Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 15 Nov 1917, p. 3

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A MARTYR TO THE CAUSE. Mexican Ants That Carry Little Green ; 4 Umbrellas. =~ a In Mexico there is a variety of ants that carry little green umbrellas, made from bits of leaves, to protect their bodies from the fierce tropical sun. Sometimes, writes a contributor who has lived in the turbulent repub- lic across the Rio Grande,.I have seen two ants walking together while ; one politely carried the umbrella aver the two. At other times, she says, I have 'seen them, when going in opposite di- rections, stop and salute each other before they passed on. "Those wonderful little insects:live in immense underground houses with many rooms connected by long pass-! ages; I have poured as much as ten gallons of poisoned water into one hole without filling it. In some of the rooms the ants store their food; in ot! lined with particles of leaves / ve. been used for umbrellas, they plack the pupa cases or white bags of eggs. + Some of the ants seem to have spe- cial duties as nurses, and on any fine ="day yau may see them bringing the little white pups up to the and/laying them round the top of hole in the sunshine. V J ; «they run at/top"speed to "get their charges and carry them un- gor. shelter before the rain begins to many places in Mexico and kas these dn! - frees "nd destroy ornamental shrubs and plants. Once I made the experi- ment of putting sticky tar round my . tree® to protect.them, and stood aside to se¢ what would happen. Here came the orderly column down 'the tree; each soldier was carrying his green umbrella. When the leader reached the band of -tar a sudden confusion it. went through a similar per- orms Some went back to the hole at the foot of the tree, and others that apparently were inspectors came out and walked round the tar band, examining it at every point. "Finally I grew tired of watching them, and, feeling sa with my victory, I went into the house, But what was my chagrin when I re- d laid down his leaf on the had walked out on thal were as the bombs. dropped, {'ped, but only for a moment. e SAYS :--*"For the past fifteen years I en a shower have in~mending them ' to any of my friends p In September, 1916, Mr. Wm. Outridge Bs the supervisor ne : ) ~ her section like a. irit ng to help those un-| 'paint no picture of stoical in- ty. Some nervous 'cries there white! faces were the rule, but in many of 'these the lines of determination were, the strongest. Silent tears'were drop-| near me left her post, and, calls were | music of death in our ears. _. So-near and insistent was the hor- rible thull of the bombs that most of; us thought that some part of the building had been struck, It seemed to us that the rattle of guns continued longer than even during ' Zeppelin | raids. Some day it may add some, value to our lives to know that there were times when, for duty's sake, we, faced the chances of death. It must] add infinitely more to the lives of wo-|" men, whose finer nervous and physical organization makes them feel more acutely. a FIFTEEN YEARS USE OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS 'Thousands of mothers keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house as long as there are little ones about. Among them is Mrs. Marcel D. Le Blane, Memramcook West, N.B., who never been without Baby's Own | Tablets. . Whenever any of my chil- | dren-.are alling the Tablets promptly relieve them. I have such faith in them that I never hesitaté in recom- who have litle ones in the home." ! The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at" 25 cents a box { from The Dr. Willams Medicine Co., ! Brockville, Ont. . i Let 'blue Monday be full of the blue of the sky which one gets by look- ing up. ® y s \ gs | Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, --In July, 1915, 1 was thrown from & road machine, injuring my hip ck badly and was ob- lged to use a crutch "for 14 months. of Lachute me , to try MIN- ARD'S. LINIMENT, which I did with the most satisfactory results and to-- day I am as well as ever in my life. Yours sneorell MATTHEW x BAINES. mark 'And -as for my means, I'll husband them so well they shall go far with little.--Shakespeare. . / A Minard's Liniment Cuxes Colds, &c. MAKING TRENCH TORCHES. Ingepioys Tivention of a New York : 4 * Woman, Land self-sacrifice; intens retrench- ments, intensive production, intensive training, it will surprise no 'one to learn that a New York woman has In these days of wartime activities | it school 1s thin and p attentive, has a fickle appetite, is le to stand still or sit still, you musts remember that health is uch | more 1 t than educaMon, and more time should be given to exercise | and recreation. See to it at once that the child does not overstudy, gets plenty of out-of- Boor exercise, sleeps ten out of every twenty-four hours, and takes a safe, reliable tonic like Dr. Williams Pink lls until the color returns to the comes n al. For growing children llams Pink Pills are not only safe but in most cases are the very best tonic that can be taken. These pills build | up the blood, strengthen the nerves | and assist nature in keeping pace wit rapid growth. Spi You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail postpaid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. N --ie Oldest British Colony. Newfoundland is the oldest English colony, having just celebrated her 420th anniversary. It was discovered by John Cabot, a Bristol merchant, in his voyage of exploration in 1497; and in 1683 was occupied by Sir Humphry Gilbert, the navigator and soldier, in the name of Queen Elizabeth. The is- passing and cords connected with the Who become pale and thin Dr. Wil- the part pure air land has raised over 10,000 men for. the war, and gallant and hardy fight- ers those agrieulturists, foresters, lumbermen, and fishermen have prov- ed themselves to be in Gallipoli and in France. : ree fmm Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows EE a hi If you buy a Christmas present, , Buy it now! If it be for prince or peasant, Buy, it now! Buy it early in November, Or at least before December; You'll be glad if you remember-- Buy it now! oy te GIRLS! WHITEN SKIN : WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents t6 | remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply | you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bot- tle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitéener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fragrant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness ani vough- ness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless, and the beautiful re. sults will surprise you. "A - Constipation Cure