Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 13 Jun 1918, p. 6

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ht Houghton Miia Company by Spesial arrangement with, Thos. Allen b CHAPTER V.--(Cont'd.) '|tracted women, and distracted women £ had her; the sight of them, Yike most of the other men, Jerty|gne explained to Jotey, Had made her ne Had mee id " a resolve not to go "lepping" into the thetic ce tre eS ity brad air like she was a wild creature, Now inted : em y foreign-bor 4 0 BE within 1 anger Wis Barions | that she knew what the worst was to Ns a ' A Th, gulations regardin ) ne pu 8 5 oe be, she wasn't afraid of it; of course, comm ; the § tr SE tt and to see to it Fs made eo thei 8 had al-| ¢7o1ve hours a day in an iron mill was considerations to the management. '|'At this the world Ee ey or od a aire; foc much for flesh and blood to stand| Then began the series of confer: Des. | tion, when 4, people of. the 'wor fore Ad in for a whole lifetime, but for a short! ences that were pro or ter "Americans er have rved to de a8. con IE x hours was Ine | While now, till he did be getting hold| days unavailingly. | pl A asfitters, . carpenters,| 4,260,000" oldie oa human. That as pe neral- | °f a Detter Job, it might pe hy nef Hint ig et prof Sais on al ; , and labor agita-| the direct result of battle, it is b izatio : an not, 'there was alwa. oyees, © ) ericans. want to Work ea " Y ve, It 1 N "fret on that, presented inset = for the | ashing to fall back on. And as for Dt YE a policy of re! . x ; rant to k| cavil or dispute that these food : in a fanciful © RO mex B hn their home, well, it was themselves| ment; that, however, had been dictat- 1 sar Desmond, a a i bt, na that made it, themselves and a few| ed by the rs. Dobbins and his i the new: scheme, and of hin o 1 things they prized--not the four walls| committee sought an interview with 1 ot accept eo = ferer from it. rs wou 1d be D "| of the house; if they had to move|Benjamin Desmond, who was I8-| «In that event Ihave no doubt that think our OB mond, derivin ly To i ol away, they could take the spirit of} cognized as the controlling forces in| places will soon be filled." toil of Jerry' E the OE a their home with them. It wasn't as the Purroy Comparty's affairs, Des-| "To me it seems a rt-sighted 4 @ case of AR oa ratetally, if they would be worse off, more un-! mond referred them back to the man-| policy--to refuse to American work-| wel received and publicl od oo lucky, than anybody - else; trouble) agement. The ma ment depre-| men fair wages and reasonable hours 0 subscription to a ole or a month's| YoU dnt seem nearly so bad when all| sated the idea of a strike; all prrtes and All their places with miserable! vj gilagt onf ot of th by the |: " rent of a.pew in his aristocratic help Jriends and sequsinanss liad Woulg_be Jory, Jyery sony, ny Mone who have never known either a of the law. mg i ; ' ; such development took. place. 0f hours. ! a J archi ald hore road be Jerry cheerful philosophy with an un-|because of the threat, but because the fair wages or reasonable How In cases of convictions secured by Ra Ee redo usually good supper: "We may be| management was sincerely desirous can't think that T bs the Sunicipal police officers, it should pipe sus 5 X r he i om fo enjoy economizing soon on our victuals.| of holding the good-will of its em-| sidiaries of machinery. Yi 1st | be nol where these convictions Share wih his bride, of the a oul | JerTy, but not to-night. ployees it would endeavor to reopen helieve that machinery should be anjresu in the imposition of fines, the leisure that had always marked the| So it was a hearty, well-fed, op-|the question with the board of direc-| auxiliary to men." money from these fines is to be paid to Iatter and best portion of each day-- timistic young man that sallied forth | tors. : "If a mill were an institution like| the municipal treasuries, and similar nothing left him but to drudge, to eat, to the mass meeting. That proved Meanwhile, Roger Trask, without! a hospital or an art museum, support-|ly in the cases where Provincial of+ to sleep. Oh, that would be permit-| less exciting than he had anticipated;| the knowledge of the workmen, had|ed partly by private contributions, | ficers secure convictions. The" Canada tod him; he would not be one of those there was no dissent from Dobbins's| been pleading their cause. At the | there might be e something ) what you Food- Board has. circularized these to be dropped; that would be the fate say. I'd'a g eal rather mysel A Be ou alt akon er By nS eras oat Onlers In official form throughout the He came up abreast of one of these are enforced on us and make the best/ P Mery ol yarious pro P thom. | inces, beginning with the Attorneys- who was _ploddin ith slow steps, 'of them. But so far as the - A ehead sunk be his or +4 was pd selves are concerned--well, i don't | General and continuing through the Dobbins, a friend of his father's, and know that it wouldn't be better for lists of Crown Attorneys and Crown at the sight of his haggard face them to clear -out--seek other oc-| Prosecutors. In some provinces : Jerry's wrath was submerged in pity. cupations., Improved machinery in| Chief Constables have also received