Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 1 Sep 1915, p. 6

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mos to the Egyptian frontier, ) . date from August 25. This conveys the first hint of the proposed landing pléce of the Italian expeditionary force against Turkey. . Stories of wofinded men Who have. arrived at Alexandria tell. of how nearly the allies came to gaining 'a' BRITISH AIRMAN SANK SUBMARINE Single Handed, He Dropped Bombs on Undersea Craft Near Ostend. A despatch from London says: from out of the sky came a weapon that destroyed an undersea boat last week, recording in the annals of his- tory the first time that an aircraft sent a submarine to the bottom. Lieut.-Commander = Bigsworth won for himself the distinction of Having accomplished this feat. Single-hande- ed, while on an 'air patrol" near Os- tend, Belgium, he tackled a German U boat and within a few minutes his victim, completely = wrecked, ~sub- merged for the last time. "It. is not the practice of the Ad- miralty to publish statements regard- ing the losses of German submarines, important though they have been, in cases where the enemy has not other source of information as to the time and place at which these losses have occurred. In the case referred to above, how- ever, the brilliant feat of Squadron Commander Bigsworth was performed In the immediate neighborhood of the coast in occupation of the enemy, and the position of the sunken submarine has been located by a German de- stroyer." Concerning' the recent bombard- ment of Zeebrugge, Belgium, by a British fleet; the Amsterdam Tidj says it 'has learned that.a large number of soldiers were killed by the fire of the 971. Once this hil hands, the officer declared, os Ju a this hill that the 'dominion - ; fought 80 bravely but Sitilely, RAD BELGION|. Sixty French, Sutton and Belgian Aeroplanes Participate' in Raid. A despatch - from Paris says: Sixty-two aeroplanes rose from be- hind' the French lines- into a' grey dawn recently, wheeled and manoeu- vred into four groups, and sped away |" towards Rhenish Prussia, It was the biggest and most formidable squadron of fliers that had ever set out 8s a body to bombard an enemy position. Saarlouis, over the heights of Del- lingen, a small town in Rhenish Prussia, was the objective, for at Saarlouis is a great German factory where shells and armor-plate are be- ing made. From the moment that the outfliers, the scouts, crossed the Ger- man front until the army of aerial invaders had returned the crack of anti'aircraft guns was incessant. ! The losses, if any, are not stated by the War Office, nor is the probable damage. But it is hoped and expect- ed here that the damage was: great, as it seems it must have been, from | inal, { the huge quantity of explosives car- ried by so many aeroplanes and drop- ped on a single target. This raid was duplicated by one of equal proportions against the wood of Monthulst, north of Ypres, in Bel- gium. In the squadron which sailed| forth there were 62 machines; but | they weré not all French. 'British and' Belgian aeroplanes participated. Heavy fires 'were observed as the The Leni Market Breadstuffs. Roronto Aug. 31.--Maniiobs, = Wheat No. 2 --No., 1 Northern, § Northern, $1. mT I hia Note! pe ; No. 8 Northern, $1.18%; Port cNicoll. These quotations are on & "prompt settlement" basis. toba oats--No. 2 CG. W., Bbbe, on track lake ports, "prompt settle: ment." 856, American corn--No. 2 yellow, 85¢, on track lake ports. Canadian corn--No. 2 yellow, nom- Ontario oats--No. 2 white, 51 to. buichire! bulls, choice, 5. 52¢; No: 8 white, 50 to bic; according: 04 to freights outside; new oats, 40" to Fou 42¢. Ontario wheat---No. 2 Winter, per goods i car lot, nominal, $1.15; new, $1 $1.02, according to freights ite ite ny good, $6. Cereal - wheat © $1.05, prouted or ere, 700 t smutty wheat 75 to 85c, according to | canners and gh ro is to fers, choice, each, $6 mon and medium, pe sample, Peas--No. 2, nominal. Barley--Good malting barley, No. ji: " 4 $1. 38; No. 2 IE 0) hy CoN 0.8 gi Flour unchanged, T | seed cash, $1. striber asked; December, $1.61 bid. Live Stock Market. 75 to $5. 85; A a8 common, et id to $5; 50 to $7.50; stock- Pin! Fate of Belgium Promised If Coun: try Sides With the Sevie Allies ; A despatch from' London says: , $8.50 to $8:65; butchers' cat. | Telegraphing from Bucharest the le, choice, $7.60 to $7. 0 to $2. 46; do., medion, $6 = to Balkan 'correspondent of the Times says reports have been received there from many quarters to the 'effect that 3 {the Austro- forces which gre being con ted along the northern Dank of the Danube for for the projected invasion of Serbia will enter that country through Bulgarian territory via Widin, Belogradchik and Sofia. : The Times - correspondent, who usually is well informed, declares 'he hag reason to bélieve the Bulgarian 3 | Government has been notified of this. intended aggression with the admoni- ther will prevent the German a feeling out the Russian positio "An indication of what the Russiand suitable position upon "which to re- main until it can be fae to serve a vance. In other wo! now. plan 'to dig ad into fortified defensive front uch as exists in the west." Goo ros 5 to hg Joo Jo $95 39 Slight even oven 3 fleet, and 'tHat "90 severely wounded i 3 feed or better, 52¢, nominal. 3,40, bucks, men were brought 'to Ghent. The hak. turned and. began heir Sight Huckwheat ominal. Joatling "lambs, $7 o 3 * bing bs, cwt., $9 "to 1. 