Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 4 Jul 1918, p. 8

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: Get one of these now vefore you have. ilned : your Registration Certificate. See ours. Suit- able for Registration certificate and exemption papers. x Motor Goggles = See our assortment of Motor Goggles before you make your purchase. We have them in all styles suitable for either Lady or Gent. Shave Yourself : ; Why not saye time and money by shaving yourself? Purchase a Gem, Autostrop or. Gillette Razor: 'We carry them. Our repair department. is always at your seryice, I. RL BENTLEY, Jeweller allows interest at accounts as well as PORT H. J. White = J. A. MURRAY = DENTIST 'Office above Rose & Co. 5} | hours, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Prince Albert In the Star of Jane 20th, under heading of Prince Albert the corres-- pondent made a mistake in saying Mr and Mrs John Warren had gone to Balsam Lake and that Mr and Mrs H E Briggs to Minden, instead of the above Mr and Mrs Warren and Mr and Mrs Briggs, went to Verulum Township to spend a few weeks on a ranch owned by Mr Eddie Arstott situated about 50 rods from the north shore of Sturgeon Lake and about two miles east of the summer resort of Sturgeon Point. A passenger boat calls at this landing -- Sandy Point, morning and evening carrying mail to and from Lindsay. Therefore any person sending bank drafts, etc, to these Prince Albert gentlemen address Sandy Point, Ontario, via Lindsay. Mr and Miss Hurd, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr and Mrs Wm Ettey. Miss Gwen Ettey is v'siting friends in Toronto. A lawn party under the auspices of the Prince Albert Ladies' Aid, will be held on the Parsonage lawn, July 16, tea served from 6 pm, till all are served, after which a splendid pro- gram will be given by the 'Greenbank Band, Miss Proctor, of the O.L.C., Whitby, elocutionist; Mr Ford, and Miss Davis, soloists, Port Perry. Admission 40¢, children 20c Rev Mr Bunner, Pastor Rev Mr Elliott, Chairman 15 Cts. Will buy Two good boxes of Tomato Plants at IT CONSIDER YOUR COMPLEXION If you have a proper regard for it-you will insist upon of your talcum. CORSON'S ORCHID TALCUM will not clog the pores. Prepared from the most | % the purity and antiseptic qualities smooth, idious. AREER CRRA CAO) N Varo (AS It imparts a freshness and 'bloom that women everywhere find charming while its fragrance has a dainty appeal to the fast- Sold by all Druggists. Sovereign Perfumes Ltd. Brock Ave, Toronto br TE tale, itis i ly fine dnd 25c. N The Greenhouse on Bigelow St., Port Perry Put in some good plants to take the place of those that have been touched by frost. Market Report Port Perry Prices Eggs... iu. 95411 8510.86 Butter .. .. 4. 3bto40 CATTLE, HOGS, ETC. Good butchers . Medium butchers 8 50 to 9 BO Common butchers 7 50 to 8 50 Calves per cwt © 12 00 to 13 50 Sheep, per cwt 8 00 to 10 00 Lambs, per cwt 15 00 to 16 50 Sheepskins 2 00 to 3 00 Beef hides, per cwt 10 00 to 12 Horse hides, +. 400to5 00 Live hogs, cwt 17 00 to 17 50 GRAIN, ETC Red Winter Wheat, 2 10 to 2 15 White Wheat 2 05 to 2 10 White Fife 210to 2 15 Spring Wheat, 200to 215 Goose Wheat 200to 2 10 Barley 100to 120 Oats - .- i. 75 to 80 Rye - - 2 26 to 2 40 Hay, per ton 12 00 to 16 00 Potatoes, per bag 100 to 1 25 Flour, 10 80 to 11 80 Peas 8 00 to 3 650 Buckwheat 1.30 to 1.35 REDUCTION x Columbia Records | | The Columbia Company have made arrangement whereby they are - reducing the price of the Colu artists as Hipolito Lazaro, Kingston, tenor; Alice Neilson. soprano; highest class of music within the reach of all. can now get the Columbia at $1.50. .10 50 to 12 50 , CHURCHES AND FRATERNAL SOCIETIES METHODIST Rev. Wesley Elliott, Pastor' Sunday Services 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. Afternoon, Sunday School and Bible] Class, All Welcome. PRESBYTERIAN Rev, W. H. Black, Pastor Sunday Services 11.00 a.m, and 7.00 p.m BAPTISY Rev. |. Ford, Pastor. } Anglican : Service every Sunday morning S.0.E. B.S. meets first and third Tuesdays of each month at the Oddfellows Hall, Port Perrg |' Visiting brethren made welcome, + A. B. Cawker, W.P. © mbia high-class records given by