Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 13 Dec 1917, p. 6

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. F. E. Luke, Optician 7 Yonge Street, i t specialist n be consulted about J Davis' drug store, 'Thursday, December 20. ; Subject: "Cast your ballot ? An election sermon, re will be a meeting of the at the close of the even- The Sunday School Christmas Tree and Concert will be held in the 'own Hall, on Tuesday evening De- Der 18th. There will be a good 'program of choruses, drills, exercises d playlets by the scholars. A do- ition of gifts by the children for the irls and boys of Round Lake, Sask., ndian school; and the distribution of presents from the Christmas Tree by inta Claus. © There will be an admission charge of 25¢ for adults. Children not con- nected with the Presbyterian Sunday School 10c. Personal « Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Williams and Mast® Fred, of Lindsay, were visiting at Maplewood, the home of Mr and Mrs. W. H. Letcher, and other friends in town. Mr, D. M. Jackson has taken a position in the Gold Medal factory at Uxbridge. Mrs Gall of Uxbridge, was visiting her sisters, Mrs A W Allin and Mrs . Joel Miller, last week. DIED CuapMaN--In Cartwrignt, on Satur- day, December 8, 1917, Robert . John Chapman, aged 53 years, 8 months. Methodist Church . At the Methodist Church next Sunday morning and evening, Pte. Robarts, Pte Stanly and Pte Wright, will sing, + "In the evening the Pastor will con- ~ tinue the series on the "Seven Words from the Cross", the subject being "Women Behold Thy Son." < At the Christmas Entertainment, to be held on Friday evening, Decem- ber 21, there will be several pleasing features, one ip particular being a patriotic playlet entitled, 'War on the Western Front." * The decorations promise to be of "an unusually attractive character Admission: Adults 25c. Children, not members of the school, 15c¢. H. S. Entertainments. * Do not fail to see the magnificent photo play--*'Romeo and Juliet," and 'the Charlie Chaplin Comedy in the Town Hall, Port Perry, on Wednesday and Thursday nights, December 19 "and 20. Admission 25c Seats re- served at Davis' Drugstore for 10c extra, BORN .+Forp--At Toronto, on Sunday, De- cember 2, 1917, to Mr and Mrs Stewart Ford, a son, John Herbert For Sale 14 Shorthorn Cattle and 2 horses. One horse 4 years, other b years old. «Cattle are young. Apply to Fred Lyle, R. R. No 3, Uxbridge. Bell Phone Uxbndge 92 r 1-5. Stray Heifer + Red heifer, rising two years, strayed - to the premises of Mr Fred Mark, about the middle of October. Owner "can have same by identifying property "and paying expenses. Apply to Fred ~ Marks, R R No 2, Seagrave, Ontario. ' No Coal =~ No Lights "Owing to the scarcity of coal at the power-house the electric light is cut off until coal arrives, 4 or the same ainment 4 on Courts En ~ COUNTY OF ONTATIO -- 1916 quite a success. much the same af th might lie with the tooth paste? 25c. LITTLE FOLKS ALL LIKE IT IT TASTES SO "'GooD" Dao'the junior members of your household lock upon the progess of "tooth brus hing' regard a dose of medicine 7 Have you ever thought that the trouble 'Why not start them using CORSON'S CHARCOAL TOOTH PASTE We find that little folks everywhere like its pleasant taste, and because they can se: results in nice white teeth, they keep on using it. Get the tiny tots started early in the proper care bf their teeth. lt will save them many a tooth ache, and yourself needless dentist's bills. Grown-ups too like this Silver Grey Tooth Paste. Ask for the Tube in Khaki Sold by all Druggists Sovereign Perfume Company Brock Ave., Toronto CHURCHES AND FRATERNAL SOCIETIES METHODIST Rev. Wesley Elliott, Pastor Afternoon, Sunday School and Bible Class, All Welcome, PRESBYTERIAN Rev. W. H. Black, Pastor Sunday Services 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m BAPTISY Rev. J. Ford, Pastor. Anglican _ Service, every Sunday morning and evening S.0.E. B.S. meets first and third Tuesdays of each month at the Oddfellows Hall, Port Perry Visiting Brethren age welcome. B. Cawker, W.P. Seagrave Mr and Mrs A J Dance and Miss Helen Hawkins were 1n Lindsey on Tuesday Mr E. English left for Toronto, where he takes a position in the Mas- sey-Harris Co. Rev. Mr Joblin has returned home after taking a two weeks' treatment, and is very much improved in health' The ' choir concert last week was The amount taken at the door will replenish their-supply of music. 