Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 13 Mar 1919, p. 7

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sand acres, Droviding homesteads on | rich irrigated land for thousands of Hi ; setlers. 2 The undertaking owes its inception y to the enterprise of the Canadian Pacific Railway, which owns some six million acrés of the finest virgin land in Prairie Provinces of Alberta, J Saskatchewan and Manitoba, which i. nN" it received as a grant for the con- struction of its transcontinental line. : Some three million acres of this land is in Southern Alberta, a great open prairie plateau lying between the ; ow River on the south and the Red t Deer River on the north. Its surface is rolling, and its soil, consisting of 4 r . heavy black loam and a clay subsoil, e Chineses blouse served as the|is excellent, Aspiration for this charming creation] In order to encourage settlement - straight pleated skirt is attache] on this land and, incidentally, provide ed to lining. McCall Pattern No.|freight for its line, the Canadian 8760, Girl" Dress. In b sizes 6, to Pacific Railway determined to see Uv ® orl 90 n » what could be done in harnessing the years. Price, 20 cents. waters so that a regular and plentiful es supply cou e guaranteed to the Thése- patterns may be obtained 1 id b teed to th . Irom your local McCall dealer or from | farmer. First they carried out an the Meal Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, | exhaustive survey of the whole re- Dept. W. gion. This occupied several] years, re ram, an frrigation project demanding sur- 4 veys and examination far more com- Insects Have Distinctive Colors. plete than those for a railway line. Naturalists for a long time were| The engineers first traversed. the re- it a loss to understand how it was|&ion in all directions, taking mea- _ that. insects were enabled to ick surenients and noting the rises and BO QUICK-| ¢o1) of the land, They spent several ly recognize an intruder among their mohths upon the ground, . virtually family or settlement. It has been de- dwelling in what was then a wilder- termined that in most cases they | ness so far as any life was concern- recognize each other by smell. Among! ed. the bees each distinctive class of| They now gave their attention to . workers--the guard, the fanner, the pollen carrier, the waxmaker, the archidect, etc.--has its own distinctive odor. And besides this, each bee has Its own separate hive odor, which is he passport into its own particular ome. ~ F as ily Digested If your . | been brought under Jrrigation 10us Ass os thousand. four | Canadian « ht oe ty or and While for ho objects the Shai R eld ies to. diBTense ie, and live stock output of the. "ining trig on} es of f canals fa dit- forty thous- ches, fon yung and acres-of la To Irrigate' 810,000 Acres. But included' in the general scheme is She he irsigatin ating of a further tract of And seventy a acres I iverting the wat- ers of the ri another making eight ited and sand acres ih all. Shortl n too, Ho ten acres will be increased to over one million two hundred and fifty thou- the rivers. First they made a thorough 'examination of the Deer River and then the Bow River. They studied their banks, their beds, ascer- tained their volume, and the discharge at a given t in the dry season and during flood. Wonderful Engineering Feat. As a result of their surveys it was shown that the block, as the region was termed, naturally divided itself into three sections--the western, eastern, and central--of about one million acres each, and the work of developing them ha has been carried out in the or In the western oe, tion three hun- dred and seventy thousand acres Ads yesting the waters of the or a at' 8-1 pbint ust outside the city of Calgary. ero a canal, seventeen miles in length, sixty feet wide at the bottom and one hundred and tality feet wide on the water level, carries the F pret fluid to a 'great lake three mi "teal Gop 1 a mile wide, and ml feet ob bh vir- tually a natural 'has en a by a tne earthen From this reservoir water is car- ried to the hundreds of f thousand and six hundred mile nals and' ost" irrigation projects have cinnati Foo of | ing pool 'under the springs which N the roclee At night we found shelte: | tor big game, judging by the tracks © small Devonshire lanes along the i: kl 181 1ion River. Into the Vermillion pours Bic | the 'raging tofrent of. the Simpson, ost | state of growing panic over the sur- I Works! Try nt or | to e Hamburger ) | rage; the os ae Han "of the Hun < organ continues: Declare They B