Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 24 Oct 1918, p. 5

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in cream Q bigh-grade 'cotton - and a ; wool yarn. inches wide and is a splendid value at. Per Yard $2.00 $2.00 yd Heavy union sheeting y and wide doth in Size 36 x 72 inches. Price Each 31.25 : "These She AO 50 2) bi we have two . dozen of 0M stock left, Cream 6n one side and Green on the other, mounted on good spring rollers. Reg- ular 31 bo value, -" Clearing Price 900. Extension Rods «These Rods are made in such a way that they cannot sag in the centte like the ordinary brass extension rod. They two sizes--extending from "30 inches to 54 inches, .and from 48 inchesto 78 inches » Prices, Eden, 50c¢. and 85c. ly, made of Cloth is 72 Floor Oiloloth, 650. yd floor covering in neat. floral and block pattern, 1 yard, 14 yds, 2 yds, and 2% yds wide. Linoleum, Congoleum m, and Floor Oilcloths. ~ i 2 yd. Linoleum $1 yd # Owing to the embared placed on jute by the British Government, linoleum is very scarce. We bave, however a large stock in the 2 yd widths, and a splendid choice of patterns. Per sq. yd. $1.00. High grade oileloth for Per square yd 65c. Congoleum Squares - Congoleum Squares make very "attractive floor coverings" They ¢ome in popular rug sizes, bor- ders all round, and printed in patterns similar to Brussels squares. Full range from small rugs | x 124 yds, 2 x 2 yds, 3 x 34 yds, 3 x 4 yds. pet pe A ra ry SIRE 2 . W. TIcINTYRE November Delineator : 15¢ copy § A SPECIALTY * ear 'Ashburn, 7 roomed § bar, stone stabling, 'drive nd, spring creek, always con. d farm. - 10, concession +9, East e to Raglan, % to sc 8 rooms, stone cellar, cement inside, well at door, hip roof straw: barn, stone stable g pen under Dx 0. pis a fruit, ugh, the buildings 5 are in yd. wheat land. very: Easy: terms, Ril ot 8, con 4, Reach on Rural esto PS oak, 4Y5 to Port sh acs fined lol . ge , fire wi ences ; tom pr Dh prchatd roomed * frame houses 4 nt floors; water in stable, o, fall or spring Pos e of Maschostsh ab aud n house, MORTON M. GIBSON TARIO and DOMINION LAND R and CIVIL ENGINEER (Successor to the late W. E. Yarnold, Ont. land surveyor, of Port Perry.) WHETSY. ONTARIO, Phone 231 ENORMORS DEMAND FOR GRADUATES oF JHE POPULAR 4 ELLIO" CHURCHES AND FRATERNAL: SOCIETIES METHODIST Rev. Wesley Elliott, Pastor Sunday Services 11.00 a.m, and .00 p.m. Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto a All of our_graduates and sco fi, ot our ruddine obtaitied pose un "of our ear and out of the last one Phin ¢ Farms for Rent oie The ie Ok "Sis _ farms ot Joo, 150 and 200 ranged from $10.00 a weed tg $150 mon al respectively to ren All sout! Buy TE on [ip to Oshawa. First-class soil a 1 and C SIE, and buildings, good state of cultivation | w10 'Possession to plow after.present crop; | (full possession-April 1, 1918. Apply to G. D. Conant, Oshawa, Ontario, - - | Morley Campbell REAL ESTATE AGENT Propestich For Sale | , 3 200 acres, divining te town of Port Pegry. href ass brick house, farnace, all "ki of fruit, several acres bush, nice spring creek, hip-roof barn, stone stabling, «silo, considered one of the best farms in the township of Reach; can be bought at a sacrifice price and very reasonable terms if sured at once. '| 50 acrea, in the town of Osbavis. almost "new brick house, Hydro light, furnace, d hip-roof barn, stone stables, hen house 6 acres orchard in its prime, land in' first nell; class condition, good 'terms. i | 200 acres in the Township of Cartwright, fair buildings; 20. acres 'good: beech and op? a 'bush, close to market. $3500. Easy onell, Terms. Act quick. ,- Apr 3, IN PORT" PERRY t 2, | . Brick house and lot, "a snap for cash, 'Brick house and 3 acres of good land, fruit, a o buy a cheap h home. « - Cpmsodiows. fame house, m, ' conveniences, 4, July. St. Charles Hotel can be bought at a Class, All Welcome. PRESBYTERIAN + Rey. W. H. Black, Pastor Sunday Services:11.00'a.m. and 7.00 pm BAPTIS) Rev. |. Ford, Pastor. Anglican Service every ' Sunday morning meets first La third Tuesdays "of each month at the Oddfellows Hall, Port Perry Visiting Brethren made welcome. A. B. Cawker, W,P. IAA A AIAN ALN SINS NI