Or ard guarantees Js the best coal on the mar 1p SeSMOND "GRAN Brae Ep NITE Riese Mt. and samples of our monuments may be seen, at onr premises, . Perry St., Port Perey: Prices apd styles will be. 'shown on application to Mr. Graham at the Post Office, THERE H HAS NOT BEEN any increase in the price of Note They are made in Canada consequently are not subject to the. 757, War Tax. They sell from 85 cents to $7.50, but no matter: what. price you pay, the Columbia Records at that price is exceptionally good value for the money. 4 Go to the dealer whose namesis mentiorfed below; and ask him "to give you a catalogue of Columbia Records: If he hasn't ahy, owing to the big demand, write direct' to. The Colum- bia Graphophone Co., Toronto, and you will receive one by return mail. - But go to the local dealer and ask him first; also ask him to play over some of the newest Records, including: 5 Sweetheart. of Mine I'm not Ashamed of You, Mollie re a Voice is Calling } A 1701 .85 A 1686 $1.00 Whispering Hope Handel's Largo, by Casels Melody in F, by Casals A Perfect Day Suzi - ® A 5649 , $1.50 A 5644 $1.26 Grafonolas on Easy Payments This plan makes it so easy to purchase, that you will never miss the out Jay. Grafonolas from $20. to $200.00 GEO. R. DAVEY, Lecal Agent' Star Office iret "ROSE & CO. Help the: country' s revenue : How?---by buying and mailing as 'many as possible, Tu We have reduced the price of every postcard. i in the store to 6 for 5c + = This means that in spite of the extra war s charged, the use of post cards will ¢ cost | We have a very large asso 8. Graham is our local agent Port Perry § George Alldread Sr. Pr.--Lorne Bradburn; \ 9. | Blackstock, will: hold théir 7anniver- | i 'a revi natu ilton, Hazel Parr: - ilton, Myrtle Wrist Wright: Winnie M. Elliot, Greenbank The Presbyterian Sunday School 'lat Gréenbank will hold their anniver- {sary sétvices on Stinday and Monday, May 23 and 24. © Rev..Ds W, Best, of Toranto, will conduct the, services on, Sunday. © On Monday sports will be held after which a tea and: concert will be given} in the church. Blackstock Blackstock "Methodist Chtirch at sary services on Sunday and Monday, May 23 and 24. Sunday s vices at 11.00 a.m, and 7.00. pin, by: 'Rev. ~ ~ Johny, Locke of | given-in the church. On Tuesday evening & silent wack our Leagueheld their annualbu oss 1a meeting; election of officers sure and oan Bh : Admission b0¢, 3 Drugstore. Admission' to grounds, adults: ~2b¢.}: children 1b, grand: stand-10¢ ; Ww. S. McKinley, Chairm of Com. W. C. Ingram, Treasurer of Com: + B. Siorrish, Sec'y of Com. Miss Ashton "obs Ashburn was the fest of het aimt M Robt? Duff. has pur " Miss F. Wales df Toronto: spe BEW. sli touring & cr, Stnday at home" here. able to be out again: Mr. E. Martin had the misfortune to loose a driver last week : fast as we world Tike torsee him : © Glad to see Gers Painter. t gain on Funders § Atteiding the evanibelistic niceting: atl ig Myrtle conducted by Miss K. Morton 'Miss Parker LE "Brtunate possesso contralto voice, ly developed the result is r THE F. AIR Miss 2 Dring; of "Sunday at home.~ : doef Whitby. Clerk, Miss E Mar, 2 oe 8, "May 4 1 4: Nov. 2.