skilful practioneer. "Personally we are very sorry to y sed) Dr, Berry and his family leave town, but trust that this move may be of}|' the greatest benefit to him. He has been a good citizen 1n the ten years that he has. resided here taking a keen interest in matters that affected the welfare of the town, and giving himself heartily to help all good cases. "As a leading figure in the Port Perry Choral Union" he will be re: membered with pleasure for many years. Hewas a most valuable ac- quisition to anv society. He will be greatly missed in the Presbyterian Church as will also his | 'daughter, Miss leslie Berry. They have both been efficient workers in that church, particularly in the choir. In the Board of Education, Dr. Berry has served weli and faithfully for some years. He is greatly inter- ested in educational matters, and has contributed in a practical manner to the education of students, and others by his active interest in athletics, both in 'play and in forming correct athletic ideals. In leaving the town, the family "will carry with them the best wished of many friends. Miss Leslie Berry and Miss D'Arcy will attend school in Toronto. Personal Rev. W. H. Black is expected home from tite West by the last Sun- day in September. The Sons of England resume their meetings next Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gladine, and mother of Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs Robt. Thomas, of Layton, spent the week end with Mrs D Boe. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hough of Napanee, are visiting Dr-and Mrs S J] Mellow, and Dr. Frank Mellow, ot Uxbridge. A We are ple ased to note that Dr.. S. J. Mellow is ableto be about again after having been ill for some time. Mr and Mrs. Theodor Bates, of Guelph, have been visiting Rev. Thos and Mrs Bates. Mr. Bates leaves this week for St John, N.B., where he has taken a position on the St. John Standard. Mr and Mrs James Mellis, North Bay, spent the week end in town. 'Port Perry's Share We speak of "big drives" and of pushing back the Hun with consider- able satisfaction, and there is doubt- less much to be. thankful for in the present progress of the war; but we must not forget that someone is' pay- ing the toll for the victories that are won. The last drive has cost Port Peiry boys something. No less than six from around here have been wounded. Lieut H M Camp, in the hand Pte Abbie Corrin, shot in leg Pte Bert MacGregor, shot in back, arm and ear Pte Chas Ashekewee, Scugog, shot > in foot Pte W T Tate, Seagrave, wounded Pte Chas Heayn, Prince Albert. Pte. John Briscoe, wounded. Meeting Friday Night The Port Perry Patriotic League will meet at the Armouries on Friday evening, September 13, at 8 p.m... All * members are requested to be present as important business is to come be- fore the League. . Methodist Church <n Sunday evening next, September | i 15; 'the Male Quartette of Whitby will sing mi the Methodist: Church. ~~ The | ¢ singers are: Messrs W D Dykes, first hat. Jones, second tenor; 'Rowe, fisst bass; E. W. 'Evans, | : i | spent. leave at St * ten days ago, small leather purse containing money, Finder will be to STAR Office. Patrick Swestman : died on August 31st, 1918, in his 84th year. Hg was one of the pioneers who made Scugog the Splendid farm- ing district that it is. He spent sixty- two years of his life on the Island, himself and his family a comfortable flome and accumulated eonsiderable property. But the charm and value of his life lay in his kindly disposition and generous: nature that won for him friends who will truly mourn his loss Deceased is survived by three sons, Mr, Daniel Sweetman, Toronto; Mr. Neil Sweetman, Scugog; and Mr. Chas. Sweetman, Mariposa. Died MArcoLs--TIn Cartwright, on Mon- day, September 9, 1918, Maury Ann -Malcolm, in her 62nd year, Lost . A large sum of money between | Whitby and Brooklin. Finder please leave at Gazette Office, Whitby, and receive reward. "Backward Turn Back- ward O Time in Thy Flight" For the benefit 'of those who do not know, it is. announced that day- light saving comes to an end in Can- ada at 2 o'clock "in the morning on Thursday, October 31. Canada although extending farther north than any Jther Anglo-Saxon country, is the last to foresake the economy of tinfé, the closing limit in the United States being the last Sun- day in October, which comes on Oct- ober 27, and in the United Kingdon on September 20. We think September 29th would have been about right for Canada. Our Siberian Contingent A couple of our Port Perry boys will likely start on the big adventure in the near future. Sergt. Gordon .