rr a 5, of Cherries llas--a- large - ate bE 4 50 Get | which end something like this-- |. It mas no dream. Here were two x fi London. | The door opened and in walked the Sergt. Major---'.... ; ¢ "fy Sefgt. Martinson here?"--- more the tone of a command than a request, . "Here," answered Martinson, rais- ing himself on his elbow, ! 'The Sergt.-Major, with a few sheets fof paper in his hand; strode in out | direction, at- the Same 'time 'drawing out another sheet and calling for its owner, "Honey." ~ We were sitting up in' bed by this | [time, and each received his "scrap of | paper," about six inches by three with | printed regulations on. one but on other those all important lines, "has permission to be absent from his jarters from reveille; Jan 20, to re-, veille, Jan 26; for purpose of proceed: | ing to London." " perfectly good, nfo: six day s8es, duly signed Ee Cox ae ng Officer, and delivered to us by the .S.M., in the presence of the Te- ning - Sergts. who were mostly Martinson . amused us by sieep. planting a kiss in the centre of his and putting it carefully away, - To:morrow is Saturday, so let us go to sleep. - When I awoke in the night, "after having the blankets peeled off and receiving a few stuff digs in the nbs, it was to find Martinson partly dress- ed and telling me something about the time we had to reach the station. It didn't interest me much at that par- ticular moment, but to keep peace in. the family I got up and followed suit. It was shortly after five, and we had a number of things to collect and pack in our haversacks, get breakfast, and walk a mile or so before 7:10. It was still dark when we reached the station, and we reached London in good time: 10:30, to be correct. o In our former tripgweé had never, gone through any of the large depart: mental stores, at least not thoroughly, so decided to find the largest branch of the Army and Navy Stores and visit it before noon An ever ready policeman directed us to Victoria St, | and a short nde na bus brought us rs. This, like thé smaller! pushed the bell. e were in last December, will isease in the system--it They seem to carry a clerks (when they' object to wait on you. any; sense e larger stores of c (V. feck)! ; : iy ae Me | TRUST FUNDS - Our Savings Department gives you Stetina i | a guarantee of absolute security and = After having supper we each found get' 1e7a . _interést at current rate. : + of those large leather chairs which Sg t cut . relic aber hain nbiehl PORT PERRY BRANCH we had an hour of comfort. "At' MH, G. PRR TRADE "we went to the hall adjoinipg' ; : = oyed a concert given by red a CHR od s and troupe Sa ok. scope that is set exactl the fi nd sailus. eral of her pe exactly on the hrst 1 bad just returned from the-rest meridian, or at. zero as it yere., It is sr Sxicultare aud % in" France; where they 'enter- | from here that the measurement of S6h0 ence the soldiers at Christmas. We interval commences. The "telescope it was the best concert we had 18 balanced on axis and can be ad: London, and I-as sureit. justed very easily. The dome in which and Household Scienee in our High oyed by all. ~~. "|it.s built has a row of levers along the Scheol. This is one of the greatest ! ~ *"I'wall, which when operated, open or Steps-in advance in- this school for y morniog we were 3p bright close a portion of the walls or rcof so 'many years, and is one of the greatest A Dell that the telescope can be focussed on boons to the people of Port Perry and at one is alwa veh het a line of stars from horizon to horizon surrounding country that could be dad, Nays Bs os directly above where it is stationed. possibly be given. ; : ! anon. |g particular 'scope is used for cor- To properly carry on this work Mr r, we finished breakfast in recting the time, Perhaps the method Follick has taken the courses in Agri- 1 ® to chureh, has attended a might interest you, so I will pass it on culture and Horticulture at the On- nearby . Congregational, to you as it was explained to us. tario Agricultural College, Guelph, - 'Bome ten miles out from the centre! The lens is large--I8 inches in the services of Miss Irene Glasgow, ot the City at a place called. Hendon diameter, behind the glassis a network 0 experienced, successful, and highly are thé-areoplane sheds, and, as they of fine wire which divides space into "commended teacher, have been have machines out all the time, we cross sections. secured to take charge of he Depart- thought Sunday afternoon agood time | The observers know that a certain ment of Household Sue ee and the to visit them. There were about a star will pass a certain point at a cer- tenting of several additional rooms . : 5 Sen and purchase of large supplies of doze "of them out making short tain time, so they focus their instru- ane I s for botl 8 i PE flightssome carrying passengers for' ment on this position .and wait. 