Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 26 Jun 1919, p. 4

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Soh to be. home this. . Mr. Dorman" Jackson, 6f -To- " pronto, is visiting his uncle, Mr. Bopma n Corbman. gare pleased to see Mr. EJ. hs after His opér- two. wee "qu Sgt. L Roberts has rom 5. Sb and is arrived with his parents. Pte Ivan Bowerman 'is home fm overseas. oar Rév. A. C, Crews at the vet Fd Tl School an- Eniversary next. Sunday, June 29. ood program:. Al are welcome. Beats free. Don't miss - hearing Duncan Cowan at the town hall, Port Perry, Monday, June 30th: a, PPT Bowling League June 20th, Cannington vs. Port Perry. Port Perry Cannington Carmichael Nelntyre : "wGrgham : Chiff' "cas wi ght Me Houll skip 16-Smith, skip 7 Linke . - Mellow Plan dy, skip 26--~Woodward, skin Uxbridge vs 'Cannington Cannington, Woodward, skip 10} Uxbridge, Mellow; skip 16 Uxbridge, 6 shots Cannington, Smith, skip 0 Uxbri : Miller, skip 15 J. {dge W-shots BASEBALL ' Cannington won the tourna- »ment at Little Britian, defeating Perry, 8-5, and Little " Britain 8:3. Both games lasted aine innings and Canningean de- "gerved their victory ns. "Macklin, Harry Keslick and Welsh starred for the. winners. McTaggart, the local pitcher was far ahead of any others, he cracked out three singles in four trips to the plate, The locals wi very poorly, their hitting h the exception of Roach e. Wanted-- below ave nfielders. Mel. Ae rand new in Ingram featured in running the |" bases. Team Score Cannington-- 1-1-1-3-0-1-0-0-1 Port Perry-- 0-3-0-0-0-0-0-2-0 Young and Harry Keslick « McTaggart and Boe «.. A Resolution e following resolution was by: the Ontario County hail "That whereas the Senate in its wisdom seen fit to amend the 'Bill passed by the House of "Commons of, prolonging the life of the prohibition legislation throughout the' Dominion for one RHE 8123 -- TE in wn Try us and see. 3 The AURA LEE "to practical supervision of the County road work. fies Coutlty Council (Continued from Front Page) The cost of constructing the Provincial Highway also occupied the attention of the Council. According to the Gov- ernment plan, the' Government would pay 70% of the cost of constructing and maintaining the Kingston' highway. while the municipalities through which the highway runs are' required 8 assume the other. thirty per cent of the expense, A resolution was passed by which the County Council will assume one half of that thirty per cent., or 156% of the . entire cost. As East Whitby, West Whitby, dnd Pickering willipay five per cent of this fifteen, there remains but ten per | to be paid by all the northern municipalities. This seems. to be a fair proposal, as all municipalities will reap some advan- tage by the building of the Provincial Highway. The County is doing construction 'work north of Oshawa, and on the hill north of Greenbank, The tractor-and grader dre being sent'to do work south of Manchester, and possibly on the road between Manchester and Port Perry. The tractor is doing good work this season. It is pleasing to note that: the Councillors are becoming aware of the fact that the more time the Ryad Superintendent devotes to clerieal work, the less time he will have to devote It will be the part of wisdom if Mr. Kean receives assistance from the staff now at the County buildings, or that hebe provided with "an assistant to do the clerical work. The County Council evidently has a sense of the fitness of things, and to prove this statement we must tell you the story of Dr. Kaiser's experience with the auto law. : 'On a certain day the worthy Doctor hied himself to the County Town'in his auto. Although it was Sunday, 'he "was AA bent-on Patriotic work. Ho was so eager in his task that he [4 forgot to light the tdfl lamp onthis auto. Opportunity knocks but once, and 'Whitby authorities let no chances slip to pay their respects to the Doctor and a fine was imposed, which was paid, the Doctor vowing that he would not drive in