Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 10 Jul 1919, p. 4

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Personal Notes + Mr. Beverley Sangster, of Ottawa, is visiting his brother Dr. W. A, Sangster. Mrs. Stott, of Highland Creek visiting her mother Mrs Nott, 2 Mr. T. Emmerson, of Saska- . toon, is visiting his brother, Mr. Mm Emnierson; Mr. E. H. Purdy has gone to|E wa to take a short ¢ourse in crop judging, having an appointment as judge in the crop ormpetitions. The course is B= to ensure uniformity in standards of judging. ". Mr. T. HB. Foilick has gone to Guel h fo take the Agricultural for rs. He will n to town about Aughst 80. rs Clarence Durdy has innipeg, where he wil Fn Jon his duties in the T. Eaton Co. Store. : Port Perry L. O. L. has been invited to celebrate the Twelfth at Orillia. Mrs. M. Baird, of Orillia, has been visiting her mother, Mrs A McLean. ¢ Mr. Norman Bradley, of Win- nipeg, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr and Mrs J. Bradley. : Mrs. N. Byers, of Enniskillen, is visiting her many friends in town. Mrs. Win. Sanders, Chicago, spent last week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Town. Miss Estelle Bull has gone to her home in Bloomfield for her holidays, and will resume her music class in September. Mr. and Mrs Oliver Bradley and child returned to their home in Syracuse on .Monday, after a pleasant holiday here. Dr. Murray leave on Monday, July 14, for a holiday and his dental office will be closed for a month. FOR RENT OR FOR SALE- Nice seven roomed furnished house, furniture up-to-date, late- ly decorated, also good stable, _large'garden with all kinds of vegetables, black currants and raspberries Terms reasonable. Apply to Morley Campbell," Port Perry, Flight Lieut Gordon Bradley, returned on Wednesday. evening from Overseas. Mr. H. Stainton, of the U.S. Fly Corp, is visiting with Mr. Ferguson. . "Pte. Roy and M#s. Fratick, are vigiting with the former's father Mr. S. E. Fralick. Miss Kate Allison of "Camp Ie, Va, is visiting her parents Mr, 2nd Mrs, S. E. Allison. At Port Perry, on Wednesday. July 9, 1919, William Hodgson. > Beats Lindsay 5 are | in League present. The Oxbridge Lindsay geore was-- i Hepburn Sxbrided 20 omnes) 23. ' Union Services The first of the e Union So ere largely atte "In ! P. G. ORRISON, "Druggist : Ladies' Bowling Ciub to be Organized A meeting for or, anisihg 8 Ladies' Bowling Club, ll 3% held on Saturday "evening, 12, at 7.80, at the home of Pu ' Any of the es Fo wishing' to join; kindly 1 attend this meeting. . Mission Band Plonlo The Mission Band "of the Methodist Church will hold a ienic at the home of Mrs. C. J. Ds, on Friday at 8.30 p.m. Members will o | baskets. ? please bring Isaac Heaslip On Tuesday, June 17, 1919, after a long illness, Mr Isaac Heaslip, of Cartwright Town- ship, passed away at his home near Nestleton Station, at the lage of 60 years. Mr. Heaslip was an honoured resident of this Township having spent many years in this vicinity. In re- ligion he was a Methodist, a | member of the Wesleyan Church, ! - having served officially in many departments of the church's life. Besides his wife and two daughters, Mrs: Windifred, of Peterboro; Mrs. Hugh Taylor, of Lindsay, Mr. Heaslip is sur- vived by one brother, Mr. Dave * Heaslip, of Janetville, three ; sisters, Mrs. L Fallis, Nestleton, ' Mrs. Halleran, Pontypool, Mrs. Hunter, Rochester. I Interment was made at Nestle. ton Cemetery," Thursday, June 19th. The funeral was largely attended showing the esteem in which he was held. « et eet ie Gta a. SONYA Rev. (Capt) and Mrs. Dodds will leave Sonya for their vac- ation p bout 18 inst, which will be spent at Picton, Peierboro and the Kawatha Lakes. While' in Picton, Capt. Dodds will supply the pulpit of the Presby- terian Church and will: be the guests of Col. and Mrs. W. K. Adams, formerly Commanding Officer of the 155th Bn, Belle- ville. i A Garden Party will be held . |on the Manse Lawn, on July 2 over eighty years of age. The entertainer will be Mr. J Cameron, of Toronto. Tea oh Ashton home from overseas. commence at 5 p.m Mr. Wm. McMillan has bought ommisted from the list of en- a new Briscoe