'The apparatus i Oth Spar ment are which they charged a guinea each We stars travel at a terrific speed, but the eng coneucter | 58 the present gme. didn't have more than twenty rides. | observer is ready. He has one hand ick ong ah a hin tical subjests On Sunday night we: attended the | On a button which is connected by given by the Yaris ns in same church, came back to the 'Hut | Wire with _ the chronometer. The Grammar, Literature, Composition and did some writing, held down a, Chronometer map is revolved. Imme- go Arithmetic, Book-kee ing. chair in the lounge room for a while, | diately he sees the star at the required Hier Geowr: bv: Sci y - had a short walk about 10:30, and |Position, plink goes the button anda! * ri SIgnce, op ) Ala ing and writing, of the same grade of then tetired. mark is registered on the map. . advancement as in Form I and II of 4 Mopday morning we rolled- out of' They know where the mark should ' ype ordinary high school work. bed peomptly at the sound of the bell | be registered and so "are able to tell The regular admission to these which sings at 8 a.m. Had breakfast| Whether or' not it agrees with the courses is by way of the High School at the Hut, and during the meal de- clock. Entrance Examinations. Young cided that this day would be set aside. - In another. dome we saw the largest! people who have left school and whe for a iit ta Greenwich. Observatory. | telescope in the British Empire. It! desire to take either of the depart' You have heard of Greenwich where |is not set on axis,' but is floated in| ments may be admitted on certain" the "time is kept," so have we, and we [ mercury, and can be sighted in any' conditions which they may. ascertain were curious to know: how it is kept|direection with the slightest energy.[on personal application to the 'correct, etc. The roof of this dome is built in sec- | Principal. Our "Guide to London" stated that | tions, on rollers, and can be opened| Students who have passed the En- "distinguished visitors are sometimes | at any point desired. The 'scope part | trance Examination and do not wish admitted provided they have a pass|is 18 feet long; and at first sight re-(a further high school hterary edu- which may be obtained by writing to|sembles an instrument of war. cation, but who would avail them- the Secretary of the Admiralty, but], Still another dome, in which we |selves of a further training in the but ordinary visitors may see the time | were shown one almost as large and common school subjects and along ball drop at precisely one o'clock, and { much more complieated. This one is' practical lines will find their. oppor- may see the clock." used for taking photographs, and a|tunity in either of these courses. We wanted to see through badly, | number of pictures we saw later led| Too much cannot be said as to the and there wa&no doubt but that = we| us to believe that it knew its business. | value of these departments. = The ere "distiiguished visitors," but what | The latter two instruments are used tendency to-day 18 toward the - more about the necessary permit? at night except for eclipses of the sun, ! practical In education The trained Greenwich is some . fifteen miles; '* | farmer, stock and poultry raiser, gar- : . ' : : dener, mechanic, or housekecper, is from the ¥ 2.59 we laquired oF a = Another interesting section was the tic one who will take the lead cin. all Ss cema room where watches are tested for the' | oocupations in. the direction and were soon on our way, service. They are putin various tem-! years After aboutan hour's ride, we passed | peratures ranging from India heat bid Wa Greenwich station, then the Church of | Arctic cold, and like the clock, must the next two. isstes for farther: detils St. Alfege, where the remains of Wolfe | keep exact time. - - regarding the work which will be'tiken are buried, and finally reached the| I'he time ball referred to is a large up. You will be surprised and de- Observatory. black ball which slides up and down |ighted when you learn the: extent This institution. is supported by the [a pole. The pole'is on the roof of and thoroughness of both courses. British Government, but is cBntrolled | the observatory, and at 12:55 the ball| Commence the serious considerat- by the Admiralty, who derive the chief [1s raised to the top. At one o'clock ign of taking one of these couises, benefit. We could see the time ball|exactly it is released and drops down and report at the school on the open- and a few things of interest from the | automatically flashing the correct time ' ing day, September 3, for enrollment. outside, which only made us more|to the chief points in the British Em- curious, So we found"the entrance | pire. to .one of these buildings (they are all P We had completed our tour by Manchester enclosed by a_high brick wall) and 12:45, but sat on a bench and arin) Mr and Mrs Russell T.ambe and the drop of the ball, so had the pleas- , children of Lindsay, were spending ure of setting our movements first the week at Mrs Frank Lambe's. hand, as it were. - Miss Bushnell of Omemee was There were several other items of calling on Mrs I Vernon. interest in the' Observatory Park, in-| pg: "in : place t0 do the talking. J:sked him cluding the "Elizabeth Oak.' The| Miss Thompson of Toronto, is if we could be shown through (totally | limbs are all gone and the trunk is visiting with Mts] Flewell. ignorant of the rules, of course.) completely covered with ivy, It is| Mrs Jas McCulloch, of Toronto, hollow and' open at one side, the floor | Spent the week end with Mrs Edward being tiled. - Around the wall are} Barrett. Manager. tablishing Departments of Agriculture coming tch the columns of the paper ned shortly and a uniformed attendant of about sixty years asked our business. Having pushed the bell; I considered it my The door o The Board of Education is 'es ., , | great past rustic seats seats, and the story goes that Queen Elizabeth. nsed to enter- tain her advisers here. A sign board such hears the inscription-- * Elizabeth Oak- Died 18756 part of the afternoon we atural Art Gallery, the N of which is closed for Mrs Robt Ewers of Markham, is visiting with old friends in this vicinity. ; "A The Auxiliary of the Women's Missionary Society meets at the home of Mrs Isaac Vernon on Friday after- noon of this week. We are pleased that Miss Aletha Barrett, who has been under the the | doctor's care, is able to be out again.