«ER VICE. --This y Bank, g for n_with a twenty or thirty the {ales wind bhhind it.}Most of the its Dis the hag done Imm people ro ured down ; l ce n the rain po of the business of the Do- !and choi a critical position. minion. . Qur experience and | No doubt the whole town uipment are at the service | would have been wiped out be- fore the sun went down, had the of evry customer, Loe the sn ent down, bd te has been raining all day, and that will clear-things for two or hl ee : i el sap FRR i . | | » th t [Ses wide, sid wl vom Tor iooeh tite, | STANDARD BANK [2a Tater Chat, & focal "To maintain water bound 'macadam costs ORT PE NADA cn Dirger Phoup Service The long ce telephone 200 per year per [Th Suny line is now completed between: If we hud a Schesp road, it will go to ES Port Perry and Toronto. We en years, it we build a RR can now get direct service. forint dor it with a 50-year m-- - 0 e bale fi five times be- Leask played a great game in centre field. LE "is For further notes regarding the game, consult any of the he for mn % for players--or the umpire. the 'State --~ we ol permanent ; In Blanch Where ple are stalled in .the So . '& ; A Scfadk strip of sonerete, grad: mething about the P rogr am ing ing ¢ e rest d-putting in "culverts The actual time table in detail for the 4th of August Peace The Soncrete whe oe I mg Jade, She eat Derhonstration and Reception to the soldiers is not yet com- Xs e i i i i id f th finish. urning 5 of 1 ali that the only kind Plots, but the following outline will give some idea o e hat can stand truck traffic is the concrete road. 9.00 ta 10.00 a.m Aquatic Sports will build. no: bicy cle. hs and no one com- . . : Basketball, 4 teams, Ist play missioner Fuads going ot at the sametime as the "80D. Baseball, 4 teams, Tat play commissioner does. : Grand Procession "Tan aly fm ys nd s--good 1.30 to 2.30 p. el roads and concrete rou want bul o . mn a ; 2.30 to 4.00 p.m. Brick roads cost on the Speediag in the Ring, 2.35 Class, $150 Purse average Sonnets oa: ot than concrete roads 4.30-t0 5.10 p.m There is no road that will stand up under traffic : 5,10 to 6.30 p.m Baseball play off nearly as well 35 the the eoncrete ro I shall put 7.40 to 8.20 p.m Basketball play off down conerete roads wherever possible. I have 8.20 t0.8.45 p.m Veterans' Tug-af-War _ no time to argue about roads--I am' going out 8.45 t0 9.45 p.m Presentation to Soldiers. ~ to build them." 4 \ Fireworks Display And if we ever get one block of con As the various features in the program developed, it be- - crete r din Port | erry, we would have no came increasingly evident that nothing less than a 50 cent : other i of road Seustrusied on our leadin admission would finance a demonstration such as the com- One block at a time is goo mittee are planning, so the admissiun charges will be-- buiding. [Fiosi w we should have some really To both performances--Adults 50¢, Children 25¢. Evening Performance only--Adults 25¢, children 15c. permanent Automobiles 50c., buggies 25¢c. = Grand Stand Free. Refreshment booths on grounns. ; The Baseball Game Each returned soldier and lady friend to be admitted free. The 1 cading . in the sporting Ristory of Port Perry : The Port Perry Band will provide suitable music through- vent i out the day. self asta in The Sporting Bat tor has spread him- A banquet will be provided for those returned soldiers "One of th best atten: de: 4 BE she season took place and their next of kin, who have not already been thus hon- Thins i wr igh i. ani Samet ol aan defects 2 ee oured by the town. The ladies' committee will have this to married men- ~23-19 ar bop ni an Hoven' pug Co i ee will be one of the outstanding fea- Emmerson pite Bed afte ively Ses IB Seconc.mning tures of the day. Mr. J. E. Jackson has been 'appointed chairman of the Committee in charge of this matter, One : North 8-6-0 i and he A li section of the procession will be composed of fifty or more Came 8, Nam dnd: Deshane 1 gle. young ladies and girls dressed in white, and carrying doves. Sor "i Bo THE Lo Up: + North Those who are willing to take part in this feature of the pro- a ak Lf oas H J White, r.{ cession, should leave their names with Mr. Jackson or at the . : - Dave Ferguson, 2 b Star Oeics. : on fared *W Carnegie, 1 b Speci 1 prizes will be offered for the best decorated auto- Sentinal mobile or otherturnout. Everybody is invited to do his pret- tiest on this job. If you should happen to be overlooked when they are go- ing round with the subscription list for fireworks ete,, don't be shy, you may leave your donation with Mr. I. R. Bentley. County Officers, W.C. T. U.- At the County Convention of the W. C. T. U., the follow- ing officers were elected: > 'President--Mes. S. Farmer, Port Perry e resident Mea. T. Gully, Uxbridge Corréspondiag Secretary-- Mrs. Gep. Jackson, Port Perry "Recording Secretary--Miss Harper, Whitby "Mra... 4 vention W