Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 25 Apr 1918, p. 3

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red clover successfully should be suitable for alfalfa, I would not re- commend sowing alfalfa with oats, since the latter crop produces rather young tender alfalfa plant. If you seed a field of alfalfa this spring, it should not be cut before next spring unless the growth is very strong be- fore fall. Innoculation of alfalfa seeds means introduction of the pecu- liar bacteria which live on the roots of the alfalfa plant. Innocula- tion is accomplished by feeding the seed with a culture containing the bacteria you wish to introduce. These cultures may be obtained from the Bacteria Department of the Ontario Agricultural College, or from com- ercial sources. Directions accom- panying the package should be fol- lowed closely. If the alfalfa seed is of high grade and germinates strong- ly, from 12 to 15 lbs, to the acre will be sufficient, Large growers of alfalfa , use between 12 to 20 pounds to the acre, normally. 2, From a labor stand- ft, turnips are looked upon as an gier crop to grow than mangels. As food mangels contdin a liftle more in than do turnips, but less season and then seed your ground to about 13% bushels of barley and grass seed mixture, consisting of 10° lbs. common red clover, 2 lbs, alsace, 6 bs. of timothy, and 5 Ibs, sweet clover, In order to make sure of the catch you would do well to fertilize the soil with about 200 lbs. to 800 lbs. of ferti- lizer carrying 8 to 6 per cent. am- monia and 6 to 8 per cent. phosphoric acid. This should be thoroughly work- ed into the soil at the time the seed bed is being prepared. ; R. 8::--Would be glad to have ad- and spring rye this spring to plow under late in summer for fertilizer purposes. Would it be a success or is something else more successful? Answer:--Half a Bushel of winter vetch seed, with a bushel and a half of rye to the acre should be sown. The ground should be thoroughly pre- pared and the seed drilled or har- rowed in carefully. In preparing the ground you will do well to apply about 1% ton of fine ground limestone per acre, harrowing it in carefully. This will make the soil sweet, which condi- tion is 'most suitable for the rapid growth of vetch. ' In order to make sure of a satisfactory catch, you will seeding as recommended in Pp starch, As a table suitable the last question. v Apple, peach, plum, quince, cherry and pear trees are seriously injured by San Jose scale and will be killed very likely unless freed from these in- sects. Shade trees are also troubled by scale and also some shrubs, par- "ticularly lilac. ° _ The trees should be pruned so as to get out all superfluous wood, which should be completely burned. Leave no stray pieces about with insects on them. This done, scrape off the rough bark so the scale under it may be reached with the spray, as spraying while the trees are dormant is the only remedy. Ah apis « If the trees are badly infested two sprayings may be riecessary. ' Spray as soon as possible and again just be- fore the buds begin to swell. Wet I will hest market prices tor Rats, Bro oot and 1 othe raw furs, 20 years of veliabls "trading _. How and When To Spray "3 A te, Bee HE : i : least hea replace the every part of the tree, or the labor may be in vain, Lime sulphur is generally used. It is effective on San Jose scale, oyster shell scale, Blister mite and scab and also destroys the eggs of plant lice. Oil emulsion may also be used. In bad cases of scale where the jn- sects have not been discovered until the foliage is on the tree they may be held in check by spraying with fish oil soap, one pound to six gallons of water, or with kerosene emulsion, dur- ing May or June when the young in- sects hatch, depending on the season and locality. Well cared for trees systematically 'sprayed are not troubled with scale. $i Aphis or Lice i There are two kinds of insects that injure plants, those which chew and those which pierce the foliage and suck the juices. . The former are con- trolled by poisons, but the latter must be reached by contact sprays and: be 1 hit -by the sprays," which kills 'them. biters' which' chew will be killed, when" i the - SN iooned , Ged, 'teven if they Appear after the spray s applied, hut those which. suck the ces must be hit with, the contact fact 'that it is on the foli- nob botherthem. =~ = are two forms of aphis or one appearing on the tree, 'on the roots. There are kinds of aphis that attack the plants, and all are corntroll- contact sprays. attack apple, plum and other orn . I bl iil a g £ 2 Fi cE ey suck the juices from-the age, usually feeding on, the under side of the leaves, causing' them to curl up, dry and drop wa I tree "ade; ; some. The dirt around each Hollen Worn , 85 p vice in regard to sowing winter vetch| do well to fertilize at the time of|: The root aphis are more trouble | twigs, forming. "OR HE STARS i t items in the 18 gatas | stam, vasasae ently liest vers CABBAGE a ONION--Early Yeilow Rennit's Extra Earl) - PEAS--Thomas Laxto! Senator---Best ad. . Plus Ue (Winters apan .. FN ikado nter, New Giant Astermum-- Rennie's