Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 15 Mar 1916, p. 8

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CREE Tae ~ Local consumers must therefore not be s:rprise of coal increases in May instead of Ete g down. Our present prices lor No 1 D. L e mine is hl : "The mine strike if they (do not get a material 'enny Scranton Coal "The Standard Anthracite' are: ~ 5 a ENG Co. We Stove and Ege Pea Coal "At bin /7.50 $71.2 + $6.25 Delivered $8.00 "8 The W. C, T: U. here | ed for their entertainment inst, ' The program : ; hearing. Those to take p . | Quarfette, under leadershij Mr, i Son Ross will assist with cornet." Mrs. Eddy from Denver, Colorado, will be the elecutionist for the ing. Mrs. Stalter from Oshawa will be present. Refreshments will be served after the program. ' SVROLET "Four-Ninety Price Complete, $675.00 f.o.b. Oshawa This Powerful and quiet running automobile is the product of experience, It is comfortable, durable, and good to look upon. It is economical in its =An- sumption of fuel. Properly. fitted with such equipment as is used in high-priced cars BEARE BROTHERS Agents - - Pepe Hill About sixty women attended the In- | stitute meeting at the home of Mrs. James Strong last Wednesday after- noon. Papers were given by Mrs. J. B. Graham and Mrs. Wm. Darcy, vocal and instrumental solos by 'Miss Nash and Miss White. The women's free will offering amounted to $21.00. 66 pairs of socks, 40 flannel shirts, : 8 flannel bottle covers and 2 of Port Perry bed slippers were the hh avy the months work, and material for a simi- lar amount was distributed. - About 100 pounds of books, magazines, and illustrated papers and five "news from home" scrap book, were forwarded to Miss B. Holliday is spending a few Prospect weeks at Welland with her brother. Glad to report that Miss Vera The Ladies Aid had a very success- Sommerville is now recovered from fu} meeting in the church on Weds, har recent attack of blood poisoning nesday. of last week. in her hand. Pte. Hervey Smith, spent Sunday Miss M. Robinson of Brougham, |under the parental roof. spending a few days with her cousin{ Mr. Donley had the misfortune to Hospital i in France. - A * Manchester. Mis. J. Munroe. : lose a horse. The Red Cross Society of, Mai Miss Dawson of Scolt, visiting rela-! * Mr, and Mrs. Chas Wales, Spent! chester forwarded to the "Head Office tives | ere. Sunday with friends in Port Perry. | at Toronto the following articles on had | March 2nd. 13 dozen Socks, 2 pair wristlets, Mr Earl Cook, is home for a week Little Miss Marjorie Gilroy, from Toronto, where he has been the misfortune while playing, to fall dozen surgical shirt 0 empl ved. dh and fracture her leg, wipes; 1 pa Ry 1 Eo To Mr G. McClintock is improving The young people of our league! dozen pillow slips. nicely after her recent illness expect to spend a social evening at Mrs. W. Thompson, Pres. Mr J. McClintock spe Wednes- Raglan, Friday night of this week. Mrs E. Holtby, Secy. day w h his 1s her | Phe leasue have postponed their on New Records Created by The Sun Life of Canada Progzsve business methods, backed five years of fair-dealing, have achieved for the A ony" Canada during 1915 records that are new in the Canadian life assurance field. Hn ne over $34,000,000 jteued and paid for in cash; Total MM Assurances in F. of 250,000,000; Total P. ts to Policy- holders since: gant tion of of more jiore tan 5 $52,600 000; Assets i in excess 000.900; a Cos oy 25S 0000 ed ter tri -- Sark in the annals Soepos of one Be ae Be Their a * maintains the established prestige of the Sun Life of Canada as A Leader Among the Life Companies of the Empire ¢ " The following eas) sud unifdium Sierfotes re ; program' are the Port erry 'Male | Dep H. Follick; Bandmaster Roach and ; versant with the plan. of i even- | | Bowmanville en route to Miss' Bruce's | Mrs. White are going to New Ontario {where Mr. White owns some land. { ; village for a few days had fair success 3 got fost out toward Port Perry last: "| Lieut. N. McLean and Pte. Fred vi Aldrich at' home over Sunday. 