Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 13 Jun 1918, p. 4

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> ok Grakaiont in the cellar ander CRUE | the collar department of S. Jeffrey & uly 3--Sunderland at Port Perry uly 4--Port Perry at i sbi uly 5--Beaverton at Lindsay - rr uly 1 erry at Lindsay Ju 12--Lindsay at Sunderland July 16--Port Perry at Beaverton July 18--Uxbridge at Lindsay uly 20--Beaverton at Sunderland uly 28--Lindsay at Beaverton July 24--Uxbridge at Port Perry July 26---Sunderland at Uxbridge' SUMMARY Beavertonfat: Port Perry, » June 12 Uxbridge, July 9 Lindsay, July 5 Sunderland, July 2043 Sunderland, June 19° Uxbridge, July 4 Lindsay, July 10 Beaverton, July 16 Fl my at ryand Port Perry at: Beaverton, June 14 Sunderland, June 27 Lindsay, July 18 Port Perry, July 24 Uxbridge, June 20 Port Perry, June 26 Sunderland. July 12 Beaverton, July 23 Sunderland at: Lindsay, June 14 Beaverton, June 25 Port Petry, July 3 Uxbridge, July 26 GAMES AT PORT PERRY Beaverton, June 12 Lindsay, June 26 Sunderland, July 3 Uxbridge, July 24 EL Uxbridge at : Lindsay at : ' Personal Lance Corp. Percy Ingram, who is in 'training at Niagara-on-the-Lake, spent the week end at his home here. We are pleased to note that he has al- ready put his foot on the ladder of official promotion, Dr. and Mrs, Baker, and children, of Haliburton, are the guests of Mr C L Vickery. Mr R J Hartry, of Minden, has been visiting friends in town. Mrs T B Wilson has moved to Haliburton, where she will reside with her son, Russell. Mrs John McMillan bas 1ecovered from her illness sufficiently to be able fo be out again, and wishes to thank the many friends for. their kindness daring her illness. ~ Mrs. Geo. Jackson will spend a couple of weeks at Belleville, 'as the ~ guest of Mrs. Jonathan Lane, and in attendiug the Branch Meeting of the W.M.S. at Picton, in which Mrs Jack son, as District Organizer, takes a . promiment part. Mr. John Davis, of Toronto, * Sunday at his home here. Rev. Mr Fsaser, Presbyterian min- : ister at Uxbridge, with Mrs Rodman; i Mrs Solley, and her mother, motored to Scugog tossee Mr and Mrs I Rod- man, and Mrs Hardy, the latter being quite ill. On the way the party Mic-aad Mrs H W Linke United Farmers Meet On the evening of Thursday, June © 20, a meeting to set forth the' objects © of the United Farmers.of Ontario will ) "be held in the Town Hall, Port Perry, addressed by. the Provincial President ~~ Mr Hilbert. ~ A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend this meeting. ~ Quinte Conference 3 Mr. James. Stonehouse was in Lind: say for a couple of days last week, at- tending the Fay of Quinte Conference 'at which he a delegate. Both he |Ca | and Rev. Mr, Elliott were appointed "delegates to General Conference = at Hamilton about Sep spent wie Spm to. Rev F. gan Seog cellar, the fire had made some headway before it was noticed, and it was hard to locate and extinguish Nearly all the loss will be through poured into the building. Quite a large Jan n up or in the process of making, and the water will damage the metal parts "| quite badly. The loss on building and. stock is $8000, covered by insurance. On the day of the fire an grder for 100 sets of harness was received from the West Reporting Progress The committee having in charge the High School presented their re- port to the Board of Education, and were instructed to secure further in- formation as to the cost of equipment and necessary alterations to the school building, said data to be placed before the Board at an adjourned meeting on Wednesday evening of this week. A 'Big Output Mr. Allan Goode has every reason to be gratified with his business at the Port Perry Creamery. The week be- fore last 4800 lbs. of butter were made mn the six days, an average of 800 lbs. per day. The equipment is thoroughly good, and the abundant supply of pure spring water will be a great help in the production of high-grade butter. Last week 6000 lbs were made Baseball On Thursday of last week our base- ball boys went to Uxbridge and played a game with the team there. The re- sult was a score of 13 to 14 in favor Uxbridge. As Uxbridge returns the visit this Wednesday, the home boys are going to do their prettiest #0 se- Cure a proper score. mer Manchester Too late for last week Mrs Weeks and: Mrs Pearson of Oshawa, visiting Mrs R Munro. Miss Aletha Barrett spent Sunday with her parents. Mrs Boyer is with neice, Mrs John Johnson. Mr