Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 28 Jun 1916, p. 7

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ngs | in death claims, "The sick and funeral tongue. tongues of all the members of the cat family are covered with currious re- ED Cai domesite cat are very small, but are a er ahve the ing of roughness. ae the common lion or tiger, these spines are fre- quently found projecting up for an eighth of an inch or more, with very { sharp points 'or edges, While the A fron Mle rR agi et | and smooth, but when the animal is. | | Sxeited the spins. become Hig. ~~ rei "A PROGRESSIVE 'SOCIETY. Canadian Onder of of Foresters Are Prospering. 4A report report of the annual meeting of be found in this issue. The re x-| of the several officers of the .| show the same steady progress Juting 1915 which it has' enced since its joe inception in. 1879. RY Insurance Fund increases g the year to $465,500.32, the suny since the | | Order's inception. JAfter the payment of 502 .death claims, amounting to $592,179.88, this fund showed $5,205,~ 868.62 on at enf™of the year. The amount = hand at the present time is $5,388,754.68. The yearly re- venue from investments now amounts to nearly half the total amount paid benefit fund shows a larger net in- crease than in any year in the Order's . Arrangements have been carrying enlisted members | withou inconvenience to the general rate for 1916 was e-war claims were ould have been ' Order is to be Canadian Order of Foresters will | Your country is y t she's going to sé ough the bullets kil and * from hom and | trees, 'like the elm, sycamore, linden and willow will stand the process of wh le Belgian, French / , HEROEES oF tm THE TRENCHES, Pais Exiloits Which Won the DS and DCM. A number of additional D.S.0s| pros 'and D.C.M.'s have beén conferred '|among the brave deeds recorded: to [umberland Fusiliers--He got behind 1 i ~ 1 B Dodd's Kidney. Pills." = was the message Mrs. Patrick ® Williams of this place sends to suf- fering women all over Canada. Lik ¥ {many 'other women she dislikes talk- ing about her troubles, but she feels 'not be doing right to let she 'wou! "ian enemy machine gun,'put it out of action with a bomb, and accounted an for three of the gun'team with his revolver, He also, with great cool- ness, met an enemy counter-attack {and bombed them back. Second Lieut. Kennedy-Cochrane- Patrick, Rifle Brigade--He climbed and attacked an enemy machine 14,000 feet, and, although he failed in "his first and second attacks, he went for itsflgain a third time, shot both pilot and observer and brought down. He followed it down and land- ed alongside, Major Scott, Australians--He led others suffer when she had learned 'a "small column to reconnoitre a dis- from her own experience how greatis tant enemy post, attacked it, killed the relief and how easy is the cure to several of the enemy, and brought in be found in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Nine-tenths of the weakness: and; women bear #0 bravely suffering 38 prisoners, including the officer in ycommand. His plans were so well {laid that he effected this with the loss comes from sick kidneys. Sick or dis= of only one man and one horse. ordered kidneys fail in their duty of straining the impurities out of the, wicks--He lai a raiding party Lieut. James Shute, Royal War- into blood: This means that these impuri-| the enemy's trenches in broad day-' ties, these seeds of disease, are thr e natural cure is Dodd's Kidney Pills. ried to all parts of the body. They always cure sick kidneys. : ee pre PRUNING OF TREES. [ Usefil Suggestions ons for this Necessary Treatment. dead branches of the ailanthus wise. not "head back" or cut off the top of a tree except where the tree is old and failing, and then unde special instructions. Be as sparing and as Sadicions pruning as possible, and do not rais the branches so high as to make the tree look like a telegraph pole. Commence pruning the tree from the top and finish at the bottom. Make every cut as close and par- allel to the trunk as possible. To rhake the cut perfectly smooth the sa wmust be well set and sharp. Leave no stubs, dead and dying wood, or fungus-covered branches: be- hind you. Da the ve several . large e at a tim railually, 1 barks off th They Hmbgny first e tits on a slant Som: heading. back more than others, an ar is a tree. that must be cut its ing too tall. 