Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 13 Dec 1917, p. 1

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clear sm singer was in the room with is the worid's greatest value in Phonograpns. YO R selection now. Because on January 1st' e will advance and you save money "by buying ler Suggestions for Christmas Gifts s in Holiday packages and 1n bulk, Toilet Waters and- Toile t tions, Flashlights, Kodaks, Snapshot Albums, Cigars, Pipss, co Pouches, Thermos Bottles, Bibles, Hymn Books, Razors, Brushes, Bill Folds, Finger Purses, Calanders for snaps, 3 Ivory and Ebony Goods, Fountain Pens, Soh ORVAL BYER Druggist Port Perry LT carload of Salt just arrived i See our stock of * SWEATER COATS UNDERWEAR ~ BOOTS & SHOES PRICES RIGHT ©]. F. McCIINTOCK Port Perry Ontario CE Cosine 1 Os vo 'Service and Quality" - | /h 1 you need meat, you need choice . pafat. Do you realize what this means to you? Cail and convince yourself or phcae to Bell29. « uation 18 critical. Rhonda, 7 DAY DECEMBER 13,1917... | - SINGLE COPIES No. 50 ada and the Empire ur brave Soldiers: nada from Bourassa and Lavergne fhe endorsed Candidate i a Me... as PE LATE, fant § Mr. W. E. N. Sineliis Oshawa, _ Liberal Candidate for South Ontario. VOTE FOR HIM as representing democratic ideas in a democratic country, as against the Big Interests all lined up with the Union Government ; VOTE FOR HIM . as a win-the-war candidate upon the line of voluntary ser- vice, as opposed to conscription of men for war. without conscription of wealth to back up the war, which 1s the policy of the Big Interests. VOTE FOR HIM as a win-the-war candidate pledged to support all reason- able war measures. There are 116,000 men now in Eng- land who have not gone to France. There are 35+ 000 men in Canada. These are General Mewburn's fig- ures only three weeks ago. Enlistments have averaged 6000 a month this year, On the other hand the food sit- Can we win the war if we allow our 'boys in the trenches to go hungry? Can we transport men to England while 116,000 are there now to go to Hear what Lord France, and neglect to send food? Britain's Food Controller, says to Canada: "What we ask from the United States and Canada go % 3: a we cannot secure elsewhere. = Unless the Allies in | To The Electors of South Ontario : The ballot should be at all times regarded as sacred because the franchise you have the right to exercise on December 17 is an incident. or result of the liberties that have been won for you by centuries of wars, strifes, bloodshed and suffering. The present war is a struggle to de- termine whether you 'are to eontinue to enjoy these liberties. Your_ ballot in this eleclion will determine what part Canada is to continue to take in that struggle, so that on this oecasion your ballot is more sacred thon it has ever been before in the history of Canada. : Your intelligence and loyalty are being insulted by selfish politicians and office seekers who evade the real and only issue in this election; that issue is whether Canada is to continue to take an active part in the war; whether the' men now overseas are to be abandoned to their fate; whether Canada is to be dishonoured or disgraced after such a glorious record up to the present time. i Instead of facing this issu the Laurier candidate in this riding adopts the oldest and cheapest clectioneering device of making empty promises; he criticises the old Borden Government; he defames and reviles the Liberals who have joined or are supportibg that Government; he makes false charges and accusations against everybody and every- thing opposed to him. -But there is absolutely nothing in his platforni. that would help us to victory. + He destroys but he does not build. He says, "I am for winning the war" but he also says ""I stand for voluntary service" So we know he would not enforce the Military Service Act. He knows and every other elector in Canada knows that our forces cannot be adequately re- enforced by voluntary enlistirent because that system has been exhausted for over a year now. He also knows that. under that system, such few re-enforcements as might be secured would come from the English speaking provinces, and that Quebec would contribute not a man. So he would leave our brave men at the front to their own fate; he would fail to keep faith with these men; he would leave it for others to fight to preserve our liberties; he would have the fair name of Canada be-smirched so that every Canadian would bow his head for shame; he would cause the ecohomic, industrial and 'financial ruin of this country: Do not be deceived or mislead by the specious and dangerous- platform and arguments of Laurier, Bourassa,the French of Quebec, and the Laurler Candidate in this nding. The fortunes or fate of individ- uals or political parties are not of present concern, Whether we shall continye to be British subjects under British institutions and enjoying" British liberties or whether we shall 'become vassals of 'Gertiany is the only important matter at the present moment; the outcome of the war still hangs in the balance; Lloyd George says: "We shall win but we shall only just win by the greatest and most unitéd effort." We can only exert our greatest effort through a Union Government because in union there is strength. ; This appeal is made tg you by the organization in this riding composed of mén who were formerly Liberals as well as those wha were at one time Conservatives but who believe now that in this crisis politics have no place and that until Canada is safe from the Hun we shall unite for a' common purpose of defeating the common enemy, They appeal to you to exercise your franchise in this emergency in fulfilment of your duty to yourself, to Canada and to the Empire by supporting the Union Government and voting for the endorsed condi: date in this riding, Mr William Smith. Union Government Campaign Committee, J. F. Grierson, President G. D. Conant, Oshawa; Dr. John Moore, Brooklin; Secretaries. Aid for Halifax Sufferers The members of the Edith Cavell Society, Port Perry, have decided to accept donations of money and good warm clothing to be forwarded to the sufferers from the disaster at Halifax. It is felt that many gen- erous hearted citizens will be glad to lend a helping hand to the victims of this tragic accident, 1f some central point for receiving contributions is opened. For this purpose members of the Edirh Cavell Society 'will be at the Armouries (rear of post office) from three to six o'clock on Friday, Saturday, and Monday afternoons next. Whatever is done in in this matter should be done quickly, as cold and hunger will not wait ! until we get ready to help. » INSURANCE ADAMS & HUTCHESON We write every kind of reliable Insurance, it Mortgage Loans, and Real Estate WANTED---A few first mortgages on farm property. Several sums have been placed with us for immediate in- vestment in this elass of security. i TR a STANDARD BANK OF CANADA a HEAD Orrice - Tonoy 'Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in

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