Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 5 May 1915, p. 3

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in rescuing wounded f; nder hoary shell fire, | [Dod , ES 3 soe gromiAioty RAR + SOME: HISTORIC: SWIMS. ; Byron's Feat in a he 'Dardanelles-- Other Bard Swimmers, The forcing of , the. Dardanelles has elicited many references to By- | | ron's famous swim from the Euro- pean shore to the Asiatic. This wag the route taken not only by his o. {own Don Juan, but by all , others VOYAGE IN ANAIR SHIP. How It Feels to fo. be in a Zeppelin Raid, +A eo orrosichient of the the "Dagues 'Ryheder 1 received permission from . the German military authorities to . go aboard s Jevnabn during & re- | cent raid, and he | a raid over the enemy's piney is never. to be forgotten,' he writes oh Rvheder. "Aside < the nerve destroying excite- _.ment of the 'occasion; the 'most pronounced. experience of the voy- wage is the intense cold that enyel- ops the airship like a cake of ice in fis flight through the black night. |; lo one can realize who has i ex- a: erisuced it just what this e have no Nights and are not. er rmitted to smoke in order to re- ieve the monotony of the uncanny nights The roaring of the North Sea be- Jow us reaches our ears, while above us is the star decked sey We et the impression that the ai kb like some extinguished star oaming thro black, oid» space. Wo | sosicho to penetrate our the vanes . is dark below us. * taint lights of a village are -dis- : peruitic, m and then the prighte "| by 'hundreds of spectators, : loaiy poopie with repéa rehip secretary to the Lord Presently. the : il-| But known up' to the first decade of the nineteenh century to have per- formed the feat. Chief among these in ' Byron's day was a Neapolitan and a young Jew. Each of these, like Byron hintself, with his companion Eken- 'head, were watched the whole time whose interest in the matter Had been stimulatéd by a controversy about the strength and the exact direc- tion of the tides. As it was, the {foros 2 the stream made, juaaight orwa. d progress. sible, an oo mile to | me extend: a Pasay three and four. bhurst, of a frgale then'{ & vo hos Lenn toliow Le g estos, ted failures. | No doubt, therefore, says the West- minster 'Gazette; they - convinced themselves that they - would 'have done better to steer the . poet's course ; this, however, if somewhat the easier, was shown by Hobhouse to be beset by many serious risks. Of these yron made light,'saying that he had been fully trainsd to overcome them by the far more ex- hausting and perilous swimming of the Tagus. Byron, of course, is not alone among British bards in his natatory prowess. The tradi- tion of Shakespeare's doings in the Avon should perhaps, be rej is. contemporary. penser; 1 is 'ciroumstantially. attested, showed himself perfectly at home on and under the river Lee when, in 1580, eputy de Wilton. ~~ ° ells, as a boy, in the south bot ngland, i in: HEE in fhe park of this pe: ever, in salt water be: oufmemouth, and Swanage. ary champion of the Toh this period was the gi- ¥ n Wilson: ("Christopher ; a the 'water formed the land. ne never to ut, in "with his' contemporaries, and 'G. R. Luke, | a 'I house without a plan for its build: nen heal end Dodds Kid en * KNITTING NEURITIS. Writer's Cramp.' Many women since the war have taken to knitting with a vigor that knows no bounds. Unfortunately their. on has produced a malady which may be patie 'with Br) 'elbow' or writet's cramp. In one single country village where the knitting fever ran very high three women are suffering in various ~ degrees from what is kon a "knitting neuritis." It r arm and shoulder flies a et fingers, and seems to affect only those who knit with difficulty, having not practiced the art in their youth. It is said that, the English method of khitting, whi¢h is equ lar. in as the: is, SEA Wie "When any untraimed.set of mus- oles is suddenly called upon to re- hid peat indefinitely a complex and un- accustomed sequence of = move- pu » 'a London pliyeician said recen "a Pasir wralysie i8 very likely eh eve py n knitting peuritis the trouble begins. with the worker feeling that the usual 'wrist and finger movements can- not be i Po out with their cus- tomary, ease, Later the muscles get and finally, in the later