Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 23 Jan 1919, p. 6

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conditions the war has 3 $ . : Yrs BJ 'problem semaining in the vard Universities, and prior-fo going overseas was. al police force, the duty of which : Ie. major wifitibe ir Chuitian BRES tery. J. i be to wetch over air moutes : An receive pain ental number "728"; ; Devils' i is Vedios ut 'Second battle of an . Mr, Loughnan served overseas with the 16th Battalion and was wounded at Ypres. Canada he has been honored" with many offices in veterans' 'organizations and 'is' now hi 920 summer of 1 is v a tain by airship builders. BRITISH LEARN |UNIFIED COMMAND: How Germans Controlled Indus- British Had Just Completed Gun States Expected to Fall try Before 1914. To Carry 90 Miles. e in Line, A despatch from London says:i-- A despatch from London says:--A Sir Eric Geddes, Minister without VOTED "DRY" ' ye » Sgn Barrlicd Veata--Pick ports; $481 'Effective in 1920--Remaining 8 Olympic and Aquitania Will: | mess pork, $47. i # : be Loaned During February. less than smoked, k pt vies, Je . an Ly A despatch from New York. says: |, Smoked Meats Rolls, 37% po 330; i i : 5: | ams, medium, 88 to:89¢; heavy, 30 | Nine British 'vessels with a -total| ' 315; cooked hams, b1 to, 52¢; backs French General in Supreme Charge of Allied Forces in Russia. A despatch from Omsk says: -- l bi im, wh A despatch from Washington a vi was sZpected 10 be 2 Bertha" was among the secrét pro- ductions of (the ' Sheffield Cannon Works, it became known last week. This gun, which it was said was to have een used to bombard Rhine towns, was about 83 feet long, and gays:~--The American nation was voted dfy on Thursday by constitu- tional amendment, effective approxi- | mately a year hence, when the Legis- lature of Nebraska, the home of Wil- portfolio in the mew Cabinet, in an address before the Associated Cham- bers of Commerce, said the biggest thing that had béen learned in the war and the greatest benefit that could be gotten from it was that the front has been arranged, French general, Jules Janin, who has Unity of command on the Siberian and the been commander of the Czecho-Slovak arty, will have supreme direction of the allied forces in Russia. carrying capacity of 27,760 men have in, 46 to A4Tc; backs, boneless 50 been placed at the disposal of the ple 15 fast bacon, 42 to ATe, American Government for the. trans-| Cottage rolls, s : portation of troops home, it was en-| Dry Salted Meats--Long clears, in nounced here on Tuesday by British! tons, 80c; in cases, 3pise ciear hal: S Ministry of Shipping. T) sels | lies, 28¢ fo 28%; fat backs, 26c. id Pp hese ve Lard--Pure, tierces, 291%c to 30¢; ave the Caronia, Adriatic," Minnes kahds, Celtic, Canopic, Saxonia, Pan- monia, Cedric and Orca. : In addition, it is announced, the Olympic, Maugetania and Acquitania, three 'of the largest British troop ships, will bring additional American troops home during February. | The 'Oiympic and Aquitania have liam Jennings Bryan, one of thefore- most champions of prohibition, rati- fied the proposed amendment. Ratifi- pation of the amendment'by 86 of, the 48 Stafes was necessary to make it a valid part of the American constitu- tion. Nebraska was the thirty-sixth Btate. Only cight States remain out in the cold through failure thus far of their Legislatures to approve the amend- ment. 'These missing Commonwealths are New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode - Island, Mintiesota,; New Mexico and Nevada. Five of these missing' States are among the thirteen original missing States. Prohibition leaders expect most of these eight States to ratify before the end of the month. Legislatures of 'all eight of these States, except that of Nevada, are in session. © Nevada's Legislature will meet January 20: tubs, 30 to 80%c; pails, 30% te 80%c; prints, 31 fo. 81%3¢. Shorten- ing, tierces, 26% to 25%$; tubs, 26% Yo Doe: pails, 26 to 26%c: 1-Ib prints, 97 to 27%e¢, Montreal Markets Montreal, Jan,' 21.