Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 13 Feb 1919, p. 4

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. and Mrs. Will St of | to ke : ih Forest, have Sn. day . Jing with Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm |© * Mr. and Mrs. G. Beckett, of ¥ are visiting their aunt, Mrs, F. Woodley. Mr. and Mrs. Eumphrey Rob. to the audience attending the y erts have returr.ed from A petty scene was presented entertainment given by the are pying their home |young people on Monday even- and . We a to i ome oe last. The decorations were em back to town. pleasing, and each performer stepped, a picture, to the plat- Mr. and Mrs. William Bowles | form, there was an added charm ve an informal dance on Mon- |to the scene. The numbers on y evening, in honor of their the program were well chosen nephew, Sergt. J. J. Cassidy, Jr. |and pleasingly rendered. =p " who is on the staff of the Army Many remark after attending Medical Stores, prior to his re-|entertainments -- they are worth turn to his home in New York. very much more than the 10c. Sergt. J. J. Cassidy, who has that "is being charged. It is certain that the committees go to been stationed in Toronto, spent | 301 of trouble to make their « the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Cassidy. Don't miss the entertainments _ given in the Methodist Church : basement each Monday evening: | Public School 2. Closed programs a Success. . Hockey PE High School 1 4 Referee--C. Short Goals were all scored in second period and in order were: An order from Washington to |g wker, Anderson, Raines. Graham's Limited, has caused the immediate closing of all their facjories, including the turnip evaporator at Port Perry. The contract on Which Graham's Limited were engaged was for Haines was off ice for two penalties. Notice In future, any person or per- $16,000,000 worth of desiccated sons who grant credit to G. R. soup mixture, and was to be| Alexander, of Port Perry, do so completed by July 1st, 1919. It|gat their own risk. i appears that food stocks for the American forces are piling up, hence the order. Repair Shop W. A. Alexander Born To Mr. and Mrs. N. "Whitney, J. Bowerman & Sons are open-| Raglan, on Saturday, February ed a repair shop opposite the|8, 1919, a son. fe Farmer's Union Milling Co. office, for the repair of auto- mobiles, marine and stationary See advt. on-op- engines, etce. posite page. A DEBATE Next Monday evening, February 47th, a debate will take place in the basement of the Methodist Church, Port Perry, upon the following subject: To Mr. and Mrs. J. Christie Hardy, on Wednesday, February 5, 1919, a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. S: Pogue, Scugog, on Thursday, February 6, 1919, a daughter. : Married Vickery-Ewers At Grace Church, Markham," _ «Resolved-That trades unions |on Thursday, February 6, 1919, are beneficial to society." The affirmamative will be taken by Rev. W. H. 'Black and Rev. W. Elliott. The negative will be taken by Messrs. T. H. Follick and S. Farmer. C. L. Vickery, of Port Perry, to Emma S. Ewers, of Markeam. Died On Scugog Island, Wednesday, February 5, 1919, Mary Margaret Hardy, widow of the late John Judges--Messrs. if J. White, | Hardy, in her 58th year. Jas. Stonehouse, an Smith. Chairman and Timekeeper-- Rev. Mr. Bell. The subject is a live oneand is The creating great. interest. "John Na- : In Memoriam January 15, 1918, Fred R. Smith, General Hospital, Winnipeg, dearly loved gnd deep- ly mourned. One year bas passed since that sad day, When my dear husband was called away debate will be a battle royal. |I loved him then; I love him still; ~ Don't miss attending this ane of [Forget him, no, Thever willl = = © the young people's entertain-|Sleep on. dear husband, as days go by, ments. They have all been good Flowers I can lay on your grave where you go far, and as Mark Twain would 1€, - For the broad wide ocean does keep us say-- "This ain't goin' to be no apar slouch." ' t, Your ailing face shall dwell in our Admission, adults 10c., child- Bessie, ren 5c. Horn-White The marriage of Miss Mary E. As we look at your picture that hangs on the wall, . The smile on your face we can't but recall, We miss you, God knows