4 Mr. Wes Frise, S. McCoy, lore {the village a couple of days last week The new recruits to don 'the Khak; | ; [last week were Mr. W, Callford, M. etn of * Agricu The public is invited to. with a view. 'to becoming n Where is Ontario County ro Se 00 years,' dropped dead in Lindsay one day recently. » 000 - Mrs. Pankhirst, suffragette, ad-| dressed a crowded meeting at Peter- boro. She gave a stirring reeruitibg address. J 000 i : A. R. Walker, -G. T. R. engineer who heroically rescued a child from death near Utterson has been award- ed the Parchment Certificate for Bravery by the Royal Canadian Humane Association, 000 Utica Mrs. A. White of Quarker Hill, (formerly Miss Hayes) has sold her property of about 12 acres to Mr. Harper of Uxbridge and formerly. of Utica. ~ He and his son Fen. will 'move to Quaker Hill while Mr, and The change takes place on April 1st. Seagrave: - Remember the Patriotic Baazar and Concert held in the church on Friday evening, March 17, St. Patricks day. Lunch and hot oysters will be served. Everybody come. We are able to report that Mr. a the house. Lieut. W. Watson and Pte. Arthur] Sheckleton' were recruiting in the Who were the two young men who week, | Visitors to the city last week were McDougall, and J. H. Brown, Watson, M, Clarkson and J: Somers. _ Jeremiah McCathy a man of nu] win IW. H. Doubt = "Tanner is able to be up and around p J *{ son of whose claims I shall not Cl Mr Murray Watson of Toronto, in | Last Saturday evening a number of |; | friends and neighbors gathered at the | _ home of Mr, and Mrs. George W. | Brown on the eve of their departure | - {from the farm and presented them | ff [with a-beautiful combination writing i fiesk nd bookease and a china ted | i "own convenience. Merchant Tailor |: : Port Perry ar Ontario, sign s Molicg [ee o - Es 'The applicant claims' title - Io Creditors - land by virtue of a sale : In the matter of the. Revised Stat axes ates of Ontario Chapter 184° led, | Grey, "The Assignment and Preferences e notice tt Act," and in the matter of Charles said land under the | Averbart and John A Buck of Good: | Assessment Act or fi wood in the Towaahip of brides; take - other proceedings Farmers, insolvents. So issue of a certificate is hereby given that the Stocant Whkin i above named insolvents. have made an' 'service of this notice upon y assignment to me, under chapter 134 tificate of title will issue to of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, of cantor to whom he may all their estate, credits and effects, you will Sheronlin be 4 1 for the benefit of their creditors, "ped &ind devarred from etting up. an 'A meeting of the creditors of the claim to, or in Sard. y Office ' in the Town of Whitby in the County Carman, this 22nd day "of F of Ontario on the 11th day of March one thousand nine hundred and 4 AD, 1916 at two o'clock in the after. teen, noon, for the oe of Seteiving a al statement of their affairs, to appoint | ; inspectors, and for the oh dering of the oo the Frorines o Manitoba, affairs of the estate generally. ng compege the South All persons or ereditors claiming to uarter 'and the uth half of rank upon the said estate are required North-East quarte of Section' Twent to file their claims with me, with the two (22) 'mn Township Nine Oo particulars and proofs thereof required Range Six (¢ t of th first Pri by the said Act, on or before the day Meridian. fe Hwa : ncipa of such meeting, A And Notice is Farther given that To William Wes'ey Owens, of the alter the 1st day of May A.D. 1916, Village of Port Perry, in the Count shall proceed to distribute the of Ontario, of the Province of Ontari Lf the - said: estate" among the, Blacksmith. parties entitled thereto having re ed only to rhose claims of 'which T sl (Bed) H. w. H KNOTT, i have had notice, and shall 'not [sEBL] Db for the assets of the said! Reni : estate or any-part 'thereof to any Jer} - ORTON'S MILL then! A serious fire oceured have ro {last week when the > planing J Fg ducted by J. A: Orton. was ve oy ot Qs destroyed, nothing could be > The firre started from 4 'an or Dated at ih this' 20d, day" of. 4 March AD, 1016 GOES LAND REFERRED 10 |

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