XXX New Red Sunflower, . ] brids Rennie's Prize Giant Zinnia--Mixed teense t them, dealer hasn fl 5 4 WILLIAM aLSO AT MONTREAL moth lays its eggs in the spring on the leaves or small apples soon after blooming time. The young caterpil- lars, about one-sixteerith of an inch in length, enter the apple usually at the blossom end. . Arsenate of lead is sprayed into the calyx cap, which poi- sons the worm as soon as it starts to eat its way into the apple. When the worms enter the apple they attack the core and remain there about a month, then bare out through the ffuit. © There are likely to be two generations which must be controlled. Spray with arsenate of lead, two or three pounds to fifty gallons of water. The first application should be made when the calyx is open and extended so the poison can be forced into the blossom end of the young apple and before the blossom end closes. The wide open cluster is rot right; the stamen crowd upon the pistils, closing the heart of che flower, but just when the petals have fallen, when the calyx is open, is exactly the right time to drive in the poison spray. Later the calyx will close and the worm will be safely sheltered. Use strong pressure--156 pounds-- and spray thoroughly. Curculio. Plum curculio, a small grayish brown beetle, attacks plums, apples, peaches, pears and quinces, making a small cut on the fruit under which it lays its eggs. The larva, a small white worm, feeds on the fruit and causes it £0 drop. | The codling moth spray for apples will control'the curculio. Wild crab- apples or hawthorn growing near the orchard should be destroyed. Gather all fallen fruit and destroy it. Plums should be sprayed with ar- senate of lead, two or three pounds to fifty gallons of water, just after the Plossotns fall. Add to this milk of lime, made by mixing four pounds of fresh inked Yio with sufficient wa- ter "to dissolve it.'© Add this to each fift, ns of the argenate of lead to prevent burning of the foliage. Spray two 'weeks Inter with the same solution. 'PHis second. spray is . most important and, should thorough- ly cover the fruit.' ] ; Canker Worms . Canker worms feed. upon the leaves of fruit and shade trees in the spring and autumn. Arsenate of lead, four pounds, to fifty gallons of water, will destroy the caterpillars when they are young. Bands of sticky substances or cotton bound around the trunks of the treés will keep the wing- less fdmale from getting on the trees, q Bud moths attack the terminal leaf 'buds and blossoms. "Where lime sul- rid phur is used before the buds open for *:%4 scale on apples arsenate of lead, two * | pounds to fifty gallons, may be added to 'dontrol the Hud moth, Speay again ead alone, same bikeAl , just before the blossoms Tent Caterpillars The. egg masses are laid on the a grayish brown 8 nie's Golden Bantam. 3 Seen Rennie's Longkeeper Brown Globe FARSNIP- Rennie's XXX Guernsey i . rlys... ~ RADISH--Crimson Globe Sz Non ATO--Bonny Best ...... es Blue Stem Early--Kigg Edward ONION SETS-- Yellow Sepe--Selected : White Multiplier Sets. FLOWER SE Defiance Balsam-- Delphiniurm A , Ruffled Giant Petu Rennie's XXX Giant Spencer Sweet Peas-- Mixture. SR I When buyin from dealers, Insist on Rennle's. If your we will ship direct. R ENNI KING &¢ MARKET 3b. 'Ib. Bibs, 28°70 3.26 2.60 2.76 1.20 «25 oe 10 60 2.26 EDS Mixture ve COMPANY BRS GRE he A TORONTO VANCOUVER "Sh WINNIPEC of the tree, from which sawdust some- times sifts out; a discoloration of the bark is an indication of the borers' presence. The only remedy is to cut the borers out with a sharp knife. Watch the trees and get the borers as soon as they enter. A stiff wire can also be used to push up the hole and kill the borer. Go over all the trees in April and again in the autumn. Painting the trunks at the base with white lead mixed with raw linseed oil is recommended. Make the mixture the consistency of thick house paint and apply early in the spring before May, after the borers have been cut sal letter. ite on one side of paper of ddress all correspondence for th Woodbine Ave. Toronto. ' 8. 8.:--Your letter arrived too late for insertion last week. I am afraid _| the only thing to be done with the rug is to send it to a professional cl nd addressed envelope is enclosed. 3 x AL gma JERE e and daughters of all ages are cordially invited to write ent. 8 only will be published with sach ques 'its ar EE Traits must be given in each Answers will be mailed direct elen Law, 235 nly. is department to Mrs. H Hey ; nm ins '1 think was atranged by @ teacher and used when she took: her spring class for a walk. . A give a basket of i explaining the accident. Regarding the scratches on the mahogany desk, an authority informs me that the only remedy is to have the finish removed and a new one applied. This work could be satfactorily done only by an expert. T. E. O.;p~1. When applying tur- pentine, mix with it one third the quantity of lard and it will not blister. 