Mr. Russel Wilbon; of Sunderland, | ns Suniey wi Bis motes fe, " atson e, ie and Annie Watson, "Toronto. adults 25c., children 15c. Miss Elsie Bradley is 'holi oidaying at} Cannington, 'The wreckage in the Bomba: Cath- olic church, has been removed pre: paratory to making extensive repairs. "The brick wall at the end 'of the St, Charles Hotel shed has been rebuilt. The dock, at the foot of Queen St, | is nearing completion. Mr. Russell, whose home on the Avenue was burned recently, has put put up a small building 'in which to > live, until be can rebuild his home, Messrs. Morley Campbell and Dave "Carnegie have recently put up a dou- tble garage recently, between their "homes south of the Methodist church. The interior of the Methodist Par- sonage is being redecorated. ' Mr. Douglas Davidson, of Toronto, thas put up a small summer cottage on his property at the north end of the town. We understand that next summer Mr. Davidson intends to erect a bungalow. Good Straw Hats at Port Perry Clothing Stdre for 49c. Mr. Halfyard, student volunteer, will give a stereopticon lecture in the basement of the Methodist church on Thursday evening. His address, which is illustrated by one hundred excellent stereopticon views, = deals chiefly with the Indians of the Pacific Coast. Admission free; ~ Collection will be taken. Everybody 'welcome. Children and. young people especially invited. A Sailing Party A party of six left Port Perry on Tuesday morning for a sailing trip through the Kawatha Lakes to Fene- lon Falls. The party consisted of the Misses Florence and Alice Ford, Miss Bates, Messrs. Stewart and Mau- rice Ford, and Mr, Clinton Short. George McMillan of Brantford Death came unexpectedly to Mr. George McMillan, a young man of ~38 years. He" had been living at Brantford about thirteen months when "he was taken ill with inflamatory rheumatism Some three or four weeks 'ago. He was ill but a very short time, and no such results were expect ed. In fact it was thought that he was .getting somewhat better. ' But the heart was affected and death resulted. Mr. McMillan was very - popular among the young men of the town, among whom he was known as Dode, a name that greeted him more often 'more often than that of George. Deceased was well known in ° this locality, as he has been engaged in \ buying and selling horses for many years. He had lived in Port Perry all his life until his removal to Brantford. friends, for his kindly, sociable dispo- sition made him 2 most desirable S Anderson, G Watson and. wife, | Watson, R Watson, all of Uxbridge J McMillan and wife, Cobourg Six cousins were pallbearers-- Messrs S McMillan, J McMillan, T} McMillan, A McMillan, G MeMillan and W Anderson. : Entrance Reports The following candidates were suc- cessful at the recent Entrance Exam- | inations, Certificates will be sent ol ¥ the successful candidates and 'a stats | 0 ment of marks to those who failed in|CO a few days, Names in alphabetical order, Whitby Centre.--53 candidates Effie. Adamson, Mabel Bell, : Vera Barrickman, Clara Bell, Nellie Brown Madeline Bird, Ralph Bateman, Hel- en Chown, Gordon Colwill, Vera De- Long, -Madaline 'Draper, Marguerite rem Edmonson; Margaret Ferrah, Bertha Goldring, Amy Hislop,(honors), Can: dace Hortop, John Holtby, Edgar Hoggarth, Goldie Jennings, Marjorie James, (honors), Winona Kine, Christ- opher King, Ruby Leach, Laurier Long, Mary Mitchell, Gertrude Mayne Ernest 'Mayne, Margaret O'Connor, Jenet Ormiston, Nina Ross, Grace Ruttan, Harold Richardson; (honors), John Robertson, Marjorie Sturgess, Metta Sulivan, Daniel Senft, Hazel Worfolk, Isobel Waugh, Gordon White, Alexander Wilson. Pickering Centre--21 candidates Grant Arnott, John Bryant, Della Burns, Gertrude Collins, Martin Kennedy, Maud Lyons, Elmer Toms, Walter Wood Claremont Centre--18 candidates Harold Barkley, Earl Betts, Verna Evans, Stewart Graham, (honors) Maurie Hamilton, Mabel Hoover, Vera Johnson, John Knight,(honors); Ethel Monkhouse, Wm. Ormerod, Gordon Pingelly, Edna Tarr, (honors); Wm. Timbers, Ernest Trimble, Mabel Wagg, (honors) Whitevale Centre--9. candidatez Susie Barton, Gladys Beare, Clayton Honey, Marion Philip, Harold Wright Scholarships given by the Whitby High School Board. To the town pupils, lst Marjorie James, 2nd Harold Richardson, 8¢d Amy. Hislop. - hy 43 the County pupils, Ist Ste Graham, 8.5. No '17- Pickering; : John Knight, S.S. No 15 Pickering; 3rd William Timbers, S.5. No 17 Pickering. Port Perry--48 candidates. Harvard Bamforth Cora Bowerman Mary Bowman Albert Brown Rosey Brent Bernice Buckler Roy Corbman Maud Corner Aleta Ferguson (honors) Greta Foster Marion Foster : Myrtle Goode (honors) Edna Gordon : John Harris (honors) Cecil Jeffrey be FOR SALE Pure Wyandotte hens, also a few mouth Rocks, 'Cheap T H. P AUCTION SALE Sold aly at The: store that guarantees Allen is selling by Publ 'money back. Mr, Arthur Auction his * household funiture at This week at Gollacutt's | arti Soap Canned Salmon | Baking Powper Barley Crisp Rice Flakes 3 for Robin Hood Oats per. pkg. 10c : Roman Meal Best Prunes, Best Lard per pound 18¢ Star Ammonia 8 for 26¢ Try Our Wonderful Tea at 30¢ pound F. C. Sua 4 Prompt Delivery Phone 45 The Standard Dictionary of Facts Every "home and" every teacher. should have a copy of the latest re- ference book, The Standard 'Diction- ary of Facts. Over 98,000 facts relative to history, language, literature biography, geography, 'nature study, Travel and Miscellany taken up ints 1000 pages. It is the work of a pro- per pkg; 10g 2 1bs for 2b6¢ 2 1 was $1 50, 'and youll dm that they are. aumber O minent Educator, and is endorsed and | highly recommended by such pro- minent educationalists as Dr. J. L. Hughes, Toronto, Dr. Mc St Andrews' College, Dr. ; bors and can satisfy you. Dont bother behong in the hot Wes new, has large metal horn, oak cabinet cost $45.00. It's your for $30.00. We new machines at $20.