Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 1 Mar 1916, p. 7

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Pr ¥ 'my condition was t "porter wired ahead to North Bend for my journey. On the train I took sick, and could nob eat, and as I was alone pitidlle. Finally the 'a doctor to see"me. The doctor want ed me to leave the train and go to a hospital, but I detérmined to conf - my mY josey to Vancouver. The cine the doctor gave me. did elp "me, and 1 wis getting worse 4 the time. And then a young man who had the opposite berth asked me if I would * try Dr. Williams Pink Pills"and gave J me @ box he had.' I used these and the stab got Hie Two Mire boxes, wid by - the time I reached my journey's end inths on the: coast, and continued | g Dr. Williams Pink Pills all that "time. I had gained in weight and ap- ' pearantd, and when I started for home I felt better than I had done for years. Now I always Keep Dr. Williams Pink Pills in the house, and both 'my hus- band and my* young daughter have been benefited by their use. I bless 'the day that young man on the train gave me his box of pills, otherwise I might never have tried them, and|A * would have still been an: invalid." You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail, u at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 2 50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Go, Brockville, Ont.' -- FOES OWN MUCH IN: BRITAIN. Germans' Holdings - Officially Esti- mated at $516,000,000. As the war proceeds the demand for the confiscation of German and Aus- trian 'owned property in Britain on the aay iy that ip is much. greater tish owned property in those y. puniles 'grows in insistence. enemy property in Britain and is cus- | 8 : Monten So far the Government has. declin- : a to o take kp tho. 'matter, but members ' * have at last obtainéd h® from 'Mr, Runciman, President of the Sk of Trade, official details" on the subject. - Mr: Runciman estimates the value of property in Germany be- longing to British subjects as approxi- mately. $60,000,000, 'while the pro- perty, in this country owned by Ger. mans' is put at $515,000, . The public trustee is registrar' of todian of money due to enemy sub: in dividends and interest. In ects Fa zeport he Bives the following |: es held on behalf Britain's enemies .... °4210,000,000 in 8,000,000 PE 400,000 "Great Britain had at her com mand a large part of the supplies of 'Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, it only being toward the end of last- year that the embargo was lifted and America, Italy and continen- tal neutrals were allowed to «hel themselves to wool supplies "The. requirements of the 'armies at present confronting 'each other are colossal, and as 'months "pass these wants grow. bigger. It can be safely said the wool supplies of such count- ries as y, France, Austria a Serbia canbe ignored altogether, be cause the weight grown in these countries would be no more than sut- ficlent to 'supply own = armies with one'suit. of , Hence we say that the nations at war most look for their supplies in the outside world, there: being only South- Amer- Nia outside the soptror of ibe Brith 'War { Piya CAvallable. Supplies' . "Our chief supplies Sawrally come from Ausfralasia, South Africa and 'South 'America,' <A a: pe table be- low, the production of the British Isles, being of 28,000,000 sheep, can- not be ignored. The following is a fairly reliable estimate of the 'quantity of wool being grown annually in the countries' named: Pounds 767,041,914 ereesrsss 1 sess rastasces epnanees ass seresenane ' DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED PAIN IN HIS BACK, Mr. Jas. A. Bryce Tells Why He Recommends Dodd's Kidney Pills to All Who Suffér from Kidney Di- sease. Ehes ki Paisley, Ont., Feby. 28th (Special). --"I can highly recommend Dodds pain in the back," says Mr. Jas. A. Bryce, well known and highly re- spected in this neighborhood. "I had been troubled with a pain in my back for about a year. "Reading the self-examination page in Dodd's Almanac led me to believe | that my trouble came from my kid- neys 80 I sent and got a box of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Before they were done I was feeling as 'well as ever. © ."Dbdd's Kidney Pills were Sertainly a. gread boon to me." Dodd's Kidney Pills act directly on the kidneys. By putting them in con- dition to do their proper work they |. accomplish the cures so regularly re- ported. Healthy kidneys make pure blood and the man or woman who has pure blood coursing through their veins can laugh ab. nine-tenths of the ills of lite, FOOD COST ABROAD ns Britain, 'Berlin. and Vienna Report a Large Increase in Prices. According to statistics published by Kidney Pills to anyone suffering from | y. Vass Arenas and Paty 52,000, 120,000,000 rr .1,397,481 21; British sol- Gases aNrasanninns gonia British Isles Total . "Practically speaking, dier is consuming 12 pounds of pure | | woal in his complete outfit, and the statement is justified that the French, ! 