Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 31 Oct 1918, p. 3

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3 A tractive design for misses's dress, McCall Pattern No, 8602, Dress. | In 4 sizes, 14 to 20 Price, 2 cents: Transfer |" in No. 925. ~~ Price, 20 cents. These rns may be obtained ~ from your McCall dealer, or from She Meth eta) Co., 70 Bond 8t., Toronto, pt. W. x Po boil fish and discard the water is wasteful. It will make Appetising " ersey. ; fective, the party .ca] 1," at_ Blecourt, this 'another' "private. of , when heavy. rifle 'dugout; - holding ved, avhen one six - of all 'ranks, H rs taff, were, . subse- 1 captured. In, the. quent fighting on the same day this ; 1 ded. frat ne sy a the re enced: the entir adie m up, he a te a Solin und "and blinded by flare ani In y flare aR throwing up, the Tice the entire distance, ky ovine, or thes hog 'able to bbe tie senile va after putting them ott of action Vv sent back word, tr-Agn advance might be resum 3A H Killed the Gm Stew! A Bourlon: Wood a Lieutenant of a British Columbia "battalion found himself held up by machine gun fire from a sunken road. He took his men around the enemy's flank and captured the stronghold; killing the crew sand capturing one officer ~ and ten other ranks, with one field gun and four machine guns. Later on, having passed through our front wave, his party was checked by a strong enemy post south of Bourlon 'Wood. Many of his own company by this time were casualties. So, gath- fring a deta detail Eo ther company, he led rushed the post at once, gd the. officer and cap- '| turing 49 prisoners with 'machine guns. Pushing on to: 'their final ob- ed two offi: cers and 456 other : . His! right flank being in the air, he took up a defensive position, forming a flank | for the adjoining troops. On O¢tober intrepid officer found himself in command of a com- pany now. reduced to fifty of all ranks, and with this little band he captured 80 prisoners and 17 machine In two days' fighting his re- cord was three officers, 180° other _| ranks, one field gun and 26 machine "| guns. Saptured, say iusive of 'enemy ate fod Hoitlon Wood on| ® sition alone and drove |® HN While. leading- his - platoon against "The i Of; : | Freezone is wonder | © ful; It dries. instantly. It doesn't eat 'away 'the corn ' or callus; 'but "1 *shrivels it 'up 'without tating the surrounding skin. Hard, soft or corns between the toes, as! well as painful callus oft, There no palin befor wi It .your arnt hasn't treezone, téll-him to order a small bot: Ug dob you ram' ais' whilesaie ify \ =~ ; X onc . THE TRIALS QF AN EMPRESS Zita' of Austria-Hungary Holds Ad- 2 (vanced; Democraple. Views, | 3 i ahing to;remi of a young vue "queen who lives in this, i and 'generation 'under a surveil- ; as, to the fo |* mance "in e of mediaeval 'years, The heroine of the story, which Current Opinion Jas Sollested by tie Reiter and the Kaiserin. engollerns were much ed. It appears that Zita pre- fond Tania current in Paris to the fashions" that you see In Berlin. that the lady, plained was dressed as if she were going to a French restaurant. The Empress-Queen is also accused of having set her court in a roar with comic drawings of the skirts and feet | of exalted ladies in the suite of the Hohenzollerns. She has flatly refused to tolerate a practice of dispensing with stockings, after the new Berlin mode, and is accused of wearing a corset smuggled into Vienna from Pari¢. a thing forbidden to the Ger- man Empress herself, , Another source of discord is the persistence of Zita in using French as the of the nursery. She préfers it in corresponding with her brothers now fighting with the allies. Even the cooking at the palace is French, for Zita cannot, we learn, en- dure sausage, and the mere name of pumpernickel gives her indigestion. An embarrassing episode was nar- rowly averted on one of the Hohen- zollern visits by her ignorance of the words of "Déutschland uber Alles." Ancther patriotic hymn- was substi- Sued, but the lady did not know that, either. Early in her married life the Bour-| bon Zita discovered, the Figaro in- fcrms us, that her youthful consort, although attractive, is no intellectual prodigy. Her effort to atone for his| deficiencies by her own mental gifts is responsible for the course of re- cent political history at Vienna. She is said to have begun a cor- respondence with the Pope, which had not gone far when it leaked out that her letters were intercepted. Zita threatened to take nefuge in the cha- teau of her sister enemy sit vo lng Fn, or to fly to the/ feet another sister is fist it was moving t , ae fh to run about i | Wks | nited ing. of frat pits ¢ made SEE which will | hat Shells carbon for gas masks that will with- ugh | stand the ravages of German poison The ston tunnel opoved a auch more Siffeul proposition than 'the St. Gothard. tiynel, which is driven almost' entirely throtigh hard gneiss. At- Andermatt, and Airola one can see' in the! quarries how un- Lder tremendous pressure Jurassic chalk has been turned info marble. In the case of the Loetschberg the geological profile presented the wn- usual sight of peiuitive rock piled on top of stratified rock. All the Alpine tunnels are run on straight. lines except the Loetschberg, which was built on a curve. This was 'necessaty because .of unforséen ob- stacles in the interior composition of the mountain and resulted in an ex- penditure of $500,000. The engineers did not Believe: 'that the Kander stredm, which flows down the moun- tain side, would interfere with the Yoring of a furinel 600. feet below the 'Triver bed, but it did, and thére was a cave-in, by which twenty-five work- men 1dst_ their' lived, : } rrp eera-- WHITEN SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE CT ---- Make a beauty fotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. GIRLS! / i Your grocer lid§'the lemons and any y 3 ue store or toilet cotmter will sup- ply you with three