Whit- by without the tail light of his auto burning, as he declared that he was sslvays after dusk in Whitby. - Kaiser was 'on patrioiic business when he was fined: "he Dr that Bost should 1 hot ja Day the bill pocket, 80 he presented e Oshawa Council. Der but firmly ited the Ly Iw the bill, and referred octor to the County Council, to which body he duly presented the bill. . The County Council have now referred the Doctor to the Attorney-General, one member gravely remarking, "We shall have our own lights put out if' we pay that bill." . What the Attorney- General will do we do not know. Rates for out of his own A the Hardware Plumbing PORT PERRY . ONTARIO. In Memoriam . H : Straw Hats Cloaned In loving memory of our dear ~ HATS OLEANRD-Latlies' or bag dr d, who. de- Ri straw or panama i this fe June 24, 1916, ats Seaned for 35¢. to. 50c, In the land where all is' sunshine os' Look i ed. Where | life's 'shadows 'never HALL. DUCK oy She asmes 1 the: sweet reception Of hes Saviour's J*welgome . ome." + Wanted' to Bay ; EY or 'small * a with --Family nots oss thay un acroafland. : | wiley 9 Connaught' Avene, Coes to Belleville Toronto. ; The Stationing Committee of the Bay of Quinte Conference: - i has sent.Rev. Wesley Elliott to. I can the Tabgtnade at Belleville, and Sh, Wal 0 Pasture aa pasture for a A ply t. 5 Slot: dvatheement, we : regret that irks is, leaving here ; after a stay of wilt two years: 'Not énly are to lose' Mr. E only age x expressed bu Be Eilon is i. i a, leaving sph. a8 EE aot. 13 « +. FOR SALE. . of be 'an sxoellent 1 mu- . Ten Yorkshire gows; ane i 8 an, njopt generous in elpin arrow in y \ngust wherever hioF-getvice ha ve png to iT ek fice." requ ah urch will lose ' Fi W. CROZIER, an accompli ed organist. R R. 1, Port Perry. We trust that Mr, Elliott and Wanted, 'as Mother's Socnd hand high be Por in use two io on Sondition, Apply a the amily will prosper in' their new' _ One Nios cat ¢ Slain, eockis cookin 5 ji Bell phone 84, PROSPECT SelB x full particulars to Mrs] ote p 4107 r 2 2, or Tndepe year after the signing of the| Peace Treaty, and by the said amendment defeating the inten- tion of the House of Commons; Therefore, be it resolved, that . this Council of the County of Slatin Strongly condemn the! the Senate as being ih gee to the best in- terests and highest seitiments he, Dominion, and further; Telephone Service Tz new rates for Long Distance Sérvice, effective May 25th and based upon air-line mileage, correct inequalities in the old schedule and embody both increased and, de- : creased charges. r Following is a' comparison of old and new rates for a. 5 3-minute talk to points most frequently called by local sub- wh scribers: : ; er DR NEW: 'RATE - pared Perry to Zante. : 'x "ik arty on tobe a 'garden Ed Socks po Ini «on Fri- Yo. e that. it is an doa soot Tor such oth program an ve good. The brick hous, table, nd Good. | Bot on Queen Street, Port F A real bargain: reasonable: erms vt Perrys Ont. 3 Ww. L SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 am. to 5 Dm, Oftice over L. G. STAG 8 South half of lot 17, cod 8, Réach, this farm, 'the owner will divide it to suit purch .. «This; is 78 - very at- tractive farm---close to school," chur- ches, markets, and on a good To#d 't the famous Oshawa; market, - . Price redsonable--it interested act quickly. Apply to Jas. Kirby, R.R. No.2, Port Perry. Jan ou. W. J. Cook - Real Estate A large 'list of farms "for sale Ontario County. = Some city" pre Aa y|land. My list includes: some rare | bargains. Waite or phone me before buying. Communicate with W. R.R:No 2, ts 'Phone PASTURE E. Gordon, R. R. 2; Port Pe : agrees |ry, can furnish pasture | for four : gua jk pe | young cattle or two dry cows, 0 are large and Ee EL ; : is ovale od op guests, Two. Good Standa : Ns Bred Stall 2 | being 97 acres more or less. "At there ak {are good buildings on "both of for exchange or sale, also Noro be dent Phonic 408. hy

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