i "The special Sunday evening service for mien in the Methodist chufch was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Rogers made a strong 'appeal to men to live out the manly Christian principles. A pleasing feature of the service was the singing by the men's chorus. Through the courtesy of some gen- tlemen with autos a number of schol: ars of the Methodist Sunday School enjoyed a much appreciated trip out into the country last Saturday after- noon. ; PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-- Rev. Geo: Yule, B. D.; of Oshawa, will conduct anniversary services in St. Johns Church next Sunday, morn- ing and evening. Special praise ser- vice is being prepared by the Choit for the occasion. oe High School Sports THE LIST OF WINNERS Wednesday Afternoon at 4.00 |. Standing Broad Jump, Senior. ILHenry 2 M Watson 2 Standing Broad Jump, Junior, 1 RRoach: "2 W Nesbiit 3 Running Broad Jump, Senior. I'L Henry 2 G Howard 4 Running Broad Jump, Junior. 1 R' Roach 2 W Nesbitt 5 Running Hop, Step and Jump, Senior. 15 McTaggart | "2 L Henry 6 Running Hop, Step and Jump, Junior, 1'W Nesbitt 2 R Roach y 7 High Jump, Senior, to two contestants. TLHenry 28 McTaggart 8 High Jump, Junior, complete I R Roach 2 W Nesbitt 9 Putting Shot I'N McLean 2 L Henry Thursday Forenoon 1 Pole Vault. Senior, to two contestants 1 G Howard 2 S-McTaggart 2 Pole Vault, Junior, complete I T Jackson 2 R Roach 3 Hammer and Nails, all but final, | F Switzer 2 G Foster 4 Football Kick f 1 A Hodgson 2.G Brown 5 Throwing Basket Ball, girls. | M Rodman 2 W Ford 6 Hundred Yard Dash, Senior I L Henry 2G Howsam 7 Hundred Yard Dash, Junior I R Roach 2 W Nesbitt 8 Girls' Bicycle Race 4 | A Barrett 2 M Watson Thursday Afternoon 1 Two Hundred and Twenty yd dash, Sr 1 L Henry, 2 G Howsam 2 Two Hundred and Twenty yd dash, Jr 1-W Nesbitt 2 T Jackson 3 Potato Race, Girls ) | M Short 2 L.Dure 4 Jockey Race, open, 25 yards | ' 1 Howsam and Stone | 2 Peel and Leask 5 Hundred Yard Walking Race, girls 1 M Johns 2 L. Munro 6 Bicycle Race, Senior 1 L Henry 2R Plum 5 Bicycle Race, Junior | T Jackson 5 'mou Set double harness, brass mounted Set long tug double le hirness ; Set chain double harness i Set double light harness = Pair Scotch collats and steel hames Show halters, bits, blankets, etc, Implements Massey-Harris shoe drill, 19-hoe M H Seeder and cultivator, 13 hoe Set diamond harrows, 2, 3, or 4 horses MH hay loader ; H 'Mower, 6:ftcut = Frost and Wood rake, 10. ft Sharp's rake, 8 ft M H Seeder and drill Oliver 2 furrow foot lift plow John Deere 2 furrow foot lift plow : Defender 2 furrow riding plow : Drill plow F & W 2 furrow plow Success manure spreader M H Corn Cultivator Peter Hamilton scuffier Single plow Set Sleighs 2 Cutters - 2 Buggies Ellis gasoline engine, 6 h.p. Strek rack 2 Hayracks rollers 2 cutting boxes 2 pulpers 2 a kettles: Dump box Grindstone Carborundum stone Band saw and turning lathe Waggon Stoneboat Maple axletree and bolster stuff, lum- ber for wagon boxes, wagon tongues Many tools and $mall articles such as forks, shovels, hoes, etc. For fuller list see big bills Saw Mill, Lane extended Shaft,2 saws Peerless Separator, feeder, and blower S'M 26 h.p. engine Wood Saw Feed 12 acres corn in shock 6 acres.of turnips A quantity of mangels Thirty Shorthorn Cattle Julia 4th No 92686 Rosa Queen 2nd No 78381 Ball calf riot yet recorded Rosa Queen 3rd No 92687 Bull calf not yet recorded Rosa Queen 4th * No 92688 Bull calf not yet recorded Harriet No 67357 Queen Rosebud 'No 108575 Bull calf not yet recorded Saintfield Beauty 3rd No 108716 Scottish Maid 6th, not yet recorded, and heifer 'calf not recorded Harriet Ist, not yet recorded Bull calf not yet recorded Harriet 2nd, not yet recorded 2 new milch cows Cow due in November, 4 heifer calves Bulls fit for service Flower King, No 90827 Three bulls, 10. months old Pedigrees furnished for all animals GEQRGE JACKSON, Auctioneer Music Class Miss 'Amy Christian, teacher of: piano and voice, will be in Port Perry on Monday and Tuesday of each week at the home of Mr. H, W. Linke. Anyone wishing to sé¢ Miss Chris- tian, kindly call, or Phone 60. |T H E N EW CAR] "Chevrolet" 0 addition to easy riding and comfort, proper spring suspension also only be made by 'the | | means econony. If your 'car has| : proper spring suspension it is easy. onl tailor who knows how, tires and ficans teat with proper care] and to get these. pleasing you ib get the tire milage you are: OFFERI NG catigh Our Spring Suspension fi nsion does: away | : with the tendericy. to' throw or swing the car when' going over rough roads Lor around' comers. "good i, asa well dressed man? Gr 9 Clothes like "these can classes 1 and vol | Studio aha of Mrs. si Commencing on : October 16th, and {Mar ! ending Nov. Ist} RE { ESTATE BENT List your Properties with me. Store Open in the FARMS WANTED in 1 have applications fora number of Even gs 800d 50 acre farms, If you have one P ort Perry Clothing Stor e la aut homes in Prince Blong Block Port Perry | Albets for sale - MONEY TO LOAN fi REE ri, spel ff Lo NOTICE is enchy given that af, Court will be held pursuant to the « Ontario Voters' List Act, by His Honor the Judge 'of the County. "Court of the County of Ontario, at the the Town Hall, Port Perry, o the 19th day of Oetober, - 1915, Np 10 o'clock in the forencon, to : and determing complaints of gory iE represnt leading : adian and Su nisions in the Vg 2 : : of the Municipality of the. Vil of Port Perry for ! ovalage * Dated the 5th day 1 WH. Ha PEANUTS, CA TOMATOES, PEARS. DIES Ta Cale