Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 2 Oct 1919, p. 3

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tiges- i Ji for you. emt isi rmimsssitem, It Had Come True. | As Jerusalem, prévious to being cap- tured by thé in December, 8 came next day and put them 1917, had been under Turkish misrule | Pack" = =e nw tor four hundred years, it was thought --_--r by the 'natives of estine it would | forever remain fn' the hands of the Turks. Hence the old saying common amongst the inhabitants of the Holy Land, which runs: "When the waters of the Nile flow into Palestine the Turk will be ousted from Jerusalem)' , As geography tells us this is impos- sible, it' is interesting to know it act- ually did happen. What seemed im- possible.was effected by the Engineers of thé Egyptian Expeditionary Force. After overc ming . great difficulties, they on in laying a large water pipe across the bed of the Suez Canal near Kantara. Through this pipe flows from the River Nile. The water eventually finds its way through the Sinal Desert and into Palestine. Thus it came to pass Jerusalem was taken two months after "the waters "Talking of scarécows," he said; "why, my father once put one up, and it ned the crows so much that not one entered the field again for "That's d a farmer. "A neighbor of mine once put a scare- into his potato patch, and it ter- ed the birds so much that one ras- al of a crow that had stolen some po- tatoes CHILDAOOD CONSTIPATION Constipated children can find prompt relief through the use of Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are mild but a thorough laxative which fever fail to regulate the bowels and stoi thus driving out 'constipation and in- digestion; colds and simple fevers. Concerning them Mrs. Gaspard Daigle, Demain, Que., writes: . "Baby's Own Tablets have been of great benefit to my'little boy, who was suffering from constipation and indigestion. They quickly relieved | and now he is in the best of health." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at'26 cents a bix from The Dr. Williams' = Medicine - Co., Brockville, Ont. of the Nile flowed nto Palestine." No. 8868--Misses' Smock Suitable for small women; 'two-piece . 9 cuff. In 4 sizes, 14 to 20 years. No. 8886---Misses' in one, straight gathered. skirt 18 and 20 years. . - { Dress. Price, 25 cents. smock skirt in two lengths; high waistline, plain or. with turned-up Empire Dress." Price, 25 cents. Suitable for yall women; guimpe ed or shirred, with or without vest; with side section; sleeve lengths. Cut in 14, 16, re Au per preventable by the care on the pass of individual citizens, and 2 8 corr : prope fire can be avoided; order that the attention of the publ may be directed to the extent of the preventable loss of life and from fire and the best means | trolling it, that one day of the year: 'by breeders and dairymen all over this mach, | ges used in straight form as a feed for "| ses. A good molasses should test 52 . | maké an effort to select some speci- ely |: ated that east - seventy-five cent. of the fires occurring are exercise of proper thy _&_cor n= Tsuen ioe And whereas, it is desirable, property . MOLASSES IN THE RATION. There {8 quite an interest displayed country in molasses as supplementary feed. There is no question but that its use on the farm is spreading in such _ proportion as to make it in- teresting for our readers 13 know something about the feeding value of molasses, its effect on the live stock, etc. First of all, it must be borne in mind that molasses may be divided into as many classes as hay. Simply to say molasses is not Saying much. There | seems to be very little of beet molas- live stock as in the case of sugar ¢a molasses. , It seems that beet riche ses contains too fauch ash, and it acts as a purgative. There Is, also sugar cane molasses which not quite come up to standard of a feeding mo- lasses. There is jue re-boiled molas- ses with a good deal of sugar extract- ed. 'There is the domestic. molasses with sulphur dioxide matked on bar rel. It seems that the safest molasses is the original pure sugar cane molas- per cent. sugars and not over 6 per cent. ash. The flavor of the molasses is also important. It may often hap- pen that the same testing molasses is not the same tasting. It would seem that the most: fm- portant use of sugar cane molasses is in connection with the disposal of roughage on, the. farm. It is surely the most practicable way of making feeds palatable and digestible. The usual method is to thin the malasses with water so that it runs as freely as cream and te pour it over dry corn fodder, straw, old hay, etc. A sprink- ling can with the holes enlarged, often proves very handy. Some find it well to grind up their roughage and mix the molasses with roughage and grains. This