EX > e strength. They also. proved a to my daughter, who was in a very andemic condition, and who 'seemed not to get more than ) oh ne mend" Dr. Williams' . At the first sign that the 'Blood is out-of order take Dr. Williams' Pink Piiis; =and note tho speedy iniprove- ment they maké in the appetite, health and spirits.' You can get these _ pills through any dedler in medicine or by mail at 60 cénts a box of six boxes for $2.50 trom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, ckville; Ont. ¢ a Xk ---- tap i---- ~~ Alving Trees As-Receivers. ¥ 1t nas been discovered that living i trees can be used as receivers and transmitters of wireless' messages for ~ long-dis ce telegraphy or short-dls- © tance telephony. A comparatively . simple appliance is attached to the jrees concerned, -whereas the masts. "at present in use fire complicated and ~gostly. Now they can be done away with where trees are available, There are infinite possibilities in this new in- vention, and we shall no doubt be y 'careful-of trees in future if they ANT CAITY OUr Messages. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. ~ Hay . | under half a' dozen Chet du Protacole requires to be a walking eneyclopwedia of knowledge, a scholar, antiquarian and philosopher withal, with & delicious sense of the relativity. of human vanities. M. Martin, who. has served as such. zen Presidents, is as discreet as he is efficient and as graci. ous. as he is learned and wise. | WBSLTR FOR TUE BABY - The baby of to-day is "the man or woman of" t6-morrow. Thu _the suc- cess of the future man or womam des pends. upon the baby's: present wel- fare. If the baby is sickly 'and fll nourished-it is not to be expected that he will grow into a strong, active man who will hold his 'own in the business -| world a few years hence. Mothers, it is a duty you owe the future to keep your little ones well now. ' This can be easily done if Baby's Own Tablets are kept in the house. The Tablets are a mild 'but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweet- en the stomach and thus make baby healthy and strong. Concerning them Mrs. W, Orgef, Eiginburg, Ont, writes: --"l- haxe a fine healthy boy three years and have used Baby's Own Tablets for him ever since he was a small baby. I certainly think them.a splendid medicine," The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 256 cents a box from The Dr. Wil. liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. , 4. : For Winter Sports ~~ Nd SG Cori y 2S $198 No. 9199--Boy's M ice, 25 cents. . Con 1s AA abandoned gun, screwed it around an po a hail' of bullets - upon th 'backs of the fast disappearing enemy. Several of them fel victims to their own weapon and others were eaught by our shells. When the remainder of the platoon.arrived Robertson was still firing the 'captured gun. It was entirely 'due to his heroic action that the whole line was enabled to advance and capture the final objective. Rob. ertson went forward with the first 'wave, takiig a gun With him. He used-it very effectively to keep down 'the fire of German machine guns and snipers, while his platoon | consoli- dated the new position. Later in the day, when: two of our snipers who ventured in' front of our lings wefe, wounded, Robertson volunteered to bring them in. He went into the open, although exposed to a heavy enemy fire, lifted one man on his back and carried him safely to the trench and man, staggering back with his un- conscious burden - while the bullets whistled around him. But-as if cruel fate were awhiting until the last pos. sible moment to overtake him, he was killed on the very parapet of the trench, his mission almost accomp- lished. His splendidly heroic end, like his dashing work done earlier in {he day, had a most inspiring effe Winter's Message. The ice-bound lake reposes "neath the snow , Calmly awaiting Spring's reviving breath. The steadfast hills austere rise row on row, Nobly patient, resigned to seeming death. The naked trees year's nests Oppose their passive strength to Winter's blast, \ Under the frosty stars, bowing their crests, g They dream of joy to come storms are past. where linger last when The heart of man alone shows discon- tent, Cursing with angry clamor adverse fate. Base itching greed seeks rent, While rich and poor alike of justice prate. in frenzied hate Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,--Last winter I received great benefit from the use of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT in a severe attack of LaGrippe, and I have frequently proved it to be very effeetive in cases of Inflammation. Yours, - W. A. HUTCHINSON. oes \ \. 