Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 8 Mar 1916, p. 1

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5. a | better showing than the towns. a F sanchise 4 a It will uire little ability to know! | req "this fact after awhile-- The people | lose their voice in the government of | the country as soon as their vote is, ! cast. But the men with money begin where the people quit. It is not won- | derful that in olden"days when the passions of the people were under less ~coutrol that riots and revolutions re. sulted from the high-handed injustice of men similar to those-who are to-| diy tiying to secure a renewal of a charter for a railway-- a charter that { has been of no benefit to the people. These men do not want to build s railway but to charge the Hydro a fancy price for a franchise that should not really not be within the right of the Ottawa Government to grant. When the people 1 think and act up-, jon political matters between elections !the franchise hunter and the man who - secures special privileges will have a | much more difficult time than he t 000 District News Oshawa is organizing a "Dollar Day" in. which the merchants offer special prices. f oo | granted three weeks leave of absence and left last Saturday to spend the} time in Hot Springs, Ark, where he | | expects to recuperate his health,which I has not been too good of late. Col. Sharpe spent some time at the Springs a year ago, and returned in the best of condition. It is hoped his present stay will have equally good results. He was accompanied by Mrs. Sharpe' on the trip. 000 A special nurse 1s to be for the health inspection of the pupils of Whithy and Oshawa Public 8¢hools' "Mrs. H. McDonald of Uxbridge, | who is 89 eats old, is on her seventh pair of socks for the soldiers since the beginning of the new year. Noth- |e e {ing to be ashamed of in a record lik ESLT ooo Perhaps it may not be generally! known that Clause 6 of the Act re- specting Truancy and Compulsory School Attendance reads a3 followg:' S48 : 000 : a township of - Whitchurch on uary 1st, according to the auditors' + o he an ii venve uhder Letiers assess ET ad der Jlidiiel The townships generally make y.2 i : "000 Military 'Notes RD BANK OF CANA STATEMENT oF AFFAIRS ON 31 JANUARY, Depa 1270 Teme 8,201,431 Bri ks de be iy r. Morley Honey has enlisted E BE i the 70th Battalion stationed at Assignee s Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Revised Stat- utes of Ontario Chapter 134 entitled, "The Assignment and Preferences Act" and in the 'Miter of Charles]. Averhart and Jobn A Buck of Good- wood in the Township of Uxbridge, Farmers, insolvents. Notice is hereby given that the above named insolvents have made an assignment to me, under chapter 134 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, of all their estate, credits and effects, for the benefit of their creditors. A meeting of the creditors of the said estate will be held at my office in the Town of Whitby in the County of Ontario on the 11th day of March A. D. 1916 at two o'clock in the after- |. noon, for the purpose of receiving a statement of their affairs, to ;appoint inspectors, and for the ordering of the affairs of the estate generally. All persons or creditors claiming to rank upon the said estate are required to file their claims with me, with the particulars and proofs thereof required by the said Act, on or before the day "pof'such meeting. And Notice is f.rther given that after the 1st day of May A.D. 1916, Hard: on Townships I shall proceed to distribute the "The farmers of Ontario, who still assets of the said estate among the 'bear a grudge against the automobile | parties entitled thereto, having regard for its use and abusé of their roads only to rhose claims of which I shall will read with interest the judgement | then have had notice, and shall not of the Court of Appeal in a case of be liable for the assets of the said Davis against the township of Us- estate or any part thereof to any per- borne The plaintiff, a woman, was ' son of whose claims I shall not then driving, at night, along the London have received notice. road and at a point, where a ditch J. F. PAXTON nearly five feet deep with perpendi- Sheriff of the County of Ontario cular sides ran close to the crown of Whitby, Ontario the road, met an automoble at which Dated at Whitby, this 2nd day of her - horse shied, plunged into the| March A.D 1916. ditch and caused injury. - The county judge holding that the road was reasonably safe for all ordinary use, that is, by horse-drawn vehicles, found| \, Root. Wilkinson of Nestleton for the township. The Court of Sution spent 'the week end with Appeal on the contrary, holds that friends here. bls wee it so ny or diary Thos Thompson has sold his val- cil of Usborne when it made the ditch UaPle blood team of Captain Toms, in question, ought, Sir Wm. Meredith {Of # handsome sum. adjudges, to have forseen what took A special consecration meeting was place and to have covered the ditch held in the Epworth League on Sun- or guarded it with a rail. The rule day evening, conducted by Miss Ivy The appointment of Rev. John Garbutt as Chaplain of the 116th Battalion has been confirmed. | Mr. Steckley of Whitby has re- 'ceived the appointment as Lieutenant ' for the 182nd Battalion, provisionally. We hear that_the 116th Battalion is now nearly up to full strength. There is a movement on foot in wa to organize the women of the | | County to relieve men for service. | The W.C.T.U. formed an emergency corps, and will have a bureau of re- gisteration for all women in the County who will volunteer to take mén's places at home. The Inspecting Officer was here last week and was very much pleased with the Port Perry platoon. Corp. Abbotts has been promoted to Lance Sergeant, thus coufirming his stripes. Lieut. Atkinson and Sergt. Abbotts £0 to Toronto to take a special course' igbeyonet and physical yraluing, 000 Raglan | greatly increases the liability of the Babcogk, and several new members townseips and, if it is not as 'Sir Wm. ware received. | Meredith suggests, modified by the | The Epworth Leagues of this dis- | Legislature, the Sownships will be put! trict are holding a special Rally Con- --Weekly Sen vention in the Raglan Church on Hear this Inti and Instructi Friday evening, March 10th, 'and a fine time is looked for. Clifford Platten has engaged with Mr, Arthun Houden of Columbus fos the summer months. The Literary Society are holding a St. Patricks Concert and Box Soéiak in the hall here on Wednesday March 15th. A goad program is being pre« pared. Admission ic; -lodies with boxes free. Everybody come. hr The Soldier Asleep at His Post or The Sunshine of a Sister's Love The above is the title of a most pathetic and beautiful incident, that will be told in story and song, in the Town Hall, Manchester, on Wednes~ day evening, March 15th. The story' in brief is that of a young man, Frank Owens--his chum, Tom Wilton and: his sister, Minnie Owens: Frank aid' Tom were soldiers in the Fedérak Army during the Civil War. Ope: day when Tom was ill, the army Bid: a heavy march, Frank carried Nis: chum's haversack and his own. That night 1t was Tom's turn to go on sen= tinel duty, Frank, though dreadfully tired, took Tom's place. During the lonely hours of the night, Frank whe overcome with fatigue and slept at Nis: post. For this he was sentenced to deoth. His sister, Minnie travelled many hundreds of miles to see Pres- ident Lincoln. The great Presidént heard the story of Frank's devotionto his comrade, pardoned him, and con- ferred great honors upon him for his faithfulness to a companion. This program will be given under the auspices of the Womens Patriotic: Society. Save the Wrappers Surprise Soap wraypers sent to Mrs: iC. J. Pearce or other members of 'the {W.C.T.U. will be used to assist in "the work of the Traveller's Aid. This Department of the W.C.T.U. -is 03+ ganized to guide and assist women and young girls travelling alone. Three ladies are doing this work in Toronto and are placed at the Union Station, Parkdale and Sunnyside. The salaries of these ladies are~al} paid by the rebates on Surprise Soap wrappers. These rebates amounféd to $1186.00 last year. If the amount can be raised to $2000.00 another woman can be employed to do this excellent work and will be placed 1% the Don Station. Save your wrappers and then send them to Mrs. Pearse. wo HAS NOT HEARD OF BILLY SUNDAY? ive Lecture

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