PT A TR 1 'Mothers and Saughtors of all ages oh cord Yepartment. Initiale only. will be SH , anew! am sof oom "but Tull name and address EE i" letter. Write on one side of paper only. direct Na ty stamped and addressed envelope is enclosed. "Address all correspondence for this department to Mrs. Helen Law, 23 Woodbine Ave. Toronto. Economist:--1. To use the liquid ~~ from a can of peas, take about one- half eupful of the peas, mash through a sieve and add to the liquid. Then add 8 tablespoons of cornstarch and 1 cup of milk, Bring to the boiling point' stirring constantly. Cook for * three minutes, remove, and season to taste. Serve with s or toasted cubes of bread. Tid from the peas, beans and so forth dontains much of the vital elements and, therefore, should be saved for future use. This liquid also contains much of the valu- able vegetable protein and, if it is dis- carded, the food value of the product is lessened... To cream peas, drain the liquid from a can of peas and add to this liquid one-quarter cupful of milk, one tablespoonful of cornstarch. Blend in a saucepan and bring to the boiling point. Cook slowly for-three _ minutes, then add the peas and heat "until the boiling int is reached. Serve. 2. Buckwheat beipg now to the front and its delicious cakes so popular for breakfast, you might try SB the following compound to serve with them. Place in a saucepan 1 cup 'syrup, % cup water and 2 tablespoons | PO butter. -Bring slowly to the boiling point. = Cook for four minutes and then beat hard with a Dover egg-beat- er. You will find this a good stb- stitute for the butter and honey or maple syrup. Country Girl:--1. The best law book for the Canadian farmer is entitled "The Canadian Lawyer," price $2 2. "How to Keep Hens for Profit," by C. 8. Vatentine, price $1.65, is a] good book on the subject. 8. The name 'chosen for the farm should be suggestive of something cohnected with it. = You may find a suitable name #@mong the following: "Clover- mead," oy Lilaes," "Elmdale," "Riverside," "Sunny Heights," "Wood- lawn," "The Maples," "Belleview," "Springhurst, » "Cedar Hedges," "Ash- lands," "Oakwood," "Fair Haven," "Fernwood," "Braeside," "Meadow- lands." Or you might incorporate your own name if you prefer, INTERNATIONAL LESSON NOVEMBER 11. * Lesson VI. Nehemiah's Prayer-- Neh. 1. 1-11. Golden Text, 1 John 38. 22. Versés 1-3, Nehemiah receives bad news concerning conditions in Jeru- salem, _Chislev--The ninth month of the Jewish calendar, corresponding to gaze of } of November and part of Decem- Twentieth year--Though no me is given, the reference must be the oi m of Artaxerxes I (Neb. 2 1), kin, Persia from B. C. boos; hence Ye. 445 or 444. Shushan-- the ancient capital of Elam, Or, Susa selected by Cyrus as one of the « i- tals of the empire [founded by h Palace--Or, "castle;" as a court of- ficial Nehemiah lived in the royal pal- ace. Hanani---A brother, or, at least a near relative of Nehemiah (compare Neh. 7 2). Men out of Judah---Han- ani himself "may not have visited Jerusalem, but he received news from? men who had come from the land of Judah; and, believing that Nehemiah would be interested he brought the men to him, | Esoca] «+ Captivity --Jewish exiles w had returned from Babylonia a to the days of Neliemiah, perhaps durin the earlier ears of Artaxerxes's reign (Ezra 4. 11; 12). following the edict of Cy ru oom heaven--Postexilic They had made an n; attempt to rebuild the city walls; "but were hin- dered from Som leting it. Province --Judah, Riction-~Condiueny in Judah were A during ry Less Livestock aad More JET es FEE pint | Quazia hare whe ofall the to bre a on his stock. actually yields to this temptation he hou" ks into consideration 'five to wit:-- 1. Heat and dairy products are es- sential to a well Bounded diet; hence, there will always be a steady 'deman At present, prices of Jivestock 4 ie} Rudacts are well advanced y by keeping a good supply o livestock "can roughage be economically used on the dam 4. The terrible war is destro; fo small amount of Eur It is said that at time the best herds of Holsteins » are br When the war is over, Europe must turn to America to build her: livestock herds. Experience has established the fact that our present acres can be made to produce greater crops, hence maintain our present quota "of live- the same time produce cereals for the market. Let us illustrate oo. last point. What a Typical Dairy Farm Did estion the Hysatook farmer is]! increase my | Jet a A A Bath d his answer in more efficient methods of | ha the production of crops) larger Yields of corn Jal) grain and whi within his power if he but ion to the up-building of the asking is: How can I | income without gi tion of livestock? lesson for Oct. 14); p tion was small, there was ed rir, and the surrounding tribes were hos- tile (compare the books of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi). the misfortunes of his fellow moved - Nehemiah - to tears , {compas the grief of Ezra, Ezra 9, '8-b; 10, 6) lieved by one outburst of tears; he mourned bitterly for days. During these days of mourning he gave him- self to fasting and Semiah God of ewish Sheology the tra of i The expression is not found in pre- exilic writings, nor was it ever used Hy emp very extehaively, but Nehemiah is very fond. of it. b-11. The prayer of Nehemiah. Great and terrible--Usual attributes to the God of heaven; he is terrible to- ward his enemies. Covenant--Jehovah had always been loyal to the covenant established