Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 10 Jul 1919, p. 7

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A ~ * yem 5 old. The 8685, six sizes, 84-44-inch bust measure, price '25¢. The embroidery is taken from er pattern No. 928 (blue or yel- - low), pice 20c. © These patterns may be obtained from your. focal McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co, 70 Bond St. Toronto, Dept. W. $7 THIS IS AN OLD WORLD. LL -- Calculations of Its Age Range Up to ~ 1,600,000,000 Years. It would be difficult to think of any _ question less important to the average . man or'woman than whether the earth casted 1,600,990,600 years old or only 10, ~ 000,000. But many are none the less in ted in it. Three ways there _ are, says Dr. William Harvey McNairn f McM; University, Toronto, by {which an effort is made to answer the question, and "the three answers af- ford to the average citizen a wide range of choice, . By the oldest method which reaches . conclusions by estimating how long it is taking the sun to codl, the earth is 4 10,000,000 and 30,000,000 : 1 eologists, - however, 'studying the age of geologic] depos- demand 200 q0090 years; and the est method, which applies the re- aul of he's very of radium to es- 'timating the ir po ment this condition persisted, indeed I was growing worse, and had fallen away in weight to 180 pounds- {and atter a tow weeks there was a noticeable improvement in my condi tion. I continued taking the pills, con- I can now do as good a day's work an anyone. My advice if you are not At the first sign that the blood is out of order take Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills, and note the speedy improve ment they make in the appetite, health and spirits. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. iit FROM FIGHTING TO FARMING. Not many months ago two men were. in the same battalion in France--the the short interval since the armistice was signed have come back to West- ern Canada, received their discharge from the army, and are now occupy: 4ug neighboring farms in one of the farm colonies prepared for returned soldiers by the Canadian Pacific Rail way in Southern-Alberta. . Here in these colonies are soldiers of all ranks, a number of whom were in the firing line up to the signing of the armistice. What surprises one most is that so many of them have so, soon got back to practical work again and the Canadian Pacific Railway is to be congratulated on having had the foresight to adopt a practical scheme wilich has made it possible for a large number of men to begin farming on their own account' in so short a space of time after their release from mili- tary duties. But this company has a reputation for making it easy for the right" kind 'of men to get a start at farming, and jts soldiers' settlement scheme is only an elaboration of its original "Ready Made Farm" and set: tlement plans, by means of which many of Western Canada's most pros- perous farmers are enabled to begin farming in 4 new country under most favorable circumstances and which has contributed fn no small measu to their present success. ihe ' "The soldier settler in these farm colonies has an unusual opportunity to make good.. He finds on the farm a comfortable house ready for him to . | move into with hiz"family and effects. There .is & good barn for his horses and cows, his water supply is' pro- vided for, his farm is fenced, and he has' forty acreb of land broken and ready for crop which will bring him a revenue during his first season. For crossly, step. smells around. The conductor was day-dreaming. He must have been, or he would have seen the small boy who suddenly dash: ed out of a cottage garden, fr She "bus, Shouting iftan y. i1 "Stop, stop!" ordered the conductor with his umb ran af- he usual of. rodded The conductor stopped the 'bus. "What d've want, kid?" he asked as the panting ad Togehad'the retorted the , 88° he "Urry up and get in "Don't want to get in!" youngster, as he held out a penny. "Muvver wants two appenies she's goin' to church!™ this; EXPLOSIVES AS FERTILIZER. Planting Trees' With Dypamite Adve cated in England. There has been a good seal of talk of late about the value.of v as fertilizer, says a London magazine. at any rate, would gare to rifk doing 80. ; Fon all that, dynamite and similar explosives are going to be of the greatest possible value to the farmer, and especially to men who till stiff, rocky, or unproductive ground. There is much land and around the New Forest which is underlaid, by a thin layer of tough clay or rock which holds the rain and prevents it from draining away. Nothing grows well upon land of this kind, because ' Minard's Liniment Co. Limited, Gehts,--I cured a valuable hynting dog of mange with MINARD'S Is MENT after several veterinaries treated him without doing him any permanent good, Yours, &c., WILFRID GAGNE. Prop. of Grand Central Hotel, Drummondville, Aug. 8, '04. Coincidences of Peace. The signing of the peace treaty is one of the greatest events in history, it makes powerful appeal to the imagi- natfon. The coincidences are interest. ing. pro of the assassination of Crown Prince Ferdinand, which - furnished Germany with the pretext for a war long planned, cuted that shatters the whole fabric of German military autocracy. In the same hall where forty-eight years ago Five years to a day from the an instrument is exes the roots cannot penetrate "he layer |g william Hohenzollern crowned him- " of "hard pan. Y panse, or--if you are planting trees you can make each hole separately with explosive. Trees, especially apple, pear, plum and cherry, that are planted with dy. namite, grow nearly twice as fast as trees planted with pick and shovel. The dynamite, exerting its force down- wards, opens up deep fissures into which the roots can penetrate. As for ordinary crops such as wheat, actual experiments show that ground broker up by dynamite will yield very much larger crops than ground plowed in the usual manner. SAVE THE CHILDREN Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house may feel that the lives of their little ones are reasonably safe during the hot wea- ther. Stomach rouble cholera in-| fantum and diarrhoea carry off thou, sands of little ones every summer, in most cases because the mother does not have a safe medicine at hand to give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets | relieve these troubles, or if given oc- casionally' to the well child will pre- vent their coming on. The Tgblets are guaranteed by government analyst to be absolutely harmless even to the newborn babe. They are especially good in summer because they regu- late the bowels and keep the stomach sweet and pure. They are sold by méticine dealers or by mail at 26c. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FB emm-- a WORLD'S SMALLEST REPUBLIC An Aves of Less Than a Square Mile ~~ and a Population of 130. self German Emperor, » | humble station, many transformed into a socialist ri public, sign a treaty acknowled Germany's responsibility for the war and agreeing to the surrender for trial «| and plinishment of the grandson and Imperial successor of that Hohenzol- jern, now a fugitive, a pitiful figure of a man cowering in dread of justice, two men of representing a Ger- MONEY ORDERS, The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order, What He Saw. In his daily half-hour confidential talk with his boy, an ambitious father tried 'to give him some advice. "Be whbserving, my son," said the father on one occasion. "Cultivate the habit of seeing and you will be a suc- cessful man, member them. Don't go through the worldblindly. Learn to use your eyes. Boys who are observant know a great deal' more than those who are not." Study things and re- Willie listened in silence. Several days later, when the entire family, consisting of his mother, aunt and uncle, were present,' his father id: "Well, Willie, have you been using your eyes as I advised you to do?" Willie nodded, and after a moment's hesitation, said: "I've meen a few things about the house. Uncle Jim's got a bottle of hair dye hid under his bed, Aunt Jen- nit's got an extra set of teeth in her YoOM, ma's got some curls in her hat, and pa's got a pack of cards and a box of dice hidden behind the bookcase." [$5000 -- (00000 Ord ItWorks! Try lt The smallest republic in the world] sao--o- hopelessly. "Dunno!" hé replied. "I expect old Cupid must have shot at me with a| machine-gun!" Where B. C. Wood Goes. The United Kingdom was the big- gest. purchaser of British Columbia lumber during 1918, the next best cus- tomers being Japan, China, Australia, Africa, 'South Sea Islands, America, in the order named. Douglas fir leads all other woods in the total cut for 1918, with cedar second, spruce third and hemlock fourth. The 1918 pulp production showed sulphite 66,064 tons, sulphate 13,188 tous, and ground wood 91,146 tons. em Tht Word-Painter. Mr. / Smith, dissatisfigd with his house, put the sale of it in the hands of an agent. A few days later he saw an adver tisement of a house exactly answer. ing his needs. The more he read of its beauty and comfort the more antious he was to secure it for himself. 80 he called up the agent with: "There ia a house advertised by 'E. B, €.' Bee 'A. B. C' and buy it from him." "Sorry," was the laconic reply, "but I'm 'A.B.C' and the house is your own." eins Minard's Lintment Cures Colds, Eto. i "Sunday is like a stile between the field of toil, where we can kheel and prag, or sit and meditate."--Long- fellow. number of 8 on. When ironing have coat hangers to put thi HOW YOU CAN TELL GENUINE ASPIRIN ONLY TABLETS MARKED WITH "BAYER CROSS" ARE ASPIRIN. If You Don't :8ee the "Bayer Cross" on the Tablets, Refuse Them--They Are Not Aspirin At All. There is only one Aspirin, that marked with the "Bayer Cross'--all other tab- lets are only acid imitations. Look for the "Bayer Cross"! Then it 1s real Aspirin, for which there is no substitute. \ i Aspirin i§ not German but is made in Canada by Canadians, and is owned by a Canadian Company. Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" have been proved safe by millions for Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets,---also larger "Bayer" packages,--&n be had at any drug store. Aspirin is the trade mark, register- ed in Canada, of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylic acid, and Soutt/ Woman's Way. "Why don't you ask your husband's advice? "I intend to, my dear, just as soom as I've made up my mind what PII do." Minard's Lintment Cures Distemper. 4 . The esprit de torps displayed by small bodies of Ternmitorials, and the grand courage often shown by them in the trenches, makes one not only admire the British spirit but realize how much depends on the Territorial principle--Sir Douglas Haig. THINK A MINUTE - § HAT is your doctors first question? Why does he sus- pect constipation? Because 90% cf his patients are suffering from ailments caused di- rectly or indirectly by the action of poisons formed in a sluggish intes- tinal tract. These body poisons are absorbed by the blood and carried all over the body until the weakest otgan, unable to withstand the poisanous contact, ' becomes infected and refuses to act properly. Unfortunately it is usually not until then that the doctor is con- sulted and asked to treatthe diseased organ. The surest way of purifying the blood and preventing the formation of these destructive body poisons is to prevent stagnation of food waste in the intestinal tract--to prevent constipation. * Constipation is not a matter to be taken lightly or neglected. Nor is it either sufficient or safe to take castor oil, pills, salts, mineral waters, etc., in order to "force" bowel action. Such action does not cure constipation, it makes constipation " a habit. : Nujol is entirely different from drugs as it does not force or irritate the bowels. Nujol prevents stagnation by softening the food waste and enco g the in- testinal muscles to act naturally, thus res moving the cause of constipation and self- i It is ab ly hartaless and pleasan to take. i Nujol helps Nature establish easy, thot- ough Dawe evacuation at regular intervals ~--the healthiest habit in the world. Get a bottle from your druggist today. : 241g + Nujol is sold in sealed Warning : bottles bearing the i Nujol Trade Mark. All druggists. In-' sist on Nujol... You may suffer from substitutes. 3 ® For Constipation .

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