Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 2 May 1918, p. 3

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gard Crime as Legitimate Means Engle town of Folkstone, which has bombarded the several times, the author told his udience that the nations of the earth ihave banded together to down the Kaiser and his minions just as the {Indian Government had to take meas- 'ures to wipe ont Thugs. Suggestions of peace, Kipling as- Sserted, originate among Boche agents i confederates who are active not tonly in England but in every other {country with - which® Germany is at war. Compromise, he said, would mean nothing less than defeat and "nothing we may have to endure now will weigh one featherweight compared with what we shall suffer if, we fail." The Thugs of India. "One hundred | ago there was a large and highly organized commu- nity in India which lived by assassina- tion and robbery," continued Kipling. "They were educated to it from their 'infancy; they followed it as a profes- sion and it also was their religion. 'They were called Thugs. : "Their method was to disguise themselves as pilgrims or travellers or merchants and to join with parties moving about India. They got.into the, dence of their victims, found what they had on them and in due e--after weeks or months of ac- intance--<they killed them by giv- ing them poisoned food--sweetnteats for _choice--or by strangling them from behind as they sat over the fire of an evening. Then they, stripped . the corpse of all valuables, threw it down a well or buried it and went on to the next job. "At last things got so bad that the Government of India had to interfere and after many years in tracking down and hanging up the actual mur- derers and imprisoning their spies and confederates, who included persons in all ranks of society, it put an end to _ the whole business of Thuggee.: "The world has progressed since that day. By present standards of crime those Thugs were ineffective. amateurs. They did not mutilate or defile the bodies of the dead; they did not torture or rape or enslave people; they did not kill children for fun and they did not' burn villages. They merely killed and robbed in gn unob- way as 4 matter of education, duty and religion, under the patronage of their goddess, Kali the Destroyer. . International Department. "AT the present moment all the At the Factories » 'Where Postum is Made the "He is not shocked by these things, He has been taught that it is his busi- ness to perform them, his duty to sup- port them and his religion to justify . They are, and for a long time past havg been, as legitimate in his eyes as, ballot in the eyes of an Englishman. "This, remember, was as true of the German in 1914 as it is now. People who have been Brought up to make or- ganized evil in every form their su- preme god because they beleve evil will pay them are not going to change their belief till it is proved that evil does not pay. So far thie Hun believes that evil has paid him in the past and will pay him better in the future. He has had a good start. "Like the Thug the Hun knew ex- actly what he meant to do before he opened his campaign against mankind, As we have proof now, his poisoned sweetmeats and knotted towels were prepared years beforehand and his spies had given him the fullest infor- mation about all the people he in- tended to attack. Right in German Eyes. "So he is doing what is right in his own eyes. He thought out the hell he wished to create; he built it up seri- ously and scientifically with his best hands and brains; he breathed into it his own spirit that it might grow with his needs; snd at the hour he judged best he let it loose on a world that till then had believed there were limits beyond which men born of wéman dared not sin. "Nine-tenths of the atrocities Ger- many has committed have not been made public. I think a mis take. But one gets hint of them here and there--Folkestone has had more than a hint, For instance, we were told the other day that 14,000 non- combatants, men, women and children, had drowned, burned or blown to pieces since the war began. "But we have no conception--and till the veil is lifted after the war we shall have no conception--of the rgnge and system of these atrocities. Least of all we shall realize, as they realize in Belgium and occupied France just across the river, the cold, organized miseries which Germany has laid upon the populations that have fallen into her hands, that she might break their bodies and defile their souls; This is part of the German creed. "What understanding is possible with a breed that has worked for and brought about these things? And as long asthe Germans are left with any excuse for thinking that such things pay can any peace'be made with them in which men can trust? None, "For it is the peculiar essence of German culture--which is the German religion--that it is Germany's moral _ | duty to break every tie, evesy restric- tion, that binds man to fellow man if '| she thinks it will pay. Therefore, all mankind are against her. Therefore, all mankind must be against her till she learns that no race can make its way or break its way outside the {borders of humanity." 