tT he council adjonmmed to meet again On the Ith day of June at 11.00 a.m, " : =F A Memorial Service for. our Cana: dian' soldiers who have fallen in. this var, will be held in the Church of the | - Ascension, Port- Perry, on Sunday, May 16th; at 11 am, The Reeve | nd Councillors have been invited "to: ttend. © The Rector and Wardens will be glad to. welcome representa- ives from the various lodges and, societies in Port Perry, the service be- ing of a character which it i§ thought ill appeal to all sections of the com- (manity," "Members of the Port Perfy 'Band wll assist in the music, s. Wilmot Walker, "Manchester; spent the week end with her sister, IN iss Mae Coulis, at Peterborough, | ere the'latter is attending Normal. * L Members of OM England No. 9, rt Perry, will attend divine service he Methodist Church next Sunday ening. . Rev. R, Bamforth will ad- ress the brethren, 2 A patriotic meeting is being arrang- %lico be held in the. Town. Hall, on ? ¢ i ; the evening of Monday; May 91st. e changes arc. being mide in| Several 'notable' numbers are being e* Cemetery property. | prépated. "An outline of the program purchased the| will appear in next week's issueof the d lots through | paper" Mr. Reuben move into isewand the house he now oc- = Na 'be turned.dhto 'a chapel 'The Rector. and. Wardens of the may find shelter and | Church of the Ascension, Port Perry, in. inclement hereby ask the - various lodges and Sd societies in Port Perry to accept this invitation to send 'representatives to the memorial service to "be held on Sunday, May 16th at 11.00 a.m. : The national character of 'this ser: All members vice it is believed, must make its ; appeal to: all loyal sors. "of 'Canada : "land the Empire, Lodges or Societi s "| intending to.send representatives: ard PO} asked to communicate. with Rev. C irhead, that = seats may be, a k has been re-commenced on | the Port Perry wharf, » > { Sunday evening in odist Church by the choir, mes Paxton of Winnepeg' week. Re Oke of Toronto, is visit- parents Mr: ense Transferred ~ On Tuesday morning the liconseof| St. Charles Hotel was transferred | 'and Mrs, W. Oke Best of Service : ; Courteous Treatment 1 We solicit your account in our » SAVINGS DEPARTMENT « PORT PERRY BRANCH * H. G. HUTCHESON, Manager. RR abo atBlackstocl (DP; MacFarlane. Manager) Bowmanville, Brooklin, ; remont, Nestleton Station (1D. P. MacFarlane, Manager), _Oskiaws, Stouffville, Sunderland and Whithyr Eat a a Horror Germany has achieved something that puts her on shame. = "Remember the Lusitania!" Remember the hundreds of men and women whose lives were sucrificed to German hate. that these men and women had nothing to do with the w 'who died belonged to a nation with friendly, a pedestal of-- Remember ary and many whom Germany professed to be But hate is not wise--just blind! The horror of it al is beginning to come home to us ~beginning-- .thatis all, 'The months that will come will be a nightmare Death, destruction; and disease, God alone ¢ know. His purposés?* For some re Belgium have died. | of horror, an stop them, and who can ason thousands of innocent people in Day by day the result of hunian selfishness grows more appalling, and who can tell when the world's cup of bitterness will be full? Who would ask for peace naw upon the terms which Germany would dictate? Who so base as to become a slave? Germany has said that the British dare cowards. Yes; we are too cowardly to kill babies; but we shall be brave enough to endure hardship, and thousands. upon thousands of 'our men will give their lives for the freedom of their fellow countrymen. . Had we possessed the cunning bravery of the Germans, which knows no sense of honor, we, too, should hav and: could trave violdied tregties; sacked de women and Babies, e been. prepared, fenseless villages, and killed Shall we learn that kind of bravery? But remember that noble bravery will not save us from pain. The most poble hero of the world was Christ, and he suffered a shame death because of the very nobility 'of His character, ---------- FTE What About the United States? "The United States has men and money; but she has no army worth mentioning. It would:take ntonths to fit men for the kind of military duty that would be required of them in the great European conflict. It 1s not our business to urge them to take up arms. They must be impel- led from within if their service to the cause of freedom is to be worth anything. Our estimate of their commercial spirit igdoubtless well founded, but all Canadians are not free from tha Nearly : all of us could' do more than we have done. : Ares . Canadians will be proud and pleased if the United States will join the Allies in their fight for fiedom, if their humamty and honor will cause them to enlist, without pressure. from outside. A volunteer is worth ten pressed men. Mr. Wm. Smith, M.P. is Chosen The Liberal-Conservatives of South Ontario had 3 large delegation at their Convention on Saturday, May 8th. Mr. Wm. Smith, M.-P, Was again chosen standard bearer for the Conservative party. in South Ontario. The nomination was made unanimous. io spirit. A Word from Pte. Howard White Mrs, White has received some letters from her son" who is now on [active service i Belgium, = At theitime of writing he was safe and well He wishes he could come and tell the Port Perry men some idea of the great need of recruits and of the call that should appeal to all men who love freedom. He thinks that every man who is free and physically fit should enlist at once and not wait for the formation of a Fourth : contingent 1 : 5