--Osts, extra doth y No. 1 feed 86c; flour, new standard been- employed in bringing home| grade sito, $11.355 rolled ats dian troops during = the ti 0 ibs, $4.00 to .40; bran months. ® Past OOF 25: shorts $42.25; Mouille $68.00 to $70.00; hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, $19.00 to $20.00. Cheese, finest Easterns $27.00 to $28.00; but- ter choice creamery 51% to 53¢; ees sclected 57 to 588; No. 1 stock d to -53c; Potatoes, per bag, car Jota $1.70; dressed hogs, abattoir killed $21.00 to $23.00; lard, pure, wood pails, 20 lbs. net 31 to 32%0. The appointment of Gen. Janin is hailed as avguring the ultimate de- feat of the Bolsheviki. Gen, Knox, chief of the British Military Mission and also in charge of the commis- sariat, is occupied in the task of gelecting a representative commission to study and formulate a plan for the. elbction of a National Assembly. The mewspapers call attention to the fact that the workmen's so-opera-- tive organizations of Omsk and else- where have proclaimed their support of the new Government. The Gov- ernment is actively, negotiating with the powers for.recognition and also for participation in the Peace = Con- ference. HAND OVER 58,000 AGRL MACHINES Allies Reserve Right to Occupy Fortress of Strassbourg. British people had discovered as a fation what they could do if they pul- led together. They had improved machinery and methods and also electric power, the great modernizer of industries. They had learned much about German "key" industries and the yay the Ger- mans controlled British industry be- fore the war, As an instance, Sir Eric mentioned spelter and tungsten, which, though controlled throngh Germany, came al- most entirely from the British Em- pire, while the whole monopoly of magneto manufacture, indispensible to modern development in steel plants, was held back by the dumping of pieces of apparatus, such as crank castings; on the Tyne and the Clyde at prices lower than the cost of the raw material. its weight, presumably when mount- ed, is given as 124 tons, : It was stated offigally that the monster cannon 'would carry to a distance of 50 miles, but the men working on it were of the opinion that it probably would -be "destructive at 90 miles. As far as could be judged by a layman, the gun was made by inserting an extra tube into a 15-inch long-range naval gun's barrgl, thus approximately doubling the thickness of the barrel and compelling 'it to {carry a shell of about 8 inches in- tstead of 15. ~The end of the war came before the gun could be put into action, " -- re fp nnn GERMAN DELEGATES ~~ .- p .TO PEACE CONFERENCE A despatth from Zurich says:---The Munich newspapers state that the German delegates to the Peace Con- ference will he Count von Brockdorff- Rantzau, the Foreign Minister; Prince Lichnowsky, former Ambassador to London; Court Georg Arco; and the Soctalist, Karl Kautsky, former Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs in the Ebert Government. -- a pene Admiralty Will Not Relax Blockade Against Germany -- ies TO SAY GOOD-BYE TO CANADIAN BOYS Live Stock Markets Toronto, Jan. 21---Choice heav steers,. $13.00 to $13.50; bute ¢ cattle, choice, $12,00 to $12.50; 4 good, $11.00 to $11.60; do. edit $10.00 to $10.26;; do. common, $8. to $8.50; bulls, choice, $10.20 to $11.00; do. medium bulls, $9.00 to $9.50; do. rough bulls, $7.50 to $8.00; butchers' cows; choice, 25 to $10.75; do. good, $9.50. to. $10.00; do. medium, $8.50 tos$8.75; do, common, $7.00 to $7.76; stockers, $8.00 fo $10.00; feeders, $10.50 to $11.502 canners, $6.00. to $6.50; milkers, good to choice, $90.00 to $140.00; do. om and mes wdoo00. 3 hs 3: pringers, . $00.00. to $140.00; light ewes, $10.00 to $10.50; yearlings, $12.70 to. . $13.25; spring ; lambs, $15.25 to, $16.00; calves, good . to choice, $16.00 + to $17,765 Bo weighdd off cars, $17.25; do; Ted an Watered, $17.00; do. fob. county ints, $16.26 Sg NE eal, 0 alo i $11,650; choice 2%. 50 to $10.50; good, © 0 to ® | medium to. $8,00;4 canners, $7.00 to © $8,003 785.00. 