ow. at Be Hambirg and Bremen are in a 'render of the.German merchant fleet ; Beit- | shipping. industry, declares that Ger- many's armistice negotiators must bend: every energy to secure the eventual return of tHe fleet. The _ "Unless this is done, we shall be "12 Tells how = foe "loosen re, at the absolute mercy of the Allies ar ar, fr end Se tender corn so It lifts {|i respect of imports and exports. If features. It con: out without pain. they insist that every ton of damage nection a on irrigation |" - ot d by So U-boat war shall be cheme, A t individual ject good a German valent, of this character that has been fest (Sood news spreads hor mq drag. { i.e, by the handing over of € German out oo erican continent. , the ether discovery of a Cin: | shipping to a corresponding amount man, which is sald to loosen corn go it lifts out with the Ask at any pharmacy for a quarter ounce one, which will cost very little, but is said to be sufficient to rid Sue' Jost or every hag or soft corn _ apply just a few drops - soreness 1s re on soon the corn.) eo 50 fliriveled that it Mfts out with- i Eh a sti oF dupetance {hen dries or --_ a the eo ing tiskue. This discovery will prevent thou- sands of deaths annually from lock- Jaw and infection heretofore resulting froi the suicidal habit "of cutting corns. Mp i N Agriculture in Canada is in need of a leader who can rally around him the representatives of all branches of the industry, and present a solid front on all questions of agricultural interest. We have been using MINARD'S ANIMENT in our home for a number of years and use no other Liniment but MINARD'S, and we can recom- mend it highly for sprains, bruises, pains or tightness of the chest, sore- ness of the throat, headache or any- thing of that sort. We will not be without it one single day, for we get a new bottle before the other is all used. I can recommend it highly to anyone. JOHN 'WALKFIELD. LaHave Islands, Lunenburg Co., N.S. In 1917 the 400 co-operative asso- ciations of Saskatchewan had a turn- over of over $4,000,000. Reports so far received indicate that this record has been exceeded for 1918, - - Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere, Most city people are country peo- the only solution will be the one pro- posed by Albert Ballin shortly before his death--German shipyards must build new ships for the Allies, but existing German tonnage must be Wholly or. in part restored to Ger- many. ? BIRLS | HAVE WAWY, THEK, GLOSSY HAR FEE FRON DANDRUFF Save your hair ! ! Double its beauty in a few moments-- try this! It you care for heavy hair, that glistens 'with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable soft- ness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it im- mediately dissolves every particle of dandruff; you cannot have nice, heavy, healthy hair if you haye dand- ruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it pro- duces a feverishness and itching of the scalp: the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast, If your hair has been neglected and is thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily, get a small bottle of Knowlton's Dan. derine at any drug store or toilet counter for a few cents; apply a little will say this was the best investment you ever made, « We sincerely believe, regardless of 'everything else advertised, that if you desire so beautiful hair and lots of it--no dandruff--mno itching I'scalp and no more falling hatr-<you must use Knowlton's Danderine. If eventually--why not now? ---- ete ent t, lustrous, Every job better than the last one ple come to town. -- that is good farming, "A TRAIL ACROS The first trip over the Simpson Pass through the Canadian Pacific Rockies was made by Sir George Simpson, Governor of the Hudson's Bay Com- Pany, in 1841, and formed part of the first recorded overland tour round the world, that is to say across the North American Continent, and by way of Siberia and Russia, occupying about nine months, and the subject of con- siderable literature, Jim Brewster; the famous guide and outfitter at Banff, discovered the fallen tree on the sum- mit of the Pass on which the travel lers left their record. Fired by the ambition to cross this pass, I set out one day last summer, with two guides, ten ponies and camp- ing outfit and supplies for six or seven days. Jim \Brewster sent these over from Banff to Invermere at the head- waters of the Colffnbia Valley, where I had promised to wait for them. Close to Invermere are the remains of Kootenai House, an outpost of the Nor West Trading Company