is the best method, for, besides the grains which 'may be subs- tituted pound for pound to that of molasses, the roughage also replaces much of the grain. : " Of course the handling of molasses is different from that of other feeds and for that reason a number of live stock owners refused to feed it, but those who are aware what benefits can be derived through the judicial feeding of molasses will soon find a convenient method of feeding it, and will not be without it. About three pounds a day is the average amount prescribed for cows. Horses are fed from 2 to'6 pounds pey day aceording to the amount of energy or work required from them. Swine benefit on 8 pound per day per 100 Ibs. of live weight. Calves are fed from 3 to 1 cupful per day. A good molasses will please the animal and make. it more fit for maxi mum production whether it be flesh or work. It will keep the bowels in good order and' prevent ailments due to indigestion. It produces a sleek coat. A progressive live stock owner should always have some on hand. --Michigan Businesy Farming. A !:Save Some Seeds. Bvery grower of vegetables should men vegetable plant from the crop nT mark it' especially for seed pur- poses. In England and France it is a general pr among growers and small ers to save some Seed taken from the best specimens of ie 1d the following year. Some fepecies of vegetable will not pro- 'duce seed in Canada as the seasons 'too short and muturi 'enacted or issued by Dominion, provin- 'sial or municipal authorities dealing with fire prevention be given publicity by the municipal officials, and that by public meetings or otherwise as may to them seem most fit, they endeavor No impress upon the citizens the na- con-| tional importance of safeguarding life and property from loss by fire. A Call to Every Former Student the World War, none will illustrate will generally give a good percentage. Feel a Rim | clondy minds and half-sick es. tl créased to 4.16 miles. This in clear sight of a submarine periscope, as all | 'merchant vessels were keenly.on the |. .| lookout for such. PN at | for yedrs; 4nd consider It the best lin | ment on the market. 'I have found it "| excellent for horse flesh. ' This {s to certify that I have used A Sere ivan nt. any situation Ty D'S LINIMENT in my family (8igned) W. 8. PINEO. "Woodlands," Middleton, N.S, of the University of Toronto Among 'the pages of Canada's his- tory that will tell the story of sacri- fice and devotion so remarkably -de- monstrated by young Canadians in more clearly the spirit of Canada than those devoted to the sacrifices made by men and women who were formerly students at the University of Toronto. Deeds of heroism on their part are not to be recorded here, but it is well known that they played their part fearlessly and well. To perpetuate ithe memory of the Varsity men and_women who died in defence. of civiligation during the Great War it is proposed to 'erect a Physical Memorial, and also to es- tablish scholarships and a War Mémorial Lécturéship. A memorial tower built in architectural harmony with the surrounding buildings, con- taining a beautiful chime of bells, will connect the west wing of the Univer- sity of Toronto with Hart House, the magnificent new: gymnasium and students' union, the centre of under- graduate life in the university. Ad- joining the tower will be a memorial hall, and in it the names of all stu- dents and former students who served in the war will be recorded in a worthy getting. The establishment of the scholar ships, however; will take the larger portion of the $500,000 to be secured. These will be apportioned among the different faculties for the ald of those returned soldier-students and their children who are in need of help, and will be given to soldiers who were alumni and to their dependents. Loans will also be made to soldier- students 'who could not otherwise com- plete theif education. The decision to use the funds in this way was reached after a thorough canvass was made throughgut €anada. ! Every graduate and former student is to have the opportunity of contribu- ting to the fund... As far as possible the canvass will be by personal solicl- tation. In some centres. this has been started and in others it is about to be undertaken, By the latter part of October the campaign will; it is hoped, be in operation throughout the world' and will have become the biggest thing of its kind ever attempted, having re- gard to the extent of the fleld to be covered. In Ontario the county unit will be used and organization along these lines 1s proceeding rapidly. The county canvass will centre in logical places and in this way it is hoped to reach practically every graduate and former student. Counties and local communities have the privilege of establishing a scholar- ship for their