such great tenor; Maria Barrientos, soprano; Morgan and ' others, Why pay $3.00 when you This' brings the This Columbia Gratoniola and 12 selections for only $3240 'Why not get one of these Colunibia - ~ ee ~ Grafonolas for your summer It plays any size record ~ your the time and ry pr | Phone 93 : FE FOR. ALL KINDS OF Live Poultry Rags, Rubbers, Metals, Scrap Iron, Sheepskins, Wool, Bags and Sacks. Don't lose money selling to the first sman that . comes along. ~~ Call "up Moses Turner at Bell Phone 14, Port Perry, and get the highest Cash Price. Merchant Tailor SPRING SUITINGS This is the time to order your Spring Suit. Weare showing a splendid line of suitings in handsome paisins and color- ings ~=, You have a wide range to pick from and the price is as lowas * | we can possibly make it. . SUITS We:zcarry a full line of- = ordered suits. See our lines of Blue and Black Serges, guaranteed fast dyes. Ask for prices on our ready -to-wear suits. Smith & Smith LAND SURVEYORS AND CIVIL ENGINEERS Phones--Day 40" Night 242 LINDSAY = - - ONTARIO We should i in: ie first i endeavor to. admirable back "Past. and Present" calls a Cavtkytd Igbo w creation a little fruitfuller, Better 'more worthy of human hearts a little wiser, happier, more whi 5 if for a God." Too® fan at the present day are desirous of escaping work, or gaging in an occupation where they can keép their "coats on. honour the workman, and onake him feel that he is one of God's' nob! men. We should, moreover give open encour gement to workers on the ' farm. - They are called upon to niake more sa ifices 'than their fellow-" workers of the towns, They lead a more 16nely life, and are denied 'many of the modern comforts. Many farmers live long distances from the =: towns, and I assure you it requires no ordinary. patience and perseverance. i! .and strength of character to make a fardier contented with his lot as he % sits in"a wagon behind a slow team hauling produce to warket, while ~ some city dweller or probably his own cleigyman whisks by him in an: automobile. a "There's a good t me coming. on the farm," 'your Reverend setolliy has said. = Let us hope that his prophecy may come true, usher in that time let us aid'the farmers to help themselves. A new. spirit is breathing in rural communities; new hopes have awakened; : abandened projects have been revived, Their voices have already been 'heard, and in a short time their influence will be felt m no uncertain way. They have no. been allowed the privilege of making known "their. views in Parliament, but they will soon have the right of doing so. Let us hope that the Farmers' Party may before long be an actuality a 'be safes 'been both Ottawa. Not till then can we expect the farmers' interests guarded or their views properly presented. Hitherto they * misrepresented. Worse still, their intereits have been sacrificed for the sake of party. politics, and farmers themselves have often been dupes of wily politicians, The fear of endgngering the success of one's party played upon with success, and as you know, such fear isoften a padl to many a man's lips and a powetful motive with many to induce them D cast a vote for the party of their fathers, Buta change is coming, A change is likewise desirable in'the plan of representation, so that farmees ~~ could elect their own mefabets. The system now in:vogue js antiquated because they are limited to the choice offered them by the highly organs ized interests of the cities. act Further suggestions for the establishment of more friendly relations between town and country might of course be made, but with. these al ready offered I shall be content It seems rather inopportune to make suggestions or to outline plans when the whole world is in. the melting pot; for'any plans that we conceive or any suggestions that 'we make will be, if not rendered useless, at least greatly modified when the world "settles back to a normal life. Po us hope that the dawn of "happier days: than' those incough which we are now passing fay soon appear, and that a new earth may euerge in which the honest, hard Working 1 husbzndmad may receive dey served recognition. In'orderto =

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