Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 28 Feb 1918, p. 3

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Timbucto. Thus this once ty of Sudan is now "in 2 great events of the Belgian Congo is efficiently by the French cable to Libre- ille and the land line to Stanley Pool, > ~ | where navigation to the upper Congo % ; §.T begins. The news is then wired up ; sontinued, "what X® | ceived in Toronto, by thé President of | the Congo to the nropth of the Congo, ets did for me. They cured I the "Friends of France," who knows|and Shep by wireless to Stanley Falls, ~ lof a very bad attack of dyspepsia: I what interest it will have for many 870 miles above the Kasai. Have also derived great benefit from Deople in every part of Canads, WhO) ginier 'WHITEN SKIN \ y ' y n have the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills. i so generously sent help to the WITH LEMON JUICE | EWGILLETT COMPANY TORONTO.ONT. Pessimism, is a black man in a hark closet looking for a black hat that is not there. : { * at Bory wvning in my prayers I as God fo spread hia blessing over .you seive again Madame la Preside d all the ladies, the best wishes Jou little protege. --Charles: This little etter has just been Te- wish Bid FOR BALE = LY NEWSPAPER IN WEST. Wes ern Ontario, Dol a busts ness. Death of ownei t on the g 5 4 ospitals and refugees. rles and 55 once taken and was there under 'medical 8 ment for four months with but little | "or no relief. He then decided to g0 to Mount Clemmens, where he took . the baths for three weeks, but did not find any benefit from them. By this time he felt that his case "was hope- less and decided to return home. When he reaclied home he could only move around by the use of 'a crutch and a cane. One knee was so stiff hat he could not bend it, and most of | _ his joints were swollen out of shape. He could neither dress nor undress. himeelf and had to be helped like a child. 1 urged him to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and finally he consented to do so. He had only taking the # pills afew weeks when he could limp _ about, without the crutch, nd his ap- petite greatly improved. This gave. him new courage and as he continued the use' of the pills he showed con- tant Improvement, and was able fo 4 about outside. He continued to » the pills for some fou months, by fitch 'time every symptom of the "trouble had d to his work in Michigan a cured man. His tase was well known te the neigh- bors around here and his cure was looked upon as marvelous, forsevery- one thought that at the best he was dapmed to be a rheumatic cripple.t | It is because fhey have made such wonderful cures pa. Mr, Harbottle's that Dr. Willan Pink Pills have a World wide reputation; and are the only Medicine used in thousands' and _ thousands of homes. © You can get these pills through any fmegisine deal er or by mail at 50 cen or ix boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil lame' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. FS ai RACE 3 MADE MUNICIPAL TREASURER. PAL TR SURER. | Soldier Given Responstble Position in Corpo! i : Se ao aod freind in mu counting by the vocational 'the Military Hospitals Co skatoon, has been ensorer of Chaplin, 3 £ th the afinual sala '$ ~ ™._Corpl. Troughton returned front with hear 5 telpal oe: ranch of from the t 'disease of a nature which would not allow him to pursue heavy worl and the future looked black for his little' family. ' He had been in several small bubinesses, be- fore he went overseas, -but his capital hed all gone to SUPP is family "during his absence lack of I funds prohibited h from setting up| t0 a hospital at Marsenett, | edical treat. {sappeared, and he went| "| Own Tahlets sl Sinmple and Ladies' Dress. These; patterns from your local from the McCall Co. In 4 sizes, 2 to 8 years. midds 4 y. Me- y dy or = tive dress. d ect eo. Tad, cocoanut, under penalty of immediate ve dress. ; " S In 6 sizes, 34 bust. Price; 15 cents. may be obtained McCall dealer, or 70 Bond St. Toronto, Dept: W.. . STORMY WEATHER »y + The stormy, HARD ON BABY blustery weather Which [oj apie ever found in Griqualand we have during February and March s-.extremely hard. | aittons make it necessary for in the house. They to overheated, bad- her to keep them are often confined ly yentllated rooms | whieh rack their whole system. To guard against this children. Con- the mot-~ on' and catch colds a box of Baby) ould be kept inthe house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep bowels working tegularly. This break up colds the baby-in good condi- pot fail to the health. of and in and keep hig stomach fof till the brighter days come along. The Tablets are or by mail from The Brockville, Ont. _ Shortage According to a by Mr. R. ent of the Board of "Agri y e sold by medicine at 26 cents & box 'The Dr. Willlams' 'Medicine Co., | of Feed. recent statement E. Prothéro, Presid- culture, there nough oats available It is evidende like this that proves, that the Dodd's remedies have gained | a parfhanent place in the family medi-, eine chests of the West. Dodd's Kid-, "Pills are particularly popular. ie_success with which they have been used to treat all kinds of kidney {lls from backache to rheumatism and Bright's disease have earned for them | the gratitude of thousands of people on this side of the Great Lakes. Sis mpi 1 A TALKING COCOANUT. Philippine Natives Were Frightened * By Clever Artifice. 