Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 15 Mar 1916, p. 7

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get pi did not e 'got some' more and found Hofer roy ot doe u can geb tee pill theatieh any e dealer or by mail, post paid, 50 cents a box or six boxes for edicine © $2.50 from The Dr. 'Williams Coy Brockville, Ont. . (x7 BSD up ER ° "WHERE IS BE WOUNDED?" Beat Place to Get the Bullet Is In the Chest. ~ 4 That is the first question that comes 'to the lips of those at home when news arrives that a friend or relative 4s out. of the fighting line and in hos- | pital. "Even to those ignorant of sur- 1 Gecided a doctor in Toronto, and was under nis treatment for about four onths with no better results. 1 gave Eira] wn HR L or he ETNITE Tn lat actly the same work in the same | That is precisely the question that the railway managers of this country sar now called on i wr The men ; | employ railway train service are ying priv a 25 per cent. increase in pay doing, nd the work they have been 1] and under. the same conditions, fy The following jens give an idea of the rangé of questions: "How many buildings were requisi: tioned for use as hospitaly before October 1, 19157 How many have been requisitioned since October 1, 1916? How many hotels were there among them? "Why are the daily report of officers lin charge of hospitals "sometimes signed-by head nurses?" jo "It it true that in certain hospitals the patients of the same ward are al- lowed to take the air only twice a week and in squads of only six at a time; and why?" "Why in some sections of the army do men sleep with their clothes on?" Such cases have done more than anything else to call the attention of the publie to the impositions' that cer- tain members of Parliament make upon the Minister's time. It has de- veloped a decided current of opinion in favor of measures to put a stop to it. One proposition favored is the "| adjournment. of the session by the "of President under the powers 'confer- is the result of a Fa spent by the e-. railroads for better roadbeds, heavier rails, rs tracks, block . signals, automatic couplers, air brakes, mech- anical stokers, oil burning engines and many other safety and labor-sav- ing devices, for which the employes | 'made no investment and a assumed no financial risk. The men who are now asking for 25 per cent, pay are and always have been the best paid of all railway employes. 'Their wages range from $800 a year for inexperienced brake- men to nearly $4,000 a year for en- gineers on the best runs. The aver- age wages of the 800,000 employes who are demanding an increase are: $1,263.87 a year, an increase of 40 per cent. since 1904. The 1,400,000 f gloat wonders, the idea prevails that ih. rajlway employes average is better to be wounded in some ae in others "Dr. Henry 8. Souttar, in the course of a lecture, declared; "If you have to be 'shot, the best place to get the bullet is in the chest. ; the next best thing is'to £2 I have several friends $684.78, an increase of 25.2 per cent, since 1904. These are the facts, Mr. Farmer. Will you think them over and. then say if you think the railway train service smployes are justified in|German threatening the prosperity of every in- ®{ dustry in this country, of even the | very existence of 'individuals depend- | tWO- ent for food Supply on uninterrupted 'railroad' service? Ba a THE FRENCH WAR MINISTER ® Gen. Gallieni Works Day and Night Despite Great Age. General Gallieni's * great age and are being put to a severe red upon him by the Constitution of 1875. On the other hand, the Social- 4 ists and Republican Socialists have proposed the nomination of a perman- ent commission of 44 members, with power to visit any part of the front and any military establishment or quarters behind the front. we lpm DRINKS MOST COFFEE. of 2% Billion Pounds Annually Con- sumed Holland Comes First. The people of the world annually consume more than 2 1-2 billion pounds of coffe. Three-fourths of this is grown in Brazil, a country that has become rich from its $llee industry 'alone. Europe and Ni America bear approximately the orth relation to the consumption of cof- fee that Brazil does to its produc- ion, these two Sontinents using near- ly four-fifths of all the coffee the a world produces. Holland is the greatest Sriuldn nation on the nited and Snes} fete gh ey annually, w uses nine and a hile on; five and one-eighth pounds; Austra- two and two-fifths pounds, an the United Kingdom, two-thirds of a pound. On the other hand, the United Fates uses Jess than 'one