80; material damage done, 4t adds, was | So far as official reports have dis- , nominal. to $113 hogs, off cars, $9. gal to 39. 15 with the central powers. The fate of apparently very great, as 'a - shed | closed, ther never had been previous- Maritobn ba foun Firs patents, init § Ly / > Objective Aimed af 'Not Yet Gained, ; {do £ ed, $9 to $9.10; do.,| Belgium, he 'says he has heard, has| : built for submarines was completely |1y an "air raid of such magnitude, so ike bags, 37 Se ute Leo: fof sui bith 70. 3 ». been cited as an object lesson of what But a Decided Advance *Hag destroyed and with it some sub-!far as concerns the number of ma-| bags. $6.80, Toronto: in cof on be Montreal, Aug. 81--There was a might happen if resistance were offer- tion that opposition would be futile and the suggestion that it co-operate marines. hi loved. In a'f ter | 10 ir demand for steers and sales of | od, while Bulgaria has been told that The significant announcement in eT the kind 80 re aplier Ono flour Winter, 90 per cent. ifix sized lots of good quality were if 'she acquiesces in the plan she will| - A despatch from London the Admiralty report that it is not| planes were used. Press despatches |Datents, $4.60; do. new, $4, seaboard 'made at $8 to $8.25, while fair stock ps given a free hand in dealing with | cent operations on the Gallipoli Penn: the practice of the Admiralty to pub-| have indicated that the principal belli- | °F Toronto' treights, in bags, foe] om $5.50 £0 $6. a Serbia. sula have enabled the British troops: lish accounts regarding the losses of | gerents have built great number of Prompt shipment. er's cows from $5.25 to 31.2 25 per Much will depend, the correspon-|to extend materially the aréa in thei German submarines, together with |geroplanes, and as a result of the de- lots, delivered Mont. | rin stock, $8. .50| dent asserts, upon the attitude of | position and to connect their ling the statement of or real freights. Bran, $27 per ton; WY eg whose intentio : t of more than 21 milésea Se stat ment of She Earl 52 Selbornes velopment of this branch of the ser-| shorts, $20 per ton; middlings, $30 per cwt. The demand for Ti, was | Roumania, 'whose intentions are un-|aleng a ron joe. si . "good made at $7.50 | known, but who is believed to be [according to an official statement: in the course of an address to a depu- vice since the poo 2 the. red 'oY ton; good feed "four, $1.96 to 8.55, while Shoop brou ht yo averse to another Balkan conflict, and| The statement" indicates also tation of agricultural landowners that | fotillas" for organized assaults on a Dita {30 te en to disapprove an attack upon Serbia. | additional troops have been landed the navy now has the submarine men- | {arge scale instead of being despatch- Country Produce. $2 320 each 3 ol lots : as the peninsula, althoug me eta en 3 ace well in hand, lends color to recent | ed singly or in p: fincipally for| Butter--Fresh dairy, 25 to 20} ToBS n a ae Solace oh given on this point, and it a stated unofficial reports to the effect that the! observation purposes nferior, 20 to 22c; creamery p pe x . ERMANY CALLS OUT simply that "further reinforcemen prin British have of late months captured 28 i 29%; 4, og ids, 26 to 27c. FEET LANDSTURM RESERVES have arrived." It is stated that the. a very large number of these sub-' rere ge 0. 1,22 to 28¢c per doz., in DROPPED 2,000 Tosses ha have been yery heavy, but that mersible vessels, and that many ; extra = 5 to: 25c¢. . FROM FLYING SEAPLANE 3 others have been sunk. The number sunk 'has been variously stated at from 20 to 40; but this statement is the only official admission that there were others than those previously an- nounced by the Admiralty: as having been Hestroyed: MUNITIONS MOVING 10 EUROPE RAPIDLY 'June Figures Were About a Quarter of the: Entire Year's Business, : despatch from Washington says: we SURVIVORS AWARD Honey-No. 1 light (wholesale), 10 HONOR BY BALLOT A despatch from London says: The to 11%ec; > 5 ¥% 16¢, Combs Tiholasate) oho 32 oa No. 1, $1.50 to hi No. 2, Victoria Cross. has been awarded fo. Poultry Capt. Willis, Sergt. Richards and Pte Keneally, of the Lancashire Fusiliers, by 'an interesting, though not -unpre- cedented, method of suffr The cotrades of the 1st 'Battalion of the Fusiliers displayed extreme valor during the landing on the Gallipoli Peninsula last April. The King awarded three crosses. The survivors elected Willis, Richards and Keneally as having performed the most signal acts of bravery and: devotion. i TO FORCE BELGIANS 10 OBEY SSERMAN, ORDERS ckens, 20 216; fone, ------ 17 to to 16%e; 15% Provisions. Bacon---Long a to 14%el o Ib, in case lots. 8 to 18%ec; oh rolls, 15 to 1 to 28c; back less Bu backs, dim, rd © tubs, 11% to 123e; do., 12 to" 12%¢; compound; tub 8, 0 10%c; do., pails, 10% 'to 10%e. Baled Hay and Straw. ; straw, to © A despatch from London says: Sub-Lieut. John ' McLarty, of the 2 Ee killed: h frig troops. -Advices from Ber- | several South: ear ching pot 2 fw MT oan: Cheese--TLarge, Welasty 1 fell out, groping 000 feet. | to 15%c Foor: ¢ Old cheese,' 'ike. : The ne is at. pure Baled hay, new, No. 1, fen, $17 to] 1 $19; No. bia wl "baled |' A despatih from A Amsterdam says:|the suffered more severely. As a result of the serious situation facing the Teutonic allies in the Bal- ed. | kans, Germany is preparing to mobi- than pvt ey we The report sets at rest rumors whi Re igi Swiston for Ag pe cut: ¢ os wih the Rusk dn the firs ae positions ¢ "| coast of th but thr he fatiure ne ng

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