SIN Notice to Creditors Of Jane Helson, late of the Village of Greenbank, in the Township of, Reach, in the County ef - Ontario, Ww idow, deceased. - Pursuafit to Section 56, Chapter 121, of the Revised Statutes of" On- tatio, notice is hereby 'given that all creditors and. others having claims against the estate of the above named Jane Helson, who died on or about the eighth day-of August, 1918, are required on or before the 30th day of November, A. D. 1918, to send by post prepaid or deliver to William Phoenix, of said Village of Greenbank Ontario, Executor of the last Will and Testament of the deceased, their christian and . surnames, addresses and desaiiptions, together - with full' particulars of their claims, a Statement' of their-accounts, and the nature of the security, if anv, held by them. And notice is further given that after: such mentioned date, the said Executor will proceed. to distribute the assets of the said estate among . the persons entitled thereto having regard .lonly to the: claims of which notice shall, at time of distcibution, bave ; been given;and that he will not be hable| for: the said assets or any part thereof, } modern House; bam and Cewelve acres, all kinds of fruit, 7 ¢ ESS AE wi Sr se IN and 112 acres laid, all kinds "house. y : 'ALBERT g- St Ih anacre of ehoice garden ERT : in frase: repair . 3 acres land rte © | claims he shall not have had notice. "lof October, 1918... * HUBERT L. EBBELS, "Fis Solicitor. for Executor. Afternoon, Sunday School and Bible' | A large list of farms for sale in to any person Of «persons of whose 3 Dated at Port Perry this 10th, vday i NOTICE { HIN. Toe IS HEREBY GIVEN that Samuel! yuE UNIVERSAL MILKER Si | Burgoyne of the Township of East | ; Whitby in the County of Ontario, ! : TE i | Farmer, will apply to the Parliament [ffi 1 3 "of Canad at the next session thereof, _ |! Lh oY AZ fora bill of Divorce from his wife I a BE 5 2h Alice Maud Clarke of the To®%n of X ] . he? | Hilton i in the State of New York, one . t : ; (of the Unitéd States of America, ve i ; Married woman, on the ground of 1 py N 7 adultery and desertion. Dated at the _ 3 { Town of Oshawa in the County of 'Ontario in the Province of Ontario, | the 15th day of August A.D. 1918. | SAMUEL BURGOYNE, By his Solicitor,.W. E. N. Sinclair, . Oshawa, Ontario We are selling the Hinman Milk- ing Machine. Itis a solution of the scarcity of labor on the dairy i farm, They are guaranteed to give satisfaction and will not injure any : ag a 3 - | cow. 3 Strayed | From the premises of Dr. C. w.| { Moon, Seagrave, brown collie dog {With pointed nose, answers to the! name of Rex. Reward. Phone 123 "A Sensation." r 3 Port Perry. on Coal Oil, winter ' and summer. ; ; | It has no coils, no wires, no bat- ! : X teries,no spark plugs, no. magnets, no 'W. J. Cook - Real Estate We also sell the | B | Hoag Cgal Oil Engine Starts and: runs carburator. Half a gallon of coal oil will-run it and do the same work as arge a gallon of gasoline in any Ste oN i Ontario County. - Some city property i gasoline in any, Standard 3 ; 3 : for exchange or sale, also Western ' (land. My list includes some rare "bargains. Wiit& or phone me before buying. Communicate with W J Cook, 'R.R. No 2; Port Perry, or Bell Phone | 107 r 2 2, or Independent Phone 406! Gasoline Engine. | They will not burn gasoline. Investigate these two 'machines. ; It will pay you. R. W. Walker & Sons 0 Port Perry No. 4 Bell Phone 53 r 1-4 Maid Wanted R. R. Maid wanted for general housework x HN Apply Mrs D Carnegie, Port Perry. : ¢ W. H. Doubt Merchant Tailor Fall and | Winter Suitings This is the time to order your Fall Suit, We are showing a splendld line of suitings in handseme patterns and 'color- ings x You have a wide range to pick from and the price is as low as we can possibly make it. SUITS 'We carry a fu'l line of ordered suits. : =Seé vur lipes of Blue and Strayed From lot 17, concession 8, Re. h, a black and whitecollje dog, answer- (ing to the name of Rover." Reward. . Finder please notify N I Palmer; R R No 1, Port Perry. " Black Serges, ganteed List dyes Ask for prices on our. ready-to-wear suits. Xr

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