'Belgian and, German soldiers use. the' 'ame amount. 'It is estimated that| one-third of the soldier's outfit ig com: posed of shoddy. "Roughly 'estimated,' the 'whole of, the armies of Europe are absorbing! something like 10 pounds por head. Al on the firing line and fn the sil or veut, agli & & through. three | te y eqns a. soldier if sak meh hae oe 30 to 36 pounds'of clean wool: per annum. If we multiply 36 by 15, 000,000 it gives us 540,000, 1g not a very big quantity of wool left from the sources already named to!' supply the requirements of the 'whole fo the civi lian population: of the out-, side. world; souseguently, stocks of have beén pretty well xhausted at the advent of fo Sie 3 new clips. ps of Aus and South a AUSTRIA'S OI Te OLSR SOLOIRS, 2 Men Over. 50 Hit sue suite, B2 dai tent. higher than that of July, 1914. rica | home 000 the British Board of Trade, the retail prices of food in the United Kingdom advanced on 'the average of about 1%4° : per cent. jn January. Flour and bread increased in price about 6 per cent, | Taking the nation as a whole and' , making allowance for the relative im-' portance of various articles in the- working-class household expenditure, the average increase in retail prices of food since the beginning of the ver has been 47 per cent. «The Board of Trade states that ig Berlin the general level of prices of | certain ma important articles {food was 83.4 In Vienna, it. declared, the al level of food prices was 112.9 per whole day shopping. 5. Pester--Not the whole day. 1 AN AMUSING WAR STORY. How & Soldier Saved His Salp for ©". the Enemy. - ; 'apedial' oSiriepondent. of the yo Now York Sun who. is serving in the, ota! French Foreign Legion tells amusing-| ly how he escaped obeying from headquarters; no doubt he was the only man in the armfy who did =o. |- "I must tell you of one thing I.'put over' on my superiors yesterday. An order was issued that all the men must have their Hair clipped close-- by. machine. I -went over to the bu- reau to see the captain about being exempted. " "WHat do you want?' sergeant major. "I explained, but he was impossible. 'No ~ excuse. Here! | Look! I had to have my own cub!' and he showed me his clipped head. " 'That's all right for you,' I - an- swered, 'but not for me. It's ¢ontrary to 'my "religion to cut: off all, ny hair when I go to war.'- * " 'What are out' OR "'An American. "But Americans have no religion. "'Ah, but I am an Indian--an | American Indian'--and so I am, in part. "So I was taken before the adjut- ant, and before the sergeant-major could explain, he, too, burst out ex- citedly, 'Not cut your hair! Look! I asked the declared it Ho + Female Help Wanted... in large hoslery, underwear and sweater factories. Vacancies in all departments, with openings for experienced or inexperienced help, Highest wages and mod- erate priced board. Apply, im- -~ Jpediately, . Poy. wus Limited, Paris, Ont. and accurately. The instrument is about 10% inches long, two and a thick. It is provided with a series of seben dials, which are revolved by a styles when making ecalcula- tions. "A single turn of one of the wheels adds a figure to previous re- Fister. and simultaneously shows a I Use Any House- hold Recipe with Dr. ke anything from it. hot from the oven. 1t won't ferment. makes most delicious baking, prevents { indigestion, is very nutritious, relieves constipation or "money back." That's why a leading ysigian gays it's a god- wend. to humanity. Fapecinliy try it in rridge, pancakes, and gems, but care- low directions on packa, rridge. For an early Fr cook the night before in a double boiler without stirring and warm in the | morning by setting In boiling while ressing. At grocers' 10c¢ and 26] cen Saae by. the Roman Meal Co., Toronto. 0 a1. oo $5,000,000 in Cheese. A $5,000,000 contract has been placed in: New Zealand by Great. Brit- ain for cheese for the army. This is a fifth of the cheese product of the island, Jackson's Roman Meal, and If you like, est t Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, What Is He Now. The recruiting sergeant with a shrewd sense ' of humor has been everywhere. These men have often- times needed all their wits. Said one such to a promising recruit:--"Why don't you join the Army? You would adorn the King's uniform. It's a fine profession is the Army, and promo- tion for all who ask for it! Ldok at i the number of lieutenants! { theré's Lord Kitchener, a' Field-Mar- { shal, and 'at head of the War Office. Why, Lord Kitchener was only your! age once, and see what he is now!" NOTICE TO STALLION OWNERS. Ete. The inspection of stallions the Ontario Stallion Enrolment 'Act will commence March 23rd, 1916. Stallion owners will notice that horses under BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Malled free t address S30 any 3 by Vv. s. America's ped in the Fall of 1914 do not yequire to be inspected at this time but all other horses inspected previous F to the Fall of 1914, which were nob then eight years old, must be inspect- ed in order"to be enrolled for 1916. Application should be made at once Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER, Dog Remedies 118 Weat 314t Stoel, Now Yor Per cent: above' That of, ; (July, 1914. <..