stage, develop a spasmodic eramp as soon as the knitting needles are taken into the fingers. A peculiar Sharacteristic of the ailment is that while the fingers are thus affected: when any attempt is made to knit, there is' Hn interference with other varieties of finger movement. "The only treatment is to give up knitting indefinitely. Sometimes after a songs of months a rest one begin again, In o Sher cases a or more of is necessary, otherwise Ags ES recurs rs immediately." ; psi RN SIN A SHADOW Tea Delakbr Feared Paralysis. Steady use of either tea or coffee often produces alarming symptoms, as the poison (caffeine) contained in these beverages acts with more potency im some 'persons than in others. "Iwas never a coffée drinker," yrites a lady, "but 4 ves drinker Very nervous, A fequen spells of sick headache and heart trouble, and was subject at Signe to severe attacks of bilious night. b side 3 numb and tin- a "Goto bocce were pricking =F Jesh ; I could 'have one way is theaway of lif If we do not look ahead and plan *lour life we shall some. day lize A life without is ms crazy an as a our great mistake. ing. It is not our mistakes that, cause || us to fail, but only a' 'wrong atti- tude toward our mistakes. The Ohinese say, 'Our greatest glory is nok in never failing, but in rising every time we fall." (Magic "Nerviline" | Aflment Which: Slightly "Resemhles Ends Stiff Neck, Lumbago Any Curable Muscular or Joint Pain is Instantly Relieved by Nerviline, GET TRIAL BOTTLE TO-DAY You don't have to wait all day to get the kink out of a stiff neck if you rub on Nerviline. And you don't need to go around complaining ahout lum- bago any more. You can rub such things away: very quickly with Nervi- line." It's the grandest liniment, the quickest to penetrate, the speediest to ease muscular pain of any kind. One twenty-five cent trial bottle of Nerviline will cure any attack of lum- bago or lame back. This has been proved a thousand times just hs. it rman | was 'In the case of Mrs. BH. J. Grayden, of Caledonia, who writes: -- "I wouldn't think of going to bed with- out knowing we had Nerviline in the house. I have used it for twenty odd years and appreciate its value as a family remedy more and more every day. If any of the children gets a stiff neck, Nerviline, cures quickly, If it is earache, toothache, cold on the chest, sore throat, Nerviline is always my standby. My husband once cured himself of a frightful attack of lum- bago by Nerviline, and for a hundred ailments that turn up in a large fam- fly Nerviliné is by far the best thing to have about you." ENRANR Nar Se. "Army Precedence. 'In a march-past, what British regiment would march at the head of the troops? The Household Cav- alry most people would say. No; other | the Royal Horse Artillery, that gal- lant regiment whose deeds certain- ly entitle it to take the "right of line,' though for gallantry it is really difficult to say which regi- ment, comes first. 'After them come the Life Guards, Horse Guards, and the other cav- alry regiments, acoording to their | numbers, The Royal Artlery take precedence of the Royal Engineers, and even of the Foot Guards, which head the' infantry ofthe line. These come in the order they ap- pear in the Army List, the only exception being the Rifle Brigade, which comes after the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. KARL Cia 'Wonderful. Mr. Oraig was reading the even- ing paper while his wife sat by knit: ting. "Just listen to this, Debby," he said. "It says here that more than 5,000 elephants J year go to make r piano keys.' ou » gried the wife. "Am'b it wonderful; Dan, what some animals can be trained' to do. FE) | Minara's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. Bi 'Makes a Difference. " "There is no sadder sighit to me," >| anid the Socialist orator, "than the || the | ldborer's empty. dinner pail." {'Bhurg 83 said a man in the ctowd, 'thot all depinds om whe- ftir) Ss. mot 'before th noon. hoor, Koos Minasd' 1 Liniment in the nous: 4; pay A -- "You would 4, anything in y hig John 1' ask- in Sly of battle flash: Because nothing ; +l action li by suitable to the delicate never once griped me, yet tab- | lished regularity. Sey ou | rings under my eyes disap] i a not be Without | ton's their mild yet searching character of a woman's nature. delicate I My appetite grew keen--my blood red and pure--heavy to-day my skin is. as clear and un- {wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. | Hamilton's Pills did it all." The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well- known miller in Rogersville, is proof sufficient that Dr Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine, Use no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 26¢c. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. Lh Bea AR World's Waste. We are the most wasteful people in the world, an American 6énce said of the English. f The Americans are very keen on waste, for they make money from it. The humble "junk" business, as they' call it, has prospered in America as in no other place, and this snapping up of unconsidered trifles has made many an American fortune. In Boston lives a dealer who has accumulated more than & million dollars; while' several of his competitors could sign big cheques. : One Philadelphian deal- er has half a million invested in buildings 'alone. Scattered over the State of New Jersey are a good dozen wealthy men who have made their money out of what others have thrown away, Ome. of those New Jersey dealers recently bought the greatest "lot" of junk ever purchased in that State--namely, the old iron and refuse which the French aban- doned at Panama. The original cost of that material was about a million dollars. What sum the junk dealer paid for it is, of course, not known, and what he made out of the deal no one dared to estimate. EE ama Lady Not Thrown In. Cusgtomer (looking at auto). -- What! The lamps not included in the advertised price of the ma- chine'? But the lamps are shown in the illustration. Salesman--My dear sir, so is a very beautiful woman, but we're not giving the lady with oath car. Corns rT Cure from hoo So Quic can be ou co Putnam's Srhoter in 24 hours. "Putnam's" soothes br nhortthe Jou) Two neighbors had a long litiga- tion about a small spring, which they both claimed. The judge. wearied out with the case, at last said. 'What is the use of making so much fuss about a little water!' "Your honor will see the serious nature of the case,"' replied one of the lawyers, "when I inform you that both are milkmen."' Zz NO MORE DANDRUFF. DANBRUCTRE 0, SR BG 1253 DUNDA' #C URE FOR ALCOHOLIC & DRUG ADDICTIONS Thoughtful of Him. Mr, Manley--Well, my dear, I've had my life insured for five thous- and dollars. Mrs. Manley--How very senible of you! Now I shan't have to keep telling you to be so careful every place you go. Ask for Minard's and take no other. Excluding warships, 462 vessels of 1,627,316 tons gross were under éongtruction in the United King. dom at the end of the year 1914. Minard's Jniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,--Your MINARD'S LINw IMENT is our remedy for sore throat, colds and all ordinary ailments. It never falls to relieve 'and cure promptly. CHAS, WHOOTEN. Port Mulgrave According to Father. Little Charlie had been naughty, and was npw doing penance in the corner. 'I can't help being naughty,'"' he said, in a thoughtfully sad voice. "I never heard of any boy being perfect--exceplt one. "Who was that?' asked mother, trying to hide her smiles. "Farver--when he was came the erushing retort. Potatoes to the value of two and Ei a half millions sterling are import- ed into the United Kingdom every year. little," Minard's Liniment used by Fhysiciaus. Always ish, OV is the P for the po Ao) ever the styles TATE hb '1 BS. boats and Canoes. ough canvas covere Outboard Motors. Power 'Launches, ers. Get folders telling all about these, . . THE PETERBOROUGH CANOE. company, LIMITED, PETERBOROUGH, ONT\' Freight Peepeid to any Railway Canoes, Skiffs, Motor Boats THE PETERBOROUGH LINE. If any cance can give you satisfaction, it is a "PETERBOROUGH." atme of: service, and sizes. Write for catalogue. The latest canoe model; strength and fin. d. Ask for illustrated folder. Skiffs all ii and pow- 4 "Over tern" Station in, Poam 2 3 Ft. 9 In. 5 Fi. (] To. ANY MOTOR FITS. 'Spodiictiond No..2B @ving engine prices on request. . Get our quotations 'on--"The Penetang get Commercial v and. Pleasure Launches, THE GIDLEY BOAT €0., LIMITED, PENETANG, CAN, |

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