RS TEER I i 3 3 p 3 § Po white centre al is navy and white, or cadet k print, piped with red at ttom of skirt, trimmed with al. Sizes 1, 2, and 3 years. Made of plain repp in dainty } It buttons down back and may be opened out and ironed flat. Low neck and short sleeves are trimmed with an embroidery scol- lop. Sizes 2 to 4 years. a 5 Huckaback Towells 25¢ pair ion huckaback towells in plain white or ite with red border. _ Size 78 x 36 Pa Pure Linen Huck Towells $1.00 pr. Pare Linen Huck Towells, size 23 x 40 inches lis is a particularly nice towel for wedding presents. It isan extra large towel with a plain huck centre and pretty floral design in e border, he titched White turkish towells, size 18x 38 in. plain VALUES IN HOU ends. Per pair $1.00 : ~ White Turkish Towells 25¢ pair lored border and fringed ends. Price each $1.00 White Dimity Bed Spreads $1.50 ~ White dimity bed spreads in a fine even weave light weigh with a dainty floral design in cen- tre and neat'diced border. Size 70. x 90 in. "Linen Table Covers $3.00 Damask Table Covers made of pure linen in ood assortment of pretty patterns. Size 2 x 5 yards we : Price $3.00 Linen Table Napkins $2.00 dozen Table Napkins made of pure linen, size 22 x 22 inches in an assortment of Pansy, Ivy leaf, or Polka dot patterns. Price $2.00 dozen aghain lace curtains, 3 yards long, 40 in. dainty check pattern in centre. with a showing a rich open work design. Cur- in is bound with colbert cdge. Price 85¢ pr. | 5 Pretty Lace Curtains $1.00 pr. Nottingham lace curtains 8 yards long, 45 in. wide, showing the new bungalow pattern in the centre with a very pretty border in the stripe and scroll effect Tapestry Curtains (LL A CE) in a Bagdad Stripe CURTAINS This is an exceptionally fr pretty curtain, suitable for doorways, draping, or couch covers, They are 2 yds long with a heavy tassel fringe The pattern is a beautifully varigated Bagdad stripe - in red, green, gold and brown. Per pr. $2.75 SEHOLD LINENS Special Value in Fancy Linens Traveller's Samples At Greatly Reduced Prices We bought a range of Traveller's Samples comprising fancy linens of all kinds. Doilies, Centre pieces, Dresser Scaffs, Table Covers, in drawn work, Battenburg, and solid embroi- dery. These lines were bought at a discount off the wholesale price which enables us to sell them at about the usual cost price. Regular 75¢ Drawen Work Covers for 50c¢ . Regular $1.00 Centre Pieces for 85¢ Regular $2.50 Table Covers for $2.00 Regular $1.50 Dresser Scarfs for $1.00 Jo mess: Announcement Having purchased the stock of Mr. W. H.. McCaw, Jeweler and Stationer, Port' Perry, I wish to call the attention of the public to the fact that we do all our own watch and jewelery repair work on the premises. Our stock of watches, jewelery, stationery and optical goods 1s now complete. - You will receive prompt attention and considerat- ion if you will call and look over our stock. i LL.D Robertson