2. For sore and tender feet use the following powder: Talc, nine ounces; boric acid, one ounce. Mix and shake into the shoes and dust on the stock- ings after they have been drawn on the feet. This is said to give great relief. Polly:--Do you use stews as much as you might in the course of your substitution campaign? Do you know how good they are? They may be so varied that you can have a dif- ferent-one every day in the week and all of them delicious. It needs only a small piece of meat to give flavor to a hearty digh. It's a mistaken idea that you must eat a lot of meat to be strong. Meat build up the body. but so do many other foods and & little meat with vegetables and cereals gives the body what it needs. All kinds of stews are cooked in just about the same way. Here are directions which will serve for making almost any kind: Cut the meat in small pieces and brown with the onion in the fat cut from the meat. Add the seasoning, two quarts of water and the rice, or other cereal, if it is to be used. Cook for an hour, then add the vegetables except potatoes. Cook the stew for half an hour, add the potatoes cut in quarters, cook for another half an hour and serve. Left over or canned vegetables need only to be heated through. Add them fifteen minutes before serving. Dried peas or beans should be soaked over night and cooked for three hours be- fore adding to the stew. Reader:--"A contest, something children will like and not too diffi- cult." Here is a flower pastime that award a flower to thé child who answers correctly. | 0 Rw 1. What fair maiden lived between two mountains? (Lily of the valley.) 2. What is the emblem of her coun- try? (Maple ey) J 3. What did "she do each early morn? (Rose.) 4. Give names of her three sisters. (Daisy, Violet and Myrtle.) : 5. What was the big brother's name and with what did he write? (Jon- quil.y name? (Sweet William.) 7. What did he always call father? (Poppy.) \ 8, What did the father call to the older son each morning? (Johnny jump up.) 9. at hour did they rise in sum- mer? (Four o'clock.) 10. What bells rang through the valley on Sunday? (Bluebells.) 11. Who preached in their church? ° ( the Pulpit.) 12, How many tame to hear him? (Phlox.) 18. What selection was played om the organ? (Narcissus) 14. Who cooked the Sunday dinner? (Black-eyed Susan.) 16. What vegetable (Sweet peas.) 16, From what did they drink? (Cups and saucers, or buttercups.) 17. What great event of the king did théy desire to see? (Carnation, i.e., coronation.) 18. What fine animal did they see at a circus? (Dandelion) 19. What accidént happened in the barn one day? (Cowslip.) 20. With what was John punished? (Goldenrod.) ; 21. With what were the girls pun- ished? (Lady slippers.) 22. As John never married, what did he sew on? (Bachelor buttons.) 23. When Lily left home, with what did she kiss her®mother? (Tulips.) 24. What did her mother say? (For get-me-not.) ' his had they? out, Do not use boiled li d oil or common house paint with a drier in it. Remove all gum from the peach trees when going over the trees ii the autumn, painting the wounds where the borers have been cut out. (Concluded next week.) ----e G Poulin' Grain for. chickens should be clean and free from mold. = Moldy grain will often cause death or result in any one of several diseases common to the digestive tract. Birds affected be- come weak and inactive and often manifest an intense thirst. Such an individual may be given a teaspoonful of Epsom salts and if recovery is not rapid it should be killed. No flock of hens is so good but that there are certain individuals which are 'far superior to certain others. Neither is there a flock of hens that is 80 small but that it will pay to select a few of the best for breeders. Only a small breeding flock is necessary on many farms, since fifteen hens will lay during the breeding season of two and a half months from 400 to 500 'eggs. If each year the * best are selected as breeders, remarkable pro- gress can be made in just a few sea- sons, toward producing a strain of vigorous, large-bodied, late-moulting, high-préducing hens. It also means keeping 'fewer male birds, which at four to five cents a bird per week for eed is a considerable saving. Method of curing hens of the egg- eating habit: Blow the contents from several egg shells and fill them with plaster Paris, or pulp plaster. Fill a dozen or two--they will set hard in a few hours. Put these in the nests and around on the floor. eetinioer mnie Why Trees Winter-Kill. Have you studied thé matter of fruit trees winter-killing, and the 'cause? ~ In Ontario fruit trees suf- fer from winter-killing on account of making too late growth in the fall, and the wood is not properly harden- ed up before the freezing weather be- gins, It has been found that much of this winter-k - can be prevepted by stoppin a cultivation of the soi in the bk a 5 ng August, and sowing a cover crop of clover, rye, or any other cover crop desired. This ) ¢ jsture from e available wentiflg the rapid wth of the trees late in the "In "consequence - the wogd ready made hardens up, and is able "to withstand the severe win- 1 ather. of "oots value. -'Po- Castots are third i he lis I "Ox Lapos. INTERNATIONAL LESSON APRIL 28. Lesson IV. Jesus Rebukes Selfish- ness--Mark 9. 30-50. Golden Text, Mark 9. 