For more than a year Dobbins had these mills has rendered a man's work | copies of the various Orders affecting been in failing health; his flushed less arduous and wearing than it used| the public. As 'a result, throughout skin, drawn - tight over his cheek- to be--also less interesting. Men| Canada of recent weeks, there has can work longer hours--and it isn't|} oo crop of convictions In all now work, for Americans. For do-| oo. "0" a Listrates Rave. stood ing a dull, stupid monotonous job day 8 178 ye) 8. have firmly behind the regulations and im- --~ BBO 2 V: LONG bones, was that of the consumptive; ; his wife was wasting away with the Sine disease, Hie ad Shree children, USE VEGETABLES AND SAVE WHEAT. ™ 3 Fi Ap oi 8 oicest a gir, O n, The patriotism of Madame House- might be used to advantage. erey in and day ou on't wa an ! 1 igi be ered the Btosl, ond wife is measured these days by theiis nothing new or elabotate about Smerlean; I want a Slav or a Hun- posed Sie Jaaiviey ga Jr onded. These / said bin a tor - ag kind of meals she prépares for her |them but so few people think of try-| 3g = ras scarcely less frank in ex-| prisonment up to three months or fellows, Jerry, to decide whether family. ~The youngest child will take ing them out. pressing his views when the com-|both. Restaurant keepers, who have you'll fight or submit. We old ones what is put before him, provided the| Potato Border. Place a greased |; citee of workingmen waited upon| served meat on prohibited 'deys and are about done anyway, We're all| food is well cooked. There is no-| mould on platter. Build around it 8| him for the second time. Thelr hours, served sugar on the tables or in the hands of bloodsuckers." thing in the menu that lends itself to' wall of hot mashed potatoes, using! persistency and their intimation that wasted food, have been brought to He turned aside into the open-|more variety or constant use than do|nine potatoes, three and one-half | punitive measures must follow if thel' op ong the wide spread publicity this 'hearth mill where he worked. vegetables. Twice a day vegetables inches high by one inch deep. Smooth | management adhered to its published has entailed will do a great deal more In the rod mill, Tim Brophy of the| can be used in one form or another, if| and crease with case knife, Remove intention annoyed him; he remarked to assure conservation of food in pub- "night shift, whom Jerry Evin, had | they are judiciously handled by the mould. Fill with ereamed left-over | sarcastically, "You men at the Purroy| "uo Siaces than anything else dusk. ) heard she news, He as a Iow housewife. meat or fish and reheat in oven be- Works Joshi £3 Joel that you are the TE asd Loafing Law, also OS ATI TO habien. His usually wel.| Vegetables have different character- fore serving. From that interview the sommittee| upon our war-time food production, coming face was now scowling and| istics. For instance green vegetables | Escalloped Potatoes--Wash, Dare, | ..iomoq" discouraged and indignant:| has likewise been enforced. Magls- sullen; he hardly looked at Jerry, but| are valuable mainly because they con-| 808k and cut; four potatoes in one-| At the mass meeting called to hear| trates have seized the opportunity of {Jit on his coat, picked up his dinner, tain substances which purify the blood | fourth Ich slices. Put a layer in| iheir report Dobbins mounted the plst-| dealing with loafers, tramps and He narrated the efforts that| "sports" by putting them to work on pail, and walked off silently. and assist digestion. Roots and tubers | baking dish, sprinkle with salt and | form. All the morning Jerry plied his] are heat Ei a Al pepper dredge with cornme-1 or flour had ended in the failure of all nego-| {fa farms, "Non-essential" industries tongs, caught and drew the hissing and dot over with one-half tablespoon tiations; his recital of Desmond's i i white-hot, writhing serpents of otal vegetables supply bulk and all contain loal 'speech provoked a wrathful have been interpreted by some Magis rt ecTom Te Mo io Baller) eal ® yo Sideralie amount of water in $f utiar slaioate. he al By ne roar. Dobbins, haggard, | trates into more or less definite groups : which are the salt luable t ; a iy a a oa ith health, We uns still within ne hed top layer. Bake one and one-fourth Se 1 Bp a asi . his problems. : What (Should | he do? son when we need the properties of hours os weil] potaty 18 gots Wash (To be continued.) plan n him by his er was|the ropts and tubers. It will be i ' the sturdy principle that a man ought| some time before the fresh vegetables | Pare, soak and cut potatoes in one- pull Your Weight. Ba stick To Jia JoL--tamt So sock fojare on (18 marker. let ws sleun up fourth inch slices. Out in CubSS:| yous are heaving behind, Be by change was to the one kind before we begin to use Cover Wire il ate, with Bis RE Ieeskers. are foaming before; if a choice were open to him; the The thet. J four ' tablespoons butter substitute, We need all the strength we can gtd THE" 'fwelvehour day ruled in all the other e first and most immediate need | 45 (1 tablespoon lemon juice, one- find-- Ns iron mills, and iron working was the is to release wheat for overseas. Every y ..