Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 12 May 1915, p. 4

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Ar. Bolton has rented' Ne ian | Leonard's house opposite the parson. age, Queen Street. 'Mrs. . Embree has returned. home Mr. Nath Byih ad obved to 3 his farm near ar Emsiilen, We wish » bd " 'Mr. Nelson Foster i as moved into Mr. Byers' house on Cochrane St. , Mr..and Mrs. Albert Stevens have wioved into the house lately occupied by Mr, Nelson Foster. 'Mr. 'C. C. Jeffrey is able to be about again after having been "ill for' wo or three weeks. "Mr. James Stonehouse has had the 'waterworks put in his creamery. The water will be very convenient for: the purpose of cleaning the building. "'Miss Pearl O'Neil proved herself to be | an entertainer of versatility and rare dra- matic ability, has a fine stage presence, and : in her contributions there "is nothing artifi- "calor aspuned, She _wasrecalled on such > ie well fod "proud i the 'success scored 1." ~Peterborough Evenin Review. By Ror. O'Neil will be at the Town Hall on i the King's Birthday Concert; June 3rd. Mr. Morley Campbell has hought 'ithe brick house+at the back eof the _ Methodist church, formerly.owned by the late Mrs. Calder. "We welcome Mr... and Mrs. Campbell 'to' Port Perry. They moved into their new "home on Saturday. .. Mrs. Levi Parish underwent a serious operation for the removal of gall stones on Tuesday of last week. The operation, by which 308 stones _were removed, was performed at the Oshawa Hospital, The patient is doing as well as can be expected. Miss Lela Black, of Scugog, won the second prize for drawing from the Shaw Correspondence Schools + The amount of the prize was $25.00. Miss Black is now taking a course in fash- ion plate drawing: . Mr. Li G. Hall has had his butcher wagon painted and lettered, giving "it quite a smart appearance. The following gentlemen have re- cently purchased Ford 'autos Messsrs. Graham & Carnegie: Mr. Merlin Letcher, Mr. RM. Holtby, Manchester, Mr. Thos; Graham, Scu- 20g. Mr. Sinclair Robertson, Shirley, ; "iy Richard Philp, Nestleton. from "Ms. Wm. Curtie has returned homg | r a 'three week's visit with his son Hamilton, Business Change After some forty years of successful business life in Port Perry, Mr. W. H. McCaw has sold his jewelry and stationery business'to Mr. Robertson, of Whitby, : Mr. McCaw is a. practical watch- maker and jeweller, having learned | trade with the late fohn Diesfeld} rince = Albert, and then having € to Boston and other cities where gained a" wider 'experience before ting in business for himself. n addition to conducting a success | siness at home Mr, McCaw has{ us times bought and sold. stocks in difigren: parts, off ; derstand that Mr. MeCay i is the G. TR. 'ticket agency. Arinder om Crass --Leslie Ftise, . Suglas Lucas, Stewart. Me 'maw, Loria Duré, Elda Christie, Alex Johns, Orma 'Hyland; Hazel Mark, Mansell Sleep, py 1eter Leask Edward Jackson, Theodore Stephenson, Roni- son, Crass i Henan Midgley, Winnitred Ford, Howard Butt, Clem Crozier. FORME AL «i fe Crass 2 Geo. Howsam, Grace, Bur- nett, Elsie Rose, Annie Michie, [Crass 3--Wilmot 'Cragg, leonard | Henry, Roy Brawn, Margaret Johns, Alma McLaughlin, 'Mildred Somer+| ville, Morley "Honey, Clinton Short, Howard Bailey, Jessie. Johns, Clema erville, Tocher, Short. Crass 4---Mildred Jackson, 'Donald MgTaggart, Heleh Cryderman, Smith Ferguson. Jessie Mayrienne FORM MI : Crass 2--Frederick Bamforth, Mel-| vin Switzer. y CrAss 3--Amos Stone, Florence. Lee, Una Spence, Gordon Brown," Elsie Leask, Lloyd VanCamp, Crass 4--John Giebner, Melbourne White, Lorne Mc Taggart, James Boe, FORM 1V Crass 1--(Honours) Nora Mclean, Crass 2--Mary Watson, Hardy Purdy: Léaroyd Tennyson; Class 3-=Gertrude | Notice The young ladies of the town are invited to attend a meeting