Exemption Boards have d from all infl Being familiar peen chosen m such a way as to make them apsolutely There are over 1,250 boards throughout the i il a . inted by the in the district ned and one select Parliament. B Bed by Sounty fudsein the di here ey sit, the ined we are wellfitted to appreciate - i such reasons for exemption as are put before them by men called up. - A independent and: mposed of Exemption will be granted to those Who tan establish that it is in the national interest that they remain pti to in civilian Bl his ie forthe ds on which ion may be claimed (which are similar to the grounds recognized in ide after having received full information in each case. - The gr p Great Britain and the United States) are as follows: -- «(®) Thatitis expedient in the national interest that the man should, instead of being employed in Military Service, bs engaged in other work in which he is habitually engaged. : Md (6) Thatit is expedient in the national interest that the man should, instead of being employed in Military Service, be = engaged in other work in which he wishes to (¢) Thatitis dient in the nati t re h - tobe educated or trained for any work for which he is then being educated and trained. 10] That serious hardship would ensue if the man were placed on active service, owing to his exceptional financial or or bligati (6) 1lhealth or infirmity, That he conscientious! ts to the undertaking of combatant service and is prohibited from d in and plo $304 of Stouts aulgcts the sixth day of Jal ELE pe phil aligi a oy toby fone well recognized in Canada at such date, and to whi (©) That be should be exempt because disfranchised under the War Time Election Act, in No Claim for Exemption should be put and no loyal citizen should assist in, or allow himself to be made a party to, any Claim for Exemption unless thoroughly satisfied that it is made in good faith. * - Exemption may be applied for by the men selected themselves or by their parents, near relatives or employers. Application for exemption must be made on printed forms to be found at every post office, which are to be filled in and left with the postmaster if exemption is desired. The postmaster will forwar the form to a Registrar, who will send it to the appropriate Exemption Board. In due time, then, the Applicant will get notice as to when he must present b Board. : be engaged and for which he has special qualifications. at, instead of being employed in Military Service, he should continue uly, 1917, of or ized ch he in good fanh belongs. forward unless one or other of these grounds in fact exists, is case before the Issued by The Military Service Council. Necessary Farm - Equipment - ORE and more the Ford car is looked upon by Jroptessive farmers as peces- sary farm equipmen e same low, the ha re the drill, the an the arrow and other labor and time-saving machinery. «| : ; A farmer With a Ford c: can dispense % one or two of his horses ad 'make en. towh, railway station, creamery, or to the as bours in one-third the-time. In fact theres no - farm machine e that will save the busy. farmer and his busy wife so i valuable time as a Ford, Ang it's 50 easy lo > care of --far easier than a horse, No bed to make, or oats to get, no harnessing and unharnes no stables to clean. 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