3 "While ip the United States govern- ment. employ in the Philippines," says sgwriter in the Electrical Experiment-~ er, "I was stationed on the Island of Pasilan, which is a small island in the, Sulu Archipelago. : "We frequently had-the natives en- tertain us with their native dances, and in turn would fill them with won« der and awe with a phonograph which we had in our outfit. We found it necessary to put up a telephone line Between two buildings that were a little distance apart, using two mag- neto sets. "One day T found a rather large : cocoanut under a tree near the bamboo {hut we were living in, and conceived a leg. his mother were repatriated from the North of France not long ago, #nd find themselves with little or nothing to live on. During their captivity the mother was struck by a shell, and lost ' The father is an ambulance- driver: fora hospital in Calais, and this is what he says: "Dear and! Good Ladies:--I thank you so much | for the parce] that has just come, It conteined 4 pairs of socks, a flannel shirt, chocolate, sugar, soap, cocoa and soup. If you knew how happy 'we are to have these things, for now it is so hard to live that my poor wife can never get anything nice. She is so happy to be near me at Calais, but unfortunately the "cochons de Boche" come often to bombard us. On Monday they threw a dozen bombs, there was only material damage hap- pily, but since my wife was struck, she has such a terrible fear. We hope that the Boches will soon have finish- ed their crimes, and we can be happy again in our dear country. God watches over us and will protect us. Receive, good ladies, my affection and thanks the most sincere. Le Soldat Arthur Opdebeck. The "Friends of France" heard" of this family through one of the hospi- tals that they help near Calais, which the idea of making a cocoanut talk. So I emptied its contents and hung it ont the outside of the house opposite 'the. phone, so arranged that we could put the receiver through the grass wall and drop it into the cocoanut. "We invited some of the natives to see the wonderful cocoanut that we| could make talk, and with the aid of an interpreter at the other phone who understood their language we had a lot of fun. Some of the natives were so frightened they left the village. Next day a delegation returned - and directed us to destroy the talking | attack. They did not like to have so uncanny a thing around. There -was | much rejoicthg when we consigned it to the flames." ee me fpr Quarter Pound Diamond One of the world's largest diamonds may come to the United States as Americans are among those dickering for that superior quality amber-color- ed stone, weighing 442% carats -- about a quarter of a pound--found re- cently in the Du Toits Pan mine in South Africa.' The stone is the most West, although it is not a record as regards weight. The most famous diamonds in the world and their weights in carats are: Cullinan, now called the Star of Africa, part of the British crown jew- els, 2,082; Excelsior, 969; Koh-i-noor, 900; Regent, 410; Orloff, 103, all un-{ cut, and the Great Mogul, 280, cut. ee | Cereal Food JL | daily b {head than any other | To-day [housewives | they may have. peanut butter and one is visited daily by scores of refugecs. The nurse in her last letter says: «Without Canadian'and American help we could not exist. Many hospitals have had to shut down. The cost.of living is so high and the government can give us so little. Many of our! wounded are very ill, and need| nourishing food. One egg costs 13} cents and butter and meat are $1.00} a pound. Just now enormous num-; bers of refugees are arriving from the North of France, in a state of exhaus- tion of which you can truly form no idea. It is specitlly at the begin- ning that these families need help, when they are so weakened and de- moralized. It is a question of ma- terial help to revive their morale, be- cause ofter a time they pick up won- derfully, and in a few months gather | together a little home less sad. All the | second-hand clothing you send, which | js so good, finds owners immedi-! ately." The "Friends of France" is aft "in- corporated society under the War Charities Act, Its headquarters are 216 Poplar Plains Rd., Toronto, and the President, Mrs. Wells, will gladly |- veceive and acknowledge gifts in money or kind, such as clothing, food and hospital supplies. Community rat hunts will make your county or town a rat-free place. is will reduce living costs and dis- 'ease, bc Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria Fat in Food. | normal condition. Nowadays we must not eat for} pleasure, nor must we eat because | mealtime has come round for the sake | of eating. We must eat for nourish- ment alone, and to do that we should | study the needs of the body, and choose our food accordingly. At least a third of the body's food should be fat. A man doing sedent- ary work requires three ounces of fat in some form. Ordinarily, 'bread gontains from 1% to 2 per cent. of fat; in war bread the percentage is much higher. Butter is practically a pure fat, but potatoes contain none at all. Cocoa is the only popular bever- age which contains fat. We are told that there is a famine in fat in Germany, which, according to experts, is a more terrible thing than a famine in bread. Before the war ie Germans consumed more fat per European nation. 