A druggist days "For nearly the rack of Rote mowa ne Mother 's Curative Syrup, for al cure of consti \ LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS aie ~ How to: loosen a tender corn or callus 80 It lifts out "| slices of br tle' Ethel's | know," deplied the little miss; 9 | be a heap sight gooder if she'd let | spread the jam myself." , listless and | | Bos other 1 glasi . "Don't you- think you have a good na ay ih ice oy grandma: ~~ "Oh, 3.8 ne e Fresh air is ' the environment in which man developed to his present state of perfection. Now that our newspapers reach to every nook and No one cheeks and lips and the appetite be- | corner of the world bearing the mes- sage, most men and women appreciate plays in sustaining health. MONEY ORDERS My Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. Tiny balls of fresh country sausage baked and rolled in chopped parsley make an appetizing garnish to serve LTP rol 4 ¢ aR BE POIARETES e a horse Wheeze, that Roar," have Thick Wind { or Choke-down, can be reduced with ABSORBINE no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Eco- nomical--only a few drops required atan ap- plication. $2 per bottle delivered. Book 3 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic Jiniment for mankind, reduces . Cysts, Wens, Painful, Swollen Veins and Ulgers. $1and $2 a bottle at dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence®' free. W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F., 518 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can absorbing and Absorbine, Jr., are made In Canadas 2. Fas Seen Eyesight to 100%. in a Remarkal ton, Mass.--Victims of eye eye weaknesses, and hos Ee Speci nc is an ideal medium in which microbes thrive. yet 3 2 \ Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Rio de Janeiro has 1,000,000 people. WATERY BLISTERS FORMED ERUPTION ment, Itching and Burning. Cuticura Healed. ""The trouble which I had affected my hands only. It first came in watery mn blistérs under the skin 5 andil they were scratched of sore eruptions that caused disfigurement, itching, burning and loss - of Sinep. The trouble < lasted about one year and ' 75 after using the Cuticura Soap and Ointment for about three months I' was completely healed," (Signed) Miss Aileen weer Main St., Eastman, Rue. Keep your skin clear by daily use of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. For Free Sample Each by Mail ad- dressepost-card: *'Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere, also other Bunches or Swellings. Noblister, | In | other patien | ui d 5 Railroad Men 'These men know from experience that Sloan's Liniment will take the stiffness out of joints and the sore- ness out of muscles--And it's so convenient] No rubbing required. It quickly penetrates-and brings re lief. Eas, to apply and cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments. Always have a bottle in the house for rheumatic aches, lamo back, sprains and strains. Generous sized bottles at all drug: gists, 25¢., 50c., $1.00. "Sloan's Liniment KILLS PAIN Dr. Beck, an eye specialist of nearly twenty years practice, says: "Two promi- nent eye specialists, er a thorough exam- ination of a youn rl aged twelve, de- clded that to save the sight of her right eye the left must be removed, A friend ad- vised her father to try Bon-Opto before per- mitting the operation, Within three aye a declded improvement was noticeable, within a week the fnflammation had almost disappeared, and at the end of six weeks all danger was past and the eye saved, I gaw the case again to-day. he eye ball has perfect motion. When she began to use Bon-Opto it 'was in a fixed position. The conjunctival inflammation has Sar peared. Her now 20/30 (20/20 1s normal as you kpow) as against 20/2000 when she began the use of Bon-Opto. An- came to me suflering fro, Blepharitls Marginalls with all the usua symptoms such as morning agglutination of e lids, chronic conjunctivitis and ephiphora, Her eyes had the dull, su; 1 expression common to such cases. She use Bon-<Opto and not only overcame her dis- tréssing condition but so strengthened heh eyesight that she was able to dispense with her asses a er headache' neural ," 8 Ins p I shoul say her eyesight was improved 100 Dorcent." r. Judking says: "While housa surgdon ara New England Eye 1 ery and during many years in is - sary prag 1 found ocullsts too prone to 0] and opticians too to pre- lasses, and both es. of a serum that | vor - "In the event of an air-raid do not collect in a crowd," reads a notice posted in a Kentish hamlet where the total population consists of nine per- sons. : * ; Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. | | MTSCRLTANBODS ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN and light sewing at home, whole or spare time, good pay, work sent any dis- tance, charges paid. Send Stamp or Manufac Rabon particulars, National ANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS, Company, Montreal. N BTC. C Internal and external. cured with cut pain by our home treatment. Tite ur before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical ate. Co.. Limited, Collingwood. Ont. OR) they broke, causingamass | When buying your Piano insist on having an "OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION BROKEN DOWN "IN HEALTH Woman Tells How $5 Worth of Pinkham's Compound Made Her Well. Lima, Ohio, --*' 1 was all broken down in health from a displacement.One of my q lady friends came to | see me and she ad- | vised me to com- | mence taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- i etable Compound and to use Lydia BE. | Pinkham's Sanative § Wash. I began tak- § ing your remedies and took $5.00 worth and in two months was a well woman after three doctors said I never would | stand up straight again. I was a mid- wife for seven years and I recommended the Vegetable Compound to every wo- man to take before birth and after- wards, and they all got along so nicely that it surely is a godsend to suffering women, If women wish to write to me I will be delighted to answer them."" -- Mrs. JENNIE MOYER, 842 E.North St., Lima, Ohio. Women who suffer from displace- ments, weakness, irregularities, ner- vousness, backache, or bearing-down pains, need the tonic properties of the roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoun Doctors Tell Why They Prescribe Bon- Opto. + Explain How It Strengthens Eyesight Remarkably In a Week's Time Many Instances. i "Bon- Is less in ig the E Hastening the | Joglaas. glo used it ahd we ate agreed ai to ts ro- bi a 10% day © eyes Lh glosses under 'my observa- matic case were 8 have been discar ley of many descriptions may be ted by. the use of ub 0 a 0 lets, D one

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