Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 24 Oct 1918, p. 3

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Te "Call Pattern' No. 8388, La In b sizes, 22 to 30 waist. "~from your jocal McCall dealer, * from the McCall Coi, 70 Bond st, Toronto, u In a certain hospital the' pdtients were very badly fed, and looking for- "ward to an inspection, when" "they could lodge-a complaint. # When one day the inspecting officer, ~ _eumo round, one Tommy was deter- mined hot to miss this opportunity. L "What's, your complaint?" asked the offcer. "Trénc! {: h fever." : 2 "Oh! And what is the diet?" con- "tinued the officer eolicito ly. ("Two gs at the thermometer daily!" was the answer. © _ © How the Price, 20 4 | the log line ofithe stern of the ship, | it was a means of catching fish. Our 1 variably met. With 1 tmmense R. A, F. machine stare with 1a load ey ; Germany. Shy Ne Koh CL 3 tr 5 : HEY are cutting spruce in Brit: * ish Columbia. The silver spruce. forests, long n because ound their place, © 8t: , tough wood is the ideal exclusively for War purposes. States, the needs of the other a the great war are supplied by the of market and transportation, . ¥i Pisin aia {LEMON J t | | FE CRS Aeronautical Department of the Im. A Sitka (silver). spruce log cut on the Queen Charlotte Islands off the' coast of British CSTumbia for the Im- goast perial Munitions Board. 'wonderful forests of B. C., this sup- ply being made possible threugh a splendid organization perfected dur- ing the past tem mon by Major Austin C. Taylor, direc! ot the of camps, scores of tug-boats, thou. sands of men are at ork on the charge the cargo at the mills and perial Munitions Board. Hundreds forests, while scores of cut. the £8. Canadian Pacific Railway Som. pany tugs haul great rafts acress the waters of the Pacific Coast and dis terminals, Hundreds and, hundreds of Canadian Pacific Railway cars roll eafward monthly loaded with prime asroplane lumber, bound for the peroplane factories' in the east. The wants of France and England, Canada and Italy are filed by the loggers of British Columbia, and the industry will grow even beyond its Dreseng > mendous volume.~L. V. Ki | THE SIMPLE AFRICAN hts and Customs. of Civilization Affect Him. , It is an amusing speculation to pic- ture one of our remote ancestors sud- denly transported through time from the homely "days, say of the seven- teenth century, to the hustling, bustl- ing days of the present. eyes would n at our marvelous in- ventions!" we say. The nearest we that to pass is | to ciyilization ibe . » 3 before left 'their: jungle homes and who Jove never heard of"efigines or | teléphones. or motion, pictures. We imagine our remote ancestor as stand- ing in awe before our wonderful de- vices, Perhaps we would Jaugh at them, too, as some of thé West Afri- can tribes.did on ir way to the front in Gepman East Africa. A writer in Blackwood's tells about them, GRR ! {The wildest excitement prevailed on he says. Many of these na~ tives had never seen the sea, and very few had ever sailed upon it. believed most things their officers told them, but it was of no use to tell them. that men built this great float= ing town. No.Allsh must have made it! Pointing to the two steam tugs blying side by side in the harbor, they asked how soon it would take these lesser craft to grow to the size of the transport, which must be their moth- 'er. The tables and benches on the troop deck of the ship were an' un- ¢ encumbrance fo the black men, Who knew not whether. to sit on the tables and rest their feet on the benches, or to sit on the benches, us- ing the tables asa support for their backs. When the o began to the wild excitement 'of children with a new. and wondgrful toy. Climbing in at one side the black men fell out at the other, and thought it all 'the greatest fun in the world. The navigation of the ship was a 'mystery to the Africans. The popu- lar theory was that we were pulled along by a wire under the sea. Many attached considerable importance to supposing that it somehow enabled the skipper to find his way across the ocean, while a few maintainéd that 'many endeavors to convince the Afri- cans that the earth is-round were in- d laughter. Tn les of "How his |i jssue the usual hammocks. there was | fused to believe were carried in the aeroplane. - - pr _ "But how on earth" they asked "do those men get any food?" "0 fool!" came the answer. "Of course they catch birds!" . rr lp SEVEN BROTHERS KILLED > - An Amazing Tale of the War Re- garding An Australian Soldier. The Agent-General for New: South Wales issfies the following remark- 'able statement regarding .an Aus- tralian soldier's military career. _ Staff Sergeant W. F..Payme, Aus- tralian Imperial Force, to whom a cottage at Darlington, recently been erected by voluntary labor, and who has a wife and three children, has had an amazingly rom- Five of his brothers were killed at Mons, one at Bullecourt, another else- where in France, and two in the Boer war, while his only living brother lost a leg at Mons. The father of this family of -eleven fighters, now 78, is a Lieut.