'and un- years' to keep shortening a branch, leave a the end to draw the sap us en- winglayer under he bark . ut wound and Always use "a pole saw. and pole shears on the tips of long branches, and use thewpole hook in removing and other brittle trees where it would be ho 1 dangerous to reach them other- in fail to cover every wound , not allowing it need- e wo light, and after accounting for several of the enemy, skilfully withdrew with 'only one slight casualty. ti mempeittion Gay Times at Banff, Sports are now at their height at Banff. A regatta was held on July 1st on Bow River in which canoes, row boats and launches participated. An "informal dance will be "held in the ball x of the Banff. Springs Hotel on Wehesday and Saturday evenings has just been held for which a silver cup was presented by the Springs Hotel, prizes also included gold, silver and bronze medals. competition was very keen, seventy players taking part. ~ about r He Wanted Peace." .Two soldiers were conversing. One asked the other what made him en- list. "Why, I had no wite and children --no one but myself to think of; and, besides, Ilikes war. But how come { you to join the army?" "Well, you see, I had a wife, and I joined the army because I likes peace." " ea Minara's Lintment used by Physicians. ) = am------. : Congributor. "Have you contributed to the aid of those in distress?" "Yes. I have lost six umbrellas in the last two months." e Rating on the road to success causes disasters just as it does 'on other Bvendes ¢ e x Lumo t Rock y ZomoxT 0 SALT WO 60-62 Jarvis Bt, Toronto, On in lowed TS Ta "|England and the following are!ihe lo ' oy © Temp. 2nd Lieut, Holmes, North- at| it during the season. A golf tournament ! Banff | The | ! | war zone, They are allowed to have Fonly what is issued in the ration. Rus. prohibits the sale of vodka, and local pion meses may close wing and beer A great incre: se in hay fol- Junited umber of selling places, and Be the hours of sale. mark and Norway have placed restrictions or prohibition upon the use of grain and iatatacs in making spirits, envision NO MEDICINE AS GOOD FOR R LITTLE "ONES Onge a mother has' used Baby's Own { Tablets for her little ones she will use nothing else. The first few doses puake her realize there is nothing, to eqtal them in making baby ian keeping him well. Concerning a Mrs. C. E. Stilwell, Winthrope, Sask., writes:--"1 have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past ten years and have found them so good for my little ones that I always keep a box in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 | Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. aon Coals to Newcastle. Mother was measuring a dose of | tonic for her little son, who looked up and said: "What am I taking this for?" "An appetite," she replied. "An appetite," he scornfully peated. one-half I want to eat." re Keep Minard's Liniment in the house The Next Best Thing. A hospital nurse was testing a volunteer on his practical knowledge of first-aid work. "Now, what would you do in casea man collapsed ?" she asked. "Give him some brandy, miss," plied the man. "But suppose you had no brandy?" | "Sure, then," he answered cheer- fully, "I'd promise him some, miss." Sore Eyes: re- Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dust and Wind Juickly relieved by Murine ye Remedy. No Smartin, ings just Eye Comfort, Your Druggist s S0c per Bottle. MurineEye $alveinTubes25¢c. ForBook of theEyeFreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co. ,» Chicago A Narrow Escape. "Did you see my sunburst night?" inquired the pompous Newrich of her poorer neighbor, "No I didn't." seid the neighbor caustically, "but I certainly thought he would if he ate another bite." last Mrs. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,--This fall ¥ got thrown on a fence and hurt my chest very bad, so I could not work and it hurt |me to breathe. 