Ed Skill at the Hote of his mother-in-law, Mrs D Rees. Mrs Mayhew of Toronto, who has been with her sister, Mrs Parkin for the past month has left to spend the summer in Muskoka. A happy crowd of young people assembled at the home -of Mrs Stubbs on Monday evening to bid farewell to Frank Johnson, Gordon: Flewell and Harold Thompson, who will soon be leaving for Camp "Niagara. ~All" re- port having a merry fime although grieved at having to say good-bye to their former school mates. Mrs E Barrett, Mts Chas Lambe, Mrs W_ Walker and Miss Thompson, motored to. Claremont and attended the W. M.S. convention. Mr H Lambe, who was kicked by a horse a few weeks ago is slowly improving. We are glad to see as our farmers become more prosperous and happy they are realizing the - comforts of having a car, Mr H Dobson have each . purchased new Overland cars. Seagrave No church services on Seagrave circuit last Sunday owing to Rev. Mr. Joblin attending Conference at Lind- say. 5 Last Tuesday morning E Frise, O Shunk, W Clark and Geo Baird re- forted: for military training at Niagara oy Tuesday Mr W Pollock had a very successful barn raising. Mr F Hatley, contractor; Messrs .Geo Till and Geo McMillan as captains, - Messrs Fishley Bros raised an ad- dition to their barn on Friday, Messrs John and Donald McLean are the carpenters, Ji Son's Harness Shop last. Tuesday |; - | morning. As there was considerable] | straw for staffing collars 'stored in" the | 1, owing to the large volume of smoke, ie the large amount of water that was| uantity of harness was made' the matter of agricultural tuition in| {will 'be held in High School, Port 'Mr T Dobson and| J Drown is build a kitchen sment of Public Works, ir nid oi ry Married FrrousoN-ELFORD --- At "Riddle- combe, Port Perry, by Rev. John Harris, on Wednesday, "June 5, "1918, Mr. Walter N. Ferguson, of Enfield, to Miss Verna N. Elford, of Cartwright. Miss. Hazel Raines On Sunday, June 9, 1918, Miss Hazel Raines, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Raines, died after a short illness in her 21st year. Miss Raines had been living in Toronto for some time and came home for a bref holi- day on the 24th of May, when she was-taken with an illness that ,devel- oped into typhoid fever. There "was no expectation that the illness would prove fatal, and the loss of this bright young life is a severe blow to the be- reaved farmly. The sympathy of many friends 1s extended to those who mourn the loss of their loved one. For Sale A light democrat' and 'harness. Apply at Switzer's Blacksmith Shop, Port Perry. W. GC. T. U. Convention Ontario County W, C. T. U. icon- vention will be held in the. Methodist Church, Port Perry, on Friday, June 21st, 1918, there being three sessions ---morning "afternoon and evening, The public are cordially invited to the afternoon and evening sessions, when special music will 'be given. Mrs. Stevens, Dominion President, will be the principal speaker at the evening session and Mrs. Gully, County President, will speak at the afternoon session. W. J. Cook - Real Estate A large list of farms for sale in Ontario County. Some city property for exchange or sale, also Western land: My list includes some rare bargains. Waite or phone me before buying. Communicate with W J Cook, R.R. No 2, Port Perry, or Bell Phone 107 r 2 2, or Independent Phone 406 a ---------- 0) High School Entrance Examination "The Junior Entrance Examination Perry, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Tune 19th, 20th, and 21st. The following is the Time Table: ' "Wednesday, Jun 19th 9--9.15 a.m, -- Reading Regulations 9.15-11.15 a.m-- British History 1.30-3.30 p.m.--Composition 3.40-4.45 p.m.,--Spelling. _ Thursday, June 20th 9-11.30 a.m.-- Arithmetic 1.30-4 p.m.-- Literature 3 Friday, June 21st . 9-11 a.m, --Englhsh Grammar. 3 11-11 a.m. --Writing 1.30-3.30 p. m.--Geography. able periods during the three days. Perry offer three prizes at this ination to one candicaté . Perry Public School, wi two can- | didates from: at other schools, in order of meeit, on the defi the winners of the prizes Perry. High Scoool yoann ® hed on th farm. or ait, of sl] tist church, o the session of Council with devotional exercises. * oie A letter was read from the Deputy]: | Minister of Highways Mr W A Me.| Lean, stating that the appointment of R R Mowbray as. Road Superinten- dent, was satisfactory to. the Depart- ment. 