Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 30 Jun 1915, p. 7

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pe WHERE EVERYBODY HELPS. y Prof. Creelman, Ontario Agrienl- Statistics go to prove that:the 'most |; successful farmers are those | who || 'keep 'their sons and daughters at|) Ger- | home and interested in some phase | | or by | ro six Sak $2.50 from The | ¢ %: Williame® icine #0, Brockvill of the work. * One's own folks, of course, take a greater inter¥st in thet Building up of the farm and the farm home than '8a man or woman can' plan work and nj carry it out bettes 3 ig home folk oldiers, army, with the exception of Lorraine, would be cut. off m 'their source of supplies. The 'German { only are engaged in the transaction. Then why not make a special ef- fort this year to interest everyone in 'the old homestead? - It may hot. be 'the glamor of the city that steals our young people, but rather the desire to earn wages and save money of their very own---wages or a life partner- | ship might do. re roudy to aid land decide to move, From the east coast quick transportation to Holland the | 2 possible, and then--a rapid cam- the | Daim. "from Holland's eastern border "and toward \premen, Berlin. Fe the outside world, and raw material all descriptions -has freely entered * Switzerland by Genoa, & terial Hanover, th coast, t Date Hol- | Times até very bad in cities-mow, |" | Perhaps. your boy or girl would come back if you offered a Jartnership in your business. ' Perhaps a good farm- | ® er in your locality has been. spoiled by trying to run a street car or shovel 'snow in some large town. Perhaps your girl is tired, so tired, of trying to make an honest living, working for 'people who have no personal interest in her welfare. Offer her a ten-dollar- 'a-month-and-board chance to live with those she loves best, and then plan a poultry or dairy bee campaign to gét : the money back.' =I the ve g "A London despatch says. 'the French Foreign Legion: has beensdoing bells as | mnt work in the figh north, o Arras. Th ) ghting crest Vine' border into Germany Aras. The casualties fn the lin plan ving ore shipments from §; go moa and that much of rom, mines in Spain controlled | pp steel 'works on the Rhine fo gely fed by ore shipments | ind jndead ; h come from Spain and navigate | & very heavy, and a letter re- (x ne ceived. in London from a wounded = 'member States that in his company of 260' men only 60. are | left. sThe letter ays: * "The Pd had the 'honor of being Tr nstrie 'the t out * the Have go Meuse a iol and to take the German lines m with the bayonet. This was at a point Seuss between Souchez and Carency. Pre- to the attack, there was a terri- - from Austrian sources. ments of Swedish ore-inte Ge maintained, 'it is said, to" ime : t, and since the occupation. of France by Fi 1% ik 'French guns its all calibres were hor ow aie fring together {for Yue haus without interruption.: ok Dee 'Charge' was sounded. "We were out of the trenches like lightni tning. = It was wonderful. - We were like a storm. In ten minutes we Smizalty | Bad J on the first line: of Getman s. But there was no stopping "Coming 15. 'We kept it up hammer and tongs an hour and a half, taking three [lines of the enemy's trenches and if | driving the enemy in front-of us. * "By this time all the officers of our EE r her- company were either killed 'or. wound-_ | ed, 80 a sergeant took command, and | We 'en renched ourselves as be it finally had I have not much confidence in the 'ery " the land" when it ap- plies to men and women without ru- ral experience. 1 have every con- fidence however, in farm boys and girls coming 'home to familiar work. If you have no boy or girl to bring back, just stop to think of some neighbor's 'child whose parents are perhaps dead. Write. to such a one, and I am greatly mistaken if you will not: find such a response as you never anticipated. Young' Canadians are proud and independent. They will suffer in si- lence and pretty nearly starve before asking help--but many 4 one writes me now that he or she would gladly return to the country if some definite sprangement could be entered into of iness sort; whereby the business be be run as a partnership and where hard work would be rewarded with. adequate remuneration, h, if we could keep. our: - young people .on the. farm and bring back all' who would come we should soon solve the problem of increased : pro- duction, ml gl INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Wanted capital to develop one of the most valuable natural resources in the Dominion, unlimited. antity of IW material to be commodity Jor hich which here is an, ol 2 yrospectus which will the Shaolutel sure snd arge returns. Address P.O. Box 102, Hamilton, Ont. 4 Monkeys. That Roar 'Like - Lions, There . are few untris where | iste sea 5s as many in and in the jungles and The | Sangeot } th of South A 'Africa in 'exas and Florida Rave "Holland, Denmark, and un Manitoba, are, ~like our- selves, August reapers. Hay ue. lB x tractor in 24 hours. Putham's" soothes aE * Esseh; Je expected of mere hired help. Aino way thint FRUIS ogb v i makes the feet feel good at once. Get a 250. bottle of "Putnam's today. seme ei Unexpected Chicken. A stranger arriving in a small town hailed a passing resident and in- quired, "Can you direct me to a place ne. they take boarders?" "Hefimandhaws keeps 'em," man replied. "Is that a pretty good Place?" "Fair to middlin'" "Have chicken very - often for din- ner "Reg'lar and unexpected." "What do you mean by regular and unexpected 2" They have chicken reg'lar every Sunday---- ba § gee -- "And they also have it when an automobile unexpectedly kills one in the road." the Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,--This fall T'got thrown on a fence and hurt my chest very bad, so I could not werk and it hat me to breathe, I tried all kinds of Liniments and they did me no. good. One bottle of MINARD'S LINI- MENT, warmed on flannels and ap- plied on my breast, cured me com-, pletely. C. GOSSABOOM, Rossway, Digby & N.S. Best. Hour: for Work: 'It is a curious fact in psychology that mobody. can stay at the same mental and: physical level for twenty- four hours together. In the morning you are mere matter-of-fact, for. in- stance, than later in the day. It isin the morning that the best brain work is done--brain work of the sort that requires industry and clear thinking. And it is about eleven in the morning that our body reaches its highest point of energy. In other words, you are strongef, though almost imperceptibly, at eleven in the morning than at three in the afternoon. You reach that highest t point twice in the day, for about five in the afternoon the muscu- lar energy has risen again. But from five onward it declines steadily all through the evening, and on till be- tween two and three o'clock in the morning. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows Forests sometimes take fire through the Iuanches of trees being rubbed together by the violence of the wind, and: thus producing the friction ne- cessary to ignite them. "La Mareailigfse™ obtained its 'name from the fact that. 'it was first sung in Paris by a band of revolu- tionaries hailing from Marseilles. "Have you Ne Yo of the of living if you marry my daug are | Have you considered' the hag or "Bills have no terror for me, "They haven't? Why not? "Nobody will trust 'me, sir." tsb. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Btos The . Usual Fate. ) "I suppose the 'seeds you planted' are coming up fast?" ; "Yes, indeed. Almost as fast as our neighbor's chickens can work." | LOW FARES TO THE CALIFORNIA EX» PORITION EST BE & NORTH. { Fg the. eis signals. plan your # full partic ceil » . B. H, Bennett, GA a ri Yonge 8t., Toronto, Ontario. Sewed Up. Yi "How did you get that stitch in your. side?" "A "Oh, I got hemmed in a crowd." | In the sixteenth century dictionaries were chained in the schoolhouses 'as Bibles were in the churches, by rea« son of their costliness and rarity. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper, | The ten countries with the largest, populations are, in the order named) China, India, Russia, the United States, Germany, Japan; the Uni Kingdom, France, Italy and Austria, FARMS FOR RENT. te tenia --------------------y F LOOKING FOR A FARM, od me.' I have over Two Hundred on my list, located in the best eections of A farlo, _All gizes. H. W. Dawson, Brampton, | NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. i Arment eee tent, | ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND 708. Offices for sale In good Ontario] ns, The most useful and intepesting of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Com- | remorse Bain WOOL. a -------------------------------------------------------- | OOL, WOOL, WOOL. BELL DIRECT | and get tho top prices, 35 cents for tub washed wool, 25 cents unwashed. Large or small lots bought, Check sent same day ehipment received. Tarshis & Sons, 92 Wellington, Montreal. LL BRITISH GRAMOPHONE RE- CORDS. 10-in; double side, 60c. each, Send 81° for special introductory offer of two records (four eelections), inoluding HM, Trish Guarde Band. Oatalogue free Guardsman Record Agency, 210 Board of | Trade, Montreal. MISCELLANEOUS. SR, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, Ena, and external, cured with= out pal ur home treatmept. Writ: 8 befor A late. Dr. Bellmén Medi Co. Li ted Collingwood, Ont. i Cid int Paddles, Cushions, Oars, Seats,' Rugs, and all Canoe and Skiff Furnishings. The Peterborough Canoe Co, Limited. i PETERBOROUGH, ONT.

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