Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 11 Jul 1918, p. 1

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= {4 ¥ 3 > 2 er i » cE ; . : : : : GREEN DEATH , "We have received a new stock of Berger's Ne Grade Paris Green, we handled last season hich our customers reported the most" effect- oro used. "This Brand is noted for its - "Killing Power." It costs you no more than, the "Doubtful" sort. Potato Bugs Die. ORVAL BYER FIRE INSURANCE Stock Insurance, Motor Insurance, Life Insurance Accident Insurance, Plate Glass Insurance "HAROLD W. EMMERSON (Office One House North of the Catholic Church) | PORT-PERRY, ONTARIO ~~ Phone 84 PIANOS, ORGANS and. GRAMAPHONES ALSO SECOND-NAND ORGANS PIANOS TUNED MAY 13 and SEPTEMBER Io _ Bell Phone 94 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO ~The Crop this year is light, and: it will be wise to place your order early. | A shipment i is expected shortly. Send in your order at once, J. PF McCLINTOCK Port Perry - Bi Ontario Canada Food Board License No, 8- 10196. ais | SINGLE COPIES Bo. No. 28 1 as posted at the Royal ; oan place, not only for its : otic associations; It'dates back to the days when the Bntish Navy: was very young--a long, long time ago. The College used to be the dwelling place of the monarchs of Eng- land, and the Painted Hall has a wonderful display of pictues, My course while at the College was very interesting as well as n- . structive. We became acquainted with the flying theory, props, aelerons, joy-stieks, and all other parts of the areoplane, After leaving the College, T spent three weeks leave inLondon as the Canadians say "Looking the town over." From my point of view, one _ could not spend too much time in London, as there are new things to Rn 'be seen every minute. I have seen such places as St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Parliament Buildings, Westminster Cathedral, and other historic places. One thing that will intefest you is that during my visit to Westminster Abbey I saw the d 16th Batt. colours which were deposited there just before they left for the batfle line. . But all the beauty of England does not ligin London or the lke cities. The country and small villages are very pretty. One thing that interests me very much is the thatched roof, which I read and heard so much about while in Canada. On the whole, I find the English people to be extraordinarily nice to "Colonials," and they have a wonderful art of entertaining, which makes one feel perfectly at home. To illustrate this I will tell of one of many instances which happened to me. While having lunch in one of the hotels in London, I entered into conversation with an elderly gen- tleman who was'in the army but on the staff. After chatting with hin for a few minutes, he asked me if I would like to call on him on the following Sunday. Of course 1 accepted, and the next Sunday found me at his home in a small town north of Londen. He had a son about the same age as myself, and we put in a very delightful afternoon to- gether. This is only one instance, but it will give you some 1dea of how | the English people are in these days of trial. At present I am at an areodrome learning to fly--"Working up stairs" as we call it Itis certainly a great game, and a real education in itself. This place is well out in the country,'away from the noise of the cities The only thing to disturb the silence is the bur-r-r of the _ areoengines intermingled with an occasional "crash." The weather here has been lovely which has been quite acceptable, as we are sleeping under canvas. +The sitiging of the lark, of which" "Fbeard § much in Gonads, is no longer imaginary. I hear them every morning/ also the cuckoo, These birds both sing splendidly. Haying is mn full swing here just now. - Owing to the lack of barns one sees stacks of hay popping up as it were all over the country, A very good way of enjoying the beautiful scenery of England is" from a railway carnage. One thing that strikes me as being very lovely is that there are flowers nearly everywhere you go even in the fields and along the tracks. = As yet I do not know the names of them, but they are very pretty and very different to any I have ever seen in Canada. From the railway carriage you will see men and women working out on their small allotments which goes to show that England does not in- tend to be starved out. Well, Mr. Farmer, I really intended writing a letter, but I think I am well on the way for a book. Will have to clese for this time, wish- ing you every success in business this year. Your Old Friend. 2/Lt. R. A. F., Ted. LW, Platten--A Port Perry Boy "Over in the United States there is a spirit abroad that enjoys seeing a man prosper. If he has ability, the road is open for him to forge ahead, and they would as soon close up a gold mine because it was too rich, as they would check the energies of a man because he has great powers of organization and leadership. The country needs the services ~ of its big men, and the honours and rewards reaped are small in com- *_ parison to the benefits which such men as Mr Platten bestow upon those ~ whom they serve. "The Banking Law Journal," of New York, is not a usual place in which to look for romance; yet this sketch taken from that Journal, reads almost like a fairy story, if one comprehends all that this index of facts indicates as to the book of Mr, Platten's successful career. "Thie subject of this brief sketch entered upon his business career in a prominent Toronto bank, coming to the United States in 1888 and taking a position in the office of the Assistant General Passenger Agent of the old New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio R R Co, in Cleveland,Ohio, then, as now, a part of the Erie system. In the foliowing year he was _ transferred to the office of the Second Vice President and General Man- ager of 'the Erie in New York, remaining with the 'Company for a period of thirteen or fourteen years, and filling successively the. positions of : chief clerk of the insurance department, chief clerk of the operating de- + Harte rik agent, and finally, in 1901, treasurer of its subsidi ' fesighed from the Brie to acospt the position : EE a yioieg oes THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFIEE - TORONTO Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in esto 107s all parts of the world. 