'Mr Melville Sleep will be able to be out again after his illness in about a couple of weeks. Mr and Mrs James Short have moved into their new home in the Village. Mr Elijah Tanner has gone over to | Michigan to visit his mother who isill Mr Thos Frise, of Alberta, is visit- inp his brothers, Wesley and Edward Frise. : Mr and Mrs A J Dance have re- "turned to their duties at the station y "after two weeks' Sunday Services 11.00 a.m. and ¢.00 p.m, | ots vacation spent at Midland. : Our Sunday School Christmas tree entertainment will be held on Friday evening, December 21. Come out and enjoy the evening with the children. Special sermon by the Pastor next Sunday evening. News of the Boys Port Perry has been honored in a most unusual manner. At the inau- guration of the l.ord Mayor of Lon- don, our young townsman, Adjutant Clarence Vickery, son of Mr CL Vickery, was placed second in com- mand of the Colonial Troops taking part in the ceremony. We congratu- late Mr Vickery upon having this honour confeired upon him. Pte. Maurice Ford bas been grant- ed leave of absence in "Blighty" after spending, seventeen months in the trenches, A Tragic Death A week ago last Saturday Miss Emma Raymes was married to Mr. Fred Turner, of Pcince Albert. The newly married couple went to Knife Creek, fnear Duluth, Minnesota, to spend their honeymoon. On Monday last word was received that Mr Turner had died suddenly of heart failure. The body is expected to arrive in Port Perry to-night (Thurs- day) for burial. Great sympathy is felt for Mrs Turner in her tragic loss Membership Limited to Fifty Then pay veniently to suit your purse. embodies all latest musical for Slazity, Su finished in walnut, yoned od Don't Call, be write or Terms--$1,00 weekly until delivery at Christmas, 3 the | delivery v secure immediate delivery by | -- "112 : Columbia Grafonola --@- $2.0 00 Join Cirtituss | wr Club Now 'con- Bis A at Christhol. pions yours now. {Hp Fi [Hos ih! i PE, A 11 Subseri ption Rates sation. unfair. Jf there is any e a for the persons who may be talking on your party-line. Do not interrupt their conver- It is discourteous and ' 1. Answer only your own 8 confusion a ort the jou to. the Chief to call " the oni you ri ve. line is in use hang up the re- ceiver and wait until the con- versation is finished. tod 3. Do not allow children or others to listen on the line when it is in use or to play with the telephone at any 4. Make your calls as brief as pos. sible. Short conversations will keep the line open and make the De of mostvalue to everyone; #Good service * * * our true intent." ° s Manchester The Christmas Entertainment in connection with the Sunday School of the Methodist Church, will be held in the Town Hallon Wednesday even- ing, December 19, 1917. Admission: 20c. Wins Grand Championship at Guelph and Toronto Mr Jas Leask of Seagrave, again wins the Grand Championship at the Guelph Winter Fair and also at the Toronto Fat Stock Show, with "Black George" who out classed his field, ranked as a worthy "successor "Blue King", "Wee McGregor" and other Grand Champions exhibited by him, other notable prizes, and then sold for the handsome sum of $1. a pound to the Harris, Abattoir of Toronto. His weight was 1360. Jas Leask & Sons showed several other animals and won many prizes. Joseph Stone of Seagrave, won many prizes on his fat cattle and hogs. Seagrave district is fo be congrat- ulated on bave such noted prizes go- ing to the district. --00 Smith & Smith LAND SURVEYORS AND CIVIL ENGINEERS Phones--Day 407 Night 242 - LINDSAY - ONTARIO ' Market Report Taken from the Department of Ag- rieulture weekly report. EGGS, Country Points Central Ontario - - Eastern Ontario - : 40-47 Western Ontario - - 40-47 Storage eggs weak with fully -opef cent dechne. Strictly, new. laid LATE in good demand with prices firm." © © © POULTRY, "Toronto | Broilers, live 1 AlAT) "Black George" also won several]. Roosters, live 13 Dressed Fowl, live 1311 vin Ducklings, Toe. $s Budd 2 { Receipts lig will ne HBO oo ing cain. bi lo os of ees 1 . an 5 HG liglieg Poh ir FINAL APPEAL JUDGE GIVES RULING ON EXEMPTION OF FARMERS Mr. Justice Duff (the Final Court of Appeal) Declares that it is Essential that there shall be No Diminution in Agricultural Production. : ) (Published by authority of Director of Public Information, Ottawa.) Hon Mr. Justice Duff gave judgment on December 6th, in the first test case brought before him, as Central Appeal Judge (the final Court of:Appeal) for the exemption _ of a farmer, The appeal was made by W H' Rowntree _in respect ot his son, W J Rowntree, from the decision "of Local Tribunal, Ontario, No. 421, which refused a claim for Exbinption. The, son was stated. to be an exper- ienced farm hand, who. had. been working on the farm continuously for: the 'past seven years, and ever since leav- ing school, He lives:and works with his fath:r, who owns a farm of 150 acres near Weston, Ontario. With the 'exception ofa younger brother, he is the 'only male help of the father-on the farms: 1The father is a man advanced years FIL og . 2 In granting the man. exemption, "until hei ceases to. "be e oplaged in agricultural labor," Mr, Justice' Duff said: <The Military 'Service Act does not deal with the subject of he exemption of persons-engaged in the agricultural' industry; | 2d the question which it dsimy. 'duty to decide is whether the pt being and having heen, as above mentioned, habitually ive or enga din agsculture and in labor essential to the on of agricu tural pr on, ought to be exempted under oar yin aj ng on of 0 ary Service Act. Bt & "Dressed; " Gin RRO Tia ew edd "These two propositions are indisputable: DO Gy 1] Sed ad it Whe mila power Z des Haas SE mt -. Vd Sompotait dabor available tome i pysduction 4 Pitsbundas | hot cr 5) nota e proper 39 on appears "Iti is im unnecessary to i are not granted as concession favor toac

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