1 tried all kinds "of Liniments and they did me no ' good. One bottle "of MINARD'S LINI- MENT, warmed on flannels and ap- plied on my breast, cured me com- pletely. C. H. COSSABOOM. . Rossway, Digby Co. N.S. G00D POSITIONS BRIGHT GIRLS. rators wanted on electric power sewing machines, to make Via t wee aranteed. , x Hashing ter or In person to Zid. | | there for the last fort A Stinger. An Irishman one day went into a market ,and was perceived by the stall-keeper, who was attending to an- other customer, to be talking earnest- ly to the fish. Thinking to catch him, he said, "Well, Pat, what are you ask- ing the fish about?" "Sure," ' re- plied the Irishman, "I inquired the latest news. from the sea." "Well" salil the fish merchant, "what did they say?" "Why, they didn't Know," replied Pat, "cause th hadn't been Minard's Liniment Tun Tumberman's Friend Vitality Lower During Raids. At sn inquest in England on a wo- {man who died from illness brought on by the news of a Zeppelin raid, a | physician declared that when the raids were ip progress the yitality of and ught cents a box from The Dr. Williams | "I can't begin to hold now; any MADE IN CA CANADA Sama ae ES The Warrior's Welcome Home. Returning Soldier--'Ullo, mother! His wife (with stoic self-control)-- 'Ullo, Fred! Better wipe yer bodts before you come in, after them muddy trenches. ~ BA Instead of speaking his own mind many a man echoes his wife's, SEED FORA vO ) NOgaTOLS. | TUSH SE ERD COB. eleware, Ca Tan, Ore der ar once. Sophy HNinited, Writs tor quotation sor, Crampton KELP WANTED. IRL WANTED FOR GENORAL housework. Three in family, splen= aa home, good pay. Write 101 Kendal Ave, Toronto, PoagHERs WANTED FOR SCHOOLS in Saskatchewan opening ti $s the summer Salaries from $720 $900 er. year. Free registration pply | Saskatehewnn TBuchers Saehcy, 1770 | Scarth Street, Regina, Sask. ANTED~MACHINISTS, TROD ER8/nd Pattern Makers, work, staté age, experience and Wages. Boving 'Hydraulic & Engineering ® Co., Limited, Lindsay. Y ANTED--MACHINISTS, FITTERS, Planer, Lathe aud Shaper Hands; also Toolmakers: steady work, het wages. Apply the Brown Boggs Co. Hamilton, Ont. EN WANTED FOR L branches of Finishing trade, in- cluding Rubbing and Polishing, Cabinet Makers and Trimmers. Steauy work and good wages for competent men. When applying state experiance and whether married or single. Apply The Geo. McLagan Furniture Co., Limit ed. Stratford. Ont. NEWSZ2AZERS FOR GALS. ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices tor tale in good Ontario owns. he most useful and interesting of all Vas uehage: Full Information on appiication to Wilson Tublishi Com- 78 West Adelaide Street. Toronto MISCELLANEOUS. NM ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, internal and external. cured with % h te. Dr, Ellman M Co., Limited. Collingwood\. Ont. BOX NAILERS, SAWYERS, LABORERS, good wages. Apply or write Firstbrook Bros. Limit- ed, Toronto. THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS that make a horse Wheeze, Roar, have Thick Wind or Choke-down, can be reduced with ABSORBINE also other Bunches or Swellings. Noblistery no halr gone, and horse kept at work, Eco» nomical--only a few drops required atan ape lication. $2 per b bottle delivered. Book 3 M free; RBSORBINE, JR, t182,5tiseptE liniment fof mankind, reduces Cysts, ens, Painful, Swollen eins and Ulcers. $1 and $2 a bottle at dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence'* free, W, F. YOUNG, P. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg, Montreal, Cas Absorbine aad Absorbine, Jr. are made lo Cemada i Vv Assorted Oellnloid Patriotic Butions SEE O56 The above DR shows three of he twenty different Patriotic Bubs ons ahd Flags of the Allied Nations whigh Canadians are proudly wear ing to-day. In order to advertise our. Tag Day Supplies we will send you these twenty designs, upon the re- ceipt of 25 cents. This Is a Eo toa you will prize and keep. Ask for a price on a large Flag for your home. T. P. TANSEY, Dept. "pr 186-188 Peel St. Montreal ufacturers of Badges, ons, | be sud Tag Day Supplies. Mchingry For Sale * Wheelock Engine, 150 fl.P,, 18 x42, with double main driving belt 24 ins, wide, and Dynamo 30K W. belt driven. All in first class condition. Would be sold together or Scparate- ly ; also a lot of shafling at a very great bargain as ve |r00m 18 required immed

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