Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 13 Feb 1919, p. 8

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IM n, daughter of Mr. and Mrs pon: Thompson formerly of Seagrave, who has| a ge i nary Force in France, has sent home a ¢ cli ping from a newspaper descri jug the bombarding of hospitals bythe Huds. Miss Thompson was a member of the unit of nurses referred to below. '"The conduct of 30 American nurses, members of a mobile field hospital and several oper- Remember we are head- |ating teams, who during the uarte second battle of the Marne, re- q gs for Vjetrolas ad mained at their posts of duty OF COMMERCE : through several hours of severe Spring Wheat, The Aura Lee einen ens will be 'rendered, he Our facilities are titel 2 at Your: a disposal. - ! 27 THE CANADIAN BANK Gerhard Helntzinan Player Piano | This instrument has been in use only a short time and is as good as new. , 28 shelling and two air raids, in PORT PERRY BRANCH. : Goose Wheat one of which Boche aviators| H, J. White - Manager Barley Port Perry Ont. 00000000000000000000000000 Sed theis masine guns on Lo § Duce W. H. Doubt Merchant Tailor Fall and Winter Suitings This is the time to order your Fall Suit. Weare showing a splendld line of suitings in handsome patterns and color- ings Hn You have a wide range to pick from and the price is as low as we ean possibly make it. We carry a full line of ordered suits. See our lines of Blue and Black Serges, guaranteed fast dyes. Ask for prices on our + | proof shelters. letter from the Medical Officer of the division to which they attached to the Chief Surgeon, At the same time it is disclos- Juilly was not the only one the! Huns ruthlessly and deliberately attacked in their offensive of, uly 15. - At 12.10 a.m. on the morning of the artillery aftack on the hospital, shells pegan falling | within a few hundred feet of it. | At 3.20 am. the got of it f changed the range and several shells passed directly over the, operating building, bursting 30 feet behind it. 'Shortly after 8 o'clock the 30 nurses were ordered into bomb | They had to be! dragged from the side of the wounded they were attending to safety. i At % 30 o'clock they assisted in getting the patients started to another mobile hospital hastily | erected a few miles back. The nurses took up their osts ed that the Red Cross hospitalat FIRST SERIES (1919) QoSsT = i919 -- 4.00 FEB.$ 4.0! MAR.$4.02 APR.$4.03 MAY $4.04 JUNE Jury AUG. Read raised in a = PT Rye Hay, per ton Potatoes, per bag Flour, Peas Buckwheat Bean Red Clover - Alsike, and Timothy Seed For Sale "Inspected Seed" Call and get prices be- fore purchasing ease communicate ie 4, Port 1 or 3 will meet in the Orange Hall, Port Perry, on the evening of Wednesday February 19th A good attendance is requested, to diseuss an important matter, -Oil Cake for Sale AL... "E. H. PURDY |The Club has a quantity of ACTUBL 369 30% Drotein oil i for sale SIZE Of the.mill of the Farmer's ready-to-wear suits. 00000000000000C0000000000! at the second hospital and the second night the hostile aviators ' dropped two bombs within a few | rods of the hospital. On the' the Figures Wanted One or two energetic men to re- present us as Salesman for our well known nursery Stock on a liberal spaie time proposition. An excellent opportunity for farmers' sons, with some time on their hand during the winter months. Apply immediately to Cavers Bros, R. R. 1, Fruitland, Ontario. 3-4 Neck Tie Strap Lost between George Jackson's house, Port Perry, and Beare's Marsh, (Beaver Meadow), north of the town. Finder please return to Mr Jackson's and receive reward. Farm For Sale Mr Neil Sweetman has instructed Mr. W H Harris to sell his fine farm on Scugog Island for $11,000. - The farm is a good one, with splencid buildings. For particulars and terms see Wm H Harris, Port Perry. 