pone of tea per capita, wheré "the United Kingdom uses nearly seven pounds. anada is about two thi English and one- third American in its use of coffee and tea; it shows a decided prefer- ence for tea, but drinks less of it than the the mother country, making up the difference with coffee. The Ger- mans and the Austrians use only a negligible quantity of tea. coffee- lobe. It th unds meg STOPPED SHORT Taking Tonics, and Built up on Right Food. The mistake is frequently made of | system on so-called tonics. New material from which to re- build used up tissue cells is what bera-| should be supplied, 'and this can be nd! obtained only from proper food. "I found myself on the verge of a = sifu! blessing in disguise." "| to-day what" I always "knew which hive Tae from Sir Nearly : na explain- Ra! 'his 'seventicth, birthday, he de- | clared, "I havé aimed. at health and piness, and when confronted ormidable; obstacle 1 have tried to knock it over; failing this, t + One walks in sunlight, ave been content to lie down in- its grateful shade, lauding it as a beau: ae + The other utterance was the mess- age he despatched to Australia when | g| the story of the heroism of Anzac was known. "The whole world knows t | Australians are true to the core "and loyal to the backbone." BRAG, Are Worth Their Weight in Gold WHAT MRS. BROWN SAYS OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. ° an New Brunswick Lady Feels It Her Duty 'to Tell Women That Dodd's Kidney Pills Are the Best Remedy She Ever Used. Miscou Harbor, Gloucester Co, N.B., Mar, 13th (Special.)--"I think Dodd's Kidney Pills are worbh . their weight in gold." .This is the state- ment of Mrs. James Brown, well known and highly respected here. "I think it would be ungrateful on my part if I did not tell what a bless- ing Dodd's Kidney Pills have been to me," Mrs. Brown continued: "I. was in bed three weeks with headache and gore back. Then I began to use Dodd's Kidney Pills and 1 found them the best remedy I have ever used." Mrs. Brown is just one of the many women in New Brunswick who . are telling of pains relieved and health restored by the great Canadian kid- ney remedy. Dodd's Kidney Pills are suffering women's best friend, because they act directly on the kidneys. They tone up the kidneys and put them in condition to do their full work of straining all the impurities out of the blood. Nine-tenths of women's troubles come from diseased or disor- dered kidneys. There is abundant evidence on every hand that Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all Kidney troubles. oh Simplicity. At a British recruiting meeting re- cently the speaker, having got his ence in a High state. of -enthus- Prod by telling them of the many brave deeds performed by our sol- digrs in France, suddenly espied a big, strongly built man at the-back of the hall. "My man," he cried, "how is it that you are not at the front?" "Oh, it is all right," replied the burly 'yokely "I can hear every word You say from here" 4 | Sure Thing. "Money doesn't bring happiness." "Maybe not. But it will help you greatly in going after it." Good for Children. Mothers! Physicians agree that flavor and the body building ele ments of grains lle in the dark parts usiially thrown away. So also do the lime salts which your child needs to harden bones and teeth. Children fed upon coarse dark cereals develop greater resistance. © Witness the Bulgars and Serbs. Roman soldiers who conquered the world fed upon two bands of entire grain food a day. Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal is a scientifically balanced ration made from several entire grains. It's delicious, easily prepared in a variety of ways and nourishes better than meat. IVE a natural laxative. Most procers sell it. "Made by Roman Meal o., Toronto, Canada. It Was the First Time. Jones was a past master of the habit of carelessness. He dropped things around in any old place .and afterwards never remembered where fom el was. -One night he rose bed to io got some medicine and llar button in mls- 'his wife when it. costs if we give it a happy. some heart each gf ut oh Kind word or. tender smi we go on our Pepe a look will | to clear A 'The seud rom 4. y v's fate, e press of a hand in "A Oral tear efface. Fympe ¥ WaY, other goes All weary in the sha: One raids a path 3, shat i fair and Ano hr must. a for aid. It costs so juate gy for al ky " We a2 it so Hite thought, LA = le==kind words--a glance--a uc! - And what magic may be wrought! ----------- THE SUN LIFE OF CANADA. New Records Have Been Created By . This