{ Pargefer and Pte. Joseph Cassidy of the Medical Corps expect to go to Siberia. What a journey that will be to the man who' knows the political history of Russia. Thousands haye crossed its dreary waste with no flags waving or bands playing. Theirs was a journey of despair, and 1n the great train of political offenders were the high and the lowly, the knave and the patriot, the plotter, the anarchist, the idealist, and the reformer. Standing out above all others is the noted figuie of the Czar, whose life was ciadled in intrigue and was finally forfeited because the tempest which he and his friends raised beame so overwhelming that destruction was inevitable, Into this land of mystery will march the men of to-day'= matter-of-fact; straight spoken, eager eyed, and brave They have before them a tremendous task--to help straighten out the Russian tangle. May they succeed. Gerdon Pargeter was asked the name of the place to which he was going in Siberia. He said he couldn't pronounce ii, as it had to be played on a bugle. - Typewriter For Sale Smith Premiér Typewriter for sale. Apply to H. W. Emmerson, Port Perry, Ont. A Pleasant Evening Bible Class of the Methodist Church, and a pleasant social bv Musical ni by Miss Vera Mille . Down town in' Port Perry, about | is] suitably rewarded by Tetyming purse ; Mr. Patrick Sweetman, of Scugog | and by steady industry created for Williams, beloved wife of David] Rev. W. Elhott and Mrs. Elliott | fo courteously opened their home To the |! : members and friends of the Adult|?" for CREA We intend to run the Creamery Allan Goode, Proprietor House For Sale' house, 14 acres land, orchard, 'small near High School. Apply to L. Walling, box 168, Lindsay. # : Auction Sale Mr E L Falls, lot 18, concession 6, Cartwright, (Fallis' old mil stand) will hold an auction sale, on Tuesday, September 19, 1918, of horses, cattle, pigs, hens, sheep and impléments. Sale at 1.30. George Jackson, Auctioneer Resumes Class Miss Estelle Ball. will resume her classes in voice and piano after Sept- ember 1st. For particulars 'as to hours and terms apply*at the home of Mis George Jackson, or ring up Bell phone 31. Cattle Sale Mr W A Fanning will hold an Auction Sale of cattle at the Sebert House yards, Port Perry, on Saturday, September. 14th. The: consignment consists of 40 cattle 2 years old, 15 steers, 19 heifers, 6 bulls, maybe about 15 yearlings. George Jackson, Auctioneer Cabinet Work and Upholstering cabinet work, upholstering, carpenter WANTED ALSIKE CLOVER Highest Market Price Paid Seed cleaned bya power ifr required. . E. H. PURDY het? L Cook Seal Esa In: Port Perry, 7 roomed brick |: : fruits, good well, cement chicken pen, | ¥ I'am now prepared to do-all kinds . work and repairing. G. R Alexander, : 4 Ave, Toronto. Telephone Beach 2961 October 1918; to send by. post, 'pre- And every ctines #4 every lied nstionss the hands and brains and hearts of the divi v each nation, because they are free peoples. "Now the individuals of cach. nation must live: as well as ir therefore a proportion of the effort and material each nation must be Giverted from war 'Purposes: to living necessities, : So the less each individual he fot himself or herselt for persona al use the more effort will there. be left for fighting and winning the war. Every cent you spend fepresents. that much "effort be- cause somebody must do something for you in order to earn that cent--somebody's "effort must be given to . you you instead of to the wat,' os Therefore the less you spend--the less of somebodylss effort you take for your individual use--the more will you Teave i in the national surplus for war effort. : "The war. can be won only by the surplus stren thiof "the allied nations. e money each individual saves represents that hs strength. #! So the aly k foyal Canadian will use less; spend less, and save more, to help to win the war. - eer the Abo of nist of Finance : of Canada. ~ Publi Notice to Creditors 'Of John' 'Marlow, late of the Town- 'Boarders. Wanted | Mts. J. Thompson, Bigelow St, | Port Perry, is prepared to provide ship of Cartwright, in the County of board and lodging 'to High School Durham, agent, deceased. - } girls. 'Terms reasonable. "Pursuant to Sec 38 of Chapter '139 pL of the Revised Statutes. of Ontario, 47 BRE po notice ls hereby given that all . 1a . creditors and rs having claims For Sale . "against the estate of -John Marlow, On easy terms, late Brimble resi- fate of the Township: of Cartwright, dence, 'containing seven rooms, in-'i; the County of "Durham, agent, | terior in first class condition. = Will geceased, who died on or about the be sold very seasonable for quick sale. "thirty-first day of January A D., 1918,} ~*~ Apply Mrs E. |. Brimble, 76 Herbert gre on or before the first day of + paid, to W H. Harris Ontario," Solicitor for Li