'A Matter of Spelling. - A capital story in "The Dover Pa- trol," Admiral 's much-talked-ot book, concerns a sailor who was with a bad "attack of rheu- immediately returned to the second | feel great. . They work while you Talla! All sorts of guesses are made by as | People regarding the time it takes the | blood to circulate round the body. Some say an hour, some a week! It has been found, however, that thirty seconds proves ample time for | blood to make a complete circulation through a human being. *. ~~ . The journey includes a traverse through the four chamb®rs of the heart, then to the greater and smallef arteries through the millions of min. ute capillaries (finer than cobwébsd, by the way); then a visit is made to the blood returns to the heart, prepared for a further similar journey. Square-topped fingers are said to he primary conditions of "longevity are that the heart; lungs; and digestive or- gans, as well as the brain, should be large. When a person is lying down, the heart makes about ten strokes fewer a minute than when one is upright. 'When a person sneezes, the heart is sald to stop beating during that act, Blushing and temporary pal are said, by one authority, to be caused by an affection ef the smaller vessels in the heart. Jungs for an "airing," after-which the a sign of "heart trouble" whilst the: less shut off by the car's owner. Minard's Lintmont Cures Distemper. Rs "Por what is Romance but color? Jt is Romance when you see the mist of blue on the distant hills, It is Romance when you see shadows of purple beneath the far-off trees. All this is Romance, because if you climb and if you stroll in the shade of the trees, all is green there, too." --E. Temple Thurston. MONEY ORDERS. It is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order.. Five dollars costs three cents. The Grocer--Yes'm, the high price of mustard is due to the searcity of fuel. You see, people are buying up mustard and are keeping themselves warm and poutices! WHEN YOU SUFFER Hurrah! How's This } Cincinnati authority says corns _dry up and lift out with fingers. | AAAAAANARANNNNINNNNANNIINNNNANNCNAN Hospital records show that gvery time you cut a corn you invite lock. t jaw or blood poison, which is needless, | sayo-a Cincinnati authority, who tells you that a quarter ounce of a drug called freezone can be obtained at lit tle cost from the drug store but is sut- figlent to rid one's feet of every hard or'soft corn or callus, You simply apply a few drops of freezone on a tender, aching corn and soreness is instantly relieved. Short. ly the entire corn can be lifted out, root and all; Without pain. This drug is sticky but dries at once and 1s claimed to just shrivel up any corn without inflaming or even irri tating the surrounding tissue or skin. If your wife wears high heels she will be glad to know of this. OH! EACH DAY A LITTLE MOkE Hurry! Let "Danderine" save your hair and double its beauty To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dand- ruff, get a small bottle of delightful '"Danderine" ' at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour. a little in your hand and-rub it'into the scalp. ir several applications th» 'hair ly stops coming out gud yuu can't Help your hair FROM RHEUMATISH Almost any man will tell you that Sloan's Liniment means relief For practically every man has used it who has suffered from rheumatic aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of joints, the resultd of weather ex- posure, Women, too, by the hundreds of thousands, use it for relieving neur- itis, lame 'backs, neuralgia, sick head- ache. Clean, refreshing, soothing, economical, quickly effective. Say "Sloan's Liniment" to your druggist. Mads in. Canada. ; Get it today. 86¢c, 70c, $1.40. ETC SH BP 18 baat Ph iE ENE ¢ How fo Purify | the Blood "Fifteen to thirty d of Extract of Rast. Sn nonly galled Mather Sits Cyralive ma; rE at ken } he he sa fo of int blood. pa P ence in tila tres nt Will otto a cure in nearly. " Get the: genuine - arid 30335: COUGHS to-night straightens you | up to the distant hills they aré green; ! "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove pois | sons from little stomach, | liver and bowels 4 3a + » ' Accept "Californla" Syrup of Figs only--look for the name California on the package, then you are sufe your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver .and bowels. Children love {ts delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose | on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." CUTCURAHEALED] BABYS RANCHORM On Head, Crossand Fretful. Halr Fell Qut. tne pin mt "Whenm be was thres months TO mm --------h "ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at Afl without the 'Bayer Cross™