ME Sh Sim Judging b of Council mate vacancies, but owir those irifthe municipal main voiceless as on m "speeches are to be of' nomination a i ' so that all may have ampl In the multitude of words, improve town matters all year's work was c there had been an jer and the bes, "advantage, in during the year, The brief account of their hous rer lf A | Hed a town's money to dverse circumstances er8iof the Council 'gave a with the exeeption of Mr, ene! of what he con= the existence of 'the men. accorded by. more effi- the Coun- mits of a ee : 4 Hk matters. 'What 5 cont lof the Council oy It looks as thoug 6 very short lived if i roval of the public. £ Councils: are not £1 - pletion of over' Sal bath, of harvest J } Jewish feast af Pron the: hg of Woks Nun. 28:26). of the harvest ert ot EE tent icipal a competent municipal Fn, the League conde 2 gen eving' them to . Tolinatiny Gualified to represent en fown in thig conacitys : Reeve---James Lucas Joh Sounell ors Allan Goode, James Waddell, C. As Rundle; ohn Nasmith. "We pledge them our united angio I securin GX EvELy Spy tion, and afterwards our best efforts i in carrying for tie following programme: 1 Tb make a special study of the streetsy to outlitie: : preserit to the peaple for endorsation a permanent good "road policy; in the meantime that whatever road work is.done; to of a permanent nature, in contrast to the mud ays existingat present. 3 2. Providing that the Hydro is endorsed y the people, give it every active sympathy; and to work: with the Hyd : Commission ina 'business: like manner ii carrying out the 5 contract. 5 : 8 Following the completion and acceptance of the Hydro System, to advertise and interest industrial concerns' in "the town as a location. 3 Po _hoost the eitiaeR' 5 "0 munity League" by: ie a'Board of Trade to be comprised of 'business men of the town, 'said League to take an active part in solving. the: various problems looming Gp: ahead: : "To take into consideration the interests of the people; and the possibilif of erecting a rink and other legitimate recreation. Editor's Nite- tie Rbrgohiation & as in " Community Li gue" Ait-isto be : 3 i a matters, that't continueto take a lively, Telpful and kindly inte welfare of the town. bg Bat we wis for their co which iT of a Saviour, in i Bid More «, too, the national hope burned erie and Ha gh. They listened, believed and om} I thing that ha ' ¥ rolled themselves as disciples "of the: new faith, tics as the one | Byery farmer ghould keep some sorte of account system of his business It should show the profit and loss of of his aperations. !