and moums you unseen, White of Port Perry, to Mr A And sacred pre the memories of days that M. Horn, of Utica, tock place Tuesday; Feb. 11th, at 'The Manse," Rev. W. H. Black offi- ciating. The bride and groom were at- have been. --His Wife Mrs. John Hardy, Sr. The late Mrs. John Hardy tended by Miss Isabel Horn and who died on the 5th of February Mr. Wm. Day, who also acted as 'witnesses. the late Richard and Mary Ann Mr. and Mrs. Horn purpose |Widden. ? = Pri making their Jome in the ds Widden, Shie Was born in Prince Sask., where she lived for nine years, the ity of toon, they will be followed by the family then msved to the 4th good wishes of a host of friends | concession of Reach, near Utica. 'who regret very much their de-|Whil a Darture from Fort Syterian. Church. at. Utes . P. A. Notes tica, Widden was organist for both vices at that place Society for the refu-| In the year 1884 t i moved te towns! a bale containin ys' Shirts, 36 Pairs Socks |On the 28 Pairs Bed Socks, 1 Suit of [sh Jackets. 1919, was the oldest daughter of |. |and fora number of years Mrs.| ~~ § please find enclosed On February 1st, 1919, fe W. Sunday School and Church ser- a How Star Men Co: World News Evert £3 When the'Titanic was sunk, The Toronto Daily Star rushed seven members of the sia So York to "cover" the story. When Ulster threatened rebellion, three Star men traveled 4,090 indies & get the:facts. When the Halifax explosion occurred, a small army of photographers and wri. to get the story. ; ; 5 T he Star policy is to cover big events in a big way. : To cover the war meant not only to tell what was happening every hour, but to explain ihe sit ficance.of cach event. The occasion demanded skilled men; correspondents who could got ues a. interpret it, and others--war experts--who could piece together the happenings on the baifl arickdsaan in the capitals and weigh them all for the benefit of the reader. id The Toronto Daily Star Has the Laes: News Service in Ontario % Of such experts, Hilaire Belloc, was the most noted in Great Britain, and Frank H. Sinionds. in America. So because The Toronto Daily Star "covers big events in a'big way," it retained these two * foremost reviewers to interpret the strategy and politics of war. # ial : The Daily Star's Peace Conference despatches are exceptionally complete. The service of the Canadian Press and the Canadian Associated Press---alone considered sufficient by many Canadian news- Papas ane supplemented in The Star by cables from the following and other exclusive correspon- Qenis: -- : HEA, In the Capitals of Europe William Philip Simms Frank J. Taylor Fred S. Ferguson F. A. McKenzie Edward L. Keen Eunice Tietjens Rene Feibelman William R. Gilss Thomas Geggie Lowell Mellett Paul Ayres Rockwell Junius B. Wood A. R. Decker (In London) Edward Price Bell T. Murphy W. J. L. Kiehl Ernest W. Clement " Rosamond Boultbee £, Percy Noel Webb Miller | Poul Scott: Mowrer Floor Ansel Mowrer "Windermere" Jel de Gandt Henry T. Wood Williara H. Brayden Lacey Amy' *° aihe PE and the full service of the United Press and of the "Chicago News." The Tonto Daily Star roadie ire assured not only first news of what is happening in the world, but clear an' authoritative explans- 4 tions as to what the happenings mean, : y ; CE 5 "You cannot read The Toronto -Daily Star for a short while without feeling that it ds "the you need." The truth of this shown by the many people who, sending in a trial ibcription he ar months, renew' their subscription for a year before even the three months' period expires. Send in your subscription now. We will mail The Toronto Daily Star to you mr lowing rates: For 1 month, 25¢. For 3 months, 75¢. For 6 months, $1.50. For > Aha ay at fh: fol os Cut Off This Coupon and Mail it To-day ==. To Publishers: "5:07 : : i pins Toronto Daily Star, T oronto: Dear Sirs: mend Tae ERI SER a 3 Please enter me as a_ subscriber to The Toronto Daily Star for «......: 'months--for S or money order for §:«-.vueeeieil mah Lite ree # : HT AEN CLITA a AE A) 3 sv teases eesisanessien Be mle wee ee Vics 7 5 PAE eet aki ea fn Please 'write plainly and s4y whether Mr. Mra. Miss, or Rev.

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