ool Gloves - ves knit with a fine cash' : olor with "close ribbed heavy tweed mixtures and 'lain ni navy and 4 black Kersey cloths. These coats are Per pair 50c made up in smart belted styles with re- versible or plain tailored models with notched lapel collars. Sizes 34 to 42. Price $15.00 TENS WINTER WEIGHT TROUSERS We have just received a shipment of heavy tweed trousers, grey 35¢ "Window "shades made 'of oiled : "opaque cloth in cream, grey, or dark artain green, Olso cream in' water colors. All shades are e mounted on depend: Price 36¢ v "stripes and tweed mixtures. Men's Tweed Trousers, $2.75 Men's Tweed Pants made of heavy Canadian Tweed in a brown mixed herringbone stripe. A pant made for comfort and wear. All sizes. Price $2.75 Untearable Tweed Trousers, $4.50 Men's Trousers made of extra weight untearable tweed in a dark grey mixture. Just the thing for outdoor work in cold weather. Price $4.50 MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS Grey Flannel - Shirts $1.00 Men's shirts made from English flannel in a mid 'grey. Garments are full size and well made. All sizes. Price $1.00 Military Flannel Shirts, $1.50 Men's Shirts made from heavy English military flannel in a dark grey and white mixture. Price $1.50 =F. rw TIcINTYRE October Delineator 15¢ Now in Stock ry. Holmes!" : ereral Merchant > Ontarls : Overall Apro Horsehide Gloves, lined' h 25c 25¢ 25¢ 7bc B suger, $8.00 owt | ellen "8% cwt, abundance. : t | per cent. off all "Boots. { Prices for -- _ 3 for 25¢ | Division Courts Stings : * COUNTY OF ONTATIO --i916 | WHITBY --Clek, Mim EL Macdonell, Jan4, Feb I, Mar 1, Apr 4, ane 82 oore, U EES Shai Yehol ye TON-Clerk, Chas A Pater. uly 13, Sept 21, N Eh SAL son, Beaverton, UPrekeo ti Gk Daniel Leon- 7 Sey 22 Now 3 ho May 12, fo oe Sept, Nov 21, Jan 9, 1917. a E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace Optometrist, WATCHES Now is the time of the year that one is think- ing about buying a watch for himself or for a friend --it should make no difference. He should use the very best of judgment and get what you expect from a watch--that is the correct time at all times. He should first consider the make that is suited for his walk in life--second, the grade that will suit him best and third, the price. Our prices are right--you get one hundred cents worth for every dollar you spent. JD. Robertson Jeweler, Stationer, Port Perry Coal Oil Don't fa t that Jamieson sells the ighest grade of American Coal Oil. -