Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 3 Jul 1919, p. 6

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_ponsibility, they find that they know +||| nothing about cost of . materials, By EVELYN GILL. suitability of colors or correctness : style. Tod many times they spend their meney on cheap, gaudy things, PART 11. "Oh, tender heart, forgiving soul!"| or 'else wear dowdy, 'unbecoming G | Youth Writes a Letter to Love [| i fh tion aay tos "Well?" she inquired coldly, never|he called down to her. clothes. b temperature: low hn p Solio i : oo ; tempers ; ¥ uk : 7 80 much as looking at him, but, head] Muggins made a contemptuous! Part of every girl's training should| to protect it from n rganisms or Some of the Ludicrous Blunders' to one side, delicately and fastidious-| sound that was half a laugh and half| consist in learning the lesson of bacteria, which want to consume it Has Made the World Laugh At. Printers often pervert the power of | fem SY GETON, ly rearranging on the counter the dis-| & sniff, and went on her way. clothes, and the first steps along that|as food just as we do, but which if play of periodicals with their pretty| Inthe kitchen she absentmindedly|line should be taken as soon in the| allowed to work quickly render it un- 6 POW covers. CWell?" she inquired again,| dismantled the children's tray, put- little girl's life as she can under-| t for human ©. |the pen and turn tears info smiles w the hardness in her voice becoming|ting the egg shelly into the dishpan!stand the most simple of instructions.| These bacteria lie dormant when' the change of a letter. ony ; : es almost metallic. before she realized what she was do-|. If you are making school dresses;| the ajr is kept cold and dry, but they _"Drunkenness is jolly," said a dean ARTS "What was that?" he asked in ain. The boy worried her; he looked get samples of = different materials| grow rapidly in water, hence it is in a temperance duly reported course may be'cos voice he tried to keep casual in spite] ill and feverish: and ask daughter to choose that which | necessary to keep: She air ib a nefuie. ] Joss] Jape: "hat a EB Dt cA of dry lips and dry throat. . Foreibly she took' her mind from|she would like. Doubtless - she will 'erator | "becoming moist. Tha mast wa was th t druukennes folly. LIED" cB' "That" cond ded Miss M him, and directed it instead on the make a wrong choice, selecting the drier 'the air the better the food But the printe wag iy: playful mead, fn ood, | § Mining, Chomieal Gist, a3 O'Connell. + ao Isad ac =y letter she must write to her sister most unsuitable. But don't laugh at|keeps. Circulation of the air is for lower down in the ee i eure | Mechanical and Electrical What of Mh Y. isador Joseph. Begsie in this next rest hour while her; don't make her ashamed. En-|therefore an important feature, and he omitted a SOmiia, dnd ihe nent 3 y Engineering Sas Tus the children's governess was staying|deavor to show her ter error in athe walls of the ice-box are insulated, divine out, a5 3% selfco 'J SUMMER SCHOOL ~~ NAVIGATION SCHOOL "You hever told me about him be-| i : p L pir er 2 i . , 1 th them. B nted her t way she 'can understand. Get her to; so that the cold air will be kept in... « % sett July and Au , Degember to April wi em. Bessie wa er to give' way I for the {06 itl "0 ly last Sunday," he said, "a ay. HOWN, Reg the pen and fore," he accused her. f i i i " . | up nursing and go into the rooming-| tell you what qualities, in her opinion, ' rou . 5 A tell you now," she told him oy bone Don a she would have! a school dress should have. Of course, in order to chill the air properly. As|young man died suddenly, Yous I was sharply. _ "He's the gentleman I'm to decide what to do. you know it should wear well, wash|the melting goes on the refrigerator, endeavoring to preach the V Vord in a going to marry. Anything. more? Perhaps she's better write to Bes-| well and not show soil too easily, and {is chilled and the food absorbs the state of beastly intoxication. ior Then the youth's spirit came back| ii that she would do dt. not be readily torn; but she mayjcold. Thus while wrapping ice in aj Here. is another "clerical &rror," to him. Across the counter he seized But she had scarcely taken her lit-| never have thought of those things.