6-4 S---- ---- Dog Lost ; Black Collie Dog, heavy white ring + around neck, one white ear. Finder please communicate with Alex Calder, R R No 1, Port Perry. Farms Wanted . Cook, of Prospect, can place y acre' farms. Persons : ispose of such would do Moki oi 'consult him. Bell Phone 107:22; Independent Phone 406. For Sale _ About 200 Cedar Post, 4 inches by 8 feet, at each. 40. single cords of mixed | wood at $2.00 a cord. H. L. Mitchell, High Point, Concession. 2, Reach following night they attacked again emptying their machine guns at them." Notice how the cost--and the cash value--of the stamp ad- vances each month until, on the It is expected that Miss | Thompson, who has been ill, will ' be home ere long. | 1st day of January, 1924, the Dominion of Canadais pledged to pay $5.00 for each W-S.S. RR ROSE THE MUTUAL ™ Forty-Ninth Annual Report Y 1869-1919 = 2222 92\ HA The following is a Summary of the 49th Annual Report submitted to the 'policyholders at the Annual Meeting held at the Head Office, Waterloo, Thursday, February 6th, 1919: SUMMARY STATEMENT $7,021,103 Gain over 1917. i 3,201,418 Increase over 1017 84,755,737 Gain over 1017. . 16.84% Decrease from 19 21,541,069 Gain over 1917.. 137,640,614 Gain over 1017... Z § 596,588 777,427 Ratio of Lxpense to Income... New Assurances War and Pestilence. : borne a heavier burden than pestilence The Mutual Life of all claims--foreseen and unforéseen--and yet the © distribution to. policyholders of the liberal dividends of past Intrinsic Pros; , "The adverse conditions of war and a been without compensations. 'The great value of life insuran as never belore, resulting in a very marked im to the busi of usefulness and service for the Company. 'The new Rew Assurazicts were the largest in the history of the Company. - Notable ess. S68. During the five-year war. ft -- Ee = enjoyed al marked expansion of the new than the Preceding five e Year prewar i 8 ired to - nu Taz Z QL 7 en hh tration. ; : . : Victory and Peace. Not sn. avs ih mations of the : : ESA dui 207000, vrAR : : INCOME 1878.0 iennsansiies $050,278 1888... yeas 393,075 0 7) Z yi jd Z 7 oD, p77, : the home Notice to Creditors Of Charles Wales, late of the Town- ship of Reach, in the County of On- tario, farmer, deceased. Pursuant to Section 88 of Chapter 129 of the revises Statutes of Ontario, 1897, notice is hereby given' that all creditors and 'others having claims against the estate of Charles Wales, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the thirty-first day of December A.D., 19i8, are, on or before the First day of March A.D, 1919, to send by post, prepaid, to Wm. H. Harris, Barrister, Port Perry, Ontario, orto A. Frank Vernon, Port Perry, R. R. No. 2, the Admin- istrator of the said deceased, their christian names and. surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full par- ticulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the mature of the securities (if any) held by them, the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled 'thereto having regatd only te such claims of which notice shall havs been given as above required, and the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution.' Dated at Port Perry, Ont. this 23rd day of January A.D. 1919. . WM. H. HAKRIS, . Solicitor for said Administrator, Manchester * ge We ody FT success in his new, enterprise. [ Mr. Jos. Flewell has Jos. Flewell ws puchuel and that after the day last aforesaid] Bo Milling Co. Patronize Your own concern For Sale at Bn bargain 150 Opera Chairs (suitable for church. choirs; lodge rooms, Edison Moving Picture 'Machit complete, screen, etc.: also the Block. Apply to A. M. ROBERTS, Port Fey PT Sn : Any doctor will tell recients of Vinol oa as p in the elements d rrove he health of delicate z1id restore strength to oF Deas B Cod Liver and Beef A: asl im Canale Peponatesdt am hao a Tloze who have' puny, ailing aunt-dovn children or aged pa may prove at our ; Besides 3 good it does 3 an e age re i Vinal to aed | sre is Scthing like : to weak, nervous women and oe Worked, , run-down men. it. ou al will af Dox ancy return without. & question} ps Hons. of peo an ey ns ve this re

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