234 PORT PERRY BRANCH H. G. HUTCHESON, a Manager. A 0 PE WI, of the following reorganization committees with all of which he is still affiliated : Chicago & Eastern Illinois R-R Co. Com. for Mortgage Debt. New Orleans Mobile & Chicago R R Co Bondholders' Com, International Mercantile Marine Co Common Stockholders' Com. Missouri, Kansas & Oklahoma R R Co Bondholders' Com. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ist Ext. Mortgage Bondholders' Com. International and Union Construction Companies Stockholders' Com Kansas City Outer Belt & Electric R R Co Boodholders' Com. Besides the above, Mr Platten has been associated as chairman with the following committees, now out of existence, but the efforts of which 1n protecting the interests of the security holders have been nota- bly successful: M. Rumely Company Reorganization Committee. Southern Iron & Steel Co Bondholders' Com. Some of Mr Platten's best work has been Qone in connection with the reorganization of the old Southern Iron & Steel Company's property into the present highly efficient and phenomenally successful Gulf S.ates Steel Co., and also with the rehabilitation of the affairs of the Inter- national Meroantile Marine Company. The measure of added market value represented by the capital stocks of these two companies alone, at the present time as compared with a year ago, is an indication not only to Wall Street men, but to any intelligent outside observer, of what has been accomplished along these lines during a period that can be reckon- ed in months, Mr. Platten has recently been elected a director of the International Mercantile Marine Co. and member of the finance committee and a director of the Importers & Traders National Bank of this caty. Heis also a director of the United States Trust & Mortgage Co, a director and chairman of the executive committee of the Gulf States Steel Company, and a director of the Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line Co., Belt Line Ry Corporation, Commercial Trust Co of N J., Manhattanville & St, Nich- olas Ave Ry Co; 'Hudson & Manhattan R RCo, New York Dock Co, Registrar & Transfer Co of N.J., Registrar & Transfer Co of N. Y., Third Ave Ry Co, and U. S. Safe Deposit Company. Perhaps, however, in no other way has Mr. Platten's usefulness as a citizen and as a member of the business community has been more strikingly evidenced than in the continuous and painstaking effort which he has for many years bestowed upon the prometion in every way pos- sible of the interests of the trust companies of the United States; It is therefore particularly fitting, inasmuch as this happens to be the title of the unique and very useful manual published' yearly by the United States Mortgage & Trust Company over which the subject of this sketch pre- sides, that the publication in question should have achieved such uni- versal acceptance and popularity among all banking men, standing as it now does absotutely alone in its particular field. The recent election of Mr, Platten to the chairmanship of the exe- cutixe Committee of the Trust Company Section of the American Bank- ers Association affords still further opportunity and wider scope for the exercise of his individual gifts of method, system, and efficiency, along lines which cannot fail to contribute to the benefit of every trust com- pany in the land." Since this article was written, the following additional activities have been undertaken: Elected first vice president of Trust Company Section of American Bankers Association. : Member of Commission appointed to make report on Canadian Northern Railway System. Chairman of Denver & Rio Grande Ry Co. Preferred and Common Stockholders' Committee. Director of Denver & Rio Grande R R Co. President of Gulf, Mobile & Northern R R Co. Director of Galena-Signal Oil Co. - Council to Buy Coal At the meeting of the Town Council on Monday evening a motion was carried appointing the Reeve a committee to buy and distribute coal for the Village of Port Perry. A PARABLE A certain man had an uncle who was exceeding rich and had vast estates, and his uncle saith unto him, "Reuben, I am exceeding busy making muney for myself, and have need that the main roads of my és- tate shall be improved so that I and my friends may ride in our hay wagons, our buggies, and our automobiles in comfort. Seek thee out, therefore, cunning workmen and good tools, and fine materials and build me good roads. = Only see that that thou lettest me know what monies * thou needest before thou startest thine undertakings. Only those monies that thou namest will I give thee. Then the man said I will please mine uncle by naming a small ' sum. So he named the monies, sought out nis well skilled workman, at- great cost 'bought he machinery, and then, behold, his money was oar all Agog and Be was able do war than fepri is met ond Gi er # mai TAR ins

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