5 ee ie GULLS AS FOOD FOR MAN. In Iceland Gull Flesh Forms Principal : Winter Diet. "The flesh of gulls," says one of the ," "is rank fit 3 | of orchard white, shake well, and you but very inhospitable. Nevertheless, 'A dainty little dress for a dainty lit- tle girl. McCall Pattern No. 8170, Child's Dress. In § sizes, 6 months rto 6 years. Price, 10 cents, There is quite a"vogue for the dress that ties on. McCall Pattern No. 7901. Ladies' Tie-On House Dress. In 8 sizes, small, medium and large. Price, 20 cents, These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., % Bond St., Tofonto, Dept. W. LEMON JUICE IS FRECKLE REMOVER. Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two. lemons into a bottle containing three ounces have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beauti- fier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or tollet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands"each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin be- comes, Yes! Tt is harmless. fp lp r---- A Great Lone Land. The biggest and lonest land on the globe is Siberia, of which at the pre- sent moment there is so much talk. Anyone who would set about its con- quest by invasion would find the task a herculean one, for it contains near- ly. five million square miles, and is about forty-five times as big as the British Isles! L- In these vast spaces there is a popu- lation less than London contains by a couple of millions, and there are hun- dreds of thousands of square miles of | or curiosity, placed it in her lap. Then | f group of men. 4 co F5iie: dn H ant child; but others insisted that was a child of birth and title, from some northern chateau. "She eats like a lady," said one. "Let us see what she will do with a napkin." Somehow they managed to get half a dozen napkins, -and luncheon was spread on the ground. The Little Duchess, as the soldiers called her, looked indifferently at the napkin be- side her plate, and then, without haste she one of the men tucked his under his chin and another tied his about his neck. In two minutes they noticed that the Little Duchess had tied hers round her neck. "It was the tact of a lady," said one "Not to correct an- other or be different in small matters when you sit at his table shows that you are well-born." \ Then they tried her in the drawing- room of a ruined chateau. One of them led her to the sofa; the child did not stop there but seated herself dom- posedly on a battered ottoman, "That settles it!, Children in d French families are taught to sit -- : such stools in the presence of their elders." "But no," was the reply. "In Bo- hemia well-bronght-ap children seek a stool when they sit in the presence of their elders." ' Then a Frenchman motioned the little girl to tHe old piano. She sat on the piano stool, perplexed, troub- led, wrinkling her forehead. The hulking legionaires held their breath. What strain of effort might there be to remember an elusive something, sweet and peaceful, far in, through a purgatory of confusion, fright, blood, hunger, loneliness and awful explo- sions that had hurt her poor head! Or had they merely set before a poor peasant child an impossible task? One of the men started to rescue her, but at that moment the child's hands reached the keyboard, and she struck a chord, a single chord, but a true one. ; "That's enough for AQ-day!" they cried, and they all piled * out of the gutted chateau Into the springtime sunlight, laughing and: petting the | Little Duchess. Since then the little girl has re- turned several times to the piano and has played bits of tuneful exercises. Of course she proved not to be deaf and dumb at all. Her condition was | the result of the terrible artillery con- cussions and the nerve-racking scenes through which she had passed. She is learning to talk again, aided by the | rough legionaires, and sometimes she learns ten new words in a morning; but the men will not let her be "Dus ed" too rapidly. --_--_-- 2 » Ask for Minard's and take no other. Climbing cutworms may eat out the buds on young or newly-set trees, if iif g 'have placed 1,000,000 pairs of boots a i thelr disposal and can supply furth There millions. of pairs if necessary. are ample resources to meet all new demands, and the present issue has been produced without the factories working overtime. There are two kinds of tea: ordin- ary tea and Salada. Salada is more economical since it takes so much less to make a satisfying infusion, New Law Enforced Several restaurant ,men who have either willfully or innocently ignored the regulations recently passed by the Canada Food Board covering the con- servation of food stuffs in public eat- ing places have been heavily fined. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. 1 wag very sick with Quinsy and thought T would strangle. I used MINARD'S LINIMENT and it cured me at once, I am never without it now. Yours gratefully, MRS. C. D. PRINCE. Nauwigewauk, Oct. 21st. Some retired farmers are so tired of 'retiring, that they'll jump at the war call for more farm help. The country needs them all. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. Tie your coat to the implement seat 20 you will not get wet by the April showers when you are on the far side of the field. Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can shortly be lift- ed right out with the fingers if you will apply on the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. At little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an ether com- pound, and dries the moment it is ap- plied and does not inflame or even ir- ritate the surrounding tissue. Just think! You can lift off your corns and calluses now without a bit of pain or soreness, If your druggist hasn't freezone he can easily get a small bot- tle for you from his. wholesale drug house. 0 WITH THE FINGERS! SAYS CORNS LIFT OUT WITHOUT ANY PAIN 0 o 02-0. ° 0--0 you don't watch out. A little paper fp "fence" around . each three inches high and not touching the trunk--will prevent such damage. Or use poisonéd bait. This paper- tree trunk--' fence idea also works nicely as a pro- | [i tection for cabbage and other plants set in the field. IIRL INRaU} territory where no human being 1s to be seen. The mighty rivers of Siberia | are almost rendered useless by the fact that they flow mostly into the Arctic Ocean) and thelr lower courses are ice-bound during the greater part of the year, and their mouths are at all times very difficult of access. Arc- tic Siberia is a vast country in itsel, it CE NE OCC SMOKE [R{e1N 11] a3 TER a ERA HHA TN [V8 (LL The shortage of wheat in France has become so serious that the bread ration of the French soldiers has been reduced. 18,000,000 bushels of wheat were promised Europe from North America per month. Since January 1st, the shortage has been 85,000,000 bushels, according to the Hon. Everetf Colby, Senator for New Jersey, in his speech delivered at Ottawa the other day. MONEY ORDERS. t is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents, One pound more of wool, one dozen more eggs, on every farm of this coun try will help to keep somebody from going cold or hungry. Minard"s Liniment used by Physicians. A slice of lemon or a dash of 'vine. gar added when boiling meat or fish improves the flavor. FOR BALE EEKLY NEWSPAPER IN WEST- ern Ontario. Doing a good busi Death of owner places it on the market. A great chance for a man cash. Apply Box 83, Wilson Publishing Co. Limited, Toronto. ELL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER and job printing plant in Hastern Ontario, Insurance carried $1,600. o for $1,200 on quick sale. Box €8, f1son Publishing Co. Ltd, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, BTC. internal and external, cured wi out pain by our home treatment. Wri before too late. TAmited. Collingwood. Ont C TUC _-- sa aa For over 40 years Hinst's Pain Exterminator § IB tas been taking the pain out of theymatism, § BH 1umBago, lame back, neuralgia. sprain, H toothache and similar complaints Buy = HB H bottle, read the directions on the circular NH H 10 the package. Al dealers, or write us. H HIRST 'REMEDY COMPANY Hamilton, Canada Hl uins1's Family Salve, (500), 35H¢ | H RIRST'S Pectoral Syrup of Hore. : H hound and Elecampane. (35) BOTTLE 'DON'T cur ouT A Shoe Boil, Capped Hock or Bursitis FOR . EAA will reduce them and leave no blemishesi Stops lameness promptly. Does not blis« ter or remove the hair, and horse can beg worked. $2.50a bottle delivexed. Book B fre, ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind, the Baiment for Boils, Brulses, Sores, Swellings, Varicose V: Allays Pain and Infammation. Price $1.2 glows or delivered. WII tell you more 11 you write. W. F.YOUNG, P.D. F., 518 Lymans Bldg, Montreal, Cama, __Sbsorbiue 20d Absorbine, Jr. are made ln Canad / Cuticura Heals g Pimples On Face and were hard and red caus« disfigurement for the se so much 1 constantly a free ing time and

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