¢ toacnoon salt and a few grains of| Each ounce you can put to the oar. only thing he knew. He could learn| potato, carrot and onion that we eat i8{ cave 2 Add the potatoes, cook|Are you doing the best that you can something else, but to do that would| helping towards that end. Don't yenne. p y x afloat? take time and would mean a great re-| glect to be i at end. Don't Be-| poo minutes and add one-half table-| To keep the old 'galley afloat duction of income; it would mean the E k e in 'the vegelalle-eating spoon finely chopped parsley. ' Are you power or freight? 'indefinite postponement of marriage, Tans. Duchess Potatoes;--To two cups hot Are you pulling your weight-- tablespoons Are you pulling your weight in the - boat? " van! PX SEND FOR OATALOQ of all kinds or farms, ranches, 974 Coe tn Roby and tle surrender of the house that One harried housewife moaned the riced potatoes, add two Bad ro ong bose bia ther' bam CL. again us long a Five. We ar sk and yolks of ove 4g e thought of all these things e| onion again as long as I live. e are Wo oni ; © thought, too, of the effect that the|sick of them." sak snd yolks of SWO'SER SUghnly 3, san the task of the few news~would be likely to have on his| « : re The pick of the brave and the mother aod on Nova, and unstcus- How many ways have you tried to| any desired shape. Brush over -with strong; tomed lines of worry and care fur- cook them 1" she was asked. "Oh I| beaten egg diluted with one tedspoon| rss he and it's I and it's you rowed his young brow. always fry them." No wonder she| water and brown in hot oven. Must drive the good vessel along. In the noon intermission, while he| Was sick of them. Every vegetable] With the aid of vegetables it is quite wij) you save? Will you work? will was eating his luncheon, Dave Scan-| car be cooked ir a variety of ways and | possible to have an entire dinner in you fight? lan came in from open-hearth mill)it is poor policy on tle part of the|one dish--a dinner that is wholesome, | 4,4 you ready to take off your coat? . "Going to have a mass| hcusewife to tire her amily wich re-| nutritious and very palatable. How|' A:g you serving the State? y YJiC.A. Hall tonight petition. She may use the same vege-| many people are familiar with fish Ase you pulling your welght-- every one to come." Y table nearly every day and by a fre-| chowder? Here is the recipe; it 18} 43 you pulling your weight in the Dave bustled off, a brisk, important quent ghange in oe Magnes of cook-| enough yo a family of Ave: X% boat? - 'emissary; his manner and his mes- ing or serving she may achieve con-| pounds fish (use moderate-p vari- ip mage were encouraging. To Jerry| stant variety. : ties such as cod, haddock or flat-fish) . ae er ont any other young| How many families have boiled po-|9 potatoes, peeled and cut in smal oh To Drovent Palin ETI men cheerfulness returned; the sound |tatoes day in and day out? It is| pleces, 1 onion, sliced, 2 cups carrots e Bliss sh os of Salo "was hopeful; at| safe to guess that only about five per| cut, in.pleces, 8 cups milk, pepper, 1| ens can opt So ig | y sing So! cent. of the women in Canada cook| tablespoon fat, 1% tablespoons corn- plenty of pulver TAX least it promised excitement. Jerry deferred consideration of his blems; his chief concern during n was the condition in which he should find his mother. He potatoes habitually in more than two ways. One of the simplest and easiest of dishes to prepare is riced potatoes. Add fat, mix cornstarch with one- half cup of the cold milk and stir in starch. - Cook vegetables until tender. ter in which they are washed = hastened home at five o'clock, appre- If the housewife is boiling them, any-| the liquid in the pot to thicken. Add up your bookcase doors, 1 ve lest she had colla utter-| way, she might as well vary them by| the rest of the milk and the fish|®™ : iy et not apared to discoverthat| putting them through a potato ricer| which has been removed from the Xors and cut glass, Polish With. pews: § 'had already Mismantled the house|or coarse strainer. Then they will| bone and cut in small pieces. Cook un- | Paper. Tosi til the fish is tender, about 10 mi- other recipes that! nutes. Serve hot. Y i---- e and was awaiting him in a tearful be flaky, light and deli 4 : : aky, ligh alicious. rr rrr gnation. . | Here are some or less as occasion demands. An in-'E System as a Housekeeping Ald. terruption, a fire slower than we had EB For many years before becoming a farmer's wife, I was one of fifty teachers in a large school whose head teacher was a woman of remarkable |™>Y executive ability. Methodical, order- ly, statistical, she demanded that each teacher provide for her use and guid- ance a general outline of work for the term, a general program of work for each , and a detailed program a A must ¢ to al- low of seizing unforeseen opportun- Bhsourse, She genggal Flan ot E ities or for unexpected occurrences. |¢n dao hut | have ee it well to have F My first few weeks at housekeeping in writing," especially were a horrible tangle till I bethought the g A ' me to apply to my housework the same method ¢ ng & m, so to speak, activities pened] hung beside the easiest § I on which to jot my daily pro- EB

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