own students provided that a sufficlent amount 1s raised. seem fesse Minard's -Liniment Cures Burns, etc. For ' polishing leather-upholstered furniture, use turpentine and beeswax melted together to the consistency of a thin cream. "CARRY ON"! If Constipated, -Bilious or Headachy, take ""Cascare yy Be efficient! Don't yus, headachy, eonsti- ove the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your, head dizzy, your tongue coated, your breatk bad and your stomach sour. Why no! get a small box of Cascarets and en joy the filcest, gentlest laxative-cath- artic you ever e ? Caspa WC never gripe, sicken or inconvenience one like Salts, 3, Oil, Calomel or harsh Cascarets bring ine to the globe of which is immovably fixed in its socket by a strong, elastic, hard, cartilaginous case, compensate for the absence of mo- tion.dn the eye, the owl is able to turn its head round in almost a complete circle without moving its body. purchased should be selected with great care, as the breeder is laying the foundation ¢f a herd that may be either a tip-top one, and famous all the atively ordi portance. are pestered with corns and who have death trom lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cindinnafl authority to Owl Can't Turn Eyes. owl has no'motion in the eyes, but_in order to ---- MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. In pig-breeding the first animals ountry round, or a compar- piri one of but little im- a LISTEN TO THIS | SAYS GORNS LIFT RIGHT OUT NOW You reckless men and women who at least once a week invited an awfal use a drug called freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn, the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts out with the fingers. It is a sticky ether compound which dries the moment it is applied and simply shrivels the corn without in. of every hard or soft corn or callus. flaming or even irritating the surround. ing tissue or skin. It is claimed that a quarter of an ounce of freezone will cost very little at any of the drug stores, but is sufficient to rid one's feet You are further warned that cutting at a corn is a suicidal habit. oe RE YOU AMBITIOUS? IF ot. Tho Pelman Irae et i spare. study and mental exercise. It not where you live for the course Se ndence. . request et, "Mind and Memory, nd all and Mem a 8 by Write to-day. Pelman Temple Bldg., Toronto. MISCBLLANEOUN. CANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS. internal and external, cured corres wh oe return withou Jel by our home treatment. Write us efore too late Dr. man + Medical Co:, Limited, Collingwood, Ont. . One Comment. "Did anybody comment on the way you handled your new car?" "One man made a brief remark, {Fifty dollars and costs.' " en Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. The harvest for the Peace River District is estimated at eight million bushels. That the temperature of the centre of the sun is 80,632 degrees is the estimate of a French scientist. . -- y ; a h ' 30318: COUGHS WHEN NEURALGIA ATTACKS NERVES Sloan's Liniment scatters the congestion and relieves pain A little, applied without rubbing, will penetrate immediately and rest and soothe the nerves. Sloan's Liniment is very effective in allaying external pains, strains, bruises, aches, stiff joints, sore mus= cles, lumbago, neuritis, sciatica, rheu= matic twinges. Keep a big bottle always on hand for 'family use. Made in Canada. Druggists everywhere, 86c, 70¢, $1.40. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at torigue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, , liver and bowels Accep the package, then you are sure you child little stomach, Children love taste. Full directions for child's dos on each bottle. Give it without fear. "California" Syrup of Figs only--Ilook for the name California on is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the liver and bowels. its delicious fruity SY LOT 4 KS | URE TRATES RN Heep 1d handy Ladies Hlave a Glear| Sweet Healthy Skin By Using Cuticura Promote skin purity, skin com- fort and skin health by making Cuticura Soap, Oint- ment and Talcum your every-day tollet preparations. Just touch any redness or roughness with Cuticura Oint- rent. . Wash off in five minutes with Cu- ticura Soap and hot water, best applied with the hands which it softens won- derfully, and continue bathing a few moments. Rinse with tepid water. Dry gently and dust on a few grains of Canis Talcum Powder, a fas- cinating fragrance for powdering and perfuming the skin. Contrast this simple, wholesome r treatment with tiresome massaging RECN e t and mapipulating. ad Mother! You must say "California "BAYER" 188UE No. 40--'19. ONLY TABLETS MARKED Not Aspirin at All without the 'Bayer Cross ARE ASPIRIN "w= Vols de

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