in the May 15, to consider plans for carry- ing on the patriotic: work in connect-| ion with the Women's Patriotic Assoc" iation; CHURCHES : ANGLICAN = 'Rev, C. P. Muirhead, Rector. SERVICES Sunday May.16, Divine Service at lla m - as TT ee Presbyterian: Churt i Rev. J. W. West, Mc A., is giving] a series of discourses; at the evening services ov, '"Fhe fulness of the: Gos- pel as seen in the Rarabite of the Pro- digal son" which are very much 'ap: preciated by the large audience which attended, A special } discourse was delivered last Sabbath on "Welcome Home," 'His theme for next Sabisath evening will be "The" Prodigal pric wilege," and in the morning "A mes- sage for everybody" will be the theme Everybody. Is welcome to attend these services, ¥ * Some Good | Music After the. evening. service at thie Church of the Ascension the following most enjoyable program of music was rendered: ; . 2 1 Hymn 162, Choir. = 2 Son "The Better Janay Mis. Taggart,' Arthar, Jefirey,. Stewart. Kod ; {ald Peel, Arthuf Stanton, Gilbert Gib- 5 McTaggart, Lucille Archer, Vera Som: | ; Munro, Cliff. Jackson, Chalmers Weir |: Armouries at 3.30 p.m., on Saturday. before buyiog elsewh Ww Why bly a Silo. ¥ spre df, when. our pine "sit Cost: i ; no more : : Samples of Doors. and Stav can be seen at our 'coal "office on Water Street, Call, - write, {or phone for particulars, tel % and prices 'Maude & Mills COAL DEALERS ~ Phone 38: pi WoC. TU. A miracle has happened in Russia |' hearths; that has lifted a people: fron | sulleness and despair. to happiness | and self-respect. And the miracle, Sirangely' enough was made possible by * Russia's auto- ~ which the Little Father, by one stroke of the pen,' prohibited the sale Ah strong drink in any part of the'em Henty W. Hiller who for' th ind one years has spent half of each: year in' Russia managing silver shops for Tiffany & Company, of New. York, has fold The Survey of the wonderful change that has taken place. +I had] just Janded in Moscow," he said. "1 felt a little * chilly 'and sent "out for same rum to put in my tea, Not a drop was to be had. APE "1 hadn't: heard. till then of the Ukase, but soon saw the "effects of it wpaf the" men when 1 went te the shops. <1 want:to say that [ never lived through « a miracle before, but the regeneration. that T saw there wag nothing short of miraculous. : The Russian peasants speak 'al- ways of 'Blatk. Monday" for they usually. cbme to work sodden; stupid wineshops: | they don't miss vat least: one "day 'through the working week for © fhe same reason -- drink. "Now: they 'conte to "ok cheerful, sober: their work has improved incred- itably." "Don't think" said Mr. The Whe where it has to. : Phone 38] s '--a miracle that has put bread in the # cupboards of the poor.and fires: onthe '& 1 cratic "form of Government, under] WE 3 range of Spring Suitings we | have ever been. able' to show. si and depressed: after'a day Spent in the P And they're. lucky tog; i fl 5 2 leasc you a as we c have both he qualit pet : id this line; # | SARVIS BROS. > " Come in and i inspect it. ® Prices right _ ; : [vise the Assessment Roll of the 2 {ror the year 1915, will beheld in the ' A Township' Hall, Manchester, on Mon-- Coun of Revision CARTAGE and The undersign N ce is hereby given that the first! {all kinds of carting, sitting of the Court of Revision to res! plowing of Gardens etc. TOWNSHIP OF REACH. TO THE PUBLIC day, the 14th day of Juie, 1975, at' The undersighed is [two p.m, 'of which all persons Ainter-: : ested are required to: take notice and "kind, (exc govern themselves accordingly, « WL ro TOON, Tp. Clerk Importers of fruits of all kinds" We buy in large lots and the fruit is is 4 grapes, pu ¢ "week, pineapples, | oo candies, bot olive oil, - lettuce; dishes, 'al

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