estab- lished by David Thompson in 1808. Now there is - a comfortable little tourist hotel, much appreciated by motorists who use the excellent Gov- ernment road through the Upper Columbia Valley. On our first day's ride we stopped oft for a swim at the hot radium-water springs of Sinclair Canyon, where St. John ~ Harmsworth, brother of the famous Lord Northcliffe, and himself proprietor of the still more famous Perrier water, built a concrete bath- its naturally warm water out of in a homesteader's cal e ownel of which was away at the war and hospitable enough to leave the latch 'loose. Next day we were in the forests of the Kootenay--a wonderful resort we saw and the animals we even met '--two black bear 'and a deer on the trail with moogé paths worn deep like ws beside the river. The Kootenay River had a rather tation. Two ies were ay in the gttempt make" the crossing at the same time last year, 'and we ourselves had been warned tpone our trip. However, we Bi oes where we did not even have to swim our "horses, and next day were on the banks of the Vermil- | which. Atselr "is fed from the nielting S THE ROCKIES glaciers of the snow-clad Rockies high above. At least one cyclone seemed to have swept down its valley, and the river itself had washed away several corners so-that our trail had to be made, or found anew on many a mile, "About seven hours of hard work brought us to the height of land, the hinge as it were between the eastern and western waters. We breakfasted on the level isthmus, which did not exceed fourteen paces in width, filling our kettles for this one lonely meal at once from the crystal sources of the" Columbia and the Saskatchewan, while these willing feeders of two op- posite oceafis, murmuring over their beds of mossy stones, as if to bid each other a long farewell, could hardly fail to attune our minds to the sublimity of the scene. "But between these kindred foun- tains, the common progeny of the same snow wreaths. there was this remarkable difference of temperature that the source of the Columbia showed 40 degrees, while that of the Saskatchewan raised the mercury to 63% degrees, the thermometer mean- while striking as high as 71 degrees in the shade. "From the vicinity of perpetual snow, we estimated the elevation of the height of land to be seven or eight thousand feet above the level of the sea, white the surrounding peaks ap- peared to rise nearly half that alti tude above our heads." We ourselves found the snow all gone and our horses found sweet and ample pasture on an® Alpine meadow. As we lookéd back from the Great Divide upon the mountains of the Sel- kirks, we had as fine a panorama as any artist could desire--rugged out. lines capped and fringed with perpet. ual snow. The fishing, I may say in passing, which one gets on such a trip, is of the very best. Every creek, every pool seems to be stocked with trout, all inquisitive about the nature of the fiy. Brown Hackle and Gray Hackle are always deadly. The red flies such as Parmachene Belle do not seem to take so well in these waters. There were both 'Dolly Varden and Steel head to our credit on the Simpson, averaging a little, over a pound. In the Koctenay the trout ran up to two and three pounds and were very game, th shy in the middle "of the day.-- as directed and ten minutes after you |» "zones. Pupil -- Temperate, temperate, wan» ang o., Os Big Banking Crisis. Nelghbor_ Got much money in your bank, Bobby ?" Bobby--"Gee, no! have fallen off somethin' sister got engaged." ' Disposing of "Poem." " Teacher--*"In parsing the sentence, 'The. poem was long,' what do you do with < poem?' "n ich (editor's son)--"Put it in the waste basket." Not a New Idea to Him. "Now, Lieutenant Tonipkins," said the general, "you have the battalion in quarter, column, facing south--how would you get it into line in the quick- est possible way, facing north-east?" "Well, sir," said the lieutenant, after a moment's fruitless considera- tion, "do you know, that's what I've often wondered." Doing His Bit. The old Scot--Ay, my boys, they've a' done their bit tae help™tae win the war, There's Wullie, he was in Mes- pitamia, an' Jimmie, he was in Salon- iky, an' Tam, he was mine-sweepin'; an' wee Jock, he's jist seven past. Lady visitor--But Jick can't have joined yet? The old Scot--No! but he eatned yin and saxpence a week for sleepin' wi' an auld wife that was frichted o' Zeppelins, erce since 4 Couldn't Stump Him. The sergeant major had the repu- tation of never being at a loss for an answer. A young officer made a bet with a brother officer