- hers 1 To-day--Now. Box LEARN MUSIC AT HOME ! Néw = Method -- To Play 0, to of * fre6 le hessons. | You pay only for. "which 'is small, extras . pote . or advanced pupils. Everythin {llus- trated, plal nj 'simple A ny Free lec- tures each. Sourse. ft 16 yegra Access. Start at once. rite for Free okle 8. SOHOOL OF MUSIC, 225 Pifth Ave. New York City Before plac- {ng your order for seeds, see our 1918 Gold- bilee Catalogue it is free Per Bus. music and postage, | to the Secretary of the Ontario Stal- {lion Enrolment Board, R. W. Wade, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Sowing and Reaping. - To sow bad habits and reap peace 5. of mind is. impossible. To sow earth and reap heaven is impossible. To sow t self-indulgence and reap joy is im- .possible. Seed-time and harvest. are cause and effect. "Youth is ouf sow- 'ing-time. We prepare our own sheav- es. Manhopd and . womanhood will worl no miracles, of change, ; We must sow good in youth if we would reap the fruits of 'joyi later. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,--My daughter, 13: yrs. old, was thrown from a sleigh and injured 'Her elbow, so badly "it re mained stiff and very painful for three years.. Four bottles of + MINARD'S LINIMENT completely cured her and she has. not been troubled for two years. Yours truly, J. B. LIVESQUE. Bt. Joseph, P. O., 18th Aug, 1900. quarter inches wide and half-inch' Roar water | And| now? Morton Morose--No; it is not cessary. When the train sto step off. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff Ling--"I believe a man should be master of his own house. There only be one head in a family, and mean to be it." "That's en to your wife about it?" SEED PFOTATORS iva EED POTATORS, IRISH COB« blers, Deleware, Carman. Or- der at once, Su ply limited. Write for quotations. H. W. Dawson, Brampton. AGENTS WANTED ADY OR GENTLEMAN WANTEDI in every town Attractive ak osition, big money, write Jarvis, 4 RTs Road, Toronto, 2 PER DAY, SALARY AND COM- mission for ladv representative in her home district. Work pleasant, edu< cative, experience unnecessgry. Niche ols Limited, Publishers, Torento. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices sr sale in good Ontarie towns. The @host uscful and interestin of all businesses. ull information of spplication to Wilson Puhlishl ng Comes pany, 713 West Adelaide St, Toronto. LOAN WANTED pe YEAR LOAN OF $80,000 ON ONE of the best equipped Wheat & Stock Ranches in Southern Alberta. Wills ing to give mortgage back .for $88,000 at ® pc. interest paid the first yean after that one-tenth of principal. T. Me Huff, Alberta Block, Lethbridge, Alta. FARMS FOB SALE 1 MPROVED . QUARTER SECTION, half mile from town of Raymo Saskatchewan. Clay loam; well locats $22 per acre, part cash, balance crop Weg, or $20 all cash. half J. Re Booth eyden, Sault Ste Marie, Ont. FARMS WANTED ANTED. -- FARM, ABOUT HALF improv od or relinquishment of 160 Must, be, bare Address WwW acres or more in Ontario. ain. State price location. ox 64, Fort William, Ont. HELP WANTED V OOLEN MILL HELP, CARDERS, spinners and weavers: e. pay inexperienced help while leawni weaving, Good wages paid In all these departments, and steady * work months to come. For further particus lars, apply to the Slingsby Manufac ing Co., Ltd., Brantford, Ont. hire MACHINERY NGINES, MARINE AND STATIONk ary, new and second-hand bargd mitt get list. Guarantee Motor Co, ton, Canada. FOR SALE EDIGREED NEW, FOUND, NID a ny Ok Ale fre B An ens, . esple, 0! ford, Quebec. bi Aw MISCELLANEOUS," P14 ANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS, BTC ternal and ex! me trident, athe ZEIT LA From Frost to Flowers > ely pu meals and berth only | ply 9 and wp. Apply for tickets and H. D. PATERSON, Gen. -- Canada 8.8, Linen 1dm Xdmited, 46 Yonge St, Toron or any ticket rs. A Slight Mistake. Mrs. De Troop (who is short-sight- ed)--""Good morning, Mrs, Simkins. Your husband must be very fond of gardening. I saw him the first thing to be sure!" Mrs. Simking turned her neighbor's face. The latter aghast, went - to tell her daughter. "And you told her the thing in the onion patch was her husband?" "Of course; I did." "Well, that's not her husband; that's a seare-crow!" Minard"s Ziniment, for for male everywhere The modern hl cn can be relied upon io put Jasents in theie plase. Wit- the following genuine extract vom a recent essay at Home--"The this morning down in the bottom of the garden. And how well he looks,! her back and slammed the door in| Beautiful Pri Saddle Golf, Pani, Yao and Sed Bat Heo. of ry

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