with Israel at the time of the Exodus. Lovingkindness--He al- ways treated Israel with special con- tion. Love . . . . keép com- pa dments--The attitude o PPhovah rd men is dependent on their 5 titude toward him; Israel treated more kindly' than it deserveds Pray--The participle uséd in Hebrew | C denotes CoRtiTgonS.. action (verse 4) i Ree the same idea is implied in "day an night" Confess--Old - Testament prayers - contain: much Sontansion, which is an: element in.all real er. In supp which he .is said to have spoken to ture; the outcasts are the d Heavens -- Babylonian =: contain 3 a similar sxpression, ithe four| cure of henyen; valen quarters i sauivaley 'Ha: "the ends of the earth." Jerusalem, or wetting Jehovah has chosen ageing tn J These --The Jews Yi gling Jerusalem, ip used here is primarily to the deliverance Da from 'exile. Since Jehovah done $0 much, he ought ® complete the re- storation pe lesson Jor Oc Oct. 4 . Fear--The'; Ol piety, which expresses Tne oo lov ence. name-- Equiv. a8 his earthly of the frecing of rok - eon to oul fear ns hatio pron the fear Jehovah and More Gian ete reg I28 Slionn use of fertilizers, 3 eine ott th i the 3 the Wayne 3% Ls County A i ; s| the ¢ the grounds ot 4 the a = : fxg Bave cect the Pll as an DE of 17 bus. per acre 12-22 bu-. acre Wheaten Tcteess of 1 bis. ere A Clover hay an increase of : [ Timothy hay an increase of ae De: o not the final yields pres se crops, but they are the the Ex- wor , they the increased g gafe for us se ons of he Ohio Experiment but barley would 'have, made approximate- in per acre that was ob- The Carrng Capacity. of of Pastures a figuzes are. avail- hio as to the gain in the car- rying Fapacity of pastures, as the re- ib of 5 opadtegtin them with ferti- fact, the fertilization of| He ei lands is & thing rarel ught n 191 feo ex-| ® jonafe experiment was TE 88 carried out by Scotch gor the dirsetion of thejr cultural Society for the gr a lusive. A Bo average for the years 1902 to 1910, Yd of f Tyvical Dairy Farm Ui % Fertilized Area Yield per A. Total Sield 38. 20 2% to 58 ti 4. Nehemiah's grief, The sto: a Pasture . Suecotash 2 1 Certain days--His distress was not re-| o, bs =z 2500 bua. 20d Yield A. Total Yield ie d ber Feld 117%. Increase = 5 21 days | dai , = 8802 bus. =. 414 bus. =" 191 bus, fertility of his soil by the ui increase te carrying a fertilizing Show. oun point, let us consider, a Masts dairy farm with its' present ntensive methods The size of this dairy farm is 176.4 acres, we and its Stoppitg system 'dss sa Se es hrsesy viaas 28.2 nckes of phosp! oric acid per acre, as agains ig. of three yea zs, | Corn Nenimals on plots Which tecefed 5. plots which received a ing three head of sheep more acre throughout the" average season ¥;1 than did the undressed plots. ~ As an of two years there was a gain 14 Ibs. in live weight of fon § cattle ner angum on plots receiving a dressing, ; as against returns from stock pasturing on plots which receiv-| g As an avera ort of his pe ition Nehemiah reminds Jehovah of an obtaffled from these crops earlier agreement and quotes wards C xiniately, as follows: to 46 bus. per acre itis sible to ole on a rh a Ly TG an a ap which closely apptoaches ical nie tha farm so common on this coun what can be done b; y properly baie { ing plantfood, assuming of ¢ fourse, AE : sed combi Moses.. Scatter--The threat of dis- persion is frequent in pre-exilic ere | Gorn oom stover 1% to 1% tons per acre 10.2 tons per acre on tedden to 2% tons per' acre To 2% es f With this yield the avera; LN i ii following HE of | livéstock: i iis cE fr al there, was a gain of 68 bs. in the live rried per acre on animals |» Agere the Typical Farm res of actual gain in hese figure re-estitdte- the typical en, ek in order to ascer- tain what would be or Reming "hes Mader an intensive method of results & Show og Sesent and sot foley The ho ibove chart, og ai Standard Sets od Ee sa AES Toth $5.00 to $6.00~Combination Sets $6.50 -- at Drug, Jewelry and Hardware Stores. Mails are congested--shipments slow. Send hia Gillette early! : "Oe cd Pu Cli Ball, Hote ; Xo NS ---------- It is safe for us to assume that thé increase in amount of cqrn rm PAID | For POULTRY: GAME, EGGS 4 FEATHERS Please write for edsulatu Y first system. Now, i amount of feed by the amounts age, grain and pasture re~ Ting Th sur- urd show it on the , dairy Herd by sig ht additions] farm, from A products of"! ized crops, can maintain 21 head of high-grade stock instead of 183, as under the old system. that beside increasing the dairy stock, there is a surplus .o corn to sell, 1170 bushels of oats, 101 barley, as well as an Ts bushels of wheat. ie itrense I : soduf ould ma 8 1 posal ee V- Hotes the number of hogs ke s8ibly the number of sheep, shall-not estimate any increase in the | humber of these animals, b oh plots receiving 200 Ibs. estimate the value of the surplu 8 8 grain t at the following Prices | wy 898 bushels of LOIRE sien, a he GALL. aa aa ..2.00 a bushel increase as Roted at theme ces amounts to pices This tthe H turns from Jertilisation Shek an jn- the farm of 8 head, of gross High in dak in he a of sugplus grain § From Go-aere form. 3p hably la for Rar wn Fm of Tost o u of of sight hegd Sly Sertilinins a op and Dasture land, at at) i acre, it 4 of great a el cattle 'and 31568 sl can be made by ns fatten off rd of 'meat ¢ aimals each * clean water supplied daily. Boer the nests clees Raga, the old | nests to destroy yemin : f there is | tobe hd seit in