Company. The Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, achieved records during 1915 that are new in the Canadian life assurance field. Assurances of over $34,000,000 were issued and paid for in cash; total assurances now in force over $250,000,000; total pay- ments "to. policyholders since organ- ization more than $52,600,000; assets in excess of $74,000,000, a cash in-| come of neatly $16,000,000, and an un- distributed net surplus of over $7, 500,000. All these figures are high- water marks in the annals of Can- adian life assurance. On another column will be found a comparative statement of the business done for! 1914 and 1915, and also a stat Up to 'Date. "You seem deeply attached to your little playmates." "Her doll saved my doll's life," ex- plained the doctor's daughter. "How was that?" "She consented to a transfusion of sawdust." SEED POTATOES BED POTATOES, IRISH | COB- r lewara, Carman. = Or- a I SOR] limited. Write for . quotations, ~wson, Brampton. RR FOR SALE Pe DIGREED NEWFOUNDLAND ford, ities "3 for male, Also few Pers on A. Gillespie, Abhots- AIR SILVER BLACK CROSS BRED foxes, trade for used car, Reld Bothwell, Ont. NURSERY STOCK JH 1oi-crass NURSERY STOCK -- buy and save middleman's profits; write for catalogue, Dominion Nurseries (Smith, Reed & Co.) St, Ct itharines, Ont, Bros., AGENTS WANTED ADY OR YOUNG MAN TO (OL- 4 lect in their Ineality. Dominion Works, Toronto. NEWSPAPERS POR SALd. ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale In gvod Ontarlo | owns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information ona | application to Wilton Publishing Come pany. 73 West Adelaide St. Toran nto. MISCELLANEOUS, ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. ETOC internal! and external. cured with. pain by our home treatment. Writs oo tuatore 00 late. Dr. Bellman Medical t| Co. Limited, Collingwood, Ont. showing the Company's growth from 1872 to 1915, all of which show a re- markable increase, and also reflects the greatest credit on the mannge- ment of the Sun Life. gre ie An Uneasy Seat. "My," said little Alfred, as he looked up from his book, "this sailor must have been some acrobat!" "Why, dear?" queried his mother, "Because," replied Alfred, "it says in the book, 'Having lit his pipe he sat down on his chest." Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Explained. brother is. Elsie--I guess that's only my half-brother. 'cause he's Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Have used MINARD'S LINIMENT for Croup; found nothing equal to it; sure cure. CHAS E. SHARP. Hawkshaw, N.B., Sept. 1st, 1906. Not an Exacting Girl. "Your love," he said, "would give me the strength to lift mountains." "Dearest," she murmured, "it will only be necessary for you to raise the dust." Minard's Linbment Cures Dandruff Little Pauperism in England. The record for pauperism for Eng, land and Wales during the past yedr is the lowest ever reached. Compar- ing 1876 with 1916, the ratio shows a decrease from 29.2 to 15.8 per thous- and, a falling away of practically one- half. Pauperism in London separately has not declined in the same propor- Sion, nevertheless the percentage has in this period been cut down from 26.8 to 18.0. As compared with 1914, last year showed a decrease in every division of Erzland and Wales of 69,- 702 persons, or 11 per cent. Frog Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eto. The sick man slééps when the debtor can not. f oy 'BERMUDA The Ideal Winter Resort Beantiful ives, adds Tank jo 8, th iment.' 9 wa Prost Ga" ast Caller--What a tiny little chap your! BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed N allel free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER, V.S. 118 West Hide Be York f Lefore plac. ( ng your order for seeds, see our 1916 Gold- N§ ) on Jusiise. Catalogue if is free Gov't. Bta No. 1 Red Gover (Fancy) $18. 15 No. 1 Alsyke 3.00 W No. 1 Timothy 1558 Allow 80c for each cotton bag J We pay railway fi ht in On- tario and Quebec over $25.00 CANADA'S ; GREATEST Muskrat Handler is the old firm of HIRAM JOHNSON Limited, 410 St. Paul 8t. W,, Montreal. Ship all your furs there and obtain full value, WANTED We furnish cans, pay express charges and guarantee highest prices CREAM Write for particulars. TORONTO OREAMERY 00., LIMITED ToronTO! ONT. Referencss Our Banker (Dept W) He would tell you that he can do lots more work, : when the wagon wheels dre greased with : ARE Mica Axle Grease fills the _ pores ot Be axle. Makes 8 Rosy iin Rg

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