fess is one of their dal appeal to men who YOU To SELECT FROM. LLOTHEN GET THE LATEST STYLE RFIT FIT; YOU WILL ALSO GET -"INDWIDUALITY" WHICH YoU Ei WE HAVE HUNDREDS OF SAMPLES FoR HIGH-QUALITY, ALL-WoolL MATERIALS IN THE NEWEST SHADES AND PATTERNS. Clothing For three years we have represented a firm of high grade tailors, Cuppley, Noyes and Randell of Hamilton, During that time we have turned out scores of suits ~~ made of nobby materials and the best of trimmings. f 'The fit and finish were perfect, thoroughly experienced ak : workmen being used in each branch of the work. The result was that we turned out clothing that would be a credit to a city tailor, and at 'a moderate cost to the customer, We are now prepared to take orders for Spring Suits for- men. We can We guarantee satisfaction. please you as we have pleased others. Ivestipuniges awhat OUR CLOTHES WILL FIT YoU BoDY; THE IN WILL FIT YOUR POCKETBOOK. COME New Spring Caps For Men and Boys We are showing an immense range of nobby caps i, Tis Spline Hats Our shipment of new Spring Hats - as arrived and' include both wool and r felt, The styles are new and come ; fine. range of colors. All sizes. Prices 5200 8ng$250 Men"s Negligee Shirts New Patterns Fast Colors WE are showing new shirts in a choice range of stylish patterns and colorings Several makes to choose from 75¢, $1.00, $1.25 and $1. 50 "F. W. TIcINTYRE or Spring including the new fancy velours and silk mixtures, Prices 50c to $1.50 Delineator Regular $1.50 per year, Subscriptions taken this month for 75c per year, { ng Buterick Fashions 350 : Now in Stock -- AND FRATERNAL" ~ ISOCIETIES : METHODIST Rev. W. P. Rogers, Pastor Sunday Services 11.00 a.m. and .00 p.m. be Afternoon, Sunday School and Bible Class. All Welcome. 4 oA PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Mr. West, M.A., Pastor : Sunday Services 11,00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m . a BARES. --t iSO. FEBS. meets | first third Tuesdays of each Wonth att! tand shind 74 ina Perry. ~ | Visiting brethren made welcom: 4 A.B. Cawker, W.P Sl ROSE & Co. "The Fair' ~~ GARDEN SEEDS "Not. too soon to start in "the Hoes ~ We have just received our supply of Simmer's Seeds. Price 2 Pkts. for Sc 12 for 25¢ = 'We start an important sale of up-to- dat merchandise on Thursday, for e eck : Didyou getcireular? Diamonds That word spells Happiness to the one who can wear a good stone. ~ Buying Diamonds when quality and price are entirely a 'matter of haphazzard, when you have to depend on your own judgment to distinguish between several grades, you can hardly hope for entire satisfaction. Nor can you ex- pect to save a great deal. Doesn't it appeal to you as a sane businesslike pro- position, that it is to your advantage to buy when you get positive proof of the actual dollar and cents saving that is possible. gD. Robertson Stationier, Port Perry Jeweler, - Optician, WUNDRED YOUNG WOMEN _ Jom om gags wanted at onch - {J ie or J at once