'Mr JE Schiller, Governor of the Gaol made application for an increase Get the tiny tots started Tela sinovohare bi i ela srscyws a i them many a tooth ache, and yoursel i bills, + Grown-ups to like this Silver Grey Tooth Paste. | ceived from W A Littlejohn, Clerk of of $200 per year in salary. A resolution-and petition was Te- the City of Toronto, addressed to the Government of Canada, re obolishing the Senate. Mr. J] H Downey Reeve of Whitby, gave notice of * motion to designate streets in the town of Whitby which would form links in the County Good Roads System. 000 oc Report of Committee on Finance . and Assessment. 1. We have examined the Auditors, Report and find the same correct, and | would recommend that T J Widden and C'J Cameron be paid the sum of $23 each for their services as audi- tors. 2 Your Committee recommend that a grant of $25 each be made to Sovereign Perfume Company Cawker Bros., Butchers, request an early settlement of all outstanding accounts owing to them. Ask for the Tube in Khaki - 28C. Sold by all Druggists a Brock Ave., Toronto Please Take Notice the Women's [nstitutes of North and South Ontario. On motion of Mr Doble, seconded] ; Ford Car for Sale _ 3 Your Committee them the application Schiller, Governor of the County Gaol asking fora raise in salary of $200 per annum. Would recommend that no action be taken. 4 Your Committee that C A Raxton be appointed to the have " before from J E by Mr Heavener, the Warden and Clerk were instructed to prepare and have engrossed and forwarded to -the widow of the late Col. Sharpe, from the County Council a letter. of'LCon- dolence, expressing its appreciation of the valuable services rendered by Col Sharpe to this County and to the Em- pire, and expressing our sympathy recommend + New Ford Touring Car, with dim- motor. Call at lot 10, con. 10, Roach. D: E. Ianson. . > For Sale Good driving mare and rural mail mers and robe rail, 1917 model, good | Road § Oral Reading will be taken at suit- i The Board of Education of Poit| Dol el efits condition thar ps rizes attend fort be m position of 'High County: Constable, and that a by-law be prepared for that purpose. 5 Your Committee recommend that Judges McGillivray, Ruddy and Smith be paid the sum of $10 each for postage account: 6 Your Committee recommend that the grant to the Canadian Patri- otic Society from this County for thé last six months of 'this' year, be an amount equal to one mill on the dol- lar, on the last equalized assessment of this County, to be levied and col- lected this year. 7. Your Committee, after consid ering 3 request from the Young Men's Christian Association for a grant from this Council to its work, "and Uxbridge. with her in her bereavement. A communication was read from the Uxbridge Town Council, request- ing the County Council to apply to Government of Ontario, for the aps pointment of William Hamilton as a Police Magistrate for the Town 'of Mr Noble brought to the notice of the Council the meeting in the Labor! Temple, Toronto, regarding farmers' interests. An invitation to attend the Uxbridge Farmers' Club picnic ta be , held at Uxbridge on June 19; was ex- ' : tended to the County Council. 2 : or A session of the County Countil likely be held in November. delivery wagon tn good condition Apply J, H. Brown, Seagrave, Ont Found Left on roadside between 1st and 2nd concession of Reach, a Moon 1917.- Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. « John Spencer, R. R.-2, Port Tony Presbyterian Church would recommend that an amount be -- and 7p. m, granted équal-to one-half mill on the ---- AE a : Sunday School and Bible Class at dollar of the last equalized assessment 3 3 pm, of this County, to be levied and col-| YS P Tie yeu. fe ae Meeting, Thursddy evening Other Resolutions in By-law to clese up Balsam Street in the Township of Reach. Grants were made to the Women's Patriotic Society, Port Perry, $52.75; and Beaverton Girls' Khaki Club, | $2645 0 The 'Committee on Agriculture granted $200 to the District Repre- 'sentative of Agricnlture to be used in prizes at the school fairs. : A resolution provides that a wire] fence bonus be pald as follows, when}. said wire fences are erected along the| ~' County Good Roads System--25c. | per rod for a fence of not less than 7 'running wires fastened to suitable] posts not more than 80 ft. apart, the| ih to be certified by the County - | Motor Car about 1st of September, Services every Sabbath at Ham:

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