|newspaper or flannel will undoubted- culled from a parish magazine: her hands, and held them so hard yo portsoio with Ito equipment of Let each sample, then, be analyzed to ly keep it from melting, it defeats "There will he a collection in aid of that the rings cut into the whith flesh. | papers and envelopes and its: Hin) meet those requirements. the purpose of the refrigerator, and the Arch Fiend." : He talked vehemently and brokenly orc ered letters, out to the arbor in| When the suitable material has withholds the cold from the food. A| The flend of a printer should have of the sin of selling one's self for 2 {he back yard, when Dr. Biggins, the| been selected, 'attention should be steady melting must go on, and the put Arch Fund. Doubtless he proves, fat man's money, of love being the' i idren's physician, coming to make turned to the cloth's suitability to the, modern refrigerator is built to keep od many old ladigg of limited in ok only thing th#® mattered, of his in-! his afternoon call, saw her there and| child 'in qifestion. The color must be, the melting to a necessary minimum, igence ffom putting their hands tention to seize her and take her, joined her, > one in which she looks well and the' although precautions should be. taken their pockets. " 5 away with him. He called her endear-, "Don't get up," he told her, as she pattern appropriate for her age. By to see that the ice-box does not stand, The "warscared" veteran was ihe NE Dames, uttered broken words of an effort to rise withont drop-| suggestion, display and study famil-' where the sun's rays strike it. -Nor| printer's mpzoxement. the hr js Protsstation, of avowal. ies ping her-writing materials, "I want|iarize her with these requirements;|should it stand near the fire. i seared Yariety w 10 4 or ote 'Quit! she whispered angrily. "Lat to talk a minute before we go up to) and you will develop in her a taste|. Cold air falls and warm air rises, In Fi A he young ay Who/ yrs ! the kiddies. Do you think I had bet-| for simple, well made clothes sheland the coldest place is below the ice tha v8 ov ere Nore cy Fumi He released her hand just as a! ter tell Mrs, Hammond that my hospi-| Would be far less apt to have were! instead of above. 'Milk, butter and, ink Was re al miorming . ee customer entered to buy, with pains- tal unit may receive orders any time| she continually wearing dresses with, foodstuffs which really absorb mois-| that Such yo x Youla om 3 Bev . faking selection, a Box of corres- now, so I don't know when I will be| no thought as to why they were of| ture should therefore be placed so Jeune, ink betweehs them throughiae pondence cards. leaving? It doesn't seem fair not to| Such a color or material or cut in|that the cold air reaches them direct i ini dismay. of the school: Weak and trembling, Godfrey wait- tell her; and yet, I hate to worry her|Such a way, . from the 'ice, passing from them to Jmagme en may Fin i Go 3 od, leaning against another counter.| ye i HNC S00 are entirely well."| 'Though the desirability of simple those foods like melons-and onions| Master whole prospectus 8; It was hard to whip himself u again "s : y rl +| cut be impressed upon her; do mot! which ATE "The distinctive feature of the school . after the customer had gone, Fata the| ... 50 you are going?' inquired Mug:= B pol : oe ich give 'offiodors. is 'the roughness----" He was only : confound simpleness with plainness. -, . first-time passion; and in the mean-| 5 is, » " A gimpl po finished at neck : referring to the thoroughness of his : i am Yes. Arep't you? ; y : Do: Not Permit Faultfinding at the] nethods. - ; time the girl-had acquired a gorgeous "No, T am not going," she told: him,| 8nd sleeves with a bit of ldte, or] 2 able, Otic TIDon fate, eclipse of em- hauteur. . He stared at her thoughtfully. { brightened by contrasting material: io i . eg with the Le ue_ of "Mr. Hammond," with a proud lift "Well, there have got to bé - me. in banding or piping, is: attractive,|. To have a comment made on dishes fe, A un up Hoes age. ) of her little blond head --"Mr. Ham-| 1o, hero." he reilied or if to excuse' but a plain dress, absolutely devoid at the table, as too much or too little | Nations; sid a politicfin fu' a- lov mond, I niust tell you.that everything Ee ers," ne repliec, as EXCUSE of all "finishing touches" is actually | seasoning, ete. is a habit into which payer Tocen Y. wd 2iv0eate' tf is over between us, for I am marry-|" "I may quit nursing altogether" homely, and in all but the poorest of ; many families unconsciously fall. It th Re a. on jenty3d Se he ing a gentleman whom I honor and she 'told i atl or priving wants | families, wholly unnecessary, Teach is very trying to the housewife, and ae was thit 'our Ifivendif respect. And you have got no right to take 'a ye id in Winni. | the value of these, simple means of besides has a tendency to make the Tea y 1 i is pont oe to reproach me, for I have never did| "., 'aXe a rooming house in Winni finishing a dress. Contrast the sev-!food appear less inviting, and gives wry a Pe ey th 0 a anything to you." "He opened his eyes' wide in amae-| €Tely Pisin dress with the slightly a depressing effect, as all fault-find:| With ft Tn this mistake u or So in the end there was nothing : opened. is 'eyes wice in amaze. imed one. Also, when opportun-| ing does. 3 yaa TL his toh through Pi litt but to leave her and go stumbling men ming house