: Ler us fll your bin for winter, We our'Coal to be nothing bat D: L. & ton Coal, "The Standard Anthracite", the 'Coal mined, considering the quality the est We guarantee Tal rig and That oo ys ) is as free from dirt and possible to be. Orchard the Coal 1 Tl phone Directory is ing prepared, and addi and changes for aout ight toour Hons ant shanges tele, ne? Those who have most precious of modern w will Have you Xi that it conveniences. order to-day and have your a new directory? Bell Telephone Co. of Canada Mr.'S. Graham is our local agent : and samples of our monuments may be seen at onr premises, Perry St, 'Pricesand: Styles will Be shown on application to Mr Graham at the "Post Office; eit Boi ane & RE, oy eo = Port Perry. The oyster season is now opefied : ahd you can rely on getting good fresh stock by buying from SARVIS BROS. HOME-MADE CANDY with a delicious flavor is sold at 'SARVIS BROTHERS BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS : ana Recruiting Meetings ' Seagrave Methodist [x Church next Sunday 'evening after Divine : Service ~ On Sunday evening, Qotober 17, the. meeting will be Henderson who have poo be Jddressed by Majo) - lors from 'every parte of the: Mpc soldiers and g down their lives for you and British Empire are lay: yours. An urgent appeal hag gone forth from the M 'quis of Lansdowne, Presi-. dent of the British Red Cross; for funds to provide medicities, ' a ppliances, comforts, and hospital equipment of all 'kinds to alleviate the Satforings from wounds anid sickness, of sailors and soldiers from ail pire. This appeal ig endorsed by their Majesties, the King: and Quice every British ¢ Pofisession. is setting aside, by official g as day of public giving to aid in this sileitia cause, which stands in severe need of assistance %0 Cy e tremendous. demands in Red Cross | pogith in their pain and suffer Do your part and make "Our Day for Sailors and Soldiers" a tremendous success in your locality. will ing for the want of medieal and other comforts. "We shall be truly g you for assistance in sufferings of our wou and sailors from all Dominions," "This is the first .appeal of the Motherland to Canadians in this humanity as well as our loyalty." John S. Hendrie, Lieut.-Governor. of Ontario. owne, Provident British Red Crees Society. Perhaps some of your own blood are amongst them. present war. It calls upon our. faim { of Carder. WILLIAM CA Bs