ounces: white for a few cents. Squeeze the a {Juice if two fresh lemons intd a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. This makes a guarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Mas- 'sage this fragrant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms ahd hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallow- ness, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless, and the beautiful resultg will surprise you. He Could Not Explain. A short time before the 'war Gen. Korniloff, while distributing prizes at a gymnasium class for cadets at Petrograd, seized the opportunity to give the students at lecture fn regard to the softness of the rising genera- of the generation to which he himself belonged "Why, when I was a cadet here," he said, "we made it a rule to gather on the banks of the Neva every morning insthe spring, summer and autumn and swim three times across the river." The statement was received in chilling silence, followed by a burst of applause when 'a student asked in a puzzled tone: "Try that case, sir, may I inquire how you managed about' your clothes ?" MONEY ORDERS. Pominion Expréss Money Order. Boats With Eyes. + The Chinese have 'a queer custom of painting an eye on the bow of 'a boat so that it may easily see its way through the water. mall boats as "yell as large must have an eye, and nothing must be permitted to cover it. "There is a story of an Englishman 'who, while travelling in China, let his dangle over the painted eye of a small boat in which he was sailing. The owner, becoming very excited, n |' beggedathe Englishman not tp: inter- ly | fore with the si of the boat while the water. When the first railway was built in China, some of the native workmen | who were familiar with boats wanted nt an eye on the front of the notive. Such a powerful creature |. that, they said, shoula not 'be al- ind. BS TY testi BMinard's Liniment Cures Colds, &o. : » e las, "No Use in That, Last: summer, when so tany boys were helping farmers, one boy, willing and pager to help but wholly. un- uainted with farm work, was as- tion as contrasted to the toughness | || A When ordering goods by mail send a a farmer who was careless es gos, It takes two-hundred peach pits or seven pounds of shells to furnish encugh carbon for one mask. Only tha following material can be or peach, apricot, prune, olive, date, {cherry and plum pits and Brazil, hickory, Yat and butternut shells. Minard's Lintment Cures Garget in Cows Pst. sLadies' Dresses in Belgium. A_wellsto-do Brussels woman writes in a letter: "I have a cloak made out of the hood of my husband's service cape; a walat made of his football tunic, and & dress made out of a sheet; mamma has managed a dress out of the dining-room tablecloth, and my sisters have cloaks made out 'of wool- len blankets." A druggist can obtain an imitation of MINARD'S LINIMENT from a To- ronto house at a very low price, and have it labeled his own product. This greasy imitation {s the poorest one. we have yet seen of the many that every Tom, Dick and Harry has tried to introduce. Ask for MINARD'S and you will get it. A Questionable Record. A plain rel ribbon worn on the British soldier's tunic denotes that the wearer holds the Good Conduct Medal granted only after eighteen years of exemplary service. But a certain old soldier found a new way to describe the honor. A lady, peering at the red ribbon on his tunic, inquired what it was for. "Eighteen years of undetected crime, madam," replied the veteran gravely, gd Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. To set brown. or tan color, soak the article to be washed for ten min- utes in a pail of water to which has been added a cupful of vinegar. Black or black and white goods should be soaked in strong salt water for ten minutes before washing. ACurefor Pimples "Youdon'tneed mercury, potash ve any other strong mineral to re pimples caused by poor blood, Take Extract of Roots-- Sresyin calls it "Mother Seigel's Curgtive Syrup--and your skin Er bye: Itwillaweeten your stomach and regulate your bowels." Get the genuiho, T20c. and $1.00 Bottles. At drug stores. 5 he mS $ Does not poe Li remove the (apd lay up the horse, 3250 : bottle ARS or i Ti or Book} 22 pror nt fot i hl pe or soos, par ad Juries 20 mae on an pen a same eso. th high grade of | ni tell you more if you |! Wr YOUNG, P.D.F.. willis Ridy. Montrant, Cane Ron a : for b few minutes i : i ~. him, and Jim oni AN [ADA "Why didn't you emi tersign?" asked the ntario "Oh, that's all be esr ed. "I've already got it. The chap guards' tent gave it to me five utes ago." in a Zintment ( i Distemper, * Feather pullers 'should be immedi- | ately removed from the flock; or birds will acquire the habit. i difficult to stop this habit. WANTED ENERAL BLACKSMITH. REI G Bros, Bothwell, Ont: D FOR SALE vi WwW ELL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER | and job printing pla $0 Eas: Ontario, ) surance carried 3 1,600. s on Box son Bubontn, Lu 0. oh "Toronto. REglY NEWSPAPER 0 Raw OROAFIo. Omnar OLE te Flares. Wii well 3 15a. 009. 5 nt gotois at amoun pply J. Publishing Co., Limited, Tron, STORM WINDOWS FOR SALE i 7 oF JRICE LIST SHOWING i con ows se. Halliday Company; Porohin vy ton MISCELLANEOUS (ances; MOR, LUMPS, n nel surd SER Aha i his DE ntten. DARTING, PIERCING SCIATIC PAINS Give way before the pene trating effects of Sloan's Liniment Re --, v So do those rheumatic twinges and the loin-aches of lumbago, the nerve- inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck, the joint wrench, the, ligament sprafa the muscle strain, and the thro bing bruise. The ease of applying, the quickness of relief, the le. positive results, the cleanliness, the economy of Sloan's Yiniment make it universally, preferred. Made in Lana da, ° BhrEnRg OAR aB best or at ISS EY Li On Hands and Foaorse Could | Not Work. « Cuticura Healed, hwaon T wis. aiid TN LI : 1 ; y

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