85. Verse 33. They came to Capernaum --Here he had begun his Galilean ministry and here he was to bring it to a close. We have no knowledge of his being in the town again, He was now to go southward. In the house he asked them--He had probably heard them disputing as they came along and now, having overheard some of the conversation, wishes to learn of their difficulties. 34. Held their peace--It was no- thing to be proud of. The fact that him up the mountain may have led them to wonder why they were thus preferred and hence the subject under discussion. Who was the greatest-- Their conception of the kingdom about which he had said so much dealt with grades and ranks of service and now naturally they were concerned to know: who was the leader among them. 86. Sat down--The usual attitude of | a Jewish teacher. Called the twelve --It was needful that the entire band of disciples should know in what true | greatness consisted, as it' was funda- mental to 'their own success in the future. If any man would be first, he shall be last of all, and servant of all--The humility of greatness and the greatness of humility. Preemin- ence in the kingdom is marked by ser- vice and not by rank; a service which is for all without discrimination. This is the general principle stated, 86. Took a little child--They were in all probability in Peter's house. Was this Peter's boy whom Jesus called to him? He calls the child to his side, lifts him up in his arms and then gives the\immortal lesson. It is Mark alone who tells of his taking the child in his arms. For fuller details as to what he said wa turn to Mat- thew's account (Matt. 18)3.Habmr thew's account (Matt. 18, 8). There is nd picture more beautiful and signifi- cant than this--the Supreme T he had selected the three to go with' -- We have now a transition to an in- cident Fepot val by John of one who was rebuked for casting out demons and who was not one of Jesus' dis- ciples. 38. John said--The first time in which John appears as spokesman in the Synoptists, but his name occurs in connection with James when the re- quest was made for the chief places in the kingdom, and it is these two who at another time propose to call down fire upon a Samaritan village because the people had been discourt- eous to the Master. We saw one casting out demons in thy name----We are not told where this incident took place. It occurred to John to tell it because, no doubt, Jesus had refer- red to receiving one in his name. We forbade him--By using the name of Jesus and not being in the regular company of disciples John thought this outsider was taking a liberty with the name of Jesus; he tried to stop him, 89. Forbid him not--Jesus' influence must have wrought mightily outside of the circle of his immediate follow- ers, inciting them to genuine works of power in his mame. To rebuke such an one was an excess of zeal. We have here a principle of wide ap plication. There is surely Christian grace and power in many circles which do not bear our name, Well and good if they honor the name of Christ. ; 40. He that is not against us is for ¢ us--In another ' connection he said "He that is not with me is against me" (Matt, 12. 80). The cases are in principle the same. No man can be against Christ if he has faith, though imperfect, in hip name. One cannot be a friend of the Master if he has so little faith in him as to think that his works are the works of Satan. In one case-it is our attitude toward others, in the other it is our inner at- titude toward Christ. - 41. A cup of water to drink, be cause ye are Christ's--John's question had broken in upon Jesus' talk con- cerning the childlike spirit. He now resumes that topic. e speaks of the worth of the smallest service render- ed to a disciple in the spirit of the disciple. X 42. Whosoever shall cause one of | these little ones to stumble-- Jesus is ever the champion of the weak. A spiritual injury done to one of the humblest of his disciples brings 'with the child in hip arms presenting to his disciples the never-to-be-for- gotten object lesson: 87. Whosoever shall receive one of such little children in my namé---The child represented the true disciple-- docile, trustful, unassuming. In my name--That is, "out of regard for met The "name" represents all that a min is known to and do. The name of Christ is all that he is reveal- ed to us to be in spirit and deed. Re- ceivéth him that sent me--To receive a humble disciple in whom we re cognize the spirit of Christ is to re- Christ himself, and as Christ is | the sent of God it is esséntially to re- ceive God himself. : £4 severe ces to the guilty party. t 9 A rn -- Start with pure stock--that will make the increase and eggs for hatch- ing marketable at better prices. Gettirig lodged' trees to come down js always hard, dangerous busines We have learned that by chopping a I good-sized: piece out of the tree to be felled, in the direction we wish the tree to lie, and then sawing on the 5} posite side with a. cross-cut saw, can throw the 'tree about where wa want ft. A wedge driven in saw-cast back of the sa 6. What was her baby brother's :

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