40 $6,005 sheen, $900 ta" + 00 uh $11 3150 Ys "mill #7 L $12.00 'to $15:00; grass. fed, $5.00. to $7.00; «choice : selec hogs; $1810 18.80. tc = 1 ¥ - 3 3 ve "A Worth:While' Pufchase. Alaska has been worth mu {han its cost to. the Unit Sta half-century ago Alas a A despatch from London SAyEi-- A movenent is afoot in Buxton, the beautiful little Derbyshire town where so many Canadian wounded and in- capacitated have been cared for, to "give public exptession to the feeling | that we are grateful for the excellent A despatch from Berlin says:-- | DonavIOr and management of the Under the terms of the prolon; ation | T auRBY Han of the armistice aay ty de- | Public reference is made to the, I Fehrany. I some: 58,000 dusnner in which »Canadian officers agricalaural * machines - of vious. have endeavored 'to 'interest the in-| A ite: Hi abil gts in the troops: by 'sports and As a guarantee foi the fulfilment of | oh pte OE it the demands' Entente 50 2 Lm tot ofthe fortress of Strasbourg form- | ed by the fortifications on the right banks gf the! Rhine, together with: | os % on oe 0 kilometres in front of it. The Havas Agency announces the signature of the mew 'clatisés: of ih at armistice as they stood concerningj VLADIVOSTOK the surrender of German submarines i oo ---- TET Neady for wea andthe jdestructio A despatch from . Vladivostok ithe submanines_in«the course of con- saysi--The roopship i th nd struction which the allied" comnyis* RE GUILT OF STARTING WAR | epee * FIXED ON KAISER 'PANEL SYSTEM AT * PEACE CONFERENCE 'Enables Britain to Admit Repre- sentatives of Dominions. A despatch "from London Saygi-- According to the - official gta nt given out by the Goverrments taking part in the pralipiingry peakgienyer- sations, the meeting adopted the fol- lowing two general principles: rv One-~Each delegation being a unit, the number of. delégates' forming. it . shall Have no influence upon its statis at the conference, ig Two.--In the selection 'of its dele- gation each nation may avail Haglt : of the pane} system. This will endble oncl state at discretion to entrust its' interests to such persons as it may designate, 2 le ! The adoption of the. panel system will in. particular enable - the British Empire to admit among its five uele- gates 'representatives of ; the Domin- ions, including Newfoundland, which has no separate representatiod, and ob Todiz. : oo a total of five to date in the force, SAN A bei . | Sergt. 'Winn, 'Efiginéers, 'who "suc. A RE cumbed to exposure at River Camp : FIRST BATCH OF TROOPS yesterday, being the fifth. The lat: 2 VIA PANAMASCANAL ter's death is the second to occur at £0 <4 that' camp. A despatch from Berne says;--A German commission appointed to des termine the former Kaiser's responsi- bility for the war has offi:ially re- cimmended that he be" brought to trial, according to information res ceived from Berlin. i The recommendation was armouncéd by Herr Kautsky, who was appointed by the' present German Government £9 direct examination of documents in the 'archives of the Foreign Office. "Marginal notes, in - the Kaiser's' own handwriting on the most import- ant papers in the Foreign Office prove heivas one of the principal war mak- ers Kautsky reported. :¢ It is mec- essary, to bring him befove:a tribunal.' PORTER Jo CANADIANS: ARRIVE 'A despatch from London says:-- The Admiralty has no'immediate in- tention of relaxing its strict blockade against Germany, the Central"News Lieut.-Col. Bickford, 96 officers, and | 'sioners didcovergd iin German ports'in 1,669 other ranks. of .the, Canadian | December. The, clause placing the Siberian Expeditionary Forces, ar- | German merchafit fleet at the disposhi |' rived here of* Thursday.' Rifleman of the allies also was signed. Butlew; of Peterboro, Ont., was. killed 2 aboard the:steamer. by falling. debris during a severe storm encountered on Jan. 14. The death of Butler makes er pt. Two-Hour Aerial Service . "suo oo London to Peace ConfeFencé A despatch from London saysi-- A regular aerial service between Lon- don and Paris, in connection with ghe A despa ih Ea saysi-- The British troopship 'Empresa' of | Asia: passed through. the Panama' have a comfortable cabin (J sengers, including cushion seats and table rely "encloged' with i two houts, < arn remem Women workers in Great Britain id: ot are making a vigorous fight to secure Canal on Thursday on'its way fromthe same. wages paid men for. the England to Vancouver with 1,400 dis- | same kind of work performed by the Jharged soldiers onboard: JE LOCKED} ] {hi HIDE THIS: | TEN IN HERE WHILE I'M ouT | 1d

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