return they. will reside at tne "Model Farm" west of Saintfield. kitchen shower by her lady friends one evening during the week of her marriage. y Myrtle Mrs. E. Bromell and family, of . | Audley, visited friends here last week. Mr. R. Becklep is moving into Mr. 1R. Blight's house west of the village. Miss Nellie Tawis left on Wednes- day for Prince Albert, Sask. where she will reside in the future, Miss Mable Duff returned to Ham- ilton after spending the holidays with her. father Mr. Thos. Duff. A load of the members ofthe I. O. | which was held at Oshawa. last, meek. farm which he recently purchased. Jfrom Wm. Hoar. We welcome, ER and Mrs. Wilson in our neighborh ood Mr. John Miller of Ashburn ship- ped two: car loads of cattle to: the North West last week, At time of writing Mrs, wi JH: Wilson is fn a very critical condition. A Speedy recovery is hoped for. A Cee Scugog | Mr. George. Shell and dav ghtet Blanche have been ill. . Mr. Jesse Demara brought a !fine herd of fat cattle to market last week. Mr. Alfred. Leighton: has enlisted. Oshawa last Thursday. Mr. George Finés who i is with the. the third contingent at Oshawa spent] a few days with friends here, Ho Mr. Wesley Hope has returned to} | Regina, Sask. Fore Mie + Prince poe D Methodist Church was very ful. Rev. Mr. Bamforth, the submitted three subjects to "the" ieiice, their 'choice proving to* i "| "The Great War" this subject in an in esting = m; The new choir Mrs, Hook was phesiried with al in aid of the pew-rent fund, The invited to attend, . fe "Mr. S. Farmer of Port Poriy, Pra: dent of the Sunday School 'Association for this district' will take the service at the usual hour. in May 1n Prince Albert, at. 10. 30 a.m. Miss 1, Marshall has arrived at her home having recovered from her re: cent operation, adsl Robert Hodgson Robert Hodgson, one of the stal- wart pioneers of Ontario, passed a- way at Sundridge, Parry Sound, on March 23, in 'his 70th year. He was bern at Uxbridge and for years was engaged as a lumber manufact- urer, He was subsequently a 'popular hatelkeeper in the live town "of "Port | Perry, About 20 years ago he and the family removed' ito the. north' country and he! long acted in the capacity of forest overseer. 'His| O. F. attended the general meeting tHe public as recve of Sundridge. "He was a 'staunch Conservative, To] Mr. Wilson has 'moved othe the " {bush at last. with the third contingent apd le left. for The Sacred Concert given in! the| Si ability and energies were given to know Robert Hodgson was an honor and a privilege, as he was the soul of generosity and geniality. = He leaves a sorrowing , widow, four sons and six daughters, as well as num- erous grandchildren, to revere his memory. -- Vandicator hg Seagrave Our. mail business is out of the; Through the unceasing We now get our morning mail on the 9.24 train. Mn, Stovin is the carrier for this service: Then we have a mail out and into the office at' 10.50, and | another out at'6,20in the evening. We |. should have bad this seryice ; Bugedrs| 'that hustle. The 'members of 'the 'Bpworth League » are putting forth 'a'; :special effort. to 'increase thieip "memberst We wish them every Success. in in Theis efforts : Our pastor. danouticed for a service -|in the church next: Sunday at 10.30 a.m. A special 'offering will be taken | same will be in the evening: >a are | at Manchester next Sunday morning 'shoes Quarterly ieeting: the first Sindy ie you -|{ Graduate of Royal College of Deita) of | efforts of our postmaster and - others, | years ago. Everything comes to those Le hi : 'WA, Sangster Dental Surgecn Surgeons, Toronto Office hours--9 a. m to: #p. ms Also open Saturday evenings. Office. over D. Corbman's Store, Quesn St: Port Perry, 'Ontario. Phone 186} a a Lit was at thi IL LC. Formation, last year Miss "Amy Chistian i £ ou 18°giving lessons in' ano at the home of 'Mrs. Linke, and is prepared to give terms and particulars to ho adi Ca in pine "Coal, oil Dow ont that Ja mies aliage highest grade of y Ems Coal Oy. When 'your can is empty call 'Bell Telephione® No. 87. CHURCHES, AND FRATERNAL -{ SOCIETIES METHODIST . "Rev. R. Bamforth, B.A., Pastor Sunday Services 11.00 a.m and 7.00 p.m. : rnoon, Sunday School and Bible Class, All. Welcome. "PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Mr. West, M.A, Pastor pANGLICAN R Revi. PrMuirhead, Rector. li 8 RVICES | ¥ 'at 10 am. ; o rer Frou R Siig Seed: Field Seeds Molassine Meal Sat, Wool, etc. Sunday Services. 11.00 a.m. and 7. Gis RE