that he would in less than twenty-four hours ask the sergeant major a question that would baffle him. The sergeant major accompanied the young officer on his rounds; in the course of which the cookhouse was inspected. Pointing to a large kettle of water just commencing to boll, the officer said: "Why does that water only boil round the edge of the copper and not in the centre?" "The water around the edges, sir," replied the veteran, "is for the men on guard; they have their breakfast half an hour before the remainder of the company." ml remanent Minard's Liniinent Relieves Neuralgia. Oi FIGHTING LONDON FOGS New Invention Will Aid in Discovery of Adequate Means. Efforts to find a means of clearing. the air of fogs have been advanced considerably by the production of an apparatus which, it is claimed, mea- sures exactly the constituents of fog. The device is the invention of Dr. John 8. Owens, of the Atmospheric Pollution Research Department of the Meteorological Office. It draws in a volume of fog, retains and mea- sures all the dmpurities, and dis charges the pure air. Soot and tar have been foynd predominant. a means of fighting London fogs has been the absence of data concerning the proportions of impurities in the air," said an authority. ran MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. Try to Avoid This Error. "We had to stop our little girl answering the front door calls." "Why 7" "The other day when Ensign Jones came to call on our eldest daughter he was dressed in his white uniform, and when the little one opened the door and saw him she immediately called upstairs: 'Ma, how much bread do you want to-day?' " Minard's Liniment Oures Burns, Bto. pp. Polly stodped for breath and Mrs. West's face cleared. x Two carloads of flaxseed have been shipped from the Tilbury district to Belfast, Ireland. nl Serious complaints are arriving from England as to the wasty and generally bad condition of Canadian apples shipped there. ess oe 'ries detailed for the tours. "Hitherto the difficulty in devising]. ANCE! UMORS, LUMPS, inter. a Cin Finlin IE mited, Collingwood. On AECR 30% 3) AUT TIES: Riveradle Gus C ave 8 Hovbar on 8., Toro: 38 Dor Deca St. West, Ey RITE TWO PAGES WITH ONB oy wa oh ben. 1A0kspoan doed it: fits + er-pla ; sample mal I Fitagorala; Dept H, i Fulton Avenue, Toronto, diers and the Patties Battlefield touring, curiously enough, seems to be becoming popu« lar among the troops in France as a means of passing the time until gen. eral demobilization is ordered. The soldiers are invariably interested in the sectors of the front other than those which were the scenes of their own exploits.- A system of 'short leaves has been authorized, and lor. Ypres, Messines, Arras, and Albert, are eas- ily first as sight-seeing centres, but places of lesser fame, such as Bois- inghe and Wood 15, Bois Grenier, Combles and La Prie Farm, Epehy, and Bousies, are all claiming their crowds. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. To make a paint brush as soft and clean as new, no matter how hard it has become, simply boil it in water in which a little lye has been put. A little washing powder or soap will do, but it will take longer. The boiling water should be no deeper than the length of the bristles, as the boiling suds will injure the handle. KNOCKS OUT PAIN THE FIRST ROUND Comforting relief from pain makes Sloan's the World's Liniment This famous reliever of rheumatic aches, soreness, stiffness, ainful sprains, neuralgic pains, and most other external twinges that humanity suffers from, enjoys its great sales because it practically never fails to bring speedy, comforting relief. Always ready for use, it takes little to. penetrate without rubbing and pro- duce results, Clean, refreshing. Made in Canada. At all drug stores. A large bottle means economy. SI 0TE 91 0 IAinimens Kills Pain 30¢c., C0c, $1.20. A Constipation Cure A druggist sayss "For nearly thirty years I i commend the Extract of Roots, known as Mother Seigel's Carative Syrup, for the radical cure of constipation and indigestion. It is an old reliable remedy that never fails to do the work." 30 drops thrice daily. Get the Genuine, at druggists. Let Cuticura Soothe Your Itching Skin* sweeter or SRE sant for rashes > © or Bro an Remember the INFLUE al ek. J. MG "DISEASE AMONG HORSES--THE ANSWER 1s Spohn's Distemper Com BERR a CoUaG 1 EN 'our on exposed to th protect yoit day will det a lean on your SPOMN Men: ICAL COMPANY; Goshen, Indiana. ud : f D PER, Ay COLOR, A few

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