in Winnipeg! Good, ity Presents itself, point out the mis-| One mother noticed that this habit sah os! The latter' unl home, a wounded man. As he went Lordin he Ro ted nipeg tak of oyertrimming. A dress half was growing on her childreh, and de- Tears fury. he atk ee id hone he street, too dased fo think, "Ugur" gh falered; and then,| OVered with lace and "ribbons and termined that some way 'must be ® Pubetuation, oF the want of I, 1a it. was his senses rather than his "ph el ns a w ir h ~~ ornamental buttons is not only in bad , found to stqp it. She called a family i 5 ham orous. Rowlers. : Here mind that kept clinging to certain 2 FTE's. £00 Money in if," she de. taste, but is generally mere cheap meeting and told them that she did{ Pro . aay : ended herself. How: could she make] display. her best to. have the food and table] is one from an agricultural journal: sweet fragments of memory; her|;. : by fragrant presence beside him fn those him understand, when she herself only If daughter lends a hand at thefjust as nice as she could, and that! "Wanted, a woman to feed pigs with : : half understood? : 4 d be kind| Washing-board lodging over stables." oe wa Hr in| Ie Shady? el Clon] ASVRE and ping she wil, arn the shold do hte part and Jing TERESA iE or, saben breath against his cheek when she towels, and worrying about the room-,| 3, se, are made of, and will quickly | they did not especially. like: :% he Whether ne Pigs liked hele yoehing. whispered to him; the feel of her| S'S Striking: matches on the best! why the dainty little party dress emphasized the fact that critieism, 'at 10dging over he' stables toaetnos little shoulder in the hcllow "of his| i rhiture and smiking cigarettes in} oo 13" ver do for. school wear, and the table was not good manners.' ' : hand when his arm was about her; bed. hia why, also, mother desires her to|. She told them that if they had a the 'covert exchange of intimate], She Put all she could of indifference voar soft' crepe underwear in sum. anything special to criticize they| Incredibly large openings for our glances between them when there] "0. Der reply. mer in preference fo that which re-|could come. to her alone after' the 'Dominion: farm products ave: avails were other customers in the shop, Cigarettes and métches, or gall- quires starching and ironing. meal and she would be glad to listen | able in, Great Britain," according to while he to all appearances stood per.| Scones and adenoids she told him,| "r y.ree time, of course, to teach|to the complaint. But strange to say,| the Canadian Trade Commission. using with . undivided "interest the it" 8ll the same' They use you ou these things, and there are but few being forbidden to criticize at the : . SEE headlines of an, evening paper. long as they want you and give you! gory mothers. whose time is not lim- table, the children made very few. All this that was so. precious could | What they must, and that's the end ited; yet other things can better be! private comments. not be gone forever! He would write] Of iti 50, I say, get as muh 8s you! slighted than the opportunity of| From that time on the mother was to her--write something 'that would| 2" out of them, and don't Work any ; Re make her see. : harder than you have to. : ; He got home somehow, and entered by a side door to avoid the callers eran hE ot rt, | British, Well Done! Giving Due Re- o bear facing anyone just now. million 'American soldiers across the. af i Sn Hn EST coanition To Others Who Helped. (To be continued.) a white-capped and = white-unif { Soldier, which, in the opinion of the carrying on Tho children's SY 8. Director of Transportation, \ts rs tray. She food aside on the landing, {less than it would have cost to trans. : EE "1 . 80 he/could. pass." i port them in American ships: WELL DONE, USI line. .We invented and brought to per! For Godfrey' to' meet anyone 'just TN "| IT IS HEREBY agreed that no one | fection the arm which produced the now was the agony of exposing| Friend (teasingly)--"What makes nation would have beaten Prussia, [decision of fhe War--the-tank. We wounds. He plunged into speech. [that new baby at your house cry so) Bavaria, Saxony, .Wurtemburg, Aus-|8wept his navies from the skies Ridin Bnished their supper?" he' much, Tommy?" Tommy '(indighant- 3 2 ' him. We have, sing 1 » look ng over the tray with ly --"It, doesn't cry so very : § alf-eaten brea 8, empty egg nd, anyway, if all your 'teeth ¢ and ie y little egg cups paint-' out and your hair off, and your legs| magnificent ye flow _shicks (he wondered so yea you couldn't even stand on| French : i. iy dn, mmunicdting news and gossip: a A : 1 Lady---Graciou you regulate baby' bath g use a thermomenter? = Mary--Lor'|V bless you, mum! If the darling turns| 258. YO wdeit th my a s of W will visit ) Ta Tie To Ty

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