This instrument has -been in use only a short time and is as good 3s new. Remember we are head- quarters for Victrolas and Victor Records. The Aura Lee Port Perry Ont. 00000000000000000000000000 Farm For Sale Mr Neil Sweetman has instructed Mr W H Harris to sell his fine farm en Scugog Island for $11,000. The farm is a good one, with splendid buildings. For particulars and terms see Wm H Harris, Port Perry. 6-4 Jackson's Sale Register Clarence Cain, Bethany Geo Douglas, Lomeville W A Fanning, Lindsay - Robt. Fowler, Darlington ioe Strong. Purple Hill obt. Graham, Peterboro Thos Broad. Mariposa vi Found. Valentia W J Dalahey, Pontypool 4 Andrew Marshall, Prince Albert Richard Morris, Layton Wm Green, Fenelon Falls Clarence Channon, Mariposa W ] Grant. Port Hope A Cowan, Newcastle S D Yeo, Newcastle Auction Sale of Farm Lands Auction Sale without reserve of farm lands belonging to Luke Day and Peter Day, one hundred acres more or less, on March 4, 1919, at 11 a.m. See sale bills. FARM FOR RENT First-class Farm for rent on shares. Possession 1st of March, 1920. Apply to-- MRS. JOHN ADAMS, Port Perry, Ont. UTICA Miss Stuart, Pine Grove, was the guest of Miss Marion Philp over Sunday. Mr. Pollard, barrister, of Ed- monton, has purchased Mr. Mor- ley Campbell's farm, and will take immediate ion. We welcome Mr. and Mrs Pollard to our locality. Mrs. E. Bond spefit: the week end with Mrs, W. F. Crosier. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Medd, Port ' called Jon Mr. ' Mrs Prentice last woek. "The Ladies' Aid met at th 6 of Mrs. Philp last g rngon. There was a fs danee, and a pleasant . The Magnet Toy and Novelty Co. talk of geon to Peterboro. Returning soldiers whose home was in Mariposa at the time of their enlistment. are to be given a medal. . Uxbridge town has contribut- ed $550.67 to the Salvation Army Victoria County will levy three mills on the dollar for County Roads. C. A. Goodfellow Dies On Saturday, February 16th, 1919, Mr. C. A. Goodfellow, died at his home in Whitby after an illness oj ten days. Mr. Good- fellow was editor of the Whitby Gazette and Chronicle for sixteen years, and has been one of the most prominent and active jour- nalists in this section. He has taken a leading part in many movemen3s for the public welfare. He was a member of the Whitby Board of Education, Chairman of the Board of Health for some years, He was Secre- tary-treasurer of the local branch of the Canadian Patriotic Fund, and was President of the Mid- land Press Association for one year. Mr. Goodfellow hasbeen doing an extensive printing and pub- lishing business, in which his son, Mr. Graydon M Goodfellow has been partner for some years. Mr. Goodfellow's death has caused a great loss to the com- munity. It is pleasing to know that his son is so well fitted to carry on his father's business in a manner worthy of the high ideals set. Sudden Death at Janetviile Watchman-Warder as he was engaged in bailing wood from a swamp. It woul appear that he had put ona small load and was about to get his coat when he dropped. No petsen was with him at the time, ut Mr. J. Walker, who was some distance away, noticed that the team had been standing in one place for about an hour and went to find out what was the matter. He found Mr. Arnott lying on the roadside with life extinct. Died as Result of Fall Mrs. Michael McGuire, former- I of Pickering, fell through the through the cellar door at her home in Toronto and received fatal injuries. Mrs. McGuire was a highly esteemed woman, who after the death of her husband, taught school to earn a living for her family. She had just been able to put by. suffi- dient to retire from active life whes the tragic event took place which caused her death. Crime and intermarriage The Crown &ttomey for On- tario County, Col. J. E. Farewell has raised an interest in the de- velopment of crime in ho of Uxbridge Township. He attrib- *lutes this unfortunate state of th put on |not . (Too late for last week) "Wm Phil in Napanee attending the funeral of his Mr, W. F. Crosier attended reeders' Associa- 'the Hereford B : Milton Prouties | affairs to the fact that the peo- ple had lived in one district for many years and have continually intermarried. Those who know the sands of Uxbridge would be inclined not at all the T riage When one sees the gaunt skeletons. of i ta in lonely desolation or lying in -a waste of ari , there comes to the surface alo for comfort that would blow 81 srime. Forme, hat a are. no homes for a contented, law- abiding people. ~~ Mr. Widdifield Elected ; ras ind moving from Bobcay-| -on <intermar- | Pal re Of troit, visiting with his parents. rio! The many friends of Mrs. J. oir H. J. White ment may fail signally to repre- sent the people as a whole, and any class that feels that it" has no proper political representation will become restless. } Thereis another side to-the , question. People who feel that they are not adequately repre- sented in Parliament are likely to lose their sense of responsi: | bility as citizens. | Rightly or wrongly there are those who claim that the present strength of the farmers' party ad its origin in opposition to conscription. : '~ Whatever the cause, the fact .of that strength is apparent,and the present success will stimu- late to greater action, This energy must be saddled with re- sponsibility. There can be no better cure for criticism than to place the critic where he has to 'meet difficulties and be respon- sible for the proper conduct of affairs. The farmers need this sense of responsibility to be , brought home to them, and the actual business of helping to govern will develop this sense. _ Many people honestly believe in party government even to the t extremes to which it is frequent- ly carrid. But while unity both in the governing body and op- position may be very desirable, value to Parliament if a group |of legislators are elected who {are not so badly hampered by tradition and party ties as to in- terfere with their freedom of thought. i Allan Studholme needs 8 run- ning mate anyway. tin amt en id Miss Gertrude Armstrong. A feeling of grief passed over Prospect when announcement was made of thesudden death of Miss Gertrude Armstrong "on Wednesday, Feb, 5, 1919. De- ceased was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong, of { Myrtle Station. Miss Armstron { died at the home of Mrs. E. Hol- |iday, having gone there on Wed- n y forenoon to visit. She | succumbed to heart failure about an hour after her arrival at the i house. pe . Miss Armstrong was a member of the Methodist church, and also a member of the Epworth , League and Young Ladies' Club I here. She was actively jin Christian work, always doing willingly and cheerfully all she : could do to promote a good cause | She was admired for herman ex t Jualities of mind an (heart. Her kind and amiable , disposition won for her a host of friends, who deepl 2 PORT PERRY BRANCH "cidents of Friday Manager ee i Myrtle Mr and Mrs Robt Heron, gave a social evening at their home last week in honor of their son Willie, who recently returned from overseas. : Master 'Harry Briggs, who was operated on last week for throat trouble, is improving. Mrs Bateman, who spent the earlier part of the winter in To- onto, has returned to her home ere. Mr Murray - Tarvis, left last week to teach in a school near Tweed. A men's Bible Class is being organized in the Sunday School. Come with the other fellows and enjoy a perusal of the different lessons. Hour of service 2.30. Some malicious person, who was evidently out of work re- ported one of our faithful mail carriers because he was going too early to meet trains. Surely this is a very paltry thing and could have been overlooked by any average, broad-minded per- son. . Qur burg is justly proud to welcome home from overseas, Ptes Frank Blanchard and Fran- Mr. A. Sam Arnott, of Janet- it ¢an and does work ill to the gj i ville, met with a sudden death! country. There will be a real Sis Ormiston, These io lioroes to relate. The sand hillers to the east of us were never so popular before, as they have Leen of late since the law suits have been held for trespassing on forbidden ground The mill hill has been the [cause of considerable trouble | during the icy weather. I The Box Sociai In S. S. No. 2, Prospect School --Good Irish Concert, and Box Social. Ladies with boxes free. Gentlemen 17c. Ceme and have a good time. March 14th, 7.45 p.m. Mabel Watson, Teacher. NOTE--This ig the Box Social which we advertised last week to take place in the Methodist church, through a misunder- standing. We regret the mis- take, and trust that the scholars will be amply repaid for the trouble they are taking. : The Riot at Lindsay Lindsay Post - That the tongue of the gossip- per and slander was di y re- sponsible for the disgraceful in- uary 81st, when publi : Ja 18st, C Proj was Jestioved, was conclusively at the investigation held police court Saturday. loss. e remains were laid to ence (Sri Brookin have the sy cken ve the sym- thy-of the-entire community in their sad bereavement. Prospect = We regret to report that Mr. { Frank McClintock, had the mis: E fortune to fall on the "have his hip broken. We i for a speedy recovery, ° Miss ory Marti 1s visiting i friends in oronto. = ii Mr. Robt. McClintock; of De- r ee ean : 15: 1 ge § HE i r : i i si HH ir £ gif £ S TT \s o = i ERE is Bi gz Li S58 °F 288883 888888 NNN ¥ £3 525 JE E2BBRSBEBEEL BE Ld 3 o> ye Hay, per ton Potatoes, per bag Flour, Peas Buckwheat Bean sv A LI S So > 8 [2a 3 «88 83s RO 2 -- ---- ~ '4 Alsike, and Timothy Seed For Sale "Inspected Seed" Call and get prices be- fore purchasing E. H. PURDY Notice to Creditors Of Charles Wales, late of the Town- ship of Reach, in the County of On- tario, farmer, deceased. Parsuant to Section 38 of Chapter 129 of the revises Statutes of Ontario, | 1897, notice is hereby given that all against the estate of Charles Wales, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the thirty-first day of December A.D. 19i8, are, on or before the First day of March to Wm H. Harris, Barrister, Port Perry, Ontario, or to A. Frank Vernon, Port Perry, R. R. No. 2, the Admin- istrator of the said deceased, their christian names and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full par- ticulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and that after the day last aforesaid the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased -among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. : 4 Dated at Port Perry, Ont. this 23rd day of January A.D. 1919. WM. H. HARRIS, Solicitor for said Administrator. | sui A.D, 1919, to send by post, prepaid, | - Spirella Corsets Satisfaction and goodfitting gv at yout home and it Spirel ATCM Teacher of Piano and Theory Ready to receive pupils Apply at the Methadist Parsol pers printed at the : Office. creditors and others: having claims bo cludi nol rah TI 437 So. 11th St, New e guarantee this we liver and iron tonic, Vi weak, run-down, nervous ORVAL BYER, Druggist Office at Cawker's Livery Ontario South half of lot 17, con 3, being 97 acres more or less. A