'they recognize its value, and ev are ordered to hand over to the authorities all the dripping Peanut Cornmeal Biscuits. One cupful" yellow cornmeal, two teaspoonfuls salt, two 'teaspoonfuls eat- and h cuptal water. BI eam by |. Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will sup- ply you with three ounces of orchard te for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fragrant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and rough- ness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless, and the beautiful results will surprise you. se peeing 5 Red Cross Must Save. The executive of the Red Cross Society of Regina has asked that the | advice of the Food Controller be cure. fully observed at any gatherings in the interests of the Red Cross and that if the hostess really wishes to serve food she should at least be care- ful not to use the commodities most needed overseas. MONEY ORDERS Pay your out of town accounts by Dominion Express Money Omers: | Five dollars costs three cents. | Maple Sugar Wanted. Every pound of maple sugar pro-| duced this spring adds to the food | stock of the country at a time when | 'every pound of foodstuffs is needed. Maple sugar makers are sure of al market for every pound of pure maple sugar and syrup they produce. Mansonville, June 27, "13. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Yarmouth, N. S. Gentlemen,--It affords me grea pleasure you to know that after using 36 | bottles of your Liniment on a case of | paralysis which my father was afflict- | ed with, I was able to restore hin to | Hoping other suf- | ferers may be benefited by the use of | your Liniment, Iam, Sincerely yours, GEO. H, HOLMES. tl | Official. _ Corporal (to soldier reporting sick): | | | | "What's the matter with you?" Tommy Atkins: "Pain in h'abdomen." Corporal: "H'abdomen be 'anged! | Stomick, you mean. It's h'only | hofficers as "as h'abdomens." | my rn-- Minard's Liniment Cures Colds. Bto. To start the early hatch in good | condition it is necessary to have a good standard, reliable incubator, and follow the directions of the manu- | facturer for its successful operation. | > WQMEN | IT IS MAGIC! LIFT OUT ANY CORN Apply a few drops then lift corns or calluses off with fingers--no pain. #--0---0--0+--0--0---0----:0---0--0---0---0---0 | Just think! You can | lift off any corn or cal- | lus without pain or sore- | ness. | | | | i A Cincinnati man dis- I covered this ether com- and od ib | fressons. Any. drog- | gist will sell a tiny bot- | ly you will find the aorn wr callus 1 looks het you can it right off. Freezone is wonder- "It dries instantly. market. A BT cash. Co., Limit Wilson e-------- ANCER, internal out bain b, pou 8 PY nied. Collingwood. Ont. eat chan or a man with Box 83, Wilson Publishing Toronto. : BLL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER d job printing plan! Hastern a Iaurance tered 41.608. toi Hah on quick eo. hy biishing Co. Ltd. Toronto. Appl and exte our home treatment. Write ate. Dr. Bellman Medical The Soul of a Plano is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGELY PIANO ACTION scribe Bon-Opto in the treatmen strengthen eyesight. refun Doctors Recommend Hon-0pto for the Byes es and eye specialists pre- as a safe home remedy t of eve troubles and te Sold under money guaranty, by all druggists. ¥ Physician "Bad breath is a sign of decayed teeth, foul stomach or unclean bowel" If your are , look to your digestive organs at, once. Seigel's yrop at druggists, 15 to 30 drops after mealsy clean up your food passage stop the bad breath odor. BOc. and $1.00 Bottles. Do not buy substitutes. | Get the genuine. 6 and must be gratifying to] MOEN CIOCICEPOON . Dandruff and Itching The Cause of Falling Hair Rub spots of dandruff and ftching with Cuticura Ointment, next mdrning shame pe with Cuticura Soap and /Aof water. inse with tepid water. Trial free. These fragrant, super-creamy emollients cléar the complexion of pimples, redness and roughness, cleanse the scilp, prevent falling hair and soften the hands. The | Soap to cleanse and purify, the Oints | ment to soothe and heal. ie HOW MAS. BOYD AVOIDED AN "OPERATION Canton, Ohio,--*'1 suffered from a female trouble which caused me much suffering, and two doctors decided that I would have to go through an operation before I could get well. "My mother, who had beon helped by Lydiakl. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, advised me to try it before sub~ mitting toanopera- tion. It relieved me $a 4 {from m; ;X can do. my hi Me ip | 80 1 can m, Ouse WOrk wi 2 : ho 18, . 1 advise any woman wi afflicted with female troubles to Eve, Lydia BE. Pinkham's Vegetable ind a trial and it will do as much for em."'-- Mrs. MARIE Boyp, 1421 bth §t., N. E., Canton, Ohio. metimes :

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