car from Mr, J, trance pupils last week. Roach, Port Perry. Mrs. Frank Sharpe and baby are tying £ Gordon, of Toronto, will be the wish them success. "It | guests of their aunt and uncle' Port at the Manse for a few days. - P Garden Party at' g Prince Albert A Garden Party will be 3d o the Church day evening, July i Fh tea an s being ---- + Man with | in orchard Sm Bell Phone 22, Port Perry. | Rev. Geo. Yule, 'ed a few words to the "ioning another person ar: Good ill tor particulars. A Soodprogram: next | date steam and Home Help Wanted for light housework. Gir}. whe, can live at home erred. Mrs N ~ = Bell ! Handkerchief L Embroidered linen Dandker- ief, lace sdged----betwe , Methods church and cs ortop's ued as keepsake. Finder please return to the Star Office. We run three meat Albert, M Nestlston Station, Caesarea, achester, Myrtle, Utica. . Frid: _elia, Epsom, Bethesda, Utica. 'Phone 72 or 11 ro Purse Found "Small purse containing money found in Port Perry. Owner can have same by identifying pro- pe and paying expenses. Apply to WJ Cour, Port Perry | IF YOU ASHBURN An event of special Interest to this community took place. in Burn's Presbyterian Church, on Thursday evening, Jul 3rd, when Rev. Mr. Haig, of West Lorne, was inducted as pastor of jstiburn and Utica congregat- though the day was exceed- ingly hot, quite a number gat gr = in the auditorium of. church which was lg with flowers. = Rev. : Black, of Port Perry, Moderator |- of this Presbytery, hel being | away on his vacation, G. Gomm, of Blackstock, acted as Moder ator. After the opening service shawa, gave a short sermon aftergywhich the 'induetion took place. Rev. Wm Simpson, of Columbus, srt The service throughout both impressive and helpful to all present. The singing added enjoyment: to the service. y After the service the Songs gation retired to the basen where the ladies had prepa an excellent tea. . Rey. Mr. Haig's family whe PARIS GREEN | Arsenate of Lead Hayfork Rope Harvest Tools "Come and see if we 'dannot SAVE YOU MONEY WwW. L. PARRISH Hardware Plumbing F urnaces PORT PERRY WANT is tractive a 8,8, ten ches, markets, and on a good road 2 the famous Oshawa ~market. Price: reasonable--it interested act' qu Apply to Jas. Kirby, R.R. Nor po erry. W. J. Cook - Real Estate a lage list "of farms for sale in ntario County. Some ci for exchange or sale, ae a land. My: list includés some rare argains. Write or phone me : bef Satgain Communicate with W_ Cook R.R. No 2, Port Perry, or Bell Phone 107 r 2% 'or Independent hor Ten Yorkshire SOWS, du : farrow in July and August. will sell at reasonable price." JNO. W. CROZIER, : R. R.1, Port Perry, Pasture I can provide pasta : Fourmber o Dastare i to Chas, Wells, oie 5a Bell Phone 108-r-23. lr J : ONTARIO well represented, among whom was Lieut. Haig, recently' re-| turned from overseas. We cannot refrain from gi in the}: 'audience, we refer to Mrs. Or-{ miston- of Breoklin, a woman The Star Office We are glad to sec Pte. H. E. or High-Class Printing Done. Promptly and at Moderate Prices at Port Perry Master Donald MelIntyre was The Sunderland Game Although Port Perry placed the strongest team of the season on the field,-she was wholly out- | classed by the Sunderland ag-! at the Farmers' Picnic! afternoon. The score 2 in favor of Sunderland. | was very well played, Misses Elsie and Marie W. vest their High at Port sms Garden Pary On Wednesday, Ju jure 28d, de Women's Guild of rooklin, will hold 'a ir an i ny pay at den" the h far pm. Ww The game nine innings. MacDonald -and burs: Crompton, ow ib hegt 2 Port : be served at thers boing. ohly dx crear i i) ment is the owner F of the 2 'wharf ry "Plamb, Prince. 'Albert, Ferguson, Blackstock Se e men a to "good health, alone a Open Letter re Whart ~ Port Perry, On July 8 on : 'y tor, 'The Port' Perry Star Dear Sir: yh ilst possibly the Govern. Wanted A maid for general house ot Apply' at Star Office. Farm For Sal 78 acres, lot 23, co v Township, 2: miles &¢ med fram grave, 10 Toor med, ] | good. barn with w. eos "| works in house. and pen,: hen: house; driv well and cistren, ient to school and churc March 1920

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