-Colonel in charge of Bisley rifle range. - Sergeant Payne enlisted in Sydney in Augusty 1914, thé day after' war was declared. He took in the famous landing at Gallipoli, and was wounded. Later he was blown up by a shell, and was rendered blind for nine weeks, deaf for ten weeks, and dumb for four and a half months, He yegained his speech in a Sydney the- atre by the startling effect of a stage episode, ~~ ™ 5 i fem 0~--0--0--0--0 PAIN? NOT A BITI LIFT- YOUR CORNS. OR CALLUSES OFF ' No humbug! Apply. few drops then just lift them-away " with fingers.e oO © o © This new drug is an ether com- pound discovered by a Cincinnati " chemist. It fs called freezone, and can now be obtained in tiny bot- tles as here shown at very littleccost from any drug store. Just ask for freezone. Apply a drop _ or 'two 'directly upon a tender corn or 'callus and instantly the ~ Soreness, SAPDeArs. Shortly 'you will find the corn or callus so Aoose that you can lift it oft rgot and all, with W\ the fingers. = Not a twinge of pain, soreness or irritation; 'not even the slightest fl smarting, either when op ying ; fregzone or 8. This drug doesn't eat "up the com or ~== but vels 'them 80 r loosen and come right out. It Is umbug! Tt works like a charm. Lior a few cents you can get rid of hard ft corn orcorn be: the t x inflames. If your. drigglst yy freezone yét; {ell him to e bottle for you from his N.S.W., hat] antic career in the military service. The City of Great Spires. I-He wrote, brave boy, from out of France somewhere, fires. - be there." To-morrow came, cumbered stair wires, ed prayer, eral pyres. 1 Not this life's crowded withhold From furnace-trial; not content with less Than Self sublimed to noble nothing- ness, He gained the City of the Spires of : Gpld. Close: to our hearts lingereth, A Cross of Victry pinned by the hand of Death. - - splendors to his memory A - We" believe MIKARD'S LINIMENT is the best: Mathias Foley, Oil City, Ont. Joseph Snqw, Norway, Me. Charles ooten, Mulgrave, N'S. Rev. R. O. Armstrong, Mulgrave; N.8. Plerre * Landers, Sen. Pokemouche, N. B. y - o . Two for a Nickel. Thé quick wit of a traveling sales- man, Who has. since become a vwell- known proprietor, wag severely tested onesday. He sent in his card by the office' b3y to the manager of a large coneern, whose inner office was separ- ated 'from the waiting room by a ground glass partition. When the boy handed his card to the manager t! impatiently tear it in half and throw it in the waste basket; the boy came out and told the caller that he could not see the chief. i The salesman told the boy to go back and get him his card; the boy broughtout a nickel with the message that his card was torn up. Then the galesman took out another card an gent the boy back, saying, "Tell your boss I sell two cards for a nickel." He got his interview and. sold a large amount of goods. Anim Misard's Lintmens Cures Burns. Tle Very Convenient. Gdraldine was staying with her aunt. One day; as they were visiting the town's poorer districts, Geraldine no- iced tlfree rather untidy chbldren playing in front of a house and ye- marked about it. ' "There are ten children living in that house and only one mother to cane fcr all of them, so she cannot v3 8 only one or two to tgke care of said her sunt. MTen?* asked Geraldine. "Ten ? Why, inviting an one!" of hess to the m the whole farm wil of over 80 bushels, a Who Save' no thild to die. a '| comes. { | | | <--James Whitcomb Riley. LE ee prin 4 VICE 18 - Fa FRECKLE REMOVER Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into 1a bottle containing three ounces of orchard ghite, shake well, and you have p quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, 3nd So plexion beauti- fiér,'at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will su ly three ounces of orchard white for a fow ¢ents; Massage this sweetly fragmnt lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands'each day and see how hew clear, soft and white the skin be- Yes! It fs harmless, rere em Ap Newfoundland to Develop Resources. The* Reid Newfoundland Railway Co. has established a natural re- J sources department undef J, McNeil | Forbes, to ckplore, inventory and de- | velop the important mineral, timber, agricultural and water-power resour- ces on Lhe lands owned by the com- pany. It is hoped to create a flour- ishing farming district on the western side of the island. A large staff of | tecimical 'men will be employed on | But still, please God, to-morrow we'll | salesman saw him | lieep them as clean as mothers | they can have a party without : A nieasured acre summer-fallowed ' S fa) Lethbridge jail has} ie acre. Thel That "I can see a city of great spires, | the work during the next four years. And in between flash paths of deadly | pev,.rd's Tintment Cures Dandrus. yy The Soldiers' Chances. The actuaries have got the soldiers' | point. | ing man's chances are as follows: 20 Flung all his fighting, like an inceéns- Jjiances. of coming home to 1 of be- ing killed; 49 chances of recovering Upon the smoke of war's grim fun-| fiom wounds to 1 chance of dying | ! from them; 1 chance in 500 of losing | And the soldier's life even a limb. | makes: for longevity. It is estimated {hat the average Tommy who sur-| vives the risk ef battle adds five years to his' life because of physical training, and is freer from disease thai he would have been in civil life. MONEY ORDERS A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. - Jomestic Dynamo. A lady, who had a very slow servant girl, noticed that it took the girl al- most half the-day to scrub tho kit- chen, a piece of work that should have been accomplished in--an-hour. The servant always accompanied her scrubping with a song, ahd one day the mistress was alarmed at the slow progress, she made. - " "Mid pleasures" (serub) "an' pal- aces" (scrub) "tho' we may" (serub) 'roam--"" ! "Jane!" called the mistress, stern- ly, "I am tired of hearing 'Home, Sweet" Home." Sing 'The Campbells are Coming'." Nothing loatli, Jane did so, 2nd fell into the trap so cleverly laid for her. Her scrubbing brush flew over the boards with lightning rapidity. The poetry of motion had gwift work. rh Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralyis The answer to the question, "Why should we save wool " is that a fully equipped "soldier uses 13 times as much wool as does a civilian. Also that there are not enough sheep raised to meet the needed wool sup- ply. than yourselves | 7 freckles and blemishes disappear énd' made Liniment for sale everywhers p ary WANTED Hy ENERAL BLACK BNERAL BLACKSMITH. REID | Minard's T FOR BALE BELL EQUIPPED NEY APE. | ¥ and job printing plant pet | Ontario. Insurance garried $1,500, for $1,200 on quick sale. Box Ison Publishing Co.. Ltd., Toronto. ERKLY NEWSPAPER FOR SALE | in New Ontario. Owner going 0! France. WI sell $2600. Worth double | that amount. - Apply J. H, clo Wilson ; Publishing Co., Limited, Toronto, : (1x - STORM WINDOWS FOR SALE ET OUR PRICE. LIST SHOWING o coat of Sxindows glazed complete, ny size. alliday C Hamilton ¥ Company, Hox. Bel, Vv MISOELLANEOUS | §A0m:8 WANTED TO DO PLAIN | and light sewing at home, whole or | spare time, good pay, work sent any dis. tance, chl¥rges paid. Send stamp for par- { ticulars, National Manufacturing Conte { pany. Montreal. POINCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC, i internal and external, cured withe | out pain by our home treatment. Writ us.before too late. Dr. Bellman Medic Yoo: T.imited. Collingwood, Ont. BID T IT OITVOIT OT How to Purify $ Ho climber the | war risks figured out to the decimal | H i Based on the mortality sta- | the Blood Of duty, and through danger's tangled | tistics of the Allied armies the fight- | | "Fifteen to thirty drops of | Extract of Roots, commonly called Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, may be taken in water with meals and at bedtime, for the cure of indigestion, consti- pation and bad blgod. Persist. ence in thistreatment will effect a cure in nearly every case." Get the genuine at druggists. I SE = ACHES AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED | You'll, find Sloan's Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache Put it on freely, Don't rub it in. Just let it penetrate naturally. What a sense of soothing relief soon follows! External aches, stiffness, soreness; { cramped muscles, strained sinews, back "cricks'--those ailments can't . fight off the relieving qualities of, Stoan's Liniment. Clean, convenient, economical, Made in Canada... Ask! any druggist for it. \ } ir] i =F AC JET 1 aaniment Kills Pain Let Cuticura Care for Baby's Skin 1t's really wonderful how ly & hot bath with Cuticura Sep un a gentle &noin # irritations tb bubs was nl and fests which kee